Showing 141–160 of 1771 results


KShs1,250.00 KShs1,150.00
While waiting is a book that covers three major areas, namely: *Recovering from Alcohol Use Disorder *Secondary infertility *Human psychology.

The Power of Self-Confidence

KShs1,000.00 KShs500.00
Discover the transformative power of self-confidence with "The Power of Self-Confidence: How to Overcome Self-Doubt and Achieve Your Goals." This captivating book dives deep into the importance of self-assurance and provides practical strategies for conquering self-doubt, enabling you to achieve your goals and unlock your true potential. Through inspiring stories, actionable tips, and insightful advice, this book is your roadmap to success in all aspects of life. In today's fast-paced and competitive world, self-confidence is a key factor in determining personal achievements. "The Power of Self-Confidence" tackles the psychological and emotional roots of self-doubt, empowering readers to challenge and overcome their insecurities. By understanding the underlying causes, you can pave the way for self-growth and fulfillment. What sets this book apart is its emphasis on practicality. By drawing from real-life examples and experiences, the author presents proven strategies that can be immediately implemented. From shifting your mindset and setting achievable goals to harnessing visualization and practicing effective communication, these techniques will strengthen your self-confidence and propel you towards success. Additionally, "The Power of Self-Confidence" offers invaluable advice on managing setbacks and conquering fear. By reframing failures as learning opportunities, you can cultivate resilience and maintain unwavering belief in your abilities. This book encourages you to embrace challenges, inspiring you to bounce back stronger and more determined than ever before. Designed for a diverse audience, including students, professionals, entrepreneurs, and artists, this book engages readers through its captivating storytelling style. Complex concepts are made easily digestible and relatable, ensuring that everyone can grasp and apply the principles discussed. Furthermore, interactive exercises and reflection prompts encourage active participation, allowing you to integrate the teachings into your own life. With its compelling narratives, actionable strategies, and empowering advice, this book is your guide to conquering self-doubt and achieving remarkable success. Embark on this transformative journey and harness the power of self-confidence to turn your dreams into reality. Get your copy today and start living your best life.

The Power of Mindfulness

KShs1,000.00 KShs600.00
Looking to transform your life and unlock your full potential? Look no further than "The Power of Mindfulness"! In this groundbreaking book, you'll discover the incredible benefits of mindfulness and learn how to integrate this powerful practice into your daily routine. Whether you're looking to reduce stress, increase focus, or simply connect more deeply with yourself and others, this book is your ultimate guide to mastering the art of mindfulness. With practical exercises, expert insights, and real-world examples, "The Power of Mindfulness" will empower you to take control of your life and thrive in today's fast-paced world. So why wait? Order your copy today and start experiencing the transformative power of mindfulness for yourself!

DECADE 2.0 by Dinah Muthuka

DECADE 2.0 is an open journey told from a wiser perspective. It is about the fun, the fast and the fatal. A collection of life experiences, the mistakes made, the really messed up stuff and the lessons picked along the way. DECADE 2.0 is a great read not just for the 20 something but for anyone willing to make the most out of their productive years.

Wake Up, Dream Boy

KShs940.00 KShs750.00
The story about the Well being of a Young boy who changed from being a hooligan to a reliable person in Future.

THE COMEBACK by Vincent Ogutu

KShs1,599.00 KShs1,499.00
In The Comeback, the author affirms the saying that if you see them on the mountaintop, they didn’t just fall there. He has pooled together authentic, real life stories that depict the harsh terrain these people have walked or crawled through, the desperation, loss and pain on the one hand and on the other hand, the incredible resilience, determination and fortitude that kept them going even when there was no light at the end of the proverbial tunnel, when they skidded again and again down the slippery slope and hope was in short supply. In the depth of despair a helping hand, a mentor or sheer grit has led to triumph, success, restoration and in several cases, unparalleled wealth. The stories and the reflections the Author shares will break your fall, provide stepping stones, a breath of fresh air and illuminate your path as you seek greater heights, or try to dig yourself out of any quagmire. Definitely a must-read.


