Showing 301–320 of 1775 results

Finish What You Start: The Art of Fol...

KShs2,890.00 KShs2,299.00
Is your life a series of unfinished tasks and intentions? That stops now. Finish What You Start is a unique deep dive into the psychology and science of accomplishment, productivity, and getting things done. It takes a thorough look why we are sometimes stuck, and gives detailed, step by step solutions you can start using today. Every phase of finishing and following through is covered, and even productivity pros will be able to learn something new. Above all else, this is a guide to understanding your brain and instincts better for optimal results. Channel massive productivity and mental toughness. Peter Hollins has studied psychology and peak human performance for over a dozen years and is a bestselling author. He has worked with dozens of individuals to unlock their potential and path towards success. His writing draws on his academic, coaching, and research experience. Resist distractions, de-motivation, temptations, laziness, and excuses. •The surprising motivations that push us past obstacles. •How daily rules and a manifesto can help you achieve. •Valuable and insightful mindsets to view productivity from entirely new lights. Seize self-control and finally accomplish your big and small goals. •The science and tactics to beating procrastination easily. •Focus and willpower pitfalls you are probably committing at this very moment. •How to beat distractions, remain focused, stay on task, and get to what matters - consistently. Transform your life through productive habits and avoiding mental traps. You only have 24 hours in the day, but so does everyone else. You can be among those who make the most and accomplish exactly what they want. The ability to finish and follow through parallels your ability to be happy and fulfilled. Your life is in your hands, so make the most of it! Finish what you started by reading this far and click the BUY NOW button at the top of this page! This is the second book in the “Live a Disciplined Life” series, as listed below: 1.The Science of Self-Discipline: The Willpower, Mental Toughness, and Self-Control to Resist Temptation and Achieve Your Goals 2.Finish What You Start: The Art of Following Through, Taking Action, Executing, & Self-Discipline 3.Neuro-Discipline: Everyday Neuroscience for Self-Discipline, Focus, and Defeating Your Brain’s Impulsive and Distracted Nature 4.Mind Over Matter: The Self-Discipline to Execute Without Excuses, Control Your Impulses, and Keep Going When You Want to Give Up 5. Practical Self-Discipline 6. La ciencia de la autodisciplina

No More Mr Nice Guy: A Proven Plan fo...

KShs3,990.00 KShs3,790.00
No More Mr. Nice Guy! landed its author, a certified marriage and family therapist, on The O'Reilly Factor and the Rush Limbaugh radio show. Dr. Robert Glover has dubbed the "Nice Guy Syndrome" trying too hard to please others while neglecting one's own needs, thus causing unhappiness and resentfulness. It's no wonder that unfulfilled Nice Guys lash out in frustration at their loved ones, claims Dr. Glover. He explains how they can stop seeking approval and start getting what they want in life, by presenting the information and tools to help them ensure their needs are met, to express their emotions, to have a satisfying sex life, to embrace their masculinity and form meaningful relationships with other men, and to live up to their creative potential.

Treasures In Sackcloth by Estar Ogond...

This is a book of hope and encouragement beyond the grim news and photos that we see and hear in the media during times of crisis. It is true that conflicts aggravate population displacements, disrupt economic activity, food production and destroy many homes and public infrastructure. Widespread food insecurity and chronic malnutrition become the norm areas of insecurity, increasing the number of people living below the poverty line. However, Treasures in Sackcloth is a story, analysis and interpretation of some crucial issues around humanitarianism from the view point of an African, Christian Aid worker’s perspective, who summarizes her experiences as being life changing, sometimes very challenging but a very enriching exposure; and one worthy of a lifetime. In this book you will find the treasures that Estar has learnt from her experiences in life, mostly through service to the lowly people, dressed in physical and spiritual sack clothes. Estar is a wife to Nehemiah Oyoo and mother of three children (Nanette, Elsa and Nathan). She has been privileged to live and work in several countries since 2001. These include Kenya, S. Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Afghanistan, Rwanda and Syria. She is a Public Health Nutrition Consultant who pursued her Master’s degree in International health from Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh. She is currently pursuing a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Organizational leadership from Pan African Christian University, Kenya.

12 Months to $1 Million: How to Pick ...

KShs4,500.00 KShs3,990.00
Brief Summary This is the road map to a seven-figure business . . . in one year or less The word “entrepreneur” is today’s favorite buzzword, and any aspiring business owner has likely encountered an overwhelming number of so-called “easy paths to success.” The truth is that building a real, profitable, sustainable business requires thousands of hours of commitment, grit, and hard work. It’s no wonder why more than half of new businesses close within six years of opening, and fewer than 5 percent will ever earn more than $1 million annually. 12 Months to $1 Million condenses the startup phase into one fast-paced year that has helped hundreds of new entrepreneurs hit the million-dollar level by using an exclusive and foolproof formula. By cutting out the noise and providing a clear and proven plan, this roadmap helps even brand-new entrepreneurs make decisions quickly, get their product up for sale, and launch it to a crowd that is ready and waiting to buy. This one-year plan will guide you through the three stages to your first $1 million: The Grind (Months 0-4): This step-by-step plan will help you identify a winning product idea, target customers that are guaranteed to buy, secure funding, and take your first sale within your first four months. The Growth (Months 5 - 8): Once you’re in business, you will discover how to use cheap and effective advertising strategies to get your product to at least 25 sales per day, so you can prove you have a profitable business. The Gold (Months 9-12): It’s time to establish series of products available for sale, until you are averaging at least 100 sales per day, getting you closer to the million-dollar mark every single day. Through his training sessions at, Ryan Daniel Moran has helped new and experienced entrepreneurs launch scalable and sustainable online businesses. He’s seen more than 100 entrepreneurs cross the seven-figure barrier, many of whom go on to sell their businesses. If your goal is to be a full-time entrepreneur, get ready for one chaotic, stressful, and rewarding year. If you have the guts to complete it, you will be the proud owner of a million-dollar business and be in a position to call your own shots for life.

Public Speaking and Body Language Ski...

Fear and poor public speaking skills can shut down many opportunities for you! PUBLIC SPEAKING AND BODY LANGUAGE SKILLS-helps you understand why acquiring speaking and reading people skills make you influential, productive and be on demand. And it shows you: 1. How to overcome the fear of public speaking. 2. How to deliver a speech in a way that makes you unforgettable. 3. How to avoid being boring and monotonous during speech delivery. 4. How to make your speech rhythmic, musical and memorable. 5. How to develop a powerful voice. 6. How to connect with an audience and be influential. 7. How to prepare an unforgettable speech. 8. How to sell your message, services and products. 9. How to match your words and body language and read people as you would a book. Antony Nbita is a speaker and an author. He is an alumna of the University of Nairobi and founder of CTL Public Speaking School. He has passion in public speaking and body language. He has also authored: No Excuses for Failure, Coming out of Zero to Hero in School, Beacon of Hope and Ignored Power of a Life Changer. He lives with his family in Nairobi.

The Rational Male Religion by Rollo T...

KShs3,790.00 KShs3,390.00
  • Why is premarital sex forbidden by religion?
  • Why is marriage the worst life-decision a man can make today?
  • How is an idealistic Romantic Love destroying modern churches?
  • Are female imperatives assimilating patriarchal religions?
  • Why are so many religious men confused about masculinity?
  • What's causing men to abandon religion?
  • Why is pornography an "addiction" for religious men?
  • Are Atheists 'religious' about finding love?
  • Can Red Pill awareness and religious conviction coexist?
  • Will there be a One-World Religion?
The Rational Male® – Religion is an exploration of human intersexual dynamics and their influence on spiritual belief, religion and social values. In this 4th book of the Rational Male series author, Rollo Tomassi, connects the dots between human beings' evolved mating imperatives and the spiritual beliefs spawned by them that still influence society in the data age. It is a Red Pill look under the hood at the roots of men and women's "need to believe" in love, God and the metaphysical to solve our mating imperatives.Are Old Order beliefs hindering our progress in today's data-driven New Age of Enlightenment? Since 2000, global access to information has exploded. Like the Gutenberg Press in Renaissance Europe, the internet, technology and global communication has given rise to a new age of enlightenment that a global society is only beginning to acknowledge. For better or worse, this new information awakening is explaining and challenging our old investments in faith, tradition, metaphorical truth and magical thinking. And in no other area are humans more emotionally invested than in solving their reproductive problem. The Rational Male® - Religion succinctly explains the origins of this old order thinking, what it got right, where it's gone wrong and how we can correct our course for the future.Often called the "Godfather of the Red Pill", Rollo Tomassi has been a permanent fixture in the online men’s consortium of the Manosphere for almost 20 years. He is the author of the internationally best selling book series: The Rational Male The Rational Male – Preventive Medicine The Rational Male – Positive Masculinity

