Showing 881–900 of 1931 results

Mohamed Bakari Collected Essays Volume 3

KShs3,000.00 KShs2,500.00
Mohamed Bakari Collected Essays Volume 3

Mohamed Bakari Collected Essays Volume 2

KShs3,000.00 KShs2,500.00
Mohamed Bakari Collected Essays Volume 2

Mohamed Bakari Collected Essays Volume 1

KShs3,000.00 KShs2,500.00
Mohamed Bakari Collected Essays Volume 1

Single Motherhood Unplugged by Annema...

KShs1,500.00 KShs1,000.00
This a cool incisive look at what it takes to raise a child, without spousal support and with very few resources at your disposal. The nitty-gritty of child-rearing, dealing with your village, and growing as a person as you raise a person.


KShs300.00 KShs250.00
A thrilling story about a girl who found herself in the world of amazing animals


KShs300.00 KShs250.00
An exciting story book for children in grade three, four and five

Facing Mount Kenya: a Running Comment...

KShs1,200.00 KShs990.00
The book “Facing Mount Kenya” written by Kenya’s first President Jomo Kenyatta was used as the key anthropological thesis on which the culture of the Kikuyu tribe gains much of its insights. This running commentary contends that in reality, Facing Mount Kenya was used to wipe out and conceal the real histories of the Kikuyu’s and their true relationship with all the tribe-peoples of Kenya—including the Maasai Kingdom. This commentary also corrects a valid historical error regarding the true lineage of the Kikuyu and addresses The Elephant In The Room - the authoress states steadfastly that the Kikuyu peoples were a formidable, wealthy, warlike nation led by the 10 daughters of Mumbi – the Kikuyu were a strong, military Matrilineal Society. Of this, there is ample evidence. They were also matriarchal and Kikuyu women practiced Polyandry. The Daughters of Mumbi had vast land access and had social interaction, trade, and barter with the Kingdoms surrounding them - the Kemetian (Ethiopian) Kingdom to their immediate East, the Maasai Kingdom to their immediate North West and South, and to the Dahomey Kingdom (The Women Warriors) which stretched from the Atlantic Ocean through current DRC to the shores of Lake Nalubale in eastern Africa. This timeline is of a very near past of approximately 200 years ago. Note that all trade and interaction with these neighboring tribes ceased due to the vicious war invasion of the imperialist after the European tribes' agreement at the Berlin Conference. Facing Mount Kenya, a running Commentary is a healthy fast-paced read for those who are open-minded and eager to delve into the veracities regarding the (often incorrect) re-shaping of African history. The writing is intended as a conversation starter.

Otieno Achach Christian Konjra Alloo

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
Otieno Achach Christian Konjra Alloo


KShs1,000.00 KShs800.00
This is a book for those who desire to build an intimate relationship with God in the place of worship.

ZAKIIA a life sealed in fate by Prisc...

KShs1,900.00 KShs1,500.00
This is a tale of a young African woman trying to find herself, her passion and purpose in a complex society. Zakiia lives a life marked with pain, rejection, tragedy, abandonment, of loving and losing the ones she loves; reuniting only for them to leave yet again. Journey with her as she determines to find herself, fight to keep her family afloat and find love. Her unmatched tenacity will carry her through it all drawing hope from her supportive mum despite facing unfortunate tragedies in her life. Forever inspired, Zakiia paints the journey walked by countless young African ladies trying to figure it out and make something out of themselves. An ordinary story with ups and downs becomes her power and elevates her closer to her goal. Except, will fate snatch her dream, or will she conquer it all?

Her Esapades ~ by Najma Swaleh (drops...

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
Collection of poetry based on personal stories and issues affecting youths.


KShs1,500.00 KShs1,200.00
101 Impeccable Nuggets on Corruption is extraordinary. It is a collection of wise quotes carefully selected, structured and fully illustrated with well-thought-out diagrams to help deliver Anti-corruption messages in the simplest way possible, for simplicity is itself magic. The book dismantles territorial, cultural and religious barriers, as well as age and education limits. This book brings in fresh energy, ideology and dreams in the fight against corruption. It carries 101 lessons on Corruption. It's a profound gift for your loved ones. Your children will never get lost into a world gone mad with greed, selfishness and insatiable lust.

END OF CORRUPTION – And Answer ...

KShs1,500.00 KShs1,200.00
END OF CORRUPTION is a timeless treasure that publishes in-depth God's astonishing involvement in the fight against corruption. The book demonizes corruption. It takes the war on corruption from a scientific point of view to a spiritual point of view. The book has a rich uniqueness. It is dedicated to people of all tribes, faiths and nation. The book was endorsed by EACC Chairman and launched by The Chief Justice and The President of the Supreme Court of Kenya. THE END OF CORRUPTION IS FINALLY HERE!

Flowers Have Thorns

KShs800.00 KShs750.00
‘……...and remember to perfume the world with the scent of doing the right thing at the right time and in the right way.’ Lamech addressed his relocating son. Through his tremendous experience in various flower farms and life, he shares words of wisdom with his son in this arduous yet enlightening plot. The simple and important life lessons are heavily brought out through core programs and his interactions in the floriculture industry. This book mainly targets anyone longing to achieve their principal dream and goal; which is becoming the best student in one’s life.

The Re – inventing 2023 Journal

KShs2,500.00 KShs2,000.00
The Re - inventing 2023 Journal

Rise: The 4 Way Manifesto For Life an...

KShs2,000.00 KShs1,750.00
The 4- Way Manifesto For Life & Legacy

Re Invent by Dr Patricia Murugami

KShs2,000.00 KShs1,500.00
6 Pillars to Disrupt your Life

Pause by Dr. Patricia Murugami

KShs2,500.00 KShs2,000.00
Musing on Life, Love, Leadership & Legacy

Benga Maestro: The Life and Genius of...

KShs1,800.00 KShs1,500.00
'Benga Maestro' is told through the lenses of Dr. Osito Kalle, the string doctor, Dokta Waya, and lyrical cricket who plucks and chirps out wisdom, traditional aphorism, humour, and consolation, to "edutain" his audience. A viable offspring of the Victoria Jazz family, stemming from his mentor's Awino Lawi-led Victoria C, the Mabinju songbird has grown into a gallant ballad of his current Nabii Kings Band. Thus, Benga Maestro, narrates his Benga odysseys and magnanimously shares his foresight for music, its makers, and its consumers. It is a pleasurable exploration of both the kingly Kalle, and the benign world of Benga.

Miles on Stones. Odes on love and Rom...

Miles on Stones is a best rated poetic and prose love book. It explores the subject of love through a very humourous style that delivers with so much ease for all the readers. The Philosophical approach is also very gripping.