Showing 181–200 of 806 results

21st Century Hymns Volume 1 BY: DR. J...

The 21st Century Hymns are songs drawn from the Word of God by the Anointing of the Holy Ghost and grafted skillfully through the leading and inspiration of God. The hymns unfold in dimensions aimed at transforming the entire body of Christ in worshipping God with a deeper revelation and understanding. The Spirit in the words of the hymns will be alive in your life and in your circumstances as God ministers to your situation. The hymnal is an important tool for corporate worship and is highly recommended to all and especially the children. Ephesians 5:19 says “speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord”. Kingdom Intimate Worship yearns for a lifestyle of hearty worship which ascends to the throne of God causing a release of His presence to the body of Christ. I guarantee you that after you have prayerfully sung and worshipped God through these hymns there shall be a manifestation of God’s glory and in His presence nothing is impossible. Your life will never be the same again. It’s your moment to soar high in the Spirit of God as you experience the 21 Century Hymns. There are a total of 65 songs of which 50 are hymns within which 19 and 5 are special songs for children and Israel respectively. Therein are 5 prophetic songs dedicated to the nations. The book benefit from 9 worship songs from Pastor Kenneth Rono and his wife Emmy. Let us get intimate with God through worship.

You Are God’s Best BY: JENNIFER FAVOR...

Those who leave everything in God's hands, will eventually see God's hand in everything.Jennifer Favor Mutinda is born again Christian, Minister of the Gospel, Motivational Speaker, Gospel Artist, and a Counselor.

Inspired by Forty BY: RICHARD MWEBESA

Inspired by Forty is a collection of quotable quotes that have been purposefully written and packed with wisdom nuggets to ignite a call to action in the reader. Words are powerful and the right ones do not only have the power to change lives but transform them. These words of wisdom will enable you build the foundation to have insightful guidelines that will enable you stay on the course you choose to take. We are the captains of our own lives. Like a ship’s radar the Inspired by forty quotable quotes shall enable the Captains steer their lives in the direction they so choose. Easy to memorise, simple to refer to and resoundingly exciting they are. Read and find out for yourself. Welcome onto the ship of the insightful.


This is an inspirational/motivational book. It takes you through my journey of overcoming odds of poverty and rising to educate myself in the United states Of America; it shares my story of early marriage, death of parents and spouse and victory in finding healing through a relationship with God.


No matter the situation you find yourself in at this moment, S.P.E.E.D will teach you principles that will help you start living a life of purpose – one full of Holy Spirit power in you!

Destiny Achievers BY: JOSHUA BETI

Destiny Achievers brings to light what it takes to accomplish one’s purpose and ultimately fulfilling destiny. Many people fall off the path of destiny because they imagine that they can do it on their own. Don’t be fooled. Human wisdom can’t guarantee you a place in the heart of destiny. When challenges come, man’s wisdom will fail you big time- but God’s love won’t. His counsel beats all odds of life and ultimately usher you to the place of glory. Joshua Beti discusses at length the different battles every man of destiny encounters. This is in reference to the Ancient Biblical King David, whose tenure as the leader of Israel came with battles from all fronts. However before he was laid to rest, he had served God’s purpose in his time. If you are willing and obedient, just like David was, a man after God’s own heart, you too will achieve destiny. You will find answers to tough questions like these: -Am I really equal to the herculean task of fulfilling destiny? -Does my life really matter? -What is it going to take for me to pursue my purpose and fulfill destiny? You will be equipped in wisdom, knowledge, understanding and godly counsel to pursue your destiny relentlessly. You will come to terms with self, challenge yourself to be outstanding, and keep self in closet with God who got your lifeline story in His book of destiny.

It’s About God’s Promises BY: WASHING...

Has your prayer life slackened? Do you feel like the circumstances of your life have shaken your faith? Has your Bible reading become a ritual rather than a blessed routine? Do you feel like your fellowship with the Lord has become fruitless? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this book has been written for you to remind you to live your life on the promises of God and nothing else. These precious promises of God create a true foundation for your prayer life. Believing and praying God’s promises is the secret to availing much in prayer and leads to a fulfilling and satisfying walk with God. In this book you will learn to: Trust God rather than your feelings Build your faith in God’s promises Find God’s promises relevant for your current circumstances Encourage others to walk in God’s promises Author and Speaker Washington Blessing reminds us that being emotional is not necessarily a bad thing, but trusting your emotions as a Christian is. In your pilgrimage with God, it is sometimes easier to trust your feelings, your circumstances, your friends or anything else rather than in God’s Word. While your circumstances and feelings look and feel real, they are just natural happenings of life. The true happenings relevant to a Christian are only found in God’s Word and in His promises, which guide you when you’re overcome with emotion. You will find the promise you need, that fits your situation, in the pages of this book.

Nuggets to Live By BY: DR. REI KESIS

Nuggets to Live By is a targeted collection of powerful and timely messages to the young and the old; and Christians at various stages of spiritual growth. The messages are designed to re-ignite a closer walk with God and take us back to where we first believed.


I have searched for God in my mind for a long time, through my tribal tradition, African tradition, the traditions

The 7 Pillars of Wisdom BY: ELIZABETH...

