Showing 1–20 of 211 results

The Sound of Goodbye By Kitui Wakape

KShs1,500.00 KShs1,190.00
This is a story of Richard Webi, who meets and falls in love with gergeous Vanessa, with roots from Lolgorien, Kajiado County. Theirs is the classic case of the first love story; innocent and inexperienced. However, because both could not express their feelings to each other properly, they soon fall out of love. This is after Richard, with advice from his friend Denis, writes her a letter of goodbye which he was meant to believe would strengthen their relationship. Fortunately, in his dying days in school, Richard and Vanessa finally reconcile and are now better able to express their feelings to each other. But their happy reunion ends several days later, when Vanessa travels out of town without Richard being aware of it. When Richard visits her house to find her gone, he is left to wonder where she might have disappeared to. Will the two of them ever reunite and continue with their blossoming relationship? Kitui Wakape is a gifted writer, with eight novels written and two of them published. His first published novelette is The Last Farewell, which is a sequel of The Sound of Goodbye. It is available on Nuria Bookstore. He has also published thirty reader’s letters both in the Nation and Standard newspapers. Apart from that, he has had an extensive experience as a ghost writer, penning both articles and novels. He owns two blogs where he posts regularly and has an active Facebook and WhatsApp groups where he posts works of fiction. Currently, he is studying creative writing through correspondence, offered by the renown Writer's Bureau College, in Manchester, UK. He is planning to pen his last books; Salma, and a memoir.

Clean Injustice by Ash Jay

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
Clean Injustice is a fictional novel that helps the reader unravel the injustices in our society. It has some touch of detective work.

Ties of Destiny by Marjory Kimani

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
Ties of Destiny is the story of two men who are born together, brought up together, and bound together for life by incidence, coincidence and fate. The two are sworn enemies from their childhood and both are achievers, born fighters and dyed in the wool go-getters. However, their methods of achieving success are a lesson in differing world views and an insight into the complexities of the human psyche. At the heart of the story is the love of mothers who will do everything possible, even keeping deadly secrets, to protect their children. Things come to a head when an unexpected development occurs and both men are forced to confront the bitter reality and face a common nemesis until a solution is found from the most unexpected source.

Crazy, Stupid Love: Falling in Love w...

KShs1,999.00 KShs1,599.00
Crazy, Stupid Love: Falling in Love with Your Partner All Over Again" is a transformative guide for couples seeking to reignite the spark and deepen their connection. Drawing on Narkisho's extensive experience as a relationship coach, Heprovides practical tools, proven strategies, and heartfelt wisdom to help readers overcome common relationship challenges and build a love that lasts a lifetime. This book is more than just a collection of advice - it's a journey of rediscovery and renewal. Through engaging examples, thought-provoking exercises, and actionable steps, readers will learn how to break through communication barriers, rekindle the passion in their physical intimacy, and cultivate a mindset of gratitude and unwavering support. Whether you've been together for months or decades, "Crazy, Stupid Love" offers a roadmap for navigating the ups and downs of long-term love. From creating shared adventures and experiences to handling conflicts and growing together through tough times, this book covers it all. With its perfect blend of scientific research, real-life anecdotes, and compassionate guidance, "Crazy, Stupid Love" is a must-read for any couple looking to strengthen their bond and fall in love all over again. Get ready to embark on a transformative journey of the heart and discover the secrets to a relationship filled with passion, connection, and unbreakable love.

Bitter Honey by Khisa Matili

KShs1,000.00 KShs930.00
Bitter Honey is an account of love, laughter, pain, and triumph. Nafula is brought up by a caring but overburdened mother. Her father who is a policeman is always absent from home. She encounters Kim, and she is dying for his love. She even tricks him into confessing his love for her. When they join the University, she gets to learn from the world and chooses to get a ‘man’ for herself just like Njeri, her friend. Kim finds out and acts out of anger by jumping down from the third floor of a storey building. He didn’t want to live, only to be humiliated by a man old enough to be his father who was competing with him for love! Kim’s tragic jump leads to the arrest of Nafula and her ‘man’ on suspicion that they were responsible! On the other hand, Nafula’s mother goes on a fact-finding mission and she discovers that her husband, Bwire, has married another wife, Sofia, and impregnated Sofia’s younger sister Halima, who is a schoolgirl. Halima loses her life after Bwire tries to facilitate an abortion, and so he is on the run to avoid arrest and embarrassment. Indeed, love is so powerful that it can flatten a mountain and blood is thicker than water. Nafula later saves her father and becomes a unifying factor in her family. How she does this when she is happily married is what the reader needs to decipher. What about Kim’s family that is totally poor and had invested all it had in his Education?

Campus Babes and other Campus Stories...

Campus Babes and Other Campus Stories is a collection of stories that revolve, entirely, around campus life. The stories range from love and betrayal to the harsh reality in campuses. The stories are brought out in a unique and enticing way thus clearly depicting the challenges that students undergo in their quest for higher education.

Watch Where You’re Going by Cha...

“Watch Where You’re Going” is an epic family drama with horror and thriller undertones about generational curses as seen through the Rukwaro Family as it is haunted by an evil watch that feeds on their desires.

Sweet lovers in the jungle by Nancy W...

KShs3,300.00 KShs1,200.00
A captivating romantic book for two lovers who met in a jungle after heart break but we're able to move on after falling in love. They had an adventurous live full of drama but were able to live happily ever after.


KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
Closure is a romance novel with poetic introductions that takes you through the heart wringing process of love, grief and maybe... Just maybe, Closure.

Fiery Love Kerfuffles by Dennis Odhia...

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,100.00
Fiery Love Kerfuffles, is a romantic drama sequence detailing with vividness a young couple’s early marriage life from the moment they fall head over heels in love. Denvor Gold and Sally Kingsley then go through a roller coaster of misunderstandings ill-peppered with the realization of unfaithfulness that threatens to tear their relationship apart. As the story continues, the two romantics overcome their kerfuffles through a strong love bond and a series of counselling sessions. At the end, they emerge victorious through a beautiful reunion rekindled with their deeper love for each other. This is a ‘can’t-put-down’ novel with every minute clock tick.

Feeding from The Cemetery by David Njiru

KShs1,700.00 KShs1,200.00
The book is a collection of epitaphs.

The Song of life by Makau Mulie E

Love is the theme in this poetry collection with pieces to savour celebrate and meditate

Campus Diaries by J. B Omukangala

KShs750.00 KShs700.00
A sizzling erotic novella.

A Body Made For Sin by Alexander Nderitu

KShs1,700.00 KShs1,500.00
Ten crime stories from the award-winning author of 'Disco Matanga'

DARK RED By Tessy Nyamai

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
  1. Dark Red is a romantic thriller. A novel based on an arranged marriage of two young adults, plotted by their influential parents in search for revenge. What starts as a hateful marriage, turns out to be an admirable love story. With both of them discovering the deceitful nature of their parents, they team up against them. This novel explores various political, religious and cultural beliefs, highlighting love, vengeance, politics, friendship, family, greed, among other themes.


The stresses and strains of our hectic lives means that sometimes we neglect the people who mean the most to

Amir by Sandra Nekh

KShs2,000.00 KShs1,500.00
Discover Amir, a gripping African fiction novel by Kenyan author Sandra Nekh. Explore a compelling story of innocence, extremism, and the power of choice in Nairobi, Kenya. Uncover the price of innocence and the impact of belief systems in this heart-rending narrative.