Showing 41–60 of 1767 results

The Secret Is Out. SWITCHING FROM VIC...

KShs1,500.00 KShs800.00
Being the First born girl in my family came with responsibilities, the responsibilities that led me to want to take care of my siblings, Being born in a culture that says you have to care and love others First, i was always finding myself trying to help, improve and change my family conditions, for me I was always putting the needs of others First, being an empath that iam , I felt like it's my obligations to carry other people burdens First. Atleast that's what I found being done, I remember even my mum used to do the same, when serving the food, she would always serve us as her children while she forgot herself, not knowing this is a slavery mentality, this is not love. I was born in a family of 9 , and as a first girl I was the eyes of my mother, one thing led to another and I found myself in night clubs drugging men and robbing them all of their belongings . This book displays the life of a girl who lived her life inside slavery mentality/victim mentality, she thought that only money can change her life and that of her entire family, she toiled in vain, she struggled with pain, addictions ,depression and life in prison. This book will take you through her memory lane, how she wrestled with sin, herself and God, and in the process God helped her discover her truest self, her gifts, creativity and and talents. The most precious jewel she have acquired during her walk with God is being able to trust God, in her most traumatising times, the peace, joy and the Faith she have achieved that none can take away from her and this is a good example that God is with us even in the deep pits , And that everything is working for good for those who are called according to the purpose of God. This is a testimony that God can break all the kinds of chains that are binding us, the chain of poverty, the chain of sin, the chain of mental slavery like greed, bitterness, fear, anxiety or even doubts. God can can take away the pain, God can be able to change our mind set, God can break the chain of all kinds of addictions and He can be able to reveal to us who we really are in Him. The master piece that we have been all along. Because in Genesis He gave us authority , power and dominion to take care, to take responsibility, to command our days, to create and Even manage everything He have Created. I believe everyone that will lead this book will never be the same again. God bless you.

Thirteen Reasons Why Youth Are Strand...

KShs2,500.00 KShs2,000.00
Thirteen Reasons Why Youth Are Stranded Today is a hands-on guide tailored to assist today’s young adults. This practical resource addresses common issues faced during the transition to adulthood, including parental expectations, substance misuse, and mental wellness. In these challenging times, young people require practical solutions to real every day and a source of encouragement to achieve their goals and dreams.


KShs2,000.00 KShs1,800.00
A perfect read for Leaders, Entrepreneurs and anyone seeking triumph in a moment of hardship be it in life, work, business, sickness, strife, marriage or career. From the village of Taita to Triumph in the city. Mbele shares his moments of success, failure, and crisis through life, business, career and health crisis. The book paints a powerful story of love and healing emerging out of rejection after being given away at a tender age to be raised by another mother, the author reconnects with his real mother who makes an ultimate selfless show of love as a kidney donor giving him another chance to live again. With unwavering clarity, he candidly recounts not just the narrative of business failure but heart wrenching experience of losing a child at birth. His narrative not only acknowledges the depths of grief but also illuminates the resilient spirit with which they navigated through the shadows of sorrow.

MARRIED A VIRGIN by Hildah Lumati

MARRIED A VIRGIN is a book that delves deeper into important issues such as virginity, which the bible requires of unmarried Christians. While highlighting a fornicaters mindset, the author offers practical advise on how Christians can avoid the trap of pre - marital sex temptation, thus fulfilling the Bible's call of purity. A true life story of the author's triumph over pre-marital sex temptation.

Our Nine Year Odyssey with the Cancer...

In this book, Dr Machyo invites you, the reader to walk (and many times run) with him through a Nine-year odyssey with cancer in his family. The author narrates the shock, despair, hope and despair again when his wife, Norrie, is diagnosed with cancer. The disease brings emotional pain and financial ruin. It dehumanizes the patient. It killed Norrie and left two little kids under the age of ten. Follow the struggles of the Machyos as they seek for treatment in Kenya, South Africa and India. Follow the story of the devastation caused by Hodgkin's lymphoma and sarcoma on the family of the author. The family still has yet to come to terms with the ravages of this disease, even after it killed the mother of the family in June 2021. A true story.


