Showing 1–20 of 1934 results

Strategic Agility: The Dynamics of Un...

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
Corporate performance measure and evaluate how an entity achieves its objectives, delivers value to its stakeholders, and ultimately, succeeds in its mission. As such, performance serves as the yardstick for assessing the efficiency, effectiveness; and overall health of a given entity. On the other hand, strategic agility is the ability to quickly sense and respond to changes, adapt strategies, and seize opportunities in the changing environment. Agility serves as the capacity for an entity to redirect resources to create value; and it is a dynamic capability that confers competitive advantage and improves performance. The book contends that in an era characterized by rapid technological advancements and evolving market dynamics, the imperative for organizations to cultivate strategic agility has never been more pronounced. It further lays bare the significant gap in understanding how strategic agility through its various enablers- namely organizational culture, adaptive leadership, technological innovations, and strategic partnerships can effectively be harnessed to enhance performance of organizations, particularly within the public sector. In respect to unclaimed financial assets management in Kenya, the book highlights that the country’s designated regime managing agency, thus the Unclaimed Financial Assets Authority, ought to embrace strategic agility enablers with greater emphasis placed on organizational culture and steady investment in technological innovations (for instance digitalization), for it to realize enhanced corporate performance. By so doing, this has the greater chance of mitigating the commonplace performance crisis among similar organizations, despite high stakeholder expectations. This book shares about the intricacies of managing the unclaimed financial assets regime in Africa, highlighting the Kenya’s Unclaimed Financial Assets management as a case study. It underscores the principles of positioning a robust unclaimed financial assets regime in Africa and its implications for such institutional management on the national economies. When such calls to action are well responded to, then the chance of averting performance delivery challenges in such or similar institutions, within and beyond our time, space and geographies is plausible. Resultantly, institutions thrive, and economies prosper, thereby securing sustainable development.

HUNGER by Wanja Kavengi

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
Debut novel by Kenyan writer, Wanja Kavengi, which intimately and humorously captures the experience of lack and influences of society.

The Allure of the Forbidden by Reagan

KShs2,900.00 KShs2,500.00
From a peasant village boy to a renowned businessman, Justin is at the peak of his life and his family is top of his priorities. But who can understand the heart's treachery? Justin is unfulfilled in his marriage. En vogue, and adorning the latest trends, he looks young and longs for passion, while his wife Katelyn is old-fashioned. It takes infidelity with Gisela for him to realize the loneliness of lust and the happiness of true love from his wife. Katelyn discovers a bitter truth, a woman's inner beauty runs supreme, but this can be unappreciated without the outer beauty to accentuate it. Gisela is entrapped illogically because of her true feelings.

Ripples in the Pool by Rebeka Njau

KShs2,500.00 KShs2,000.00
Ripples in the Pool is a symbolic and powerful novel that delves into the tragedy and spiritual disconnection in rural

The University Drop-In: The Life of C...

“It has been a pleasure and great joy reading this autobiography. I often laughed and cried. I heard CJ speaking!”

Close Call in Mogadishu By Mark Agutu

KShs2,000.00 KShs1,500.00
Wednesday, May 4, 2005 had all the hallmarks of a wonderful day. The sun was up by 6am, peeking cheerfully over the Indian Ocean in the horizon, its rays kicking up beautiful sparkles in the watery expanse. This was meant to be a memorable day. The day new Prime Minister Ali Gedi would, in person, address the Somali people in a rally at the Mogadishu National Stadium. He had arrived in the battle-scarred city a few days earlier. The purpose of this trip was clear. He was to assess suitability of Mogadishu as the possible seat of the Somalia Transitional Federal Government (TFG) led by President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed when it relocates home from Nairobi. Gedi had spent the days following his arrival in energy-sapping whirlwind tours, meeting and negotiating with notorious warlords, determined to win heir backing for the new government. When the rally finally got going under a relentless midday sun it quickly turned into a festival, a colourful jamboree. The stadium heaved and pulsated with excitement, song and dance as the jubilant Somalis celebrated what they hoped was the arrival of a new dawn in their country, the dawn of peace and stability. Then, as Gedi was addressing the multitude, an explosion ripped through the stadium, bringing the event to a shuddering stop. When the dust finally settled, many lay dead, dismembered by the explosion, as scores of others writhed on the ground, fatally wounded. Gedi emerged unscathed and was whisked off to safety.

From Jomo to Uhuru, Rao’s Nine ...

KShs2,000.00 KShs1,500.00
From Jomo to Uhuru, Rao's Nine Lives: Reminisces of the Courage, Power and Intrigues that Shaped Kenya's Post -Colonial History by Sharad Rao, Ebs An Autobiography

My Struggle Prostate Cancer by Hon. J...

