Showing 1–20 of 1769 results

The Undying Quest to Impress Others b...

KShs1,000.00 KShs800.00
Embark on a thought-provoking journey through the intricacies of human nature in 'The Undying Quest to Impress others' explores deep into the paradoxical pursuit of impressing others, a timeless endeavor that shapes our decisions, relationships, and sense of self. Through captivating narratives and insightful analysis, this book uncovers the hidden motives, societal pressures, and psychological nuances that drive us to seek validation and admiration from those around us. With a blend of humor, wisdom, and raw honesty, 'The Undying Quest to Impress Others' invites readers to challenge conventional notions of success and happiness, offering a refreshing perspective on authenticity, personal growth, and the true meaning of fulfillment. Prepare to question, reflect, and discover as you unravel the layers of the undying quest to impress, and perhaps, find a new path towards genuine self-expression and acceptance.

THE POWER OF PURPOSE by Anuradha Khod...

Imagine waking up each morning with a clear sense of direction, feeling excited and inspired about the day ahead. This is what living with purpose feels like. It is about having a clear understanding of what you want to achieve and why it matters. In 'The Power of Purpose,' we will explore the importance of self-awareness, the role of passion in driving your mission, and the impact of purposeful living on your overall well-being. Through guided reflections and actionable steps, you will embark on a journey to discover and embrace your life's mission.

Arise and Shine By Wendy Kamau

  • Are You Hungry for Growth? Discover How to Achieve your Dreams. Arise & Shine is an easy-to-Read, Step by Step guide that will equip you with practical wisdom on how to bring your dreams to life.


KShs850.00 KShs654.00
Nimerose Shobow from Wajir County through my PINK SAMPHIRE narrates about the beauty, sacrifice and intelligence of a mother. It's a book well written that praises the mother and encourages positive motherhood.

Here in the Waiting Gems Mined in the...

Waiting. Stuck in the holding room. Such a space of limitation, frustration, pain and darkness. Enough to eclipse the warming rays of a promised sunrise, when all is said and done. Unbeknownst to the cocooned caterpillar, there is no better phase of life than this because it is right in this lull that beautiful wings are developed and it's just a matter of time before it can fly without limits!

Demystifying Youth and Relationships ...

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,100.00
Demystifying Youth & Relationships is a finely crafted masterpiece addressing challenges faced by the young generation in the contemporary society we are living in. The author, Dominic Musomba is an accomplished Youth Mentor and Conference Speaker. He blends real life situations with a Biblical touch to debark issues of healthy relationships, toxic relationships, behavior change as a result of peer pressure, sexual sins including LGBTQIA, handling rejection and recommends ways to overcome relationship challenges among the young people. The book is conceived with the idea of tackling the recent wave of unprecedented bizarre killings of young people in institutions of higher learning resulting from love gone sour and gullibility from love predators wooing our young girls into AIRBnB's and other secluded establishments only to hear of ransom demands and brutal murders. It is not in the interest of the author to allay any blame to the youth for messing up relationally, but to encourage them that it's possible to triumph over relationship challenges. The book is a useful resource tool for young people, parents, teachers, youth leaders, clergy and other stakeholders who bear the load of directing the young generation as they transition into adulthood.

The Marriage Capsules by Julius Chinamo

KShs1,000.00 KShs800.00
Marriage, also called matrimony or wedlock, is a culturally and often legally recognized union between people called spouses. It establishes rights and obligations between them, as well as between them and their children (if any), and between them and their in-laws. Learning to accept each other's flaws and living with them, forgiving one another, and sharing and growing the love, is what make marriage so special. This is a book to showcase the beauty of marriage to everyone and it will teach them how to handle the challenges and problems which might come along the way.

Overcoming Addiction By Julius Chinamo

KShs1,000.00 KShs800.00
In a world grappling with the complexities of human existence, few issues resonate as profoundly as the challenges posed by drug and substance abuse. This pervasive concern transcends geographical boundaries, affecting individuals, families, and communities worldwide. In this book, we embark on a journey to understand the intricate web of factors contributing to substance abuse, explore its far-reaching consequences, and seek pathways toward prevention and recovery. Navigating through the shadows of addiction requires collective awareness, empathy, and a commitment to unravel the threads that bind us to this pressing societal issue. Together, let us embark on a quest for knowledge and solutions, fostering a shared understanding that empowers us to confront the realities of drug and substance abuse with compassion and resilience.