KShs1,400.00 KShs999.00
I have shared one of my lowest and darkest moments in my life and how God came in through for me. I am here like a guardian Angel to encourage you, to empathize and to give you a shoulder to cry on, and to proclaim to you that “It shall be well!”. May the words in this book act as an oasis of hope in a hot desert of calamity where you will quench your thirst, be rejuvenated, and refreshed for the journey ahead. May the words herein act as a dose of hope and inspiration for you so that you will achieve even more in this world and have life eternal life in the world to come! Know that God is with you. The turbulences and winds of confusion will pass away: - “You will overcome!’ and you will say together with Paul, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith!”


KShs1,400.00 KShs699.00
Joel Gitau has worked in the banking industry for over 20 years and climbed the corporate ladder to become a Branch Manager. What an honour that, he has lifted his corporate veil, and laid himself bare to teach from his successes and failures. He says it as it is - the good, the bad, and the ugly. His purpose is to create customer centric employees. He asks the hard questions: Will you be the last person standing when technology shakes the corporate environment? Will you go home empty handed when you retire? How is your work life balance? What kind of a team mate are you? How do you continue rebranding yourself in this competitive era? When are you connecting with yourself, your purpose? Who will cry when you leave that position that you occupy? This book shows you how to leave an UNRIVALLED LEGACY. It will also inspire you to continue going that extra mile for your customer until you finally say; “I came, I saw, and I conquered, I touched lives, I made a difference in someone's life!


KShs1,400.00 KShs999.00
BOOK: LOVE AND THORNS I thank God for helping me complete writing the book. There was a strong urge and conviction in my heart that the message here in will be of great help and it will positively transform somebody. It will heal someone and give them hope and energy to fight one more time! So, if the relationship of someone who reads 'Love and Thorns' will be healed and start an upward trajectory, I believe as an author I am satisfied. If a relationship which is thriving will pick some lessons and avoid the pitfalls there of, I am okay. If the young generation will pick some lessons and maybe avoid the mistakes of their predecessors, I will be satisfied. If someone who was injured in the past relationships though not yet in a current one finds solace and the wounds in their heart are bandaged and dusts themselves up and lives to fight another day, I will have achieved my target. If my voice will speak for the silent majority out there, then let it be. If the words will speak to someones partner and they change for the betterment of their union, I will be satisfied. If my words will resonate with the masses, bring healing and tranquility to millions of relationships out there, then I let my voice echo in the hills, the mountains and in the valleys below! If my message will bring positive transformation to relationships in, America, Europe, Asia, Antarctica, Africa, India, in palaces, and ghettos all over the world, then let it be! I feel deeply satisfied for I have shared the message which was laid in my heart to the best of my ability. I am happy that I have immortalized my thoughts and bequeathed the information for posterity. My prayer is that every person who will read this message will be blessed, and their relationships transcend to new levels and heights in the name of the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit! Amen.

Wealth Within You By Brian Odhiambo

KShs700.00 KShs600.00
The book affirms that human being is a unique package of divine possibilities, the epitome of God's work, the very best of The Master Architect and Grand Designer of the Universe who purposed to make little versions of Himself complete with a mandate to have dominion on the earth. Unfortunately many people continue to live in their limiting comfort zones despite such precious endowments and inbuilt capabilities chiefly on account of ignorance, fear and Self doubts. The brave minority, who through the right application of knowledge, personal discipline and effort pay the requisite price to unlock their innate potential ultimately enjoy a life of abundance with personal freedom to boot. Being a key person of influence in their various Fields.

A Better Tomorrow – Guiding Pri...

KShs1,050.00 KShs1,000.00
A Better Tomorrow - Guiding Principles for standing out in a competitive and Dynamic World

Unveiling the Mask – Separating...

KShs1,000.00 KShs950.00
Unveiling the Mask by Edward Omung'ala is a book that every person who is in a serious relationship, who is already married, and who is looking to get married needs. It covers widely how relationships work, both sides of a relationship- the successful and the unsuccessful parts. The truth unveiled in this book will open many people's eyes and divert them into thinking toward a better way of making decisions under all circumstances that life gives you. The most interesting bit of this book is how successful relationships work-having skills, the same way you have martial arts, woodwork, and playing the piano. They have to be learned, practiced, and updated. That's how relationships work; getting your skills right and everyone is happy. And all that will influence your social and work life as well. This book is a gem, I 100% would recommend it.

