Showing 11661–11680 of 19399 results

Christianity in Suriname: An Overview...

The purpose of this study is to give a survey of the history, a summary of the works of theologians and a guide to sources, about Christianity in Suriname.

Reconciliation and Peace in South Sud...

This work, carried out prior to the creation of The Republic of South Sudan, focuses on the Christian perspective on reconciliation and peace in South Sudan.

Communal Holiness in the Gospel of Jo...

The book focuses research on Ancient Near East viticulture to determine the context(s) of when the vine was used to refer to Israel in a covenant relationship with God. In this historical context the Johannine vine metaphor receives fresh meaning and relevance for the people of God.

Role of the Holy Spirit in Protestant...

Through highlighting the role and significance of the Holy Spirit in the whole divine action, this volume contends that pneumatology is not a dull theological locus, but rather an essential theological disposition relevant for today.

Mission Between the Times: Essays on ...

This revised version includes a new essay on the contemporary history of integral mission, a history that began with the Latin American Theological Fellowship, progressed within the Lausanne Movement, is bearing fruit globally through the Micah Network, and challenges evangelicals to address the major issues of our day.

The Transformation of African Christi...

This book seeks to engage in a systematic ecclesiological reflection on the extent to which the understanding and practice of “church” have changed during one and half centuries of Christianity in Nigeria with the purpose of providing pastors and practitioners with an interpretive framework for a contextual yet a biblical way of doing church as Nigeria moves into the future.

The Theology of the Land in Amos 7-9

In Amos the language about land is used extensively. However this subject of the land has never been studied as a topic in its own right, only as part of other themes. This work follows a synchronic reading of Amos and employing textual, literary and historical criticism the author carries out a careful analysis of the land. Although the findings are set in the context of the entire book, the study focuses on chapters 7-9 to explore the topic closer.

Theology of Reconciliation in the Con...

Built on an in-depth analysis of three Palestinian church splits, this text examines the cultural and theological implications of intra-church conflict in Arab evangelical communities in Israel. Translating Miroslav Volf’s formative theology of reconciliation into her contemporary Palestinian context, Dr Mansour provides an evaluation of both Volf’s theory and Palestinian peacemaking models. Through her research and analysis, she develops a Middle Eastern theology of reconciliation and encourages congregations around the world to develop greater cultural and theological awareness.

A Theological Examination of Symbolis...

Ezekiel holds true to the prophetic tradition in his use of symbolic sign-acts, particularly the shepherd metaphor found in chapter 34. Addressing the subject of failed leadership in secular and sacred domains, the author points to Ezekiel’s use of symbolism and the shepherd motif to show what society stands to lose under bad leadership and governance.

A Study of the Emergence and Early De...

Uayan weaves the story of six churches in the Philippines into the local history of their individual settings. Uayan presents a rich and previously unacknowledged heritage and support from US mission organisations from 1898–1946. The seeds sown in Chinese communities across the Philippines resulted in indigenous churches that are bearing fruit in missionary activity in China. This is an important contribution towards a global church history.

A Study of Current Leadership Styles ...

Indigenous church leadership is a new phenomenon in North Africa. Until recently, non-Muslim background believers were the only leaders of churches in this region. With the current growth of national churches there are increasingly more leaders from a Muslim background leading to a diverse range of leadership styles. This publication explores church leadership in North Africa, investigates common values, beliefs and cultures among church leaders.

The Structure and Function of the Pro...

Yohannes Sahile tackles the problem of Judges’ prologue, proposing that it is a single introduction with a narrative trajectory that begins with the death of Joshua. Judges 1:1–3:6 is often understood as a double introduction to the book, but here Dr Sahile presents a well-argued alternative. He thoroughly dissects the passage in question, adding to ongoing scholarship of Judges and bringing new insight to our understanding of the development of the nation of Israel in the Promised Land.

Sermon Listening: A New Approach Base...

The purpose of preaching has always been to edify, encourage, and emphasize the positive effects of coming together as a people of God. Yet there remains an inconsistency between the intended goals of preaching and the subjective perception of the listeners. In this homiletical study, Dr. Enoh Šeba provides fresh insight into the “turn to the listener” model and offers a theologically sustainable warrant mandate for the transformation of the preaching practice through a stronger involvement of the congregation.

Revelation and Grace: A Critical Appr...

Our globalized world, with its increasingly pluralistic societies, necessitates a theological framework that enables Christians to embrace their neighbors without compromising the essential components of their own faith. In this book, Dr. Djung explores the ways in which Hendrik Kraemer’s theology of religions offers the church such a framework. By placing Kraemer in conversation with other twentieth-century Dutch Reformed theologians, Dr. Djung allows the doctrine of revelation and grace to inform his interpretation of Kraemer’s work.

The Practice of Mission in Egypt: A H...

Most of the historical mission studies focus on the work of Western missionaries going to Majority World countries. Few studies have examined the indigenous churches and their relationship with Western mission agencies in practising missions. This book is a historical study of the interaction between the American Presbyterian Mission and the Evangelical Church in Egypt.

The Philippine Council of Evangelical...

Go presents the growth of evangelicalism in the Philippines from 1898 to 2000, looking at the formation of the Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches and motivating factors of founding members. Go brings insights on the impact that American issues had on the Philippine church. Through detailed explanation of the interaction and influence of the modernist/liberal, fundamental, and evangelical movements in shaping Philippine Christian history, this study addresses the reason for a lack of unity in the Philippine church.

The Pharisees in Matthew 23 Reconsidered

Layang defends and analyses the view that the actions of the Pharisees, and the condemnation they receive in Matthew 23 are consistent with the context of Jesus’s time on earth. Layang tackles the dating controversy of the Pharisees in this chapter and the chapter's subsequent authenticity. An interesting and in-depth study that credits Matthew 23 as historically reliable and authoritative as part of the Word of God, giving a convincing counter-argument to recent critical thought.

The Perilous Sayings: Interpreting Ch...

Dr Amos Winarto Oei brings fresh clarity and understanding of the antitheses of Jesus from the Sermon on the Mount. Providing a thorough evaluation of key historical and contemporary interpretations of Matthew 5:21–48 from notable theologians, Oei illustrates the unity surrounding the teachings of Jesus, even among disparate denominational traditions.

Interpersonal Reconciliation between ...

In this Sri Lankan case study, Dr Mano Emmanuel examines the specifics of interpersonal conflict within a shame-oriented culture. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, she incorporates cultural anthropology, missiology, and communication studies into her analysis, identifying seven aspects of culture that must be addressed if reconciliation is to be fully experienced in the Sri Lankan church.

The Impact of Ethnic, Political, and ...

This publication seeks to challenge established thinking about the causes of violence in Northern Nigeria. It explores immediate and long-term effects of that violence through reflection, study, and survey of previous research. The fundamental argument within is that ethnic, political and religious violence has affected Christian perspectives and core values and thus has hampered efforts towards just peacemaking.