Showing 561–580 of 1281 results

Destruction of Black Civilization Gre...

KShs4,000.00 KShs3,399.00
Brief Summary The Destruction of Black Civilization took Chancellor Williams sixteen years of research and field study to compile. The book, which was to serve as a reinterpretation of the history of the African race, was intended to be ""a general rebellion against the subtle message from even the most 'liberal' white authors (and their Negro disciples): 'You belong to a race of nobodies. You have no worthwhile history to point to with pride. The book was written at a time when many black students, educators, and scholars were starting to piece together the connection between the way their history was taught and the way they were perceived by others and by themselves. They began to question assumptions made about their history and took it upon themselves to create a new body of historical research. The book is premised on the question: If the Blacks were among the very first builders of civilization and their land the birthplace of civilization, what has happened to them that has left them since then, at the bottom of world society, precisely what happened? The Caucasian answer is simple and well-known: The Blacks have always been at the bottom."" Williams instead contends that many elements—nature, imperialism, and stolen legacies— have aided in the destruction of the black civilization. The Destruction of Black Civilization is revelatory and revolutionary because it offers a new approach to the research, teaching, and study of African history by shifting the main focus from the history of Arabs and Europeans in Africa to the Africans themselves, offering instead ""a history of blacks that is a history of blacks. Because only from history can we learn what our strengths were and, especially, in what particular aspect we are weak and vulnerable. Our history can then become at once the foundation and guiding light for united efforts in seriously planning what we should be about now."" It was part of the evolution of the black revolution that took place in the 1970s, as the focus shifted from politics to matters of the mind.

Known and Strange Things Essays by Te...

KShs1,799.00 KShs1,710.00
Brief Summary With this collection of more than fifty pieces on politics, photography, travel, history, and literature, Teju Cole solidifies his place as one of today’s most powerful and original voices. On page after page, deploying prose dense with beauty and ideas, he finds fresh and potent ways to interpret art, people, and historical moments, taking in subjects from Virginia Woolf, Shakespeare, and W. G. Sebald to Instagram, Barack Obama, and Boko Haram. Cole brings us new considerations of James Baldwin in the age of Black Lives Matter; the African American photographer Roy DeCarava, who, forced to shoot with film calibrated exclusively for white skin tones, found his way to a startling and true depiction of black subjects; and (in an essay that inspired both praise and pushback when it first appeared) the White Savior Industrial Complex, the system by which African nations are sentimentally aided by an America "developed on pillage.” Persuasive and provocative, erudite yet accessible, Known and Strange Things is an opportunity to live within Teju Cole’s wide-ranging enthusiasms, curiosities, and passions, and a chance to see the world in surprising and affecting new frames. ISBN:9780812989786 Author:Teju Cole

Great Migrations Official Companion t...

KShs2,999.00 KShs2,850.00
Brief Summary At a riverbank in Africa's Serengeti, thousands of migrating wildebeest try desperately to cross as terrifying crocs feast on the galloping herds--which must attempt the river for a chance at survival. In the Falkland Islands, the albatross--king of migrations--journeys thousands of miles to nest despite the deadly cara cara, a predatory raptor. For countless animals species, migration is a dramatic, dangerous, and crucial that is portrayed in vivid color and unflinching candor in this magnificent book, companion to the 7-hour HD epic television event from National Geographic which airs beginning on Sunday, November 7th, 2010. The book follows the sequence of the film, with each section highlighting a factor that makes these epic journeys essential. "The Need for Speed" documents migration as a race against time, in which freezing temperatures or scorching heat usher in a crisis. Incredible photographs document activity along the Mississippi Flyway, which teems with long-distance travelers: red-winged blackbirds, white pelicans, tundra swans, and the birds of prey that patrol the skies. In "The Need to Feed," the annual search for greener pastures means life must go on the march as hungry predators lie in wait. Dramatic stills show as many as 40,000 walrus trying to evade 200 polar bears...and a jungle terrorized by nature's perfect killer: millions of voracious ants that work as one to overwhelm other species. "The Need to Lead" explains that migrations need generals, admirals and pioneers. How well the leaders keep their charges in line and on track will determine a species' fate. And in "The Need to Breed," the drive to renew the species forces every generation to risk it all. We experience the Falkland Islands, where aggressive, multi-ton elephant seals battle for the right to breed, and the lush rain forest canopy, where primates gather to feed and mate while smaller creatures glide from tree to tree. In every instance, both the migrating herds and the predators they sustain are faced with a new threat: global climate shift. Safe havens are vanishing, and migrating animals must stay one step ahead of a changing planet. Their struggle to survive despite mounting odds, set against the incomparable beauty of the natural world, fills this magnificently photographed book with drama, fascination, and beauty. ISBN:9781426206443 Author:K M Kostyal

Obama An Intimate Portrait The Histor...

