Showing 11801–11820 of 19406 results

Unashamed Servant-Leadership

Dr Rajagopal’s rigorous examination of the Asian social, cultural and theological context in relation to women in Christian leadership builds a strong platform for their stories from across Asia to resound off the pages of this book. This thorough study not only illuminates the Asian context but is eminently transferable to other parts of the Majority World and the West in pursuit of releasing women into their gifting from God.

African Voices: Towards African Briti...

This publication explores the significant presence of African Christianity in Britain. It is a unique expression of theology from African Christians, contextualizing the gospel for a multicultural British society. Under three key areas of missiology, contextual constructive theology and transformative practical theology the contributors interact with topics such as reverse missiology, African pneumatology, prosperity gospel, and urban mission, rigorously examining new contexts of Christianity and articulates new theological perspectives that are required to understand twenty-first-century ministry.

Theological Models of the Doctrine of...

Dr Kombo brings a unique and valuable contribution to understanding the Trinity and how God can be understood within the context of any culture and language. He recognises and brings into focus God’s self-presentation in Scripture. Kombo interacts with how various traditions viewed God and their interpretation of the Trinity including a distinctly African view of God from the Luo language tradition, and emphasises the benefits of considering alternative models of interpretation from various regions of the world.

Reincarnation, Oblivion or Heaven?: A...

In this study, Dr Bobby Bose not only develops a solid biblical theology of death, he also reviews the teachings of contemporary and historical Christian theologians around the world, and examines the “state-after-death” beliefs of Hindus, Muslims and Secular Humanists.

Mission Drift?: Exploring a Paradigm ...

The author analyses several aspects that can cause “mission drift” and highlights some of the practical challenges related to combining social action and the proclamation of the gospel to avoid this with respect to the objectives of Christian integral mission. The viability of this new mission concept is tested with special reference to specific microfinance operations as a platform for social action in the Philippines and Thailand.

Imaginative Preaching: Praying the Sc...

This book explores what is possible when the Scripture to be preached is prayed through the agency of two ancient prayer disciplines: lectio divina and Ignatian Gospel Contemplation. Through the experiences of eight vocational pastor-preachers this study tracks the difficulties, discoveries and delights as they commit to utilizing these prayer disciplines as part of their regular sermon preparation.

Mission without Conquest: An Alternat...

Almost sixty years ago, the Mennonite missionary team working in the Argentine Chaco decided to look for ways to be effective in their ministry while being faithful to Jesus’ lifestyle and teaching. They found an alternative missionary style of walking alongside those they worked with, giving priority to the integrity of the local people. This is a historical narrative of how the Toba Qom people of the Argentine Chaco followed Jesus’ way from the time of their conversion.

Reading Romans at Ground Level: A Con...

Many pastors in the provincial towns and rural villages of Malawi struggle to find practical relevance in the letter to the Romans. This book uses field research to characterize pastoral ministry and shows that Malawian pastors mostly use individual verses from Paul’s letter within inductive needs-driven sermons or gospel calls for conversion. A three-horizon contextual approach is used to investigate how the letter might be applied biblically to address contemporary African socio-cultural and pastoral issues.

Making Disciples in Africa: Engaging ...

With two-thirds of sub-Saharan Africa professing to be Christian it should be a concern to all Christians that the biblical worldview has had little impact on the shaping of contemporary African culture. In this book Jack Chalk analyses the belief systems of the worldviews that are based on Christianity and African Traditional Religion.

Taking Up the Mantle: Latin American ...

Salinas helps the reader understand the development of Latin American evangelical theological thought over the past hundred years. Salinas challenges new generations to pick up the task of contextually living out the biblical message, learning from the example of the godly men and women that came before them. From the Panama Congress of 1916 to the end of the millennium, this book introduces us to figures from the Latin American church and encourages us to continue their legacy today.

The Story of the Church in South Africa

Roy provides comprehensive, succinct historical analysis with sympathy and honesty. He does not shy away from failures and sins of the participants in this story of South Africa. This book is a testimony of divine love and patience in the midst of human folly and frailty as well as successes and faithful service to God.

Partnership Theology in Creative Acce...

Partnerships in mission are grounded in relationships, relationships that flow from the Trinity and are manifested in the purpose of God, the body of Christ, the gifts of the Spirit, and the church. Through this book the body of Christ will be encouraged to strengthen cooperation and collaboration in the accomplishment of the Great Commission, and achieve far more in partnership than could be done in isolation.

Leadership Training in the Hands of t...

The church is a contextualized reality, and if it is to flourish, its leaders must be raised up to serve their own communities. Yet our very techniques for teaching and learning are culturally defined. If the church is to be effective in developing the leaders it needs, our approach to training must be informed by its local context. Joseph Nehemiah combines sound pedagogical research with rich cultural insight to provide a framework for training leaders in an Arab context.

Integrity in Nigerian Politics: An In...

"Secular humanism has taken the world by storm – including the realm of African politics. Rooted specifically in Nigeria’s political history, and the social, religious, and economic challenges it has faced, this study explores the role of integrity in practical politics and the implications of its neglect. Dr Aghawenu demonstrates that it is ineffective, impractical, and ultimately dangerous to ignore the ethical insights Christianity has to offer the political realm."

From Theology of Transparency to Theo...

The Egyptian church has long existed as a minority within a nation dominated by the political, religious, and cultural power of Islam. In this book, Andrea Zaki Stephanous explores the complex relationship that exists between the church and the Egyptian state, tracing the impact of recent political, theological, and societal developments on Christian engagement with broader Egyptian society.

Authentic Forgiveness: A Biblical App...

"Authentic, biblically based forgiveness is a gift that God offers to humanity so that hurt can be healed, the cycle of retaliation broken, a painful past soothed, and estranged relationships reconciled and restored. Dr John Tran explains how forgiveness in both Western and Chinese cultures differs from the practice outlined in God’s word. Combining biblical and theological understanding with practical strategies for local church ministry, Tran offers an inspiring paradigm of action for Christians in urban Asian contexts and beyond."

Seeking a City with Foundations: Theo...

More than half the people in the world live in cities, including a growing number of megacities with populations exceeding ten million people. This trend means that an understanding of urbanization must be an urgent priority for Christian theology and mission across the globe. This updated edition of Seeking a City with Foundations, with an additional chapter, explores Christian responses to the city, ranging from rejecting the urban as evil, to embracing it as being central to God’s redemptive purposes.

Salvation Belongs to Our God: Celebra...

Christopher J. H. Wright considers the amazing promise in the picture painted here: that God is gathering together a people from every tribe, people and language, delivering them from evil in fulfilment of the Scriptures.

Hope for the World: The Christian Vision

In this clear and accessible survey, which incorporates Asian perspectives, Roland Chia shows how Christian hope presses beyond the limits of both secular and religious world-views and confronts the reality of pain, suffering and death in the light of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Evangelical Truth: A Personal Plea fo...

John Stott’s masterly distillation of sixty years’ reflection on Christian discipleship ranges over the history of the church and its formative teachings, as well as the world-wide church today. This edition of Evangelical Truth contains The Cape Town Commitment, a document produced by The Lausanne Movement faithfully reflecting the proceedings of The Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization.