Showing 1581–1600 of 1761 results

Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahn...

KShs1,990.00 KShs1,790.00
In the highly anticipated Thinking, Fast and Slow, Kahneman takes us on a groundbreaking tour of the mind and explains the two systems that drive the way we think. System 1 is fast, intuitive, and emotional; System 2 is slower, more deliberative, and more logical. Kahneman exposes the extraordinary capabilities—and also the faults and biases—of fast thinking, and reveals the pervasive influence of intuitive impressions on our thoughts and behavior. The impact of loss aversion and overconfidence on corporate strategies, the difficulties of predicting what will make us happy in the future, the challenges of properly framing risks at work and at home, the profound effect of cognitive biases on everything from playing the stock market to planning the next vacation—each of these can be understood only by knowing how the two systems work together to shape our judgments and decisions. Engaging the reader in a lively conversation about how we think, Kahneman reveals where we can and cannot trust our intuitions and how we can tap into the benefits of slow thinking. He offers practical and enlightening insights into how choices are made in both our business and our personal lives—and how we can use different techniques to guard against the mental glitches that often get us into trouble. Thinking, Fast and Slow will transform the way you think about thinking.

Asiyah A quest for self love

KShs999.00 KShs950.00
Brief Summary Asiyah, a twenty-two year old university student, is ready for love and eternal happiness. Being a rather simple girl herself, she decides to adopt the ways of her fashion-forward older sister, Zahra, for better chances to meet 'the one'-sounds simple, right? Not quite. Asiyah soon learns, through a series of heartbreak, disappointment and frustration that it takes courage and sincerity to find the soulful love she seeks. Searching for happiness therefore takes Asiyah on a challenging journey to acquire what she realizes is the most important prerequisite of happiness: self-love. Will Asiyah be able to look past all the imperfections she sees in the mirror and truly love herself? Or will the power of materialism and the desire for perfect beauty risk her chances of true happiness? Highlighting the importance of self-awareness along the winding road to happiness, Asiyah is the story of a woman growing into her own skin while balancing cultural expectations and personal beliefs. " ISBN:9780995819900 Author: Zainab Karim

Interview Success-Get the Edge

KShs995.00 KShs946.00
Quick and easy to use, Interview Success makes it easy to focus on the areas of importance from avoiding clichéd answers to dealing with intimidating interviewers! Are you facing a crucial interview and don't want to risk losing that job because you lack confidence or you think your interview skills aren't up to scratch? Whether you only have a few hours to prepare or a few weeks, Julie Gray will guide you through all the techniques and strategies you need to give yourself the edge in a competitive market. ISBN:2147483647 Author:Julie Gray

In the Loop & Up to Speed

KShs995.00 KShs946.00
In the Loop and Up to Speed uncovers the origins and meanings of many useful—and some not so useful—phrases that can be heard in the workplace and in everyday life. The bottom line is this: The workplace is a minefield of business jargon that people exchange on a daily basis, and it can all start to sound like everyone around you is speaking another language. So if you have ever wondered whether you have hit the glass ceiling or if a cubicle monkey will respond to mushroom management, become bogged down in the marzipan layer or are confused about what to do about the elephant in the room, this is the book for you. From indecipherable abbreviations and business terminology to buzzwords, motivational phrases, and more, In the Loop and Up to Speed uncovers the origins and meanings of many useful—and some not so useful—phrases that can be heard in the workplace and in everyday life, such as: ISBN:2147483647 Author: Caroline Taggart

Becoming Your Spouse’s Better Half

KShs1,850.00 KShs1,758.00
It's no secret that men and women are different. And it's no secret that they don't always get along because of these differences, even when they love each other. But having a successful marriage is not about finding the perfect person to marry. It's about loving someone in an unselfish, Christlike manner. Whatever we want out of marriage--unconditional love, forgiveness, passion--that is what we have to give to our spouse. Rick Johnson shows couples how to go beyond merely tolerating each other's differences to using those God-given differences to add spice and passion to their relationship. ISBN:2147483647 Author:Rick Johnson

