Showing 741–760 of 840 results

Rules of Relaxation

KShs595.00 KShs566.00
Brief summary Rules of Relaxation teaches you 130 medical relaxation techniques, mental stress management tactics, spiritual stress relief tips and other multiple other ways to manage stress. It covers the A to Z of stress management from Assert yourself, Breathe deeply, Cast your burdens, Drink herbal teas, Establish social support, Formulate realistic goals, Guard your heart, Have complementary hobbies, Identify personal stressors, Jaunt, Keep the Sabbath, Listen to music, Meditate on the Word, Nab a nap, Optimize stress, Pamper yourself, Quash sin, Reason rationally, Schedule news fasts, Trust God, Use cognitive restructuring, Veto worry, Work out, experiment with aromatherapy, Yield to God to Zap job stress so that you can manage stress more effectively and live through stressful situations without getting distressed. ISBN:B0043RS3L4 Author:Dr. Miriam Kinai

Managing Stress with the Word of God

KShs595.00 KShs566.00
Brief summary Managing Stress with the Word of God: Christian Stress Management Managing Stress with the Word of God teaches you effective stress management by combining Biblical principles with medical relaxation techniques. Topics covered in this book include: 1. What is stress? 2. What is the body's response to stress? Symptoms of Stress 7 Biblical Principles for Stress Management 7 Medical Relaxation Techniques for Stress Management Other Stress Relief Activities ISBN:9789966715104 Author:Dr Miriam Kinai

Spiritual Warfare Overcoming the Enemy

KShs999.00 KShs950.00
Brief summary Whether you realize it or not, you live in the midst of spiritual combat. Your enemy, the devil, is dangerous, destructive, and determined to keep you from effectively serving God. In order to defend yourself against his attacks, you need to know how the enemy operates. Through this six-week study you will gain a thorough knowledge of the enemy’s tactics and schemes. As you discover the truth about Satan—including the limits of his power—you will be equipped to stand firm against his attacks and to develop a strategy for living daily in victory. 40 minutes a week could change your life! The 40-Minute Bible Studies series from the teaching team at Precepts Ministries International tackles the topics that matter to you. These inductive study guides, designed to be completed in just six 40-minutes lessons with no homework required, help you discover for yourself what God says and how it applies to your life today. With the leader’s note and Bible passages included right in the book, each self-contained study is a powerful resource for personal growth and small-group discussion. " ISBN:9780307729798 Author:Kay Arthur, B.J. Lawson and David Lawson

Gods Generals: Why They Succeeded and...

KShs2,500.00 KShs1,999.00
Brief summary Here are twelve compelling biographies of some of the most powerful ministers ever to ignite the fires of revival by dynamically demonstrating the Holy Spirit's power. Roberts Liardon faithfully chronicles their lives along with their teachings, their spiritual discoveries, and many revealing photos. William J. Seymour, Aimee Semple McPherson, Smith Wigglesworth, and Kathryn Kuhlman are just a few of the charismatic faith leaders you'll meet in this book. Get ready to see how God worked in the lives of these generals.

Gods Generals The Healing Evangelists...

KShs3,900.00 KShs3,000.00
Brief summary In his fourth God's Generals volume, Roberts Liardon chronicles God's great healing evangelists of the twentieth century. Journey with such paragons of faith as: " Oral Roberts–one of the most influential Christian leaders in the twentieth century, Roberts had a healing ministry that spread from rural tent meetings to a world–class university, hospital, and medical school. " Lester Sumrall–after being miraculously healed of tuberculosis as a boy, Sumrall dedicated the rest of his life to sharing the gospel and God's healing power with audiences around the world, both in person and through television broadcasts. " Charles and Frances Hunter–often called the "Happy Hunters," Charles and Frances were known around the world as two of the most anointed and enthusiastic evangelists on earth. " George Jeffreys–this Welsh Pentecostal minister–along with his brother Stephen– ministered at camps, conventions, and church meetings across England and Ireland, with reports of miraculous healings and other acts of God accompanying them. " F. F. Bosworth–a Depression–era Pentecostal faith healer and one of the founders of the Assemblies of God, Bosworth was known during the 1920s for his interdenominational "big tent" revivals and large auditorium healing meetings. As you read about the lives of these ministry pioneers, your faith for signs and miracles will grow as you anticipate seeing God's mighty hand move in the church today.