KShs3,000.00 KShs2,690.00
My Struggle Prostate Cancer by Hon. Joe Khamisi

My Leaking Roof wǒ de wūdǐng lòu shuǐ...

My leaking roof is a bilingual Chinese storybook suitable for young and adult learners in the beginners level 1-3. The story book will serve to encourage all learners of the language to pursue learning, appreciate different cultures as well as prepare students for Chinese language exams.

Of Musical Affairs by Mwangi Nyambura

KShs700.00 KShs600.00
Of Musical Affairs is the debut collection of Mwangi Nyambura. The Kenyan author has set out to captivate you with this witty, concise and perfect display of lyrical prose in this beautiful collection. From A Man Scorned to the eponymous Of Musical Affairs the author proves undoubtedly that a blend of music and fiction can never go wrong. The collection is a lyrical painting of life and the darker side of love and attraction. If imagination makes the writer, Mwangi certainly has much of it on display in this collection. A perfect synergy of music, fiction and men scorned by love, the collection promises you stories that will leave you wishing to be at a concert in Kenya or desiring even more stories from the author.

Behind The wheels: Changing teh Disab...

KShs2,000.00 KShs1,500.00
Behind The wheels: Changing the Disability Narrative by Harun Maalim Hassan

Defeating COVID-19 : In The African F...

KShs3,000.00 KShs2,500.00

Echoes of Valor by Dennis Mukolwe

"Explore the heart of the battlefield with 'Echoes of Valor,' where tales of bravery and sacrifice intertwine to showcase unparalleled heroism. Through gripping accounts of soldiers confronting danger and triumphing, the book captures raw emotions and indomitable spirit. These narratives go beyond war, delving into resilience, determination, and the pursuit of freedom and justice. Despite harsh realities like human trafficking and terrorism, hope emerges for a peaceful future. Readers are urged to find their inner hero and inspire change. Together, let's embrace a new era of unity and resilience."

City Murders by Ndũcũ wa Ngũgĩ

KShs800.00 KShs690.00
City Murders by Ndũcũ wa Ngũgĩ


KShs800.00 KShs690.00
When an Indian businessman, Vishal Mehta, is found murdered inside his garage in Tigoni, Limuru, Jack Chidi, an investigative reporter

Wanga Odyssey by Dennis Mukolwe

KShs1,000.00 KShs850.00
The Wanga Odyssey beckons readers to delve into our shared history, weaving together myths, legends, and cultures. Through meticulous research and respect for oral traditions, the author unveils a journey driven by a passion for history and adventure. Each chapter reveals a new facet of our past, highlighting the resilience and spirit of the Luhya Nation, with a focus on the Wanga people. Portraying the Wanga clan's migration as an epic journey filled with hope and resilience, this book bridges past and present, inviting readers to honor our ancestors' legacy and embrace the cultural heritage of the Luhya people. As we traverse the corridors of time, we pay homage to the enduring fortitude of the Wanga lineage and celebrate the vibrant mosaic of our cultural heritage. The book emphasizes that embracing traditional cultures is not just about preserving the past, but also about celebrating our identity and shaping our future with wisdom and pride. Through The Wanga Odyssey, the echoes of our past resonate with the promise of our future, revealing that understanding our history is crucial for gaining insight into our identity and destiny. Join us on this journey to unravel the mysteries of our heritage and discover the untold stories that shape our existence. The book also explores Luhya culture, folklore, traditions, myths, and transitional ceremonies, providing a comprehensive view of the rich cultural tapestry of the Wanga people.

Demystifying Youth and Relationships ...

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,100.00
Demystifying Youth & Relationships is a finely crafted masterpiece addressing challenges faced by the young generation in the contemporary society we are living in. The author, Dominic Musomba is an accomplished Youth Mentor and Conference Speaker. He blends real life situations with a Biblical touch to debark issues of healthy relationships, toxic relationships, behavior change as a result of peer pressure, sexual sins including LGBTQIA, handling rejection and recommends ways to overcome relationship challenges among the young people. The book is conceived with the idea of tackling the recent wave of unprecedented bizarre killings of young people in institutions of higher learning resulting from love gone sour and gullibility from love predators wooing our young girls into AIRBnB's and other secluded establishments only to hear of ransom demands and brutal murders. It is not in the interest of the author to allay any blame to the youth for messing up relationally, but to encourage them that it's possible to triumph over relationship challenges. The book is a useful resource tool for young people, parents, teachers, youth leaders, clergy and other stakeholders who bear the load of directing the young generation as they transition into adulthood.