Greatness Guide Book Two by Robin Sharma

KShs2,790.00 KShs2,390.00
Brief Summary Tired of playing small with your life? Feel like you were meant to be so much more? Ready to become spectacularly successful, breathtakingly effective and wildly fulfilled as you work and live at a level called extraordinary? Passionate, inspiring, provocative and full of big ideas that will get you to your ideal life faster than you’ve ever imagined, The Greatness Guide and The Greatness Guide, Book 2 are those rare books that truly have the power to release your potential and awaken your best self. Now in paperback, The Greatness Guide is a powerful and practical handbook that has inspired thousands to achieve world-class success in both their personal and professional lives. Robin Sharma’s dynamic personality and breakthrough ideas propelled him to bestseller status in Canada, with translations of this book in 21 languages in 15 countries. The Greatness Guide, Book 2 offers more of Robin’s inspiring anecdotes, tips and big ideas. Discover ideas to generate wealth and energy, tool kits for practical work–life balance, time-management techniques that really work, practical strategies to turn setbacks into opportunities and so much more. The Greatness Guide, Book 2 will uplift, energize and move you to action. Robin Sharma is known around the world as the man behind The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari phenomenon, the #1 bestselling series of inspirational books spun around the modern fable of a jet-setting lawyer who gives it all up to search for his best life. Leaders, top entrepreneurs and renowned organizations in over 40 countries have turned to Robin for his deeply insightful yet exquisitely practical advice on getting to greatness. Both The Greatness Guide and The Greatness Guide, Book 2 offer an insider’s look at the tools, tactics and techniques that have transformed so many of Robin’s clients.

Getting More

KShs1,295.00 KShs1,231.00
You're always negotiating. Whether making a business deal, talking to friends or booking a holiday, negotiation is going on. And most of us are terrible at it. Experts tell us to negotiate as if we live in a rational world. But people can be angry, fearful and irrational. To achieve your goals you have to be able to deal with the unpredictable. In Getting More, negotiation expert Stuart Diamond reveals the real secrets behind getting more in any negotiation - whatever more means to you. Getting More is accessible, jargon-free, innovative ... and it works. ISBN:2147483647 Author:Stuart Diamond

How to be Rich by Patricia Horan

KShs1,900.00 KShs1,600.00
Does your life include an abundance of riches and wealth? Are you living up to your full potential; mentally, physically and spiritually? If your answer to these questions is 'no' then How to be Rich could change your life and inspire you to chart a course to personal wealth, happiness and fulfilment. With choice excerpts from the writings of eleven of the world's great historical leaders in success, such as Napoleon Hill, How to be Rich provides proven wealth-attracting steps and strategies based on one basic idea: the key to everything is positive thinking. How to be Rich is a refreshing look at our thoughts, desires and actions and how we are moulding the circumstances of our life. Take control of your prosperity and let How to be Rich teach you how to acquire wealth and riches.

Giant Steps

KShs1,150.00 KShs1,093.00
WHAT GOOD IS INSPIRATION IF IT'S NOT BACKeD UP BY ACTION? Based on the finest tools, techniques, principles, and strategies offered in Awaken the Giant Within, bestselling author and peak performance consultant Anthony Robins offers daily inspiration and small actions -- exercises -- that will compel you to take giant steps forward in the quality of your life. From the simple power of decision-making to the more specific tools that can redefine the quality of your relationships, finances, health, and emotions, Robbins shows you how to get maximum results with minimum investment of time. ISBN:2147483647 Author:Anthony Robbins

Unlimited Power by Anthony Robbins

KShs1,999.00 KShs1,890.00
Brief Summary It's not about power over other people. It's about power over yourself! Yes, you can do, have, achieve, and create anything you want out of life. Anthony Robbins has proved it. Robbins, the undisputed master of the magic of mind power shows you in this audio program how to harness yours. He demonstrates -- passionately and eloquently -- that whatever you think will be, that your state of mind determines what you can and can't do, and that all successful results can be modeled and duplicated. His enthusiasm is contagious as he shows you how to:
  • Reprogram your mind in minutes to eliminate fears and phobias
  • Fuel your body with spectacular health and energy
  • Dramatically improve your interpersonal relationships
  • Become a persuasive communicator and create instant rapport with anyone you meet
  • Use the success of others to remodel yourself
  • Discover the five keys to wealth and happiness
  • Master the ultimate success formula
  • Robbins calls Unlimited Power the new science of personal achievement. You'll call it the best thing that ever happened to you.

