Showing 821–840 of 19425 results

BEST WIFE IN LIFE by Kevin Wanyonyi

KShs300.00 KShs250.00
A woman Will remain a woman

Jane With a Capital J by Jane Gichohi

Sometimes it seems like the only big things in your life are problems and responsibilities! In Jane with a Capital J you’ll find much to laugh at and think about as Jane shares stories from her life and how her life has been refined and redefined by the Capital J in her life, Jesus!

God, Why Can’t I Have A Baby by...

KShs1,200.00 KShs990.00
In God, Why Can't I Have a Baby? Jane Gichohi candidly shares how she navigated a vast and often times turbulent season of infertility and how her faith helped her remain steady in the midst if it all.

DESTINATION by Wambua Msembi

KShs1,400.00 KShs1,200.00
  1. "DESTINATION" is a Magnus opus that gives a profound principles and virtues an individual should bare in mind as they embark towards realization of their dreams. It also leverage sustainable logics and unparalleled intellect. It gives essential component necessary to arrive to the destination of their dreams. The book help the readers to discover how to embody the best qualities of epic knowledge and wisdom they need to have to realize their dreams. "destination" is truly an intellectual tour de force, worthy of it's exalted places among the literary elite.

999 reasons part one

KShs30.00 KShs29.00
  1. Best for boys and girls to learn more about life

Before The Devil Wakes Up

To you, trying to find your way from a dark corner. I hope this book lights your path to self discovery and grants you the grace to accept the you you meet on that journey.

Qwani 02

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
Qwani 02 is a collection of 72 different stories written by 60 writers, spanning various genres such as Flash Fiction, Film Reviews, Music Reviews, Poetry, Philosophy, Science, Short Stories and Sheng

Ngiri Mganga by Emmanuel kariuki

KShs400.00 KShs250.00
This animal story for children looks at the different ways that animals feed in the Savanna. During the wildebeests migration, eating is hard work for some but a picnic for others. It is full of useful lessons in a humorous style.

Soul Restructuring: Guide To A Life O...

KShs1,000.00 KShs950.00
The human soul, just like the mind and the spirit is a very complex component of our being as it’s the full integration of what makes us humans. Before God released the life-giving breath into man, the created human was not complete. It’s after God releasing His breath upon man that Adam became a living soul. The condition of the soul if therefore not aligned to the source can end up sabotaging our desire towards becoming all that God has in store for us. Soul Restructuring shares in depth insight on the exponential power of the human soul and why a lot of effort needs to be put into transforming it to be aligned to the source if its to perform to capacity. When the soul is left unattended to, its possible to have all manner of viles such as false beliefs, emotional traumas, negative experiences become a stronghold in the soul. Such automatically aligns one to the workings of the flesh and causes the flesh to be in control. God has called us to a life of the spirit with the word of God admonishing us to walk in the spirit so that we don’t submit to the dictates of the flesh. However, that becomes a struggle when the soul is not structured and the inherent adamic nature dealt with. When the soul is aligned to the flesh, the spirit becomes weakened and thus lacks the power to be in control which in turn hinders one from living a victorious life. One’s life instead becomes a rollercoaster of negative experiences, brokenness and such only makes one’s life to stagnate as the patterns of life keeps repeating. As the soul gets restructured, more depth gets cultivated as a person is able to align more to higher thoughts as we learn in the book of Philippians 4:8. Practicing the principles shared in this book will not only free you from the negative strongholds that are ingrained in the soul but it will also release you to ascend in God and in great unity with the Holy Spirit as you see deeper things of God and of life unfold to you. Ultimately, your life will be transformed to a more fulfilling and empowering one as your soul continues to prosper in the knowledge of Him who loves you!

Smash Through The Limits and Achieve ...

KShs600.00 KShs500.00
Every one of us has an intrinsic infinite ability to be successful in life, so long as one knows how to unleash the hidden power of the subconscious mind. The problem is that it is also in the subconscious mind where the limiting beliefs have been embedded, thus hindering us from actually making use of our abilities. In this book, the author sets a step-by-step program on how to overcome limiting beliefs and live a purposeful life of joy, prosperity and harmony. She also leads the reader in strategic ways of setting goals and what it entails to achieve them.

ROAD OF HOPE by Kevin Wanyonyi

KShs150.00 KShs100.00
Buy and learn more about love youthful praise and secret of life

Mind your Mind by Simon Wachira

KShs700.00 KShs600.00
Mental wellness is a state of well-being where a person realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community. It is the foundation for emotions, thinking, relationships, communication, learning, resilience and self-esteem. Mental illness to the contrary, is a mental disorder involving a depressed mood or loss of pleasure and interest in activities for long periods of time. It is characterised by feelings of worry, anxiety or fear and episodes of mood swings that are strong enough to interfere with one's daily activities. The pages in this book contain helpful insights that are well put together to assist you manoeuvre through the unforgiving journey of life maintaining mental wellness.

My Name is Maame: The bestselling rea...

KShs2,190.00 KShs1,890.00
Maame (ma-meh) has many meanings in Twi, but in my case, it means woman. What to say on a first date? Back pain in your mid-20s normal? Is it bad to cry at work? % of young people who are also carers? Meet Maddie Wright. She wants to wear a bright yellow suit. She wants to date men who her mother wouldn't like. She wants to stand up to her boss - once and for all. She wants to know why her father can't tell her he loves her. She wants to stop Googling every life choice she makes. But will the world let her? This is a story of heartbreak, friendship, and breaking the rules - it's a book that will leave you feeling braver than you were when you started.


KShs2,000.00 KShs1,790.00
ME, YOU, WE & Diversity: 47 magical ways locals and non-locals meet each other. No politics and no division, finally living and experiencing diversity in everyday professional and social life. We fear what we don't know. No matter what country or culture we come from or what color our skin is, we all have this primal fear of the unknown. This diffuse fear that we share is also the thing that separates us from one another. Hardly any other topic is as charged with such controversy, polarization, doubt and inhibitions as the topic of integration. With her book, 47 magical ways locals and non-locals meet each other, Susan Omondi sets out to overcome the rifts that divide us. Profound, touching and always humorous, the Kenyan-born author tells stories from her everyday life, raises awareness of racism and sheds light on the perspectives of both immigrants or “non-locals” and locals. As an author, keynote speaker, moderator and trainer, Omondi’s main focus is on diversity in the workplace and the great professional and human opportunities that come with overcoming our fears and prejudices. She lives out the motto: "When we engage with one another, magic happens". FOR LOCALS This book is right for you if you deal with the topics of diversity and integrity in your professional and social environment (we all do!) and want to act more confidently or simply want to be more open towards your fellow human beings. Without political polarization, it offers you everyday suggestions and food for thought for approaching the topic of diversity in a human and practical way. After all, racism affects us all. You will find: • Broadening of horizons and openness towards the world • Suggestions for open interaction with non-locals • Understanding for the challenge of integration • Knowledge of enrichment through immigration • Explanations of structural racism and everyday discrimination • Practical examples for everyday life • Foundations for new friendships, partnerships and thus more success in life FOR NON-LOCALS This book is right for you if you interact with integration and everyday racism on a daily basis (we all do!) because of your origin, your name or your skin color and want to be happy and successful in your new country. It provides effective and positive support to help you move from the role of being the victim to taking self-responsibility and becoming strong. In this book you will find: • Positive experiences in dealing with discrimination • Ways to develop your potential • Support for strengthening your self-confidence • Tips for demanding professional recognition and respect • Valuable tips to be yourself in a foreign environment • Understanding for your fear of losing your roots • Ways to fulfill your desire for integration No politics, no division - Susan Omondi captivates with stories from real everyday life, from real people. In 47 Ways, she explains the daily pitfalls of integration for locals and non-locals and how you can overcome them. With this book, you will finally unleash the full magic of diversity for your professional and social environment. Together we can become successful through diversity and integration!

Mucii ni Mucii

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
Mucii ni Mucii , written in Gikuyu one of Kenya's indigenous languages, is a moving story of a peasant girl who defies odds in her childhood to become one of the most prosperous people in the country. Starting in a background of biting poverty and an abusive father, Wahito drops out of school after her primary education and gets a low paying job after another. Meanwhile, evil clouds are hanging over her horizons. In her youthful naïveté, she lets of the man who truly loves her and falls into the old trap of being lured by a "use and dump" type who has loads of cash to spend. In the most confused phase, her young life takes a downturn after that; and she moves from one crisis to another, including being orphaned while still a single mother. But fate has other plans for her. She ends up with the man who was destined to be her soul mate. Together, they traverse a terrain full of many risks and barriers to realize the dreams of their lives. Through providence or destiny, it seems Wahito's life is forever intertwined with those of her girl friends. The story has a gripping climax with a lot of the unexpected happening. In the end, all (of almost all) the pieces of Wahitos' chequered life fall into place and she seems to lead an exciting, happy prosperous life. But then, one never knows what happens next in Wahito's life.