Gods Generals The Revivalists

KShs2,500.00 KShs1,990.00
Brief summary Roberts Liardon recaptures Gods glory with these compelling spiritual biographies of some of the most powerful preachers ever to ignite the fires of revival. Liardon faithfully chronicles their work, teachings, methods, and spiritual discoveries, allowing the reader to better understand their role and influence in Christian history. The book includes biographies of:John and Charles Wesley George Whitefield Jonathan Edwards Charles Finney D.L. Moody Charles Spurgeon General William and Catherine Booth Billy Graham And more!Liardon goes beyond the history, drawing crucial life application for the reader from the lives of these mighty warriors. Let these great revivalists inspire your life and ministry. " ISBN:9781603740258 Author:Roberts Liardon

Life after Death

KShs1,250.00 KShs1,188.00
Brief summary Deepak Chopra has touched millions of readers by demystifying our deepest spiritual concerns while retaining their poetry and wonder. Now he turns to the most profound mystery: What happens after we die? Is this one question we were not meant to answer, a riddle whose solution the universe keeps to itself? Chopra tells us there is abundant evidence that "the world beyond” is not separated from this world by an impassable wall; in fact, a single reality embraces all worlds, all times and places. At the end of our lives we "cross-over” into a new phase of the same soul journey we are on right this minute. In Life after Death, Chopra draws on cutting-edge scientific discoveries and the great wisdom traditions to provide a map of the afterlife. It’s a fascinating journey into many levels of consciousness. But far more important is his urgent message: Who you meet in the afterlife and what you experience there reflect your present beliefs, expectations, and level of awareness. In the here and now you can shape what happens after you die. ISBN:9781846041006 Author:Deepak Chopra

Fields of Blood

KShs1,995.00 KShs1,896.00
Brief summary Fields of Blood: Religion and the History of Violence It is the most persistent myth of our time: religion is the cause of all violence. But history suggests otherwise. Karen Armstrong, former Roman Catholic nun and one of our foremost scholars of religion, speaks out to disprove the link between religion and bloodshed. a) Religion is as old as humanity: Fields of Blood goes back to the Stone Age hunter-gatherers and traces religion through the centuries, from medieval crusaders to modern-day jihadists. b) The West today has a warped concept of religion: we regard faith as a personal and private matter, but for most of history faith has informed people’s entire outlook on life, and often been inseparable from politics. c) Humans undoubtedly have a natural propensity for aggression: the founders of the largest religions – Jesus, Buddha, the rabbis of early Judaism, the prophet Muhammad – aimed to curb violence and build a more peaceful and just society, but with our growing greed for money and wealth came collective violence and warfare. d) With the arrival of the modern all-powerful, secular state humanity’s destructive potential has begun to spiral out of control. Is humanity on the brink of destroying itself? Fields of Blood is a celebration of the ancient religious ideas and movements that have promoted peace and reconciliation across millennia of civilization. ISBN:9780099564980 Author:Karen Armstrong

100 Ways To Simplify Your Life

KShs1,995.00 KShs1,896.00
Brief summary It seems hard to live the simple life you crave as you try to balance work, family, friends, and other demands. But things will change when you learn to exercise faith rather than doubt and confidence rather than people-pleasing. Drawing from her own experience and Scripture, Joyce Meyer outlines 100 effective ways to lead a simpler, more joyful life. Her practical suggestions include: 1. Don't be afraid of what people think 2. Let go of the past 3. Choose Your Battles The Bible says to focus on one day at a time. Set yourself free by acknowledging you don't have to do, fix, or manage everything. When you learn to embrace the fact that God is on your side He will help you live a simple life. ISBN:9780446194259 Author:Joyce Meyer

Conversations with God Omnibus Book1,...