KShs5,199.00 KShs4,940.00
Brief Summary This is the definitive visual biography of Barack Obama's presidency, captured in intimate, unprecedented detail by his official White House photographer. Pete Souza began photographing President Obama on his first day as a U.S. senator, in January 2005, and served as the chief official White House photographer for the President's full two terms. Souza was with President Obama more often, and at more crucial moments, than any friend or staff member, or even the First Lady--and he photographed it all. Souza captured nearly 2 million photographs of Obama, in moments ranging from classified to disarmingly candid. This large-format (12"x10"), exquisitely produced book presents more than 300 of Souza's favorite and most iconic images from these historic years; many have never been seen before. This seminal work on the Obama presidency documents moments of national importance--including the historic image of the President and his advisors watching tensely in the Situation Room as the Bin Laden mission unfolded--alongside unguarded moments with the President's family, his many encounters with children, and his time spent interacting with world leaders, members of Congress, White House staff, artists, musicians and more. The photographs are paired with captions and stories providing behind-the-scenes context for each, and offer insight into the special relationship Souza and the President forged during their time together. The result is a stunning record of a landmark era in American history. Souza's work enabled us to feel that we knew the President. This book puts us in the White House with him. ISBN:9780316512589 Author:Pete Souza

Desertion by Abdulrazak Gurnah

KShs1,990.00 KShs1,700.00
In 1899, an Englishman named Martin Pearce stumbles out of the desert into an East African coastal town and is rescued by Hassanali, a shopkeeper whose beautiful sister Rehana nurses Pearce back to health. Pearce and Rehana begin a passionate illicit love affair, which resonates fifty years later when the narrator’s brother falls madly in love with Rehana’s granddaughter. In the story of two forbidden love affairs and their effects on the lovers’ families, Abdulrazak Gurnah brilliantly dramatizes the personal and political consequences of colonialism, the vicissitudes of love, and the power of fiction.  

All the Good Things Around Us by Ivor...

KShs1,799.00 KShs1,710.00
Brief Summary "This collection edited by Ivor Agyeman-Duah is an important and timely publication that brings together bright voices comprising budding and accomplished African writers under one roof. The collection is dynamic and engaging in covering different experiences within Africa and its Diaspora. There are stories of harrowing experiences that document human interaction that are emotionally charged and full of pain and sadness. However, there are also several life-affirming narratives throughout the collection that give hope to the possibilities of human bonding in multiple and appealing ways and bear testimony to the ultimate power of human goodness. The writers are skilled artisans who display their dexterity in the way that they deploy language and images to engage their readers’ attention and imagination." ISBN:9780992843663 Author:Ivor Agyeman Duah

Africans and Their History by Joseph ...

KShs1,899.00 KShs1,805.00
Brief Summary Africa has witnessed the birth of many important developments in history. Human evolution, including the use of fire, food production via plant cultivation and animal domestication, as well as the creation of sophisticated tools and hunting weapons from iron took place in Africa. Other historical events such as the slave trade, which played a critical role in Western economic power, the rise of Islam as one of the world’s dominant religions, and colonization and struggles for independence occurred on African soil. Africans and Their History chronicles in fascinating detail African history from prehistoric times through the present. This concise and authoritative overview of the diverse peoples and societies of Africa now covers recent events, including the emergence of a free South Africa and its landmark enactment of a constitution that recognizes even more rights than the American constitution. The dynamic history and the relationship Africans have with the rest of the world is revealed in Africans and Their History, exposing and shattering ugly stereotypes that for too long have dominated Western thought. Africans and Their History has been updated to reflect the past decade of African events. Ever growing number of African Studies departments on college campuses insures a constant audience for this book. Africans and Their History has a long and steady backlist life--first published in 1972. ISBN:9780452011816 Author:Joseph E Harris

In the Jaws of the Crocodile by Ray N...