DIFFERENT BUT THE SAME is a book that will help children from around the world learn and appreciate incredible diversity, self love and tolerance. The message of the book is to help provide children with the support and confidence to be happy with themselves and within their own skin, regardless of their race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, disability etc. The book also gives a message that the most important thing is to love ourselves and that’s when we can be happy. It’s a book that builds confidence in children and encouraging them to be proud of themselves and that we are all different and unique in different ways but at the same time equal.

Kenya: A Bleeding Economy by Darren K

A diagnosis of the state of economic doldrums.


The history of People of African Descent (PAD) is a complex story in itself and lies at the center of the history of humanity. This book recounts the multiple realities People of African Descent experience in Poland. The process of migration of PAD had been voluntary and devoid of duress because Poland had no colonies in Africa. Their rational choice for coming to Poland is mainly due to cheap education. Considering that the majority of Africans coming to Poland wanted to pursue further education. The African continent for a long time attracted the interest of Polish people who, despite their geographical position at the far East of Europe and their non-involvement in colonial activities, have always been curious to know more about the distant and exotic to them, regions of the world. Their curiosity about Africa was satiated in the past hundred years or so by a number of scholars and journalists in the field and by travellers who wrote about their experiences. The drama that surrounds PAD’s co-existence with Polish community is worth a discourse: the process of transformation that PAD undergoes during their quest for integration, adapting to their new society and still face a hostile environment. The agony that People of African Descent experience in the hands of a specific group is unquestionable.


The beast: white supremacy is about variegated controversial topics on race relations. It delves into the world of White supremacy. It builds on the premise of race relations with the aim of confronting some of the prevalent elements of white supremacy, and to prompt a discourse on race relations. Moreover, this book helps to understand better and take the concept of white supremacy even deeper into a conversation by offering the historical and cultural context, and how they influence the contemporary society. What makes this book outstanding is how it connects the historical perspectives with their implications to the contemporary problems in race relations premised upon white supremacy, outlining various parentheses to validate the narratives.


With the increasing number of Africans in Europe and subsequent upsurge in intermarriages, there has been a rise of biracial children and adults in most countries in Europe who do not fit in the realm of society’s social stratum. Marriages transverse ethnic borders, rising in frequency, yet the cognitive debate on ethnicity, race, migration, and how these variables affect couples and their children from these interracial marriages is a serious hassle – love is not all you need in interracial marriage. This book therefore delves into the multiple realities of interracial marriages through personal narratives of those engaged in it and who go through it on a daily basis. I find that biracial individuals define their identities in different ways likewise; I also find that their parents define them in various ways too. Some biracial individuals are strongly attached to their Black racial identity, while others engage in contextual and situational racial identity work, in spite of how the society perceives them. Affinity to Blackness encompasses a lot of competing identities such as, gender, age, and exposure to non-Blacks. This book is also designed to understand how Black-white interracial parents categorize and reconcile their children’s racial identity. Moreover, the objective of this research book is to expose some of the approaches and strategies parents of biracial individuals convey to their children in order to influence or trivialise their racial identity. My aim in writing this book – using narratives from the parents with biracial kids and also biracial individuals themselves – is that when one reads this book about biracial children and individuals, parents of biracial children, and their position within society, it will unfold an amalgam of multiple realities and multidimensional levels of sense of belonging. The way society identifies individuals has a dramatic effect on everyone, particularly children. This research book starts by giving an overview of the concept of race as the perception of physical differences, and the research result on biracial individuals based on societal misrecognition, everyday challenges and their racial identity and sense of belonging. The book presents the research results on interracial marriage, looking at the multiple challenges that emanates from interracial marriage and how these parents cope with the dual identity of their children. It also delves into the discussion part on parenting as a micro-activism, racial socialization of biracial individuals, some tips in preparing children for encounter with racism and how to actively engage in the discourse on race issues. The outcome of the survey affirms the main themes related to interracial couples and how they apprehend and strategize for the survival of their biracial children.