Showing 141–160 of 1551 results

Evolve by Mary Njuguna

‘Evolve’ is an Award-Winning, short, and perhaps simplified book on transitions. The book was Nominated for the African Christian Authors Book Award 2022 and emerged winner in the Christian Fiction Category. Navigating the waters of change may be a daunting task. The hallway in between needs to be managed to enable us to evolve into higher versions of ourselves. Evolve aims at unveiling wins hidden in challenges that, if explored, reveal hidden treasures that require a willingness to change and grow.

Maua by Grace Kagema

KShs2,000.00 KShs1,500.00
MauaTheNovel is an epic story of a young ambitious man who yearns to break the chains that hold him back from achieving a life he had only dreamt of. Amid misfortunes and with nothing to his name, Karani, must step up and feed his hunger for success. But can he do it? How much inner strength will he need to overcome the challenges ahead? What choices will he face? Will he emerge a winner? This story is written in English. The setting is in Africa where the reader travels through a maze of hope, tragedy, traditions, modernity, resilience and love through the protagonist eye.

Amandla: Born of the First Congo War ...


"Amandla: Born of the First Congo War" is a journey through the 1996-1997 Congo war as experienced by a young Congolese at an early stage of his childhood.

The tale depicts a story of naïve adventure covered in childhood bliss and leading to a first-time encounter with a world of violence and armed conflict. It also paints the birth of a humanitarian and a proud global citizen, an advocate for peace and humanism: proof that chaos carries the seed of order. It is a story of millions of others like the author who are trying to serve humanity despite their tragic pasts.

Murdering Romance by Kendi Karimi

KShs1,300.00 KShs1,000.00
A Wakini Kuria Prize & African Writers Awards shortlisted author

Murdering Romance is a story about Mukami who simply wanted to experience an actual authentic moment of genuine love and call it her own. But let the title not lull you into thinking that the book is solely about romance. It is much more. The author first portrays Mukami as this lady who seems to be on a revenge mission disguised as a pursuit of love but as the plot thickens, the storyline evolves into other deeper issues. The book delves deep into several themes including domestic violence, toxic masculinity, femininity, absentee parents and abuse, among others.

Often there is a gulf of difference between fiction and non-fiction but in Murdering Romance, the dissimilarity between the two is too blurred to discern.

Pruned to Bloom by Linus W. Mbuu

KShs1,500.00 KShs1,000.00
This is a Christian thriller fiction book. In a world where we have sovereign power (free will) to choose whatever we wish to do, in our fallen nature we have the tendency to choose darkness over light. What we have no control over are the consequences attaching to our respective choices. Some of our choices prune us to bloom, while some lead to eternal destruction. The unbridled in the spirit continuously add to the bank of their wickedness, unknowingly fattening themselves for the day of their slaughter. The day of reckoning for Rasta, Terminator and Stout dawned with their eyes set expectantly on an attractively glittering mirage. However, before the dusk could usher in the darkness that often covered the nudity of their evil hearts, they were sizzling literally in a lake of fire as their lives ebbed away in dishonor. However, one smoldering remnant was rescued from the flames, mercifully redeemed to bloom again in dignity. Hercules on the other hand hang on a different cross but was lucky to have been let go half-naked wading through stinging nettles that set him off in sores to walk barefoot in a territory where the scepter of the wicked reigned every night. He was pruned off his lust, pride and immorality escaping with his life by the skin of his teeth, reformed to transform the souls and lives of others.

Veiled Heart by Deborah Onduru

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
This story is about a soldier who comes home for a short leave then ends up becoming a father to a little girl whose mother dies in the hospital during her birth after she finds herself at the soldiers door step injured and heavily pregnant. He doesn't know who the woman is, how she ended up on his door, no identity on her. He has to take care of the infant. He quits his job as a soldier and makes a lot of sacrifices along the way but when the little girl octavia grows up, its not rainbows and unicorns as the relationship between her and her father is threatened after she is fed false information about her mother and what happened to her..

I’ll Fix It Myself Volume II, T...

