Showing 101–120 of 840 results

Relating With God our Father by Marga...

Relating with God as our Father This book takes us through a journey of self-discovery as children of God, as we explore Almighty God as our Father and His grand plan for us.The book sets out a journey from God’s thought on fatherhood since creation;how He is our Father in the truest sense;and how to communicate and fellowship with Him. In the book, you will also learn: •The effects of sin on God-man relationship •The power of grace,prayer,giving and decision making as a child of God •How to overcome fear,worry and depression because you are a child of God.

Eternity by Lydia Chola

In this book Lydia brings insight about life and the afterlife. You will read about the intrigues of time and how it all began. You will get a glimpse of several events that must take place in the history of mankind as foretold in the Scriptures. Every human being has been allotted time on this planet. In verse 5 of Job chapter 14, “Man’s days are determined; you have decreed the number of his months and have set limits he cannot exceed.” The Bible teaches us that God has knowledge of the specific number of days we will live. God’s plan involves the day we were to be born and the day we are to die. This knowledge should help us be wise and live our lives in righteousness and be fruitful in every way. This book was written to help people find a live that is meaningful, fruitful, joyful and exhilarating as it explains God’s plan for man for his time on earth and into eternity. Lydia explains why it is important to involve God in every decision pertaining to this life. It is important to ask yourself these questions: When life on this side is over, where will I spend eternity? How am I spending the days that God has numbered for me? What am I doing with my God-given gifts and talents? Lydia gives further insights into eternity and addresses more important questions such as: Are human beings made of spirit, soul and body? Are heaven and hell real places? Is reincarnation truth or deception? Are Near-Death-Experiences proof of an afterlife? Will there be a day of judgement in eternity? When you take your last breath here on earth, those who believe in Christ Jesus and have lived a righteous life, begin eternal life in heaven. Those who rejected Christ face eternal damnation to hellfire. Death is not the end of life but the beginning of the afterlife which is eternal. Life on earth is just a preparation for eternity. God has placed an awareness in our hearts that the spirit lives forever. There is something more than this transitory world

Too Busy For Worship by Dr. Muthoni O...

This is the program journal of the book, Too Busy For Worship by Dr. Muthoni Omukhango. It will help you: 1. To capture your developing responses as a reader. 2. Understand what you are reading. 3. Show how you are improving as a reader. It is a record of your thoughts as you read which is completely unique and different from anyone else's. In the main book, you will learn: 1. That God ordained work and He was the first worker 2. That we were created to work without toiling 3. The significance of Sabbath and how to rest today 4. Best Biblical example of working from a place of rest

Too Busy To Worship by Muthoni Omukhango

Have you lost the heart of worship in your daily work like I did? I must confess; I am a recovering workaholic. In previous seasons of my life, this trait seemed quite endearing and many praised me for how hard I often worked. I soaked in that glory, deceitfully ‘scripturising’ it as burning the midnight oil (shaking my head now), as drawn from the parable of the ten virgins. As I grow deeper in my walk with God and get older in years, I have come to appreciate the difference between diligently going about my Father’s business and being too busy for worship. I am on a quest to restore the heart of worship in my daily work and I invite you to join me… In this book, you will learn: 1. That God ordained work and He was the first worker 2. That we were created to work without toiling 3. The significance of Sabbath and how to rest today 4. Best Biblical example of working from a place of rest

A Journey Of Faith by Purity Njoroge


A journey of faith, how you find yourself at a crossroad and God delivers you. As long as you put your trust in God, He will carry you through.


This book uncovers God's unwavering love and grace, offering inspiration to those impacted by toxic and abusive Church systems. It also provides a refreshing perspective that encourages us to intentionally walk in love towards our brethren who may be affected by spiritual abuse. In this book, Virginia weaves together: • Her personal experiences on breaking free from a toxic Church • Biblical wisdom, and practical guidance • An invitation for readers to embark on a faith journey without relying on man-made crutch-es. Join her in her profound desire to see Christians living Christ-centered lives, enjoying the freedom and love provided by Christ.


KShs600.00 KShs550.00
This books talks about Healing that can only be found at the throne of there a place of your life that is sick be it your spiritual life,your mental health, your marriage, your inner self this book will speak healing to those areas

ROBBING GOD’s GIFT by Peter Otieno

KShs850.00 KShs700.00
The book gives a candid account of my understanding of how our spirituality and religion lead us to take gifts given to us by GOD for granted.

Sell me a prayer

Challenges facing Christian faith in an African perspective like greed wealth illetracy and black nagic


KShs1,100.00 KShs1,000.00
Association is As Buttons on A lift; They either take you Up or bring you Down. Alone I can Talk, but Together we can Speak Alone I can Enjoy, but Together we can Celebrate Alone I can Smile; but Together we can Laugh Unity is Great Gain. Never look down on anyone,unless you are Admiring your shoes. We were created to connect,But we must connect Right,connect Safe and connect well. Mathew Carlos is an Author/Pastor /Realtionship coach passionate about restoaring christian family values by the instrumentality of Gods word. He is married to Rosemary Carlos and are blessed with two children Faith and Love.

Power of a Name by Faith D. Jackson M...

We may not always sit back to think about names because everybody gets to have one. The first thing we are taught to do when we learn to speak is probably to introduce ourselves by our names. When we are expecting a child we have to think of a name that this child will be called. So what's in a name? The author explains the culture of naming and its implications through the lens of the Holy Scriptures. It's a smooth read giving present-day, historical, and other examples, which makes the content very clear, interesting, and easy to understand.