Life is a journey not a race by Ismah...

KShs1,000.00 KShs880.00
Life is a journey not a race is apiece of motivational book. Everything we go through has been written and planned for every setback and every instance you feel like your plans have failed, we are all reminded to dust up, get up and keep moving. Failure is considered a curve through life is a journey. In a world where people focus on competing rather than focusing on their own progress and development it’s paramount for you to learn what it means to fails and what it means to rebuild . This book will you an edge as you strive to achieve your goals and dreams. It will show what it means to have your compass pointing at the right direction. Remember that progress can sometimes skip a generation, make sure it doesn’t skip you.

So You Feel Stuck in Your Career? 20 ...

KShs2,890.00 KShs2,249.00
A powerful book for those looking to reinvent, change, transition or are seeking meaningful careers!

The Postponed Promise: Kenyas Quest f...

KShs700.00 KShs450.00
Brief Summary Dr. PLO- Lumumba has written a succinct "insiders" account of the constitution review exercise in Kenya. This short book will serve as a foretaste of what the author describes as the full blooded version to be released when a new Constitution is finally enacted.

The Cancer Code: A Revolutionary New ...

KShs3,500.00 KShs2,990.00
Brief Summary Our understanding of cancer is slowly undergoing a revolution, allowing for the development of more effective treatments. For the first time ever, the death rate from cancer is showing a steady decline . . . but the “War on Cancer” has hardly been won. In The Cancer Code, Dr. Jason Fung offers a revolutionary new understanding of this invasive, often fatal disease—what it is, how it manifests, and why it is so challenging to treat. In this rousing narrative, Dr. Fung identifies the medical community’s many missteps in cancer research—in particular, its focus on genetics, or what he terms the “seed” of cancer, at the expense of examining the “soil,” or the conditions under which cancer flourishes. Dr. Fung—whose groundbreaking work in the treatment of obesity and diabetes has won him international acclaim—suggests that the primary disease pathway of cancer is caused by the dysregulation of insulin. In fact, obesity and type 2 diabetes significantly increase an individual’s risk of cancer. In this accessible read, Dr. Fung provides a new paradigm for dealing with cancer, with recommendations for what we can do to create a hostile soil for this dangerous seed. One such strategy is intermittent fasting, which reduces blood glucose, lowering insulin levels. Another, eliminating intake of insulin-stimulating foods, such as sugar and refined carbohydrates. For hundreds of years, cancer has been portrayed as a foreign invader we’ve been powerless to stop. By reshaping our view of cancer as an internal uprising of our own healthy cells, we can begin to take back control. The seed of cancer may exist in all of us, but the power to change the soil is in our hands.

The Diabetes Code: Prevent and Revers...

KShs3,890.00 KShs3,590.00
Brief Summary The must-have guide to reversing and preventing type 2 diabetes through intermittent fasting and a low-carb, high-fat diet—from Dr. Jason Fung, internationally best selling author of The Obesity Code. Today, most doctors, dietitians, and even diabetes specialists consider type 2 diabetes to be a chronic and progressive disease—a life sentence with no possibility of parole. But the truth, as Dr. Fung reveals in this paradigm-shifting book, is that type 2 diabetes is reversible. Writing with clear, persuasive language, he explains why conventional treatments that rely on insulin or other blood-glucose-lowering drugs can actually exacerbate the problem, leading to significant weight gain and even heart disease. The only way to treat type 2 diabetes effectively, he argues, is proper dieting and intermittent fasting—not medication.