The Power of Wisdom by Peter Keitany

KShs999.00 KShs850.00
Wisdom is a divine deep understanding of things and the ability to make sound judgment against many tricky situations we find ourselves in the world today. The Solomonic wisdom was the greatest asset to the children of Israel. Those who lack wisdom will drift badly into the den of foolishness, brainless and may become lunatics who can be destroyed easily and mercilessly. Without God’s wisdom we are completely cooked, and we will always be in the devil’s menu.

Achievers Code personal development j...

This is a high velocity personal growth planner for people who have goals they want to achieve quickly and effectively. It's also a 3 month diary as well as journal all in one. It's has golden information on how to set effective goals and upscale your self image to achieve the outstanding results you are potentially capable of.

Achievers Code personal development j...

This is a personal development planner, a daily journal and a diary all in one. It's a goal setting journal especially meant for students who would like to not only get outstanding results in their academics but also win in their entire lives. It has information on effective goal setting and self image adjustment

RAY OF HOPE -Why are you sad? By LINI...

RAY OF HOPE (Why are you sad? Behold your joy) Tells the story of a woman named Ruth. She came from a cursed people, got married and later lost her husband at a young age and left with nothing to show. But her life turned into an inspiration to anyone who understands how important and powerful a relationship with God is. Life is made up of seasons, both high and low, dark and light. But it is possible to stand strong and true to God even when you don't know why and allow Him manifest His glory.

DESIGNER WOMAN -The Beauty Within- by...

DESIGNER WOMAN (Beauty with in) is a book meant to motivate and rejuvenate the woman God created. She is not the woman the society ignores, judge, taken for granted, disregarded, insulted or even abused. But Until she understands or realizes who she is, why she is where she is, what to do and begin to appreciate what she carries within her, then she will be able to live a fulfilling life and find joy in her world.

unlock the secrets female friendships...

KShs1,200.00 KShs900.00
The strength of a woman's friendship lies not in her ability to solve problems, but in her capacity to listen, understand, and be present.

Monetize your Talents by Martin Muraguri

In a world where talents are as diverse as the stars in the sky, unlocking the power of unique abilities can lead to a fulfilling and prosperous journey.

SUICIDE, The Flipside Of Hope by Doug...

KShs1,950.00 KShs1,850.00
"Within the pages of SUICIDE, THE FLIPSIDE OF HOPE, explore the multifaceted landscape of the human experience. From the suffocating grip of depression to the haunting specter of rejection, from the relentless pressures of stress to the gaping wounds of fatherlessness, and from the insidious allure of addiction to the pervasive influence of social media, delve into the depths of the human psyche. Amidst the darkness, discover the transformative power of self-development, offering a roadmap to resilience and a beacon of hope for those navigating life's turbulent waters."

Creative Thinking : A Journey through...

Creativity can be defined as the use of imagination or intelligence to create something distinct or inventive. Considering that creativity is based on intelligence, let us look at the definition of intelligence. Intelligence: The ability to acquire, retain and apply knowledge or skill. Therefore based on the two above definitions, the genesis of our journey towards creative thinking begins first of all by understanding the components that constitute intelligence and then adding an additional layer of fun to enable us to come up with new/alternative/novel ways of producing inventive, distinct ideas and products. The 8 facets of intelligence covered in this book are : 1. Emotional Intelligence 2. Visual Intelligence 3. Logical Intelligence 4. Auditory Intelligence 5. Financial Intelligence 6. Linguistical Intelligence 7. Physical Intelligence 8. Spatial Intelligence

Grow up 1 by Collins Tebaliah (CT Lel)

KShs1,800.00 KShs1,499.00

This book is a blueprint for living a growth lifestyle, which means that you can turn away from childish ideas and actions to embrace maturity in all aspects of life.

You can grow up from violating the 3D existential laws; logical, natural and spiritual laws. Some things will become obvious that you are violating one of these laws, whenever you make a childish decision. You now regularize it, before you take a wrong action in your business, career or relationships. The book covers the most common immaturity issues that people suffer in different aspects of life. Get this book now, and GROW UP in a manner you won't believe. The results will speak for themselves.


KShs1,000.00 KShs800.00
This book is helps the reader work through healing, handling traumas and finding balance through the soul awakening.

LIBERATION By Grace Muroki

KShs1,000.00 KShs800.00
This book provides the reader with tools to become an-rounded person by developing problem-solving and decision-making skills through self-awareness!