POWER YOUR VISION: Overcome your Past...

KShs2,500.00 KShs2,000.00
• Do you feel stuck and unable to find direction for your life? • Have you lost your zeal, passion, and drive? • Do you have trouble identifying your gifts, abilities, and uniqueness? • Do you wonder what God created you to do? • Do you have challenges connecting with others in healthy relationships? Power Your Vision reveals the internal and external journey one must take to heal from the past, rediscover their True Identity, and embrace every uniqueness deposited within them - in order to fulfill their Purpose.

God, This Sucks Stories and Poems by ...

God, this sucks! is a candid book about how to make lemonade out of the lemons life gives you. It is a collection of stories and poems told from a hilarious standpoint that offer hope and encouragement to those going through life's hardships.

Acidic Prayer ln Wrestling With God I...

KShs500.00 KShs480.00
Are you looking for a powerful guide to help you strengthen your relationship with God and get through the most difficult times in life? We frequently long for a closer relationship with God during the hardest times in our lives, when sorrow and suffering seem overwhelming. This book, provides a road map for converting your prayers into conversations with God when facing difficulties. Learn amazing insights about how to transform your suffering and despair into sincere dialogues with the Divine. Discover the timeless lessons of biblical characters who, like you, struggled with God in search of knowledge and comfort. In the midst of the most difficult challenges, cultivate a sense of purpose and optimism while realizing that your suffering can serve as a springboard for spiritual development. This book is your companion while you navigate the bumpy road of life. You will start a life-changing journey that will draw you nearer to God and enable you to find comfort and strength in your suffering. Let this book serve as your road map, your inspiration, and the impetus for your spiritual development. Make the book a part of your daily spiritual routine and embrace the power of prayer like never before.


This book: "prohetic keys to successful living!" is filled with wisdom statements and principles that will upgrade your life In all of its categories.The revelations released inside will enlighten,equip and empower you to live a productive,profitable and successful life! Inside,you will find wisdom keys on topics such as:Kingdom,Ministry,Faith,conquest,authority,Business,money,identity,prayer,prophecy,speech,wisdom,planning,wealth,favor,success,blessings and many more! Be ready for a transformed life as you read this book!! And as you put into practise the brilliant revelation contained in this book,you will begin to prosper,greater than ever before!So be it in Christ's Mighty Name! I am praying for you! ~Prophet Dr.Thomas Manton IV

THE GAME OF LIFE by Carol Nyambura

Challenges are part of life and what we can all expect to encounter in this is not always filled with green grass and pretty flowers on a sunny day park....real life is a game that literally everyone is playing but majority don't realize it ...I write this book to provide simple solutions on how to overcome challenges so we maybe able to achieve our goals in life and realize our full potential...wherever you are in this life this principles are applicable and they may bring forth fortitude in your life....


Most people say the world is a bad place right now.. personally I say the world is a bad place not because it's full of bad people but because of the silence of good why don't you be among those people who will break up the silence by bringing solutions to the matters that are facing the world..that can only be possible if we jump out of our slumber land and use the opportunity we have been given well...being in this world is an opportunity given to thee so why don't you use it to change your world...I write this book to encourage my readers don't seek to be great seek to be a solution and greatness will follow you...

YOU BE YOU by Carol Nyambura

Perhaps you have observed another person and you wished to be like might have even tried to be like them without consciously planning to do so...of course other people can be good examples to us but even of we pattern ourselves after their characters it might be a good quality of those good traits that characterizes us....I write this book to help you understand the magnificent potential that comes from people who have truly accepted themselves for who they' yourself fully despite of your flaws no hate nor be you


For your dreams to come into reality it takes awful lot of determination, self effort, commitment and persistence..... everyone says let's follow our dreams but not everyone follows their dreams ,, a dream,vision,goal these are things we all need in the pursuit of our divine destiny,,I write this book to encourage my readers that procrastination and laziness is not your problem,,all you need is inspiration to get started... motivation is a choice but real motivation begins from within.

The Holy Bible in the Hands of the Sa...

KShs2,200.00 KShs1,500.00
In the book ” The Holy Bible in the Hands of the Satanic Church ” the author claims to have been inspired by the Holy Spirit to write as a warning to Christians that they have lost the church to the devil and it is time for them to wake up and smell coffee. The present-day church is one that has no comparison with the one that Jesus left. It is marred by corruption, lies, pretense, drama and deceit. The wolves are grazing the sheep! The church of christ has become an absolute total disgrace, noxious, toxic, venomous, harmful, and a kind of septic institution since it was taken over by cartels who are now controlling it with the fake gospel of prosperity. In this book, the author has said it all exposing some of the shortcomings of the church. In his research, the author found abandoned magnificent churches across Europe and some having been turned into malls, stalls, entertainment spots, libraries etc. Using undercover tactics of which I was trained, some of the information I gathered from priests cannot be printed in the book. I was left completely flummoxed, shocked, and gobsmacked by what I witnessed. I found priests who don’t believe in God yet they are preaching him, drunkards priests, gay and lesbian priests and catholic fathers who have secretly married and are having children. That is when I realised that celibacy is just but a name. Priests who officiated a wedding and are now in sexual relationship with the bride or in the name of extra prayers! Some have even children with them without the knowledge of the husband. These cartels needs to be stopped before everything goes south. These fake priests has capitalised on the ignorance of the worshippers they have become rich owning big guzzlers, homes, land, apartments, private aeroplane and helicopters and so much else begging the question if the end of the world is coming only to the poor people.