KShs2,990.00 KShs2,890.00
When Neale Donald Walsch was experiencing a low point in his life, he decided to write a letter to God. What he did not expect was a response and the result was Conversations with God Book 1. Book 3 takes us even further in our questioning and search for answers, dealing with the universal truths of the highest order, and the challenges and opportunities of the soul. This incredible series contains answers that will change you, your life, and the way you view other beings. Conversations with God, Book 1 was the start of Neale Donald Walsch's ongoing dialogue with God. The trilogy contains the most essential truths and lessons for spiritual seekers, and these books are the bestselling of all the author's works. Featuring a new foreword by the author, printed throughout in two colors, and inserted in a fully enclosed full-color box, this remarkable book will be a Christmas gift to treasure.

The Purpose Driven by Rick Warren

KShs2,000.00 KShs1,900.00
The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For. A fresh look at life from a treasured book of hope. This isn't your grandfather's Purpose Driven Life. Retooled and newly titled What On Earth Am I Here For? for a new generation, this 10th anniversary edition includes all the wisdom of the original book, plus two new chapters and fresh insights Rick Warren has gleaned since he first wrote his #1 international bestseller. Discover God's amazing plan for you both now and for eternity as you take a spiritual journey that will transform your answer to life's most important question: What On Earth Am I Here For? Winner of the Gold Medallion Book Award and Christian Book of the Year Award, and excellent for homeschool use.  

The Grave Robber

KShs1,495.00 KShs1,421.00
Do we believe that God still does miracles? Considering how difficult it is for many of us adults to trust in the miraculous power of God, how much more difficult can it be for a young person in the midst of struggles about identity and purpose in life? With the help of his son Parker, bestselling author Mark Batterson now brings the exciting message of a God who longs to do miracles in our lives to a teen audience. Together they show young readers that God is intimately involved in their lives and wants them to experience the miraculous. With poignant examples from the lives of real teens, The Grave Robber, Student Edition brings to life not only the seven miracles from John's Gospel but the countless miracles we witness every day--if only we have eyes to see. ISBN:2147483647 Author:Mark Batterson & Parker Batterson

A Dads Prayers for His Daughter

KShs1,695.00 KShs1,611.00
Brief Summary From the moment a man becomes the dad of a daughter, he knows he's going to be doing a lot of praying. He wants to pray for his girl, but he may wonder, Where do I start? What should I be praying for? The couple who brought you 88 Great Daddy-Daughter Dates now shows dads how to pray for their daughters. They assure dads that just because they don't always understand their little girls, that doesn't mean that God doesn't. Collecting specific prayers that dads can use, along with stories from other dads about how God has answered their prayers for their girls, Rob and Joanna Teigen give men a strong foundation to build a lifelong habit of prayer for their daughters. They also explain a little more about girls and what they go through growing up, including stress, purity issues, social pressure, modesty challenges, spiritual growth, and more, so a dad can pray for every area of his daughter's life. ISBN:9780800722623 Author:Rob Teigen and Joanna Teigen

Overcoming the Enemy

KShs1,395.00 KShs1,326.00
Book 6 of Six Pillars From Ephesians. This book covers the spiritual warfare of the believer, helping Christians discover the rich themes in the book of Ephesians. The studies are practical, challenging, and revealing and will empower readers to live at a new level of spiritual maturity. Students of the Word will want the complete set of six volumes. ISBN:2147483647 Author:T.D. Jakes

If My Heart Could Talk

KShs1,750.00 KShs1,663.00
Dodie Osteen, mother of Joel Osteen, gives readers a personal account of her extraordinary life and shares what she has learned about love, faith, and family. As the wife of forty-four years to the late Pastor John Osteen, founder of Lakewood Church, Dodie Osteen stood as a wife, mother, and first lady of the church, even when life felt anything but steady. Today, she continues to stand by her son, Pastor Joel Osteen, and the rest of their family as they lead Lakewood. In this revealing memoir, Dodie shares that her path, though glorious, has not always been easy. She shows an intimate look at such life-altering experiences as contracting polio as a child, raising 5 children, battling cancer, and losing her husband, all with the beautiful heart and sense of humor she displays to thousands at Lakewood and nationwide at Night of Hope events. While recounting her journey, Dodie offers readers meaningful life lessons applicable to their own lives. ISBN:2147483647 Author:Dodie Osteen