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
Dr. Paul Ngene, Ph.D, is a successful businessman and an aspiring statesman from Machakos County, Kenya. But he has got a little challenge-he is a senior bachelor. For this reason, he cannot be allowed to pursue his political ambitions without a wife. A time has come for him to marry, and there is no room for mistakes. He has got options as far as ladies are concerned. He has got inflexible rival and steady enemies too. Decisiveness is not a choice; he must outwit his opponent and be ahead of his enemies. He must wrestle with culture and traditions and possibly set some new rules. At his wedding, he receives a gift which no money cannot buy. Is he ready to become the Governor of Machakos County and afterwards the President if the Republic of Kenya?

The Chronicles of a Village Surgeon b...

KShs2,000.00 KShs1,500.00
The Chronicles of a Village Surgeon is a masterfully written book, easy to read and spiced with humour. The book captures accounts of the clinical experiences of a dedicated surgeon working in the remote towns of Kenya. Pulsating with passion and hear moving stories of patients experience to health challenges and health systems attempt to help, the book paints a picture of how things work and sometimes fail to work at the time patients are on the nick of need. Literally, through the pages, the author shows us how the society looks through the lenses of a surgeon; from domestic and gender based violence to belief in curses and alternative medicine; from doing everything to save a patient's life to respecting a patient's autonomy even when it puts their life in danger. Besides, we get to see what it takes to become a surgeon and how it feels to offer medical care in resource-restrained settings of Kenya. Strange as some of the stories shared here may sound, none of them is. The society we live in and serve is full of people whose experiences and perspectives may sound far-fetched but they are all here with us. The book is a compilation of stories that cover Twenty Eight critical themes, useful for both common reader as well clinical practitioners seeking to learn and appreciate the dynamics of health care.

Born To Die by Gideon Nyakiongora

What is the ultimate value of identity, when one has to choose whether to live or die? What if it really is true that life is more important than food and the body more important than clothing? Can hope be generated in a desert devoid of the conditions necessary to nourish the soul? The human spirit has a remarkable will to survive, even triumph when dealt the worst hand. This is especially true in the lives of Nameless, Vagabond and Anonymous, a trio of young men brought and bound together for life. Find out how the three excel against many odds in this riveting tale of survival. Gideon Nyakiongora currently works as a tax consultant in his own firm, having retired from Kenya Revenue Authority where, he Worked as a tax assessor for 33 years. This is his third novel having published Set the Last Captives Free and The Tale of Innocent Imani, both with Gideon Wisdom Publishers.

With Eyes Wide Open by Erick B. Gichuru

KShs1,500.00 KShs1,195.00
With Eyes Wide Open Novel is a Raw African account of losing innocence, self-discovery and the madness that lies in between! With Eyes Wide Open Novel is about us. We all have a dark side! At some point in our lives, we’ve done or said something that we are truly ashamed of. For some of us, our forefathers are still turning in their graves. They say we become different versions of ourselves before we become who we truly are. Set in the heart of Africa and inspired by life itself, the author vividly captures the messy human experience that might hit too close to home. Author: Erick B. Gichuru Genre: Literary Fiction; Romance Type: Print Paperback Length: 273 Pages Publisher: Thelocco Publishers

Wanjira and her Hitlers

KShs700.00 KShs600.00
Wanjira and her Hilters is a narrative of the life and times of a female victim of male aggressiveness. She is frustrated with the male species of humankind and this peaks when a self-obsessed lecturer beguiles her with milk-like alcohol and deflowers her in the stupor of her drunkenness. She eventually forgoes a postgraduate scholarship owing to sexual harassment by her prospective tutors. Rather than wallow in the miasma of moral rot in society, she vows to emulate her celibate mentor. When the story is over, and despite her ambivalent attitude to corruption, she declares that she must live her own life away from masculine hitlerism.

Cosa Nostra: A History of the Sicilia...