The Unplugged Alpha by Richard Cooper

KShs3,500.00 KShs3,190.00
Most men today are sent off into society with a broken belief system, which they use to make choices, that get them terrible results with life and women. Men have been conditioned to be the quintessential "nice guy." They're trained to be overly humble, kind to a fault, and that just "being themselves" is enough to attract and keep the woman of their dreams. Men are told to believe that conventional masculinity is toxic, and to put women ahead of their own interests, passions, and purpose. This has led to an entire generation of men forming very unhealthy attachments to women that they, unfortunately, often make their sole focus of their lives. The playbook to women and life has changed, but most men missed the memo. Do you want to succeed, and level up in every area of your life? If so, then this book explains: - The importance of maximizing your looks, money, social status, and game. - Why it's essential to get genuine burning desire from a woman who wants to date you. - The top 20 red flags that you must vet women for a long term relationship. - How to become one of the top 20% of men that women swipe right for on online dating. - Why smart men avoid marriage. And much more. This book exposes the comforting lies you've been told throughout your life for what they really are. Enabling you to become a truly authentic Alpha that chases excellence, and leads a successful passion-filled life. Most men today are sent off into society with a broken belief system, which they use to make choices, that get them terrible results with life and women. Men have been conditioned to be the quintessential "nice guy." They're trained to be overly humble, kind to a fault, and that just "being themselves" is enough to attract and keep the woman of their dreams. Men are told to believe that conventional masculinity is toxic, and to put women ahead of their own interests, passions, and purpose. This has led to an entire generation of men forming very unhealthy attachments to women that they, unfortunately, often make their sole focus of their lives. The playbook to women and life has changed, but most men missed the memo. Do you want to succeed, and level up in every area of your life? If so, then this book explains: - The importance of maximizing your looks, money, social status, and game. - Why it's essential to get genuine burning desire from a woman who wants to date you. - The top 20 red flags that you must vet women for a long term relationship. - How to become one of the top 20% of men that women swipe right for on online dating. - Why smart men avoid marriage. And much more. This book exposes the comforting lies you've been told throughout your life for what they really are. Enabling you to become a truly authentic Alpha that chases excellence, and leads a successful passion-filled life.

Why Women Are Poorer Than Men and Wha...

KShs2,500.00 KShs1,899.00
Brief Summary Money gives us freedom. It gives us choices . . . But why is it women are nearly always poorer than men? The modern world is rigged unfairly in men's favour. From pensions to the tampon tax, bearing children to boardroom bullying, Why Women Are Poorer Than Men shows how society conspires to limit women's wealth. - Did you know that the NHS spends more on Viagra than helping single mother families eat healthily? - Or, that women are the majority of the elderly poor? - Or, that female entrepreneurs only receive 1p in every £1 of funding given to start-up businesses? Economies thrive when women do well, and only by understanding why women are poorer than men can we finally end this unfair disparity between the sexes. Annabelle Williams, former financial journalist for The Times, reveals how we got here and what we can all do to fix it. Her extensive expertise will equip and empower you with the knowledge to solve financial inequality between men and women for good.

12 Lessons and a Story, A teen’...

KShs1,000.00 KShs799.00
Brief Summary This is a book for teens and young adults. Parents are also encouraged to read it. Mbugua Mwangi uses his life experience to guide youngsters towards a life worthy of remembrance.

The Champion’s Mind: How Great ...