12 Keys to Mega Success by Kenneth K....

KShs600.00 KShs500.00
You were born to Achieve more than you have achieved or planning to achieve. In the mind of every person , there is an abundance of treasures hidden there, by using that hidden treasure you can achieve Mega success in your life. In this book, 12 KEYS TO MEGA SUCCESS, there are dynamic keys that will help you discover your inherit potential to open the system of Mega success in your life. Kenneth Murithi has wonderfully illuminated and carefully analysed those keys for betterment of your life. "The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life, that one may turn away from the snare of death." Proverbs 13:14.

Tiny Traumas: When you dont know what...

KShs2,590.00 KShs2,190.00
This is the result of a build-up of life’s scrapes, papercuts and bruises that have left you feeling simply ‘not ok’. Emotional illiteracy, microaggressions, challenging familial relationships, toxic positivity and gaslighting are some examples of what I call ‘Tiny T’ trauma – the impact of which often leads to problems such as high-functioning anxiety, languishing, perfectionism, comfort eating and sleep disturbance, to name but a few. We have been fooled into believing that ‘Tiny T’ trauma doesn’t matter. There always seem to be huge, intractable problems in the world, so we tend to overlook those small, everyday injuries that drill down to your core. This leaves us with an undercurrent of constant melancholy and niggling pinpricks of anxiety, all wrapped up in the film of other people’s Insta-perfect lives. But life doesn’t have to be experienced in this suffocating way; we owe it to ourselves to develop Awareness, Acceptance, and take Action on our Tiny T trauma, no matter how ‘small’, and to start living every day as we deserve.’

Zen: The Art of simple living by Shun...

KShs2,590.00 KShs2,390.00
Drawing on centuries of wisdom renowned Zen Buddhist priest Shunmyd Masuno applies the essence of Zen to modern life in clear practical easily adopted lessons one a day for days In this book you will learn ways to bring yourself true happiness and calm You will learn how to exhale deeply to eliminate negative emotions to arrange your house simply to clear your thinking to line up your shoes at night to bring order to your mind to plant a single flower and watch it grow to worry less about what you cannot control And so much more You will even make time to think about nothing at all.

Claim Your Mental Freedom by Saadia A...

KShs1,000.00 KShs900.00
Mental Freedom is an underrated pre-requisite of success. The ability to Re- Write scripts that guide you is the first step towards succeeding in what you set to do. Claim your Mental Freedom will spark awareness in you (as a reader) that root cause of your problems is the scripts you never questioned. Gain power to Rewrite your scripts. Mental Freedom 🧠

Beyond Limits

KShs1,200.00 KShs900.00
This is a thrilling personal story on how through hard work gritty determination and painstaking tenacity, I rose above stumbling blocks and pursued my dreams relentlessly.

Treasured Heart by Loice Muttai

KShs650.00 KShs500.00
A book focusing on emotional wellbeing where the author highlights from her personal story the importance of processing our feelings and cultivating a relationship with oneself in pursuit of wholeness.

What They Didn`t Tell You About Retir...

KShs1,900.00 KShs1,500.00
Every individual loves to have a job. Typically, this is achieved through self-employment and employment by other people, including public and private institutions. Having something to do daily adds spice and meaning to one’s life. Even though it is imperative for us to occasionally remember that we shall leave our jobs and adjust to leading another life after retirement, many people work every day without taking some moments to think seriously that one day they will retire from their active life. The purpose of this book is to provide pieces of advice on how to plan for retirement irrespective of one’s age; to illuminate on the consequences of not planning for retirement, the challenges which one encounters and how to successfully deal with them, and in general, to remind us that there is life after retirement. Life can either be exciting and fulfilling, or harsh and overwhelming, all depending on how we conduct ourselves in our days of active lives. The author further emphasizes the need to view life as continuation from one station to another, without focusing on an expiry date, as if it is an event or single contractual engagement.