Showing 41–60 of 835 results

The Mystery of the Holy Communion and...

KShs900.00 KShs800.00
The Holy Communion stands as a pivotal ordinance for achieving Kingdom dominion, a divine instrument bestowed upon humanity. Its significance in the Church cannot be understated, representing a profound doctrine essential for believers. Rather than a mere ritual, understanding its profound power unlocks its full potential, offering a myriad of benefits. This book delves into the depths of why and how the Holy Communion should be observed, providing comprehensive insights to enrich one's spiritual journey and manifest dominion on earth. By embracing its significance with reverence and comprehension, believers can tap into the boundless blessings and transformative power embedded within the Holy Communion.

The Covenant Dimension of Wealth by B...

KShs1,500.00 KShs1,300.00
Financial dominion is integral to fulfilling the divine mandate of dominion bestowed upon humanity by God. While God has granted dominion over the earth, true dominion encompasses financial mastery. Finances bestow a voice and influence, amplifying one's ability to enact change and garner respect. However, many believers fall short of experiencing financial dominion despite the covenant promise extended by God. This book delves into "The Covenant Dimension of Wealth," illuminating the pathway to activating this covenant and unlocking the abundance prepared by our Heavenly Father. Through understanding and embracing this covenant, believers can step into their rightful inheritance of financial dominion and wealth.

Overcoming Evil Altars and Family Fou...

KShs1,500.00 KShs1,300.00
In recognizing the existence of evil altars or foundations, patterns emerge as undeniable evidence of their presence. These patterns, repeated within a family or across generations, serve as indicators of a deeper, systemic issue at play. However, there is hope in this realization. Despite their seeming permanence, these altars can be dismantled and overcome. This book offers readers insights into the nature of these malevolent structures and, most importantly, provides practical guidance on how to break free from their influence. Through understanding and action, individuals can liberate themselves from the grip of ancestral patterns and forge their destinies.

Uncovering the Secrets of Teenage years

This book will provide answers to best study skills, career choice, decision-making mental health, spiritual formation, self-identity, and so on. this book discusses the above topics and many more discussed in full. It is a self-guided progression book with simplified tasks that a young person can achieve on their own.

Key’s to Progress and Prosperit...

Life has many doors with locked opportunities. Everything we need can be accessed by learning the keys to to these opportunities. Keys are mind sets and habits that usher us into ways of attracting progress and prosperity. In this book, the author shares five keys that can be mastered by anyone. She uses her own experiences to help the reader understand and embrace the process of developing winning habits and thought patterns. She also demonstrates how one can unlearn redundant habits that cause stagnation. Do you desire to see lasting, authentic success in your life? Are you ready for a journey towards building a prosperity mind set? Then this is your book.


Many Christians seem not to have taken this important feast in their lives and care less if they partake of