KShs2,000.00 KShs1,699.00
Brief Summary Even amongst the most elite performers, certain athletes stand out as a cut above the rest, able to outperform in clutch, game-deciding moments. These athletes prove that raw athletic ability doesn’t necessarily translate to a superior on-field experience—it’s the mental game that matters most. Sports participation—from the recreational to the collegiate Division I level—is at an all-time high. While the caliber of their game may differ, athletes at every level have one thing in common: they want to excel. In The Champion’s Mind, sports psychologist Jim Afremow, PhD, LPC, now offers the same advice he uses with Olympians, Heisman Trophy winners, and professional athletes, including:• Tips and techniques based on high-performance psychology research, such as how to get in a "zone," thrive on a team, and stay humble • How to progress within a sport and sustain excellence long-term • Customizable pre-performance routines to hit full power when the gun goes off or the puck is dropped The Champion’s Mind distills actionable advice into clear and concise steps for athletes looking to find confidence, concentration, and mental preparedness—the mental edge that sets champions apart.

The Journey To Purpose: Keys To Maxim...

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
Brief Summary This masterpiece will help you unlock your potential, do the things you love while creating wealth, and live a life of joy and fulfillment.

Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon

KShs3,000.00 KShs2,690.00
Brief Summary You don’t need to be a genius, you just need to be yourself. That’s the message from Austin Kleon, a young writer and artist who knows that creativity is everywhere, creativity is for everyone. A manifesto for the digital age, Steal Like an Artist is a guide whose positive message, graphic look and illustrations, exercises, and examples will put readers directly in touch with their artistic side.

Allah is Not Obliged by Ahmadou Kourouma

KShs1,990.00 KShs1,790.00
Brief Summary ALLAH IS NOT OBLIGED TO BE FAIR ABOUT ALL THE THINGS HE DOES HERE ON EARTH.These are the words of the boy soldier Birahima in the final masterpiece by one of Africa's most celebrated writers, Ahmadou Kourouma. When ten-year-old Birahima's mother dies, he leaves his native village in the Ivory Coast, accompanied by the sorcerer and cook Yacouba, to search for his aunt Mahan. Crossing the border into Liberia, they are seized by rebels and forced into military service. Birahima is given a Kalashnikov, minimal rations of food, a small supply of dope and a tiny wage. Fighting in a chaotic civil war alongside many other boys, Birahima sees death, torture, dismemberment and madness but somehow manages to retain his own sanity. Raw and unforgettable, despairing yet filled with laughter, Allah Is Not Obliged reveals the ways in which children's innocence and youth are compromised by war.

To Sell is Human: The Surprising Trut...

KShs1,990.00 KShs1,790.00
We're all in Sales now Parents sell their kids on going to bed. Spouses sell their partners on mowing the lawn. We sell our bosses on giving us more money and more time off. And in astonishing numbers we go online to sell ourselves on Facebook, Twitter and online dating profiles. Relying on science, analysis and his trademark clarity of thought, Daniel Pink shows that sales isn't what it used to be. Then he provides a set of tools, tips, and exercises for succeeding on each new terrain: six new ways to pitch your idea, three ways to understand another's perspective, five frames that can make your message clearer, and much more.

Guru: A Long Walk to Success by Kaila...

KShs3,000.00 KShs2,490.00
The journey of a boy that began from a little-known village of Mathak in Gujarat, India, culminated in the creation of East Africa's biggest business groups to straddle the industrial world of steel, cement, infrastructure and aviation. This is the inspiring story of Narendra Raval, endearingly known as 'Guru', who began from the most humble beginnings to reach the zenith of his career through tireless hard work, an inherent business acumen and sheer tenacity. His autobiography, in collaboration with his dear friend and colleague, Kailash Mota, traces four decades in the life of Guru Bhai Narendra Raval. It is hard to believe that the astute businessman, who successfully built a US$ 650 million industrial empire, began his work life as a young, teenage priest in Nairobi, Kenya. Today, Guru Bhai runs his business empire with more than 4,500 employees spread across East Africa. He was also featured among the top 50 richest men in the Forbes Africa 2015 list. A fascinating, awe-inspiring autobiography, A Long Walk to Success is a legacy of wisdom and guidance for young entrepreneurs inspiring to walk in Guru Bhai's footsteps.