The Beauty of a woman transcends the individual; it reflects the beauty of the world itself. A world without a woman is inconceivable and likewise, within every woman resides a world of beauty, uniqueness, abundance and fullfillment. When a mother experiences happiness, it resonates in the happiness of the world. This book delves into the essence of a woman's beauty, extending beyond the confines of physical appearance. She is a woman of noble character. She is worth far more than rubies. The depth of this character is expounded upon, highlighting her unwavering confidence and the invaluable nature of her contribution to life. Her actions, portrayed through through diligent work, provision for her family, and compassion for others, paint a vivid picture of a woman who not only nurtures her household but also contributes to the welfare of her community and the world.

FALLACY by TJ Musyoki

KShs2,000.00 KShs1,850.00
This book is a declaration that it is not the end until the breath goes to the owner.  It gives a presentation of perspective, ideology, and clarity that arises from a point of seeing nothing but the end. The book presents a new dawn and a compass to a generation birthed from the furnace fired by the will to dare. It dares you to rise and shine as you digest the content because you were created with the power to unlock limitless infinite possibilities if you believe in yourself.

My Story, Your Takeout – Experi...

Have you ever thought about sharing an experience with someone and the way they look at you keenly while listening made you think, 'Wow! I felt the need to share this story with you, but I didn't think it was that captivating!' That has been me on several occasions, especially when talking to people younger than I am. There began my dream and inspiration to start a motivational blog, especially focused on career development! Yes, about two years or so before the publishing of this book, it was intended to be a blog. This was reinforced by the fact that many of those who know me - my friends and family - would ask me to start a blog because I have always been a good writer and narrator. However, initially, I wasn't sure what to write about, something substantial enough to sustain a blog and keep it interesting. Fast forward to a quick decision in December 2022 to go through the Fearless Institute Leadership Programme. Something that was never on my bucket list is now an accomplishment - writing a book! Fearless Institute is a year-long leadership bootcamp conducted by the Mavuno Movement of Churches for marketplace leaders. One of the year- long must-do assignments during the bootcamp is writing a book. I am glad to have authored this book at a later stage in life, given my abundance of life and career experiences. I believe that regardless of the career path you are on - whether employed or you are your own boss - you will encounter challenges that ultimately transform into valuable life lessons. Sometimes we wish we knew better, but then again, it is said that the best life lessons are those taught by the world, right? As a Christian, I firmly believe that our God-given purpose on this earth includes uplifting others. My heart and mind have always told me that my story may help a younger person out there make a more informed decision on their life and career path. I also believe that you can't survive in this world alone. Do good and good will follow you.

From Resolution to Execution by Georg...

This book teaches us the discipline of getting things done. The author shares nuggets on how to translate that plan, resolution, goal, and strategy into results. You need to be hands on, and act on your resolutions. You will understand that making resolutions without executing them wastes time: plan and act. And no amount of planning can replace action. It’s time to act. Don’t be loath to pursue something you have always longed to do. You’ll never be ready until you start. To begin, begin. You need to act more and talk less. Your ideas aren’t worth anything unless acted upon. Ideas are cheap, but execution is priceless. Lucky you for picking up this book. It offers clear –actionable strategies to help you overcome obstacles and make progress towards your goals. Executing the nuggets shared herein will spur you to greater heights.


UNPLUGGED DIARY This diary contains more than three hundred red pill sayings for reflection by men seeking awareness about intersexual dynamics, men seeking personal growth, wisdom and financial success. The sayings are extracted from Red Pill sources, particularly Rollo Tomassi’s Rational Male Series, Rich Cooper and other manosphere leading lights. They are blended with African wisdom and wise sayings to make an eclectic potpourri of wisdom.


KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
FOOD FOR THOUGHT is a journey that aims to SPARK, IGNITE, or PROVOKE your thoughts by inviting you to dive into a collection of impactful quotes, reflections, and life philosophies. The book explores the essence of daily life, offering a concise guide through the quotes for introspection and, ultimately, personal growth. Feed your mind with wisdom and savor the richness of thought within these pages.


KShs1,000.00 KShs800.00



KShs1,500.00 KShs1,200.00
Pick The Pieces And Get Going.