KShs1,899.00 KShs1,805.00
Brief Summary It is impossible to understand recent political events in Zimbabwe without insight into the role of Emmerson Mnangagwa. The fall of Robert Mugabe and the inauguration of Emmerson Mnangagwa as Zimbabwe’s new president in November 2017 were events that no one could have predicted. Just three weeks earlier, Mugabe had sacked Mnangagwa as vice-president, a move that seemed to end the long political career of the man known as ‘The Crocodile'. In the Jaws of the Crocodile tells the gripping story of how Mnangagwa fled Zimbabwe in fear for his life, and of his brief exile in South Africa, where he declared to Mugabe that he would return ‘in a matter of weeks’ to take control of the levers of power. It describes the military intervention against Mugabe and his allies, analyses the sudden power shift within Zanu-PF, and gives an eyewitness account of the mass demonstrations as people took to the streets to demand an end to Mugabe’s rule. It describes Mnangagwa’s return to Zimbabwe to take over the presidency, and concludes with an account of the disputed 2018 election. Drawing on interviews with Mnangagwa, his family, allies and opponents, and key political figures, this book gives unprecedented insights into the momentous events that changed the fate of a nation. ISBN:9781776093496 Author:Ray Ndlovu

Of pawns and players by Kinyanjui Kom...

KShs800.00 KShs690.00
Kinyanjui Kombani’s newest novel Of Pawns and Players is now available for pre-order. This is the third novel from the Nairobi, Kenya based author popularly known as the "banker who writes”. Kinyanjui Kombani is a Kenyan novelist, playwright, scriptwriter, and literature activist. He burst onto the scene in 2004 with his debut novel The Last Villains of Molo one of the few pieces of art that have been produced about Kenya’s first post-election crisis in 1991. We loved it. He followed in 2013 with Den of Inequities a book that follows a killer gang in Nairobi that we also loved. Apart from fiction for adults, he wrote two books for children in 2007 Wangari Maathai: Mother of Trees a biography of Kenya’s Nobel Peace Prize laureate Wangari Maathai and We Can Be Friends: Theme, Spread of HIV/AIDS. He also wrote a Young Adult book called Finding Columbia which won the Burt Award for Young Adult Literature in Accra, Ghana last year. The author’s new novel Of Pawns and Players tackles the underground world of betting in the simple and humorous narrative style that has made him a household name in contemporary fiction.  

How Europe Underdeveloped Africa by W...

KShs2,590.00 KShs2,250.00
The decisiveness of the short period of colonialism and its negative consequences for Africa spring mainly from the fact that Africa lost power. Power is the ultimate determinant in human society, being basic to the relations within any group and between groups. It implies the ability to defend one's interests and if necessary to impose one’s will by any means available. In relations between peoples, the question of power determines maneuverability in bargaining, the extent to which a people survive as a physical and cultural entity. When one society finds itself forced to relinquish power entirely to another society that in itself is a form of underdevelopment. Before a bomb ended his life in the summer of 1980, Walter Rodney had created a powerful legacy. This pivotal work, How Europe Underdeveloped Africa, had already brought a new perspective to the question of underdevelopment in Africa. his Marxist analysis went far beyond the heretofore accepted approach in the study of Third World underdevelopment. How Europe Underdeveloped Africa is an excellent introductory study for the student who wishes to better understand the dynamics of Africa’s contemporary relations with the West.  

Kwani Majuu 07

KShs1,599.00 KShs1,520.00
Brief Summary Kwani? (Sheng for so what?) is a leading African literary magazine based in Kenya that has been called "undoubtedly the most influential journal to have emerged from sub-Saharan Africa", although that tribute might more accurately go to Transition Magazine, which was founded in Kampala, Uganda, in 1961. The magazine grew out of a series of conversations that took place among a group of Nairobi-based writers in the early 2000s. Its founding editor, Binyavanga Wainaina, spearheaded the project shortly after winning the 2002 Caine Prize for African Writing. The first print issue of the magazine was published in 2003. Kwani? has been called "the most renowned literary journal in sub-Saharan Africa". It is produced by the Kwani Trust, which is "dedicated to nurturing and developing Kenya’s and Africa’s intellectual, creative and imagination resources through strategic literary interventions". ISBN:9789966159823 Author:Kwani Trust and Billy Kahora

Our values our destiny a conversation...

KShs1,399.00 KShs1,330.00
Brief Summary Our Values, Our Destiny: A Conversation on Values in Kenya is an introductory book to study of values. From her work with children on values, Margery discusses 12 key values including peace, respect, love, responsibility, tolerance and unity. Most of these values have been identified in Kenya’s constitutive documents such as the Kenya constitution 2010, the national anthem and the vision 2030. The message of the book is that the challenge that Kenya is facing today such as corruption with impunity and cheating in examinations, point to an erosion of values. Margery suggests that revisiting these values might be one way to address these challenges and create a united and more cohesive nation that we shall all be proud of. It’s imperative that values start taking a central place in the national discourse. We need to focus more on orienting and training our children and youth to become more value based. ISBN:9789966097262 Author:Margery Kabuya

Toward the African revolution by Fran...

KShs2,899.00 KShs2,755.00
Brief Summary This powerful collection of articles, essays, and letters spans the period between Black Skin, White Masks (1952) and The Wretched of the Earth (1961), Fanon’s landmark manifesto on the psychology of the colonized and the means of empowerment necessary for their liberation. These pieces display the genesis of some of Fanon’s greatest ideas — ideas that became so vital to the leaders of the American civil rights movement. ISBN:9780802130907 Author:Frantz Fanon

You are not a country Africa

KShs2,699.00 KShs2,565.00
Brief Summary In this wide-ranging collection of essays, Pius Adesanmi explores what Africa means to him as an African and as a citizen of the world. Examining the personal and the political, tradition and modernity, custom and culture, Adesanmi grapples with the complexity and contradictions of this vast continent, zooming in most closely on Nigeria, the country of his birth. The inspiration for the title of the collection, You're Not a Country, Africa, comes from a line of poetry- 'You are not a country Africa, you are a concept, fashioned in our minds, each to each'. The Africa fashioned in our minds - with our fears and our dreams - is the Africa that the reader will encounter in these essays. Through narratives and political and cultural reflections, Pius Adesanmi approaches the meaning of Africa from the perspective that you never actually define Africa- rather, it defines you in various contexts and for various people. ISBN:9780143527541 Author:Pius Adesanmi

Breaking Sudan The Search for Peace b...

KShs3,699.00 KShs3,515.00
Brief Summary In 2005, twenty-two years of civil war in Sudan were brought to an end by the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement. Negotiations between north and south had ended in compromise, however, and hopes of a unified state that was open, democratic and secular, had fallen to secession. Following South Sudan’s declaration of independence in 2011, political tensions have led to conflict in both countries and now there is even the growing threat of a war between them. The situation is, arguably, worse than it ever has been before. Sudan expert Jok Madut Jok investigates how violence has once more come to dominate a region where various political groups remain separated by deep-rooted mistrust and ethnic relations are nothing short of wrecked. Dissecting the failure of the peace agreement, he confronts the frightening possibility that it may have actually, in effect, legitimized the use of violence for the achievement of political goals. More than just a scrupulous survey of two countries ravaged by war, The Breakup of Sudan features starkly drawn portraits that provide a moving insight into how the Sudanese of the post-secession era continue to live with war. ISBN:9781786070043 Author:Jok Madut Jok

The Ngorongoro Story by Hugo van Lawi...

KShs3,599.00 KShs3,420.00
Brief Summary The battle for the Ngorongoro Crater is one of the most gripping conservation stories of the last century. Those throwing their hats into the ring have included a formidably imposing German farmer, a trigger-happy Scots baronet, and an ex-British army captain with some rather reckless ideas on how to photograph lions. Such interlopers have had to contend with the Maasai, who believe all the cattle in the world are theirs; conservationists who wish to preserve the Ngorongoro as a natural habitat; and of course the animals themselves, inhabiting the rich grasslands of the crater floor in teeming numbers. The Ngorongoro Story traces the history of the crater from the pioneering days of the early explorers, through two world wars, up to recent international efforts to save the natural habitat of the Ngorongoro for posterity. ISBN:9781904722045 Author:Hugo van Lawick and Tom Lithgow

The Tree Where Man Was Born by Peter ...

