Showing 141–160 of 1807 results

The Power of Focus by Jack Canfield a...

KShs2,290.00 KShs1,999.00
The Power of Focus: How to Hit Your Business, Personal and Financial Targets with Confidence and Certainty The No1 problem that stops people getting what they want is lack of focus. Those that focus on what they want to achieve prosper, while those that don't struggle. In The Power of Focus, you'll discover the specific focusing strategies used by the world's most successful men and women. In this new, updated edition, you'll find out how to: • Focus on your strengths and eliminate everything that is holding you back • Change bad habits into habits that will make you debt-free and wealthy • Create an excellent balance between work and family life - without guilt! Your ability to focus will determine your future, so start now.

The Art of Thinking Clearly

KShs2,290.00 KShs2,190.00
In engaging prose and with practical examples and anecdotes, an eye-opening look at human reasoning and essential reading for anyone with important decisions to make. Have you ever: • Invested time in something that, with hindsight, just wasn't worth it? • Overpayed in an Ebay auction? • Continued doing something you knew was bad for you? • Sold stocks too late, or too early? • Taken credit for success, but blamed failure on external circumstances? • Backed the wrong horse? These are examples of cognitive biases, simple errors we all make in our day-to-day thinking. But by knowing what they are and how to spot them, we can avoid them and make better choices-whether dealing with a personal problem or a business negotiation; trying to save money or make money; working out what we do or don't want in life: and how best to get it. Simple, clear and always surprising, this indispensable book will change the way you think and transform your decision-making-work, at home, every day. It reveals, in 99 short chapters, the most common errors of judgment, and how to avoid them. ISBN:2147483647 Author:Rolf Dobelli

The 5 Levels of Leadership by John Ma...

KShs2,000.00 KShs1,799.00
True leadership isn't a matter of having a certain job or title. In fact, being chosen for a position is only the first of the five levels every effective leader achieves. To become more than "the boss" people follow only because they are required to, you have to master the ability to invest in people and inspire them. To grow further in your role, you must achieve results and build a team that produces. You need to help people to develop their skills to become leaders in their own right. And if you have the skill and dedication, you can reach the pinnacle of leadership-where experience will allow you to extend your influence beyond your immediate reach and time for the benefit of others. The 5 Levels of Leadership are: 1. Position - People follow because they have to. 2. Permission - People follow because they want to. 3. Production - People follow because of what you have done for the organization. 4. People Development - People follow because of what you have done for them personally. 5. Pinnacle - People follow because of who you are and what you represent. Through humor, in-depth insight, and examples, internationally recognized leadership expert John C. Maxwell describes each of these stages of leadership. He shows you how to master each level and rise up to the next to become a more influential, respected, and successful leader. ISBN:2147483647 Author:John C. Maxwell


The Power of Purpose: A Guide to Finding Your Life’s Mission is a transformative book that guides readers towards a purposeful life. Authored by an expert in personal development, this compelling work offers profound insights and practical tools for aligning one’s passions, skills, and values with their life’s mission. More than a book, it’s a personal compass illuminating the path to self-realization and fulfilment. The author’s depth of understanding shines throughout, igniting an internal spark guiding towards self-discovery and the unleashing of dormant potential. This guide promises to steer your life towards joy, meaning, and significant impact.

Life is like That, Power of life Cont...

KShs1,299.00 KShs1,199.00
Life is indeed a paradox, isn’t it interesting that one without education, background, connections or money is able to start and succeed in business with sheer power of determination a day at a time, month after month, year after year to the envy of many. It is also true those children of watchmen, drivers, messengers, farmhands, gardeners and cooks in a matter of time end up employing the children of their masters. Life is neutral it does not discriminate. If one is passionate, committed and determined to get the most out of life he surely gets it. If you procrastinate, whine, complain without accompanied action LIFE will also complain with YOU. IT IS YOUR CALL………TAKE IT!