Pure, White and Deadly

KShs995.00 KShs946.00
Sugar. It's killing us. Why do we eat so much of it? What are its hidden dangers? In 1972, when British scientist John Yudkin first proved that sugar was bad for our health, he was ignored by the majority of the medical profession and rubbished by the food industry. We should have heeded his warning. Today, 1 in 4 adults in the UK are overweight. There is an epidemic of obese six month olds around the globe. Sugar consumption has tripled since World War II. Using everyday language and a range of scientific evidence, Professor Yudkin explores the ins and out of sugar, from the different types - is brown sugar really better than white? - to how it is hidden inside our everyday foods, and how it is damaging our health. Brought up-to-date by childhood obesity expert Dr Robert Lustig M.D., his classic exposé on the hidden dangers of sugar is essential reading for anyone interested in their health, the health of their children and the health of modern society. ISBN:2147483647 Author:John Yudkin

I Am Right, You Are Wrong

KShs1,195.00 KShs1,136.00
In this trailblazing book, Edward de Bono shows why our most crucial problems cannot be solved by traditional Western thought with its rigid insistence on facts. Genuinely revolutionary--a synthesis of neuroscience, psychology, and philosophy--this work is bound to change the way we think. ISBN:2147483647 Author:Edward de Bono

That’s Not How We Do It Here

KShs1,295.00 KShs1,231.00
In their iconic bestseller Our Iceberg Is Melting, John Kotter and Holger Rathgeber used a simple fable about penguins to explain the process of lead­ing people through major changes. Now, ten years later, they’re back with another must-read story that will help any team or organization cope with their biggest challenges and turn them into exciting opportunities. Once upon a time a clan of meerkats lived in the Kalahari, a region in southern Africa. After years of steady growth, a drought has sharply reduced the clan’s resources, and deadly vulture attacks have increased. As things keep getting worse, the har­mony of the clan is shattered. The executive team quarrels about possible solutions, and sugges­tions from frontline workers face a soul-crushing response: "That’s not how we do it here!” So Nadia, a bright and adventurous meerkat, hits the road in search of new ideas to help her trou­bled clan. She discovers a much smaller group that operates very differently, with much more teamwork and agility. These meerkats have developed innova­tive solutions to find food and evade the vultures. But not everything in this small clan is as perfect as it seems at first. Can Nadia figure out how to combine the best of both worlds—a large, disciplined, well-managed clan and a small, informal, inspiring clan—before it’s too late? This book distills Kotter’s decades of experi­ence and award-winning research to reveal why organizations rise and fall, and how they can rise again in the face of adversity. ISBN:2147483647 Author:John Kotter & Holger Rathgeber

The Power Paradox

KShs1,399.00 KShs1,330.00
A revolutionary and timely reconsideration of everything we know about power. Celebrated UC Berkeley psychologist Dr. Dacher Keltner argues that compassion and selflessness enable us to have the most influence over others and the result is power as a force for good in the world. It is taken for granted that power corrupts. This is reinforced culturally by everything from Machiavelli to contemporary politics. But how do we get power? And how does it change our behavior? So often, in spite of our best intentions, we lose our hard-won power. Enduring power comes from empathy and giving. Above all, power is given to us by other people. This is what all-too-often we forget, and what Dr. Keltner sets straight. This is the crux of the power paradox: by fundamentally misunderstanding the behaviors that helped us to gain power in the first place we set ourselves up to fall from power. We can't retain power because we've never understood it correctly, until now. Power isn't the capacity to act in cruel and uncaring ways; it is the ability to do good for others, expressed in daily life, and itself a good a thing. Dr. Keltner lays out exactly--in twenty original "Power Principles"-- how to retain power, why power can be a demonstrably good thing, and the terrible consequences of letting those around us languish in powerlessness. ISBN:2147483647 Author:Dacher Keltner

Quiet Leadership

KShs1,450.00 KShs1,378.00
Improving the performance of your employees involves one of the hardest challenges in the known universe: changing the way they think. In constant demand as a coach, speaker, and consultant to companies around the world, David Rock has proven that the secret to leading people (and living and working with them) is found in the space between their ears. "If people are being paid to think," he writes, "isn't it time the business world found out what the thing doing the work, the brain, is all about?" Supported by the latest groundbreaking research, Quiet Leadership provides a brain-based approach that will help busy leaders, executives, and managers improve their own and their colleagues' performance. Rock offers a practical, six-step guide to making permanent workplace performance change by unleashing higher productivity, new levels of morale, and greater job satisfaction. ISBN:2147483647 Author:David Rock

Mindware:Tools for Smart Thinking

KShs1,195.00 KShs1,136.00
Learn how to think more effectively, at work and at home. Many scientific and philosophical ideas are so powerful that they can be applied to our lives at home and work and school to help us think smarter and more effectively about our behaviour and the world around us. Surprisingly, many of these ideas remain unknown to most of us. In Mindware, the world-renowned psychologist Richard Nisbett presents these ideas in clear and accessible detail, offering a tool kit for better thinking and wiser decisions. He has made a distinguished career of studying and teaching such powerful problem-solving concepts as the law of large numbers, statistical regression, cost-benefit analysis, sunk costs and opportunity costs, and causation and correlation, probing how best to teach others to use them effectively in their daily lives. In this groundbreaking book, he shows that a course in a given field--statistics or economics, for example--often doesn't work as well as a few minutes of more practical instruction in analyzing everyday situations. Mindware shows how to reframe common problems in such a way that these powerful scientific and statistical concepts can be applied to them. The result is an enlightening and practical guide to the most powerful tools of reasoning ever developed--tools that can easily be used to make better professional, business and personal decisions. ISBN:2147483647 Author:Richard Nisbett

The Great Divide

KShs1,099.00 KShs1,045.00
In the face of rising inequality in America, Joseph E. Stiglitz charts a path toward real recovery and a more equal society. A singular voice of reason in an era defined by bitter politics and economic uncertainty, Joseph E. Stiglitz has time and again diagnosed America’s greatest economic challenges, from the Great Recession and its feeble recovery to the yawning gap between the rich and the poor. The Great Divide gathers his most provocative reflections to date on the subject of inequality. As Stiglitz ably argues, a healthy economy and a fairer democracy are within our grasp if we can put aside misguided interests and ideologies and abandon failed policies. Opening with the essay that gave the Occupy Movement its slogan, "We are the 99%,” later essays in The Great Divide reveal equality of opportunity as a national myth, show that today’s outsized inequality is a matter of choice, and explain reforms that would spur higher growth, more opportunity, and greater equality. ISBN:2147483647 Author:Joseph E. Stiglitz

The Art of People by Dave Kerpen

KShs1,890.00 KShs1,490.00
What does it take to win success and influence? Some people think that in today’s hyper-competitive world, it’s the tough, take-no-prisoners type who comes out on top. But in reality, argues New York Times bestselling author Dave Kerpen, it’s actually those with the best people skills who win the day. Those who build the right relationships. Those who truly understand and connect with their colleagues, their customers, their partners. Those who can teach, lead, and inspire. In a world where we are constantly connected, and social media has become the primary way we communicate, the key to getting ahead is being the person others like, respect, and trust. Because no matter who you are or what profession you're in, success is contingent less on what you can do for yourself, but on what other people are willing to do for you. Here, through 53 bite-sized, easy-to-execute, and often counterintuitive tips, you’ll learn to master the 11 People Skills that will get you more of what you want at work, at home, and in life. For example, you’ll learn: · The single most important question you can ever ask to win attention in a meeting · The one simple key to networking that nobody talks about · How to remain top of mind for thousands of people, everyday · Why it usually pays to be the one to give the bad news · How to blow off the right people · And why, when in doubt, buy him a Bonsai

101 Bets You Will Always Win

KShs1,199.00 KShs1,140.00
What would you do if someone bet you they could balance a coin on the edge of a banknote, walk through a postcard, or make you move your limbs through the power of suggestion? Would you take that bet? From Richard Wiseman, the creator of the 350-million-view YouTube phenomenon, Quirkology, comes a thrilling mix of lateral thinking, magic tricks and scintillating science stunts which is sure to appeal to curious minds everywhere. Using only your body and everyday household objects, 101 Bets You Will Always Win is both a practical guide and illuminating exploration of the fascinating science that underpins these seemingly impossible challenges. ISBN:2147483647 Author:Richard Wiseman

One Plus One Equals Three

KShs2,000.00 KShs1,890.00
How do you make something out of nothing? One Plus One Equals Three goes straight to the heart of the creative impulse. Combining Dave Trott's disctinctive, almost Zen-like storytelling, humour and practical advice, its collection of provocative anecdotes and thought experiments are designed to light a fire under your own creative ambitions. From tales of 18th century Japanese samurai to classic battles between 'creatives' and 'suits' in the boardroom, these stories act as a rallying cry for individuals and businesses who want to think differently, stand out and challenge convention. Praise for Creative Mischief 'If only Dave had written this book thirty years ago it would have made my career a lot easier' Sir John Hegarty 'Dave Trott is not just a great copywriter, he is a great teacher. If you can't learn something useful from this bundle of wisdoms, go to the bottom of the class' Robin Wight (Founder of Engine) ISBN:2147483647 Author:Dave Trott