KShs3,399.00 KShs3,230.00
Brief Summary In this classic volume, Matthiessen exquisitely combines both nature and travel writing to bring East Africa to vivid life. He skillfully portrays the daily lives of herdsmen and hunter-gatherers; the drama of the predator kills; the hundreds of exotic animals; the breathtaking landscapes; and the area's turbulent natural, political, and social histories. ISBN:9780140239348 Author:Peter Matthiessen

The Journey Within by Dinesh Patel

KShs6,990.00 KShs6,490.00
This book represents one photographer’s effort to share his personal perspective of Africa’s wildlife heritage. Drawing on his vast collection of photographs from hundreds of safaris in Eastern Africa over the past five decades, Dinesh Patel has successfully made the African safari universally accessible. What distinguishes the book from the myriad others are two striking features. First, is its simplicity and purity the wildlife photography in the book is uncomplicated and pure, capturing snapshots of the wild as it is intended to be, devoid of human factors. Second, building on this simplicity, unfettered with commentary, the photographer has successfully created a world that gives the reader an experience of being there, accompanying the photographer as he moves on his journey. Whether these photographs are viewed with awe or admired for their majesty, they convey an important message. The African wilderness is in rapid retreat. Too many of the creatures exhibited here are on the lamentable list of endangered species and face a bleak future. So the challenge ahead is serious and the task difficult but essential. Africa needs a future that befits its unique place in the grandeur of nature. By nurturing these natural jewels and by playing to its strength sits unique and spectacular wild legacy Africa must become prosperous by preserving its heritage. It is the essential duty of the wildlife photographer to spread this message by conveying the spectacle and magnificence of Africa’s wild wonders. Dinesh Patel has accomplished this task with distinction.  

Dinka Legendary Cattle Keepers of Sudan

KShs8,199.00 KShs7,790.00
Brief Summary This seminal volume on the indigenous African Dinka group is a landmark documentation of a vanishing people in war-torn Sudan. World-renowned photographers Angela Fisher and Carol Beckwith have devoted their lives to documenting the rapidly disappearing ceremonies and cultures of the indigenous people of Africa. In breathtakingly poignant images, they present a story that started with their first visit to the Dinka thirty years ago. Living in harmony with their cattle, the Dinka have survived years of war only to find their culture on the brink of vanishing forever. Where the White Nile River reaches Dinka country, it spills over 11,000 square miles of flood plain to form the Sudd, the largest swamp in the world. In the dry season, it provides abundant pasture for cattle, and this is where the Dinka set up their camps. The men dust their bodies and faces with gray ash--protection against flies and lethal malarial mosquitoes, but also considered a mark of beauty. Covered with this ash and up to 7' 6- tall, the Dinka were referred to as -gentle- or -ghostly- giants by the early explorers. The Dinka call themselves -jieng- and -mony-jang, - which means -men of men.- ISBN:9780847834976 Author:Angela Fisher and Carol Beckwith

From Somalia with Love by Naima B Robert

KShs1,299.00 KShs1,235.00
Brief Summary My name is Safia Dirie. My family has always been my mum, Hoyo, and my two older brothers, Ahmed and Abdullahi. I don't really remember Somalia - I'm an East London girl, through and through. But now Abo, my father, is coming from Somalia to live with us, after 12 long years. How am I going to cope? Safia knows that there will be changes ahead but nothing has prepared her for the reality of dealing with Abo's cultural expectations, her favourite brother Ahmed's wild ways, and the temptation of her cousin Firdous's party-girl lifestyle. Safia must come to terms with who she is - as a Muslim, as a teenager, as a poet, as a friend, but most of all as a daughter to a father she has never known. Safia must find her own place in the world, so both father and daughter can start to build the relationship they both long for. From Somalia With Love is one girl's quest to discover who she is - a story that, while rooted in Somali and Muslim life, strikes a chord with young people everywhere. ISBN:9781845078324 Author:Naima B Robert