Range by David Epstein

KShs1,990.00 KShs1,699.00
Brief Summary What's the most effective path to success in any domain? It's not what you think. Plenty of experts argue that anyone who wants to develop a skill, play an instrument, or lead their field should start early, focus intensely, and rack up as many hours of deliberate practice as possible. If you dabble or delay, you'll never catch up to the people who got a head start. But a closer look at research on the world's top performers, from professional athletes to Nobel laureates, shows that early specialization is the exception, not the rule. David Epstein examined the world's most successful athletes, artists, musicians, inventors, forecasters and scientists. He discovered that in most fields--especially those that are complex and unpredictable--generalists, not specialists, are primed to excel. Generalists often find their path late, and they juggle many interests rather than focusing on one. They're also more creative, more agile, and able to make connections their more specialized peers can't see. Provocative, rigorous, and engrossing, Range makes a compelling case for actively cultivating inefficiency. Failing a test is the best way to learn. Frequent quitters end up with the most fulfilling careers. The most impactful inventors cross domains rather than deepening their knowledge in a single area. As experts silo themselves further while computers master more of the skills once reserved for highly focused humans, people who think broadly and embrace diverse experiences and perspectives will increasingly thrive.

The Silva Mind Control Method by Jose...

KShs2,990.00 KShs2,500.00
The technique aims to reach and sustain a state of mental functioning, called alpha state, where brainwave frequency is seven to fourteen Hz. Daydreaming and the transition to sleeping are alpha states. Silva claimed to have developed a program that trained people to enter certain brain states of enhanced awareness. He also claimed to have developed several systematic mental processes to use while in these states allowing a person to mentally project with a specific intent. According to Silva, once the mind is projected, a person can allegedly view distant objects or locations and connect with higher intelligence for guidance. The information received by the projected mind is then said to be perceived as thoughts, images, feelings, smells, taste and sound by the mind. The information obtained in this manner can be acted upon to solve problems.

Why Men Love Bitches by Sherry Argov

KShs3,500.00 KShs2,990.00
Brief Summary Why Men Love Bitches: From Doormat to Dream girl—A Woman's Guide to Holding Her Own in a Relationship. Do you feel like you are too nice? Sherry Argov's Why Men Love Bitches delivers a unique perspective as to why men are attracted to a strong woman who stands up for herself. With saucy detail on every page, this no-nonsense guide reveals why a strong woman is much more desirable than a "yes woman" who routinely sacrifices herself. The author provides compelling answers to the tough questions women often ask: 1. Why are men so romantic in the beginning and why do they change? 2. Why do men take nice girls for granted? 3. Why does a man respect a woman when she stands up for herself? Full of advice, hilarious real-life relationship scenarios, "she says/he thinks" tables, and the author's unique "Attraction Principles," Why Men Love Bitches gives you bottom-line answers. It helps you know who you are, stand your ground, and relate to men on a whole new level. Once you've discovered the feisty attitude men find so magnetic, you'll not only increase the romantic chemistry—you'll gain your man's love and respect with far less effort.

The Leadership Challenge by Barry Pos...

KShs6,999.00 KShs6,790.00
The Leadership Challenge: How to Make Extraordinary Things Happen in Organizations For more than 25 years, The Leadership Challenge has been the most trusted source on becoming a better leader, selling more than 2 million copies in over 20 languages since its first publication. Based on Kouzes and Posner's extensive research, this all-new edition casts their enduring work in context for today's world, proving how leadership is a relationship that must be nurtured, and most importantly, that it can be learned. • Features over 100 all-new case studies and examples, which show The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership in action around the world • Focuses on the toughest organizational challenges leaders face today • Addresses changes in how people work and what people want from their work An indispensable resource for leaders at all levels, this anniversary edition is a landmark update and must-read.

Daring Greatly by Brene Brown

KShs1,990.00 KShs1,790.00
Brief summary Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead "It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; . . . who at best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly.” —Theodore Roosevelt Every day we experience the uncertainty, risks, and emotional exposure that define what it means to be vulnerable, or to dare greatly. Whether the arena is a new relationship, an important meeting, our creative process, or a difficult family conversation, we must find the courage to walk into vulnerability and engage with our whole hearts. In Daring Greatly, Dr. Brown challenges everything we think we know about vulnerability. Based on twelve years of research, she argues that vulnerability is not weakness, but rather our clearest path to courage, engagement, and meaningful connection. The book that Dr. Brown’s many fans have been waiting for, Daring Greatly will spark a new spirit of truth—and trust—in our organizations, families, schools, and communities. " " ISBN:9781592407330 Author:Brene Brown

How to Invest in Financial Markets by...