Why is it some men succeed and some do not? How does one reach their fullest potential? It is possible to achieve not just success but extraordinary success? This book reveals through a simple childhood Sunday School story: How you identify your individual potential How you set yourself on the path to success Moving from the ordinary to the extraordinary How to establish a dominant lasting legacy It all starts with what you see. This book shows you that when you change what you see, the pillars will guide any man to the greatness that has always been available to them. Success has never been a preserve of a few. It is for any man who wills.

Bible Companion H/C

This book is an all-in-one, full color comprehensive reference guide to the Bible, designed to enable teachers, preachers and lay persons alike around the world to understand and communicate the message of the Bible to others effectively.

Belief In A God You Cannot See by Tim...

Do you know what is the only way to lose? To have too much fear or too much pride to face the question of the existence of God. Believing in God is not simply some impromptu and random declaration. Your beliefs about God have an eternal impact on your way of considering and being yourself, as well as on your relationship and interface with others and with life in general. With much affection, I strongly advise you to resolve the issue once and for all.

The Sower’s Parable by Vincent Obonyo

The words that Jesus speaks to us are spirit and life. They are not meaningless and are not intended to be taken lightly. Although His words are already weighty in their meanings, Jesus emphasizes His points with punchy lines like this one, “he that hath ears to hear, let him hear.” The parable of the Sower has been much spoken of and written about globally. Why would there be one more book to address this same subject? The answer, the use of another punchy line by Jesus, merits all the study and writing that can be done concerning this parable. Jesus said to them, “Don’t you understand this parable? How then will you understand any parable?” By these statements, Jesus meant the following. First, if one cannot decipher the meaning of this parable, he/she is incapacitated in understanding any parable. What does that make of anyone who assumes that they understand other parables without an in-depth comprehension of this one? A liar or a delusional. Second, that this parable is the cornerstone with which all the other parables align and relay true meaning. This book digs deep into the hidden meanings of this parable and unlocks the reason why it is the key to understanding all parables.

The Promise of the Eternal Covenant b...

KShs1,290.00 KShs790.00
Following his remarkable exegesis on the first and second periods of Jesus’ genealogy, the best-selling author, in the fifth installment of The History of Redemption series, covers the third and final period, which spans the fourteen generations from the Babylonian exile to Jesus Christ. The Promise of the Eternal Covenant sheds light upon the labyrinth-like history of the 600 years before Jesus’ birth. Throughout the book, Rev. Abraham Park demonstrates that God is sovereign over all history; the rise and fall of nations, kingdoms, and empires occur all according to God’s eternal decrees and providence. His readers will be filled with assurance that God’s promise of the Eternal Covenant will certainly be fulfilled.

Vizazi Katika Kitabu Cha Mwanzo – Uta...

KShs1,290.00 KShs890.00
Mara nyingi vizazi hufasiriwa kama dhana isiyovutia, au mbaya zaidi, inayochosha. Hata hivyo, kitabu kipya cha Dkt Abraham Park, Vizazi katika Kitabu Cha Mwanzo: Utawala wa Mungu katika Historia ya Ukombozi kinaonyesha umuhimu mkubwa na hata furaha ya kusoma kwa kina kuhusu vizazi katika Biblia. Msingi dhabiti ni muhimu kwa muundo wowote ule. Hivyo basi ni kweli kwamba Kitabu cha Mwanzo ni msingi imara wa imani yetu ya kibiblia. Kitabu cha Mwanzo si msingi tu wa kuielewa mianzo yetu, bali pia ni msingi wa kujielewa sisi na vilevile kuuelewa uhusiano wetu na Mungu, na watu wengine. Ni dhahiri kuwa hatuwezi kuupuza umuhimu wa Kitabu cha Mwanzo kama kielelezo cha msingi cha kutafakari kwa Wakristo wote. Dkt Abraham Park anastahili kupongezwa kwa mchango wake wa maana na thamani katika kuelewa kwetu kuhusu msingi wa kitabu hiki.

The Unquenchable Lamp of the Covenant...

KShs1,290.00 KShs790.00
The Unquenchable Lamp of the Covenant continues the popular series by Rev. Abraham Park, offering Christian seekers an engaging, yet precisely Bible-based exploration of God’s redemption plan for humanity. In this book, we learn what the Bible’s carefully listed genealogy of Jesus Christ shows us about that more significant purpose. The biblical timeline outlined in this Bible study of New Testament genealogies reveals how God was at work in redemptive history to guide it towards its fulfillment.

The Covenant of the Torch: A Forgotte...

KShs1,290.00 KShs790.00
The Covenant of the Torch made with Abraham is the most significant among all the covenants in the Bible. Why? It’s the most detailed yet condensed summary of God’s divine administration for redemption that outlines the work of restoration of His godly people and holy land. In this book, Rev. Abraham Park brings to life the Covenant of the Torch and helps us to understand—accurately, and in chronological detail—692 years of redemptive history starting from Abraham, including the great exodus, the wilderness journey and the conquest of Canaan.

God’s Profound and Mysterious Provide...

KShs1,290.00 KShs790.00
The fourth book in the History of Redemption series, God