KShs600.00 KShs500.00
The person you marry affects your destiny and success in a great way, hence the need to marry right. It's therefore, of paramount importance, for the individual to think through why they want to marry in order to make an informed decision pertaining to this lifetime commitment. This book, Why You Marry Wrong, discusses 30 reassons that lead people into wrong marriages.  The book encourages marriages that are intentional rather than circumstantial. Marriages that are Intentional are beautiful and fulfilling to a couple and their children. On the other hand, when a couple marries out of pressure or situations might reach a point where they end up feeling like they made the wrong decision. It is my prayer that this book will inspire people to build happy and fulfilling marriages.

Life is a journey GO AT YOUR OWN PACE

KShs1,850.00 KShs1,550.00
“Go At Your Own Pace” takes you a step deeper to discover ways of setting your own pace and its significance in various aspects of life. In her book, Christine draws from personal anecdotes, research, and expert opinions to comprehensively explore how setting our own pace can lead to increased productivity, improved well-being, and a greater sense of control over our lives. She discusses the challenges that arise when we fail to prioritize our own pace and provides practical advice for overcoming them. A relatable self-help book, “Go At Your Own Pace” offers practical strategies, making it an ideal read for anyone looking to gain a deeper understanding of the power and benefits of “Go At Your Own Pace”.

UNPLUGGED by Jacob Aliet – Hard...

KShs3,000.00 KShs2,500.00
UNPLUGGED – What Our Fathers Did not Tell Us As children, we learnt from Disney that if you treat her like a queen, she will treat you like a King. We were also taught that a man should go on one knee while proposing to a woman because women are the prize. We were also taught that we should listen to our wives and be gentlemen because women like nice boys they can trust and not bad boys who weren’t faithful. Men have tested these ideas, and thousands of men have lived to share their experiences and results. This book consolidates what men have learnt about intergender dynamics: what works and what does not work. Today, marriage rates are declining. Forty per cent of single black women in the US are single mothers who prioritize getting babies over getting in a stable long-term commitment, aka marriage. Why do many young girls today prefer becoming side chicks to high-value men rather than settling in marriage with an average man? In 2019, the American Psychological Association labelled traditional masculinity as harmful. But if so, why are women striving to be like men? What is the impact of masculine females on relationships? Why are women being told to “act like a lady and think like a man” if masculinity is harmful? What attracts women to men, and how can men maintain that attachment? In the age of social media, where women get free attention and validation from hundreds of men, how do men in long term relationships deal with partners who feel they have so many options? Women file for divorce 70-80% of the time in the western world. How can men navigate marriage with modern women incentivized to divorce by divorce laws? Why did the Greeks equate the feminine with chaos, represented as the goddess Pandora? Why are most oracles in epics female, and why did God tell Adam that his first sin was listening to Eve? On average, men’s handgrip strength, testosterone levels, and overall masculinity is declining, while women’s enrolment rates in universities have outstripped those of men. Among trans adults, the majority are men who say they were born female. Why? Why is masculinity on the decline? In 2021, before a whole school assembly at Brauer College in Victoria, Australia, the male students were all told to stand up, turn to a girl in their class and say sorry. Yet they had done nothing wrong. Based on Census Bureau historical data and Morgan Stanley forecasts, 45% of prime working-age women (ages 25-44) will be single by 2030—the largest share in history—up from 41% in 2018. This book traces the origin of the steady decline of the man’s role in the family. It also seeks to help men understand female nature, revitalize masculinity and build full-stack men who can navigate relationships while providing leadership in an increasingly gynocentric world that has largely silenced men. This book will plug you from comforting lies to cold hard truths.

Ethical Leadership – Creating a...

KShs2,200.00 KShs2,000.00
A leadership book that provides a realistic guide to becoming the next best self.

Unleash your potential by Susan Wangui

KShs120.00 KShs100.00
Learn to harness the strength within you, cultivate resilience, and transform challenges into stepping stones for success. With actionable strategies, you'll not only gain a deeper understanding of yourself but also forge meaningful connections with others. The wisdom embedded in these pages empowers you to embark on a journey towards peak living—where confidence, resilience, and success converge.


KShs500.00 KShs495.00
Simply talks about opening up and how important opening up is to one's mental health