7 Secrets to Power Praying

KShs1,795.00 KShs1,706.00
Does God care about the little decisions you have to make every day? The Bible is full of spiritual wisdom. But does God provide specific direction for real-world questions? Questions like Is this the right job? and Which college should my child attend? The answer is a resounding yes. And in this practical guide, you will discover how to access God's divine wisdom in any situation. Join author Jane Glenchur as she shares the seven secrets to praying with power that God taught her, along with other gems of prayer wisdom, to help take the guesswork and stress out of decision-making. Her numerous personal stories, from praying for the best shoes for her daughter to astonishing healings overseas, will motivate you to set apart time with the Lord and tune your ear to His voice during your daily routine. But most importantly, she shows how ordinary believers like you can receive extraordinary answers to our prayers. "Learning to partner with God is the heart of this book. In so doing, you, too, will develop an intimate relationship with the Lord and experience miraculous answers to prayer." --Dr. Jane Glenchur Are you ready to see the impossible made possible? ISBN:2147483647 Author:Jane Glenchur

Understanding the Man You Love

KShs1,795.00 KShs1,706.00
Men are fairly simple creatures with fairly simple needs. Yet women often find themselves frustrated trying to understand those needs in order to improve their marriages. Many wonder, "What does he expect from me? I'm doing everything the best I can. Doesn't he know I'm at the end of my rope here?" Relationship expert Rick Johnson ends the guessing game, giving women an open and honest look inside the world of a man's needs and helping them understand how best to use their influence to have a satisfying and exciting relationship. Rick delves into the not-so-mysterious-after-all world of a man, highlighting his need for respect and admiration, his sexual desires, his communication style, his work, his emotions, and even his relationship with the "other woman"--his mother. Women will appreciate Rick's candor, humor, and insight as they discover that the marriage of their dreams is closer than they ever thought it could be. ISBN:2147483647 Author:Rick Johnson

Romancing Your Better Half

KShs1,895.00 KShs1,801.00
Most married couples know how it goes. You start out in the throes of passionate romance only to have the fire cool over the years--especially when kids come along or life gets too busy. But keeping the romance alive is easier than most people think. Now the author of Becoming Your Spouse's Better Half shares the secrets of pursuing romance that won't quit. With wit and wisdom, Rick Johnson shows men and women how to communicate effectively with their spouses, recapture the feeling of young love, incorporate romance and intimacy into everyday life, understand each other's unique sexual needs, and more. Anyone who has been married more than a couple of years will find useful insights and solid advice that will strengthen their marriage now and into the future. ISBN:2147483647 Author:Rick Johnson

Not All Roads Lead to Heaven

KShs1,595.00 KShs1,516.00
Almost 60 percent of those in American evangelical churches believe that many religions can lead to eternal life. But if Jesus is to be trusted when he says that no one comes to the Father except through him, the church is failing in its mission. And it's not hard to guess why. An exclusive Jesus just isn't popular in our inclusive world. Dr. Robert Jeffress calls on Christians to recover the exclusive claims of the one they claim as Lord and Savior, not as a way to keep people out of heaven but as the only way to invite them in. He tackles questions like - Can people be saved who have never heard of Christ? - What about those who worship God by another name? - Do children automatically go to Heaven when they die? True compassion for non-Christians doesn't lie in letting them go their way while we go ours, but in sharing the only true way with them. ISBN:2147483647 Author:Robert Jeffress

A Moms Prayers for Her Son

KShs1,695.00 KShs1,611.00
Brief Summary When a mother looks into the eyes of her son for the first time, her heart is filled with love--and questions. How do I raise a boy? What struggles will he go through? What kind of a man will he grow up to be? She wants to pray for her son, but may not know just what to pray for. Now the couple who brought you A Dad's Prayers for His Daughter turns to a mother's unique relationship with her son. They assure Mom that even if she isn't always sure what kind of support her son needs, God always knows. Providing specific prayers moms can use, along with stories from other moms about how God has answered their prayers for their sons, Rob and Joanna Teigen give women a strong foundation to build a lifelong habit of prayer for their sons. They also explain a little more about boys and what they need to learn growing up, including character, courage, self-control, forgiveness, and more, so a mom can pray for every area of her son's life. " ISBN:2147483647 Author:Rob Teigen and Joanna Teigen