KShs1,890.00 KShs1,550.00
Hailed in Italy as the best book ever written about the mafia in any language, Cosa Nostra is a fascinating, violent, and darkly comic account that reads like fiction and takes us deep into the inner sanctum of this secret society where few have dared to tread. In this gripping history of the Sicilian mafia, John Dickie uses startling new research to reveal the inner workings of this secret society with a murderous record. He explains how the mafia began, how it responds to threats and challenges, and introduces us to the real-life characters that inspired the American imagination for generations, making the mafia an international, larger than life cultural phenomenon. Dickie's dazzling cast of characters includes Antonio Giammona, the first "boss of bosses''; New York cop Joe Petrosino, who underestimated the Sicilian mafia and paid for it with his life; and Bernard "the Tractor" Provenzano, the current boss of bosses who has been hiding in Sicily since 1963.

Men in Love by Nancy Friday

KShs1,500.00 KShs1,299.00
An extraordinary, explicitly masculine journey, Men In Love develops a startlingly honest portrayal of what it means to be a man in contemporary America. Here are the unexpurgated dreams, fantasies and fetishes that excite and obsess men today. In creating this historic study, Nancy Friday listened--without disapproval, apology or censorship--to the candid responses of thousands of men aged fourteen through sixty. She gave them a legitimate arena where they could share their "secret gardens"--the hidden and forbidden but nonetheless real and true. Much more than a litany of erotica, this unique volume doesn't tell us how men should love. It tells us how men do love--a stunning insight into the desires that dwell within men's psyches... and their hearts.

We Were Liars by E Lockhart

KShs1,690.00 KShs1,490.00
#A beautiful and distinguished family. A private island. A brilliant, damaged girl; a passionate, political boy. A group of four friends—the Liars—whose friendship turns destructive. A revolution. An accident. A secret. Lies upon lies. True love. The truth. We Were Liars is a modern, sophisticated suspense novel from New York Times bestselling author, National Book Award finalist, and Printz Award honoree E. Lockhart. Read it. And if anyone asks you how it ends, just LIE.

Ten Cities: Clubbing in Nairobi, Cair...

KShs5,000.00 KShs4,490.00
A nocturnal journey through local histories of clubbing in Africa and Europe The image of the DJ dragging his record case through international “non-places” and deejaying in clubs around the globe is a contemporary cliché. But these club scenes have rich, geographically differentiated local histories and cultures. This book expands the focus beyond the North Atlantic clubbing axis of Detroit–Chicago–Manchester–Berlin. It looks at ten club capitals in Africa and Europe, reporting on different scenes in Bristol, Johannesburg, Cairo, Kyiv, Lagos, Lisbon, Launda, Nairobi and Naples. The local music stories, the scenes, the subcultures and their global networks are reconstructed in 21 essays and photo sequences. The tale they tell is one of clubs as laboratories of otherness, in which people can experiment with new ways of being and assert their claim to the city. Ten Cities is a nocturnal, sound-driven journey through ten social and urban stories from 1960 through to the present.

Echoes of Life BY: TRUPHIE NJIRU

The Biblical account of Life, as we know it today, has its nascent beginnings in the Garden of Eden – the garden planted by God Himself. And yet, this is only a tiny fraction of the entire universe that is in existence. Everything within the borders of the universe points to One who cannot fit within any boundary, and yet reaches out to invite us to know Him. The first two humans that had their dwelling in Eden, were unfortunately the last as well. They are not only God’s masterpiece, but the crown on His creation. One can only imagine what Eden’s picturesque sights afforded any observer walking into it. We follow these two, Adam and Eve, in time through their daily delightful encounters, as they unfold each petal of adventure, and discover, with each passing day, the treasure that creation really is.

I’ll Fix It Myself BY: DAVID W. MUTISYA

Fiction based on a real life story. Ngene is raised by his father and grandmother in a hostile environment.He lost his mother during his early childhood.He attempts to flee from home with his younger brother Kilo, in vain.He completes his primary school education and migrates to the city of Nairobi.He begins to work as a houseboy,rises in ranks to the level of registering his own company.He continues to pursue his education to the level of attaining a PhD.Years later, he unknowingly employs his own sister and an extraordinary circumstance reunites the entire family.Will he withstand the appearance of his supposedly dead or long lost mother?

Painful Tears by Wairimu Kibugi

KShs700.00 KShs499.00
Lilian discontinues her education and marries John at a tender age. The couple lives happily until Lilian discovers that John is having an affair with another woman, and this is the beginning of real trouble for Lilian.