KShs799.00 KShs760.00
Brief summary Where and How to Invest Your Money Have you ever found yourself asking that question: "Where do I get money to invest?” Inn this book, Ken Monyoncho, author of How to Save Money for Investment, brings you startling new answers to your most pressing questions on financial investment. Did you know, for example, that it is possible to invest and get a return of over 30 per cent in one year? Read on! Do you sometimes worry that you haven’t made the right investment decisions? Or that you haven’t paid too much attention to your money and how to grow it? In an easygoing style, this book shows you that investing in the financial markets is not that complicated, after all. It gives you ideas and practical advise on how to make sensible financial choices and overcome inertia regarding expending your money for gain. In his signature straight talk, Ken Monyoncho proves yet again that the best ideas are simple as he conveys the basic rules of investing successfully, and how you can establish clear goals and live your dream. " " " ISBN:9789966003546 Author:Ken Monyoncho

The Ultimate Recipe for Wholesome Stu...

KShs1,000.00 KShs700.00
The Ultimate Recipe for a Wholesome Student is a must-have for every purpose-driven student. In a country where the importance of education cannot be overstated, the resource will also help with insights on how to set goals and achieve optimal grades for better career positioning. The academic, social and emotional needs of students are many and diverse. This book provides tips on learning and living, necessary for students across the board. To do so, the author begins by raising bold questions related to the learner’s thought process. He then presents practical solutions to these frequently asked questions (FAQs) through value-based approaches. The book encourages students to be responsible with their choices and actions in the realization of their dreams. It employs the slogan, “Be Your Best”. It uses the principles, language and attitude for academic and life excellence. Above all, the core of every message in the book emphasizes the divine role of God in the student’s life. “The book touches on fundamental issues in the student lives-well researched, genuine and practical suggestions to problems in the learners’ success process. A must read for every student.” ~ Mr. D. Muthee, Principal, Woodcreek School

Move On – Bounce Back from Life...

KShs1,000.00 KShs950.00
Even in Our best form, we are never quite prepared for the impact of misfortunes, catastrophes, accidents, or other life debilitating Setbacks. We drain our energies daily trying to prop our achievements and prevent our fortunes from caving in. We writh and wallow endlessly, when we encounter a multilitude of Setbacks, for they open us up to feelings of fear, inadequacy, failure and frustration. The Author Jacob T. Kaimenyi aims to spur you to fortify yourself not against failure or loss, but against becoming obsolete in the face of such circumstances, for it is the ability for a comeback in the event of foreseeable and unforeseeable Setbacks in your life that matters. The book also seeks to grant its readers the power to embrace the moral strength to confront the reality of their pain and loss., rise from the dust, reinvent themselves and give life another shot!

The Postponed Promise: Kenyas Quest f...

KShs700.00 KShs450.00
Brief Summary Dr. PLO- Lumumba has written a succinct "insiders" account of the constitution review exercise in Kenya. This short book will serve as a foretaste of what the author describes as the full blooded version to be released when a new Constitution is finally enacted.

Working Backwards Insights, Stories, ...

KShs2,700.00 KShs2,490.00
Colin started at Amazon in 1998; Bill joined in 1999. Their time at Amazon covered a period of unmatched innovation that brought products and services including Kindle, Amazon Prime, Amazon Echo and Alexa, and Amazon Web Services to life. Through the story of these innovations they reveal and codify the principles and practices that have driven the success of one of the most extraordinary companies the world has ever known, from the famous 14-leadership principles, the bar raiser hiring process, and Amazon’s founding characteristics: customer obsession, long-term thinking, eagerness to invent, and operational excellence. Through their wealth of experience they offer unprecedented access to the Amazon way as it was refined, articulated, and proven to be repeatable, scalable, and adaptable. Working Backwards shows how success is not achieved by the genius of any single leader, but rather through commitment to and execution of a set of well-defined, rigorously-executed principles and practices that you can apply at your own company, no matter the size.

The rules of work by Richard Templar

KShs2,990.00 KShs2,790.00
Brief Summary For some people, work's a breeze: they glide effortlessly through all the office politics and back stabbing, always saying and doing the right thing, getting raises, getting promotions, getting results. What do they know that everyone else doesn't? The rules of work. Those rules are surprisingly easy to learn -- and once you know them, they're equally easy to live by. Now, Richard Templar's brought them all together in one place: the quick, irreverent The Rules of Work: A Definitive Guide to Personal Success. Templar doesn't just show you how to LOOK more effective: he shows you how to BE more effective in today's workplace environments. Discover how to get ahead without compromising your principles; how to project the air of confidence and energy that wins respect; how to carve out a powerful niche for yourself; how to handle conflict without alienating the warriors; how to read your corporate culture; when to speak and when to remain silent; when to stay late and when to leave early; and how to capitalize on the key moments that can supercharge your career.

The Rational Male Preventive Medicine...

KShs3,390.00 KShs3,190.00
Building on the core works of The Rational Male – Preventive Medicine presents a poignant outline of the phases of maturity and the most commonly predictable experiences men can expect from women as they progress through various stages of life. Rational and pragmatic, the book explores the intergender and social dynamics of each stage of women's maturity and provides a practical understanding for men in dealing with women in those phases. Preventive Medicine also provides revealing outlines of feminine social primacy, Hypergamy, the 'Hierarchies of Love' and the importance of understanding the conventional nature of complementary masculinity in a world designed to keep men ignorant of it. The Rational Male – Preventive Medicine seeks to help men who "wish they knew then what they know now." The book is the first in of series complements to The Rational Male, the twelve-year core writing of author/blogger Rollo Tomassi from Rollo Tomassi is one of the leading voices in the globally growing, male-focused online consortium known as the “Manosphere”.

Limitless by Jim Kwik

KShs4,500.00 KShs4,190.00
Brief Summary Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock Your Exceptional Life. JIM KWIK, the world’s #1 brain coach, has written the owner’s manual for mental expansion and brain fitness. Limitless gives people the ability to accomplish more--more productivity, more transformation, more personal success and business achievement--by changing their Mindset, Motivation, and Methods. These "3 M’s” live in the pages of Limitless along with practical techniques that unlock the superpowers of your brain and change your habits. For over 25 years, Jim Kwik has worked closely with successful men and women who are at the top in their fields as actors, athletes, CEOs, and business leaders from all walks of life to unlock their true potential. In this groundbreaking book, he reveals the science-based practices and field-tested tips to accelerate self learning, communication, memory, focus, recall, and speed reading, to create fast, hard results. Learn how to: FLIP YOUR MINDSET Your brain is like a supercomputer and your thoughts program it to run. That’s why the Kwik Brain process starts with unmasking assumptions, habits, and procrastinations that stifle you, redrawing the borders and boundaries of what you think is possible. It teaches you how to identify what you want in every aspect of your life, so you can move from negative thinking to positive possibilities. IGNITE YOUR MOTIVATION Uncovering what motivates you is the key that opens up limitless mental capacity. This is where Passion + Purpose + Energy meet to move you closer to your goals, while staying focused and clear. Your personal excitement will be sustainable with self-renewing inspirations. Your mind starts strong, stays strong, and drives further exponentially faster. MASTER THE METHOD We’ve applied the latest neuroscience for accelerated learning. Our process, programs, podcasts, and products unleash your brain’s own superpowers. Finish a book 3x faster through speed reading (and remember every part of it), learn a new language in record time, and master new skills with ease. These are just a few of the life-changing self-help benefits. With Kwik Brain, you’ll get brain-fit and level-up your mental performance. With the best Mindset, Motivation and Method, your powers become truly limitless. ISBN:9781401958237 Author:Jim Kwik

His Needs Her Needs by Willard F Harley

KShs2,890.00 KShs2,390.00
Brief Summary How can couples experience a lifetime of passion and fulfillment in marriage? By identifying each other's most important emotional needs and developing habits to meet them. This is the basis for two books from best-selling author Willard Harley. Now it's easy for couples to learn together from these books--for the first time they can listen to five unabridged CDs of the widely popular His Needs, Her Needs, or to four unabridged audiotapes of Fall in Love, Stay in Love (read by the author). With these tools, spouses will learn about the Love Bank, how to cultivate passion, and how to resolve marital conflict. ISBN:9780800744236 Author:Willard F Harley

Good Vibes Good Life by Vex King

KShs2,990.00 KShs2,490.00
Good Vibes, Good Life: How Self-Love Is the Key to Unlocking Your Greatness. Be the best version of you that YOU can be. How can you learn to truly love yourself? How can you transform negative emotions into positive ones? Is it possible to find lasting happiness? In this book, Instagram guru Vex King answers all of these questions and more. Vex overcame adversity to become a source of hope for thousands of young people, and now draws from his personal experience and his intuitive wisdom to inspire you to: - practise self-care, overcome toxic energy and prioritize your wellbeing - cultivate positive lifestyle habits, including mindfulness and meditation - change your beliefs to invite great opportunities into your life - manifest your goals using tried-and-tested techniques - overcome fear and flow with the Universe - find your higher purpose and become a shining light for others In this book, Vex will show you that when you change the way you think, feel, speak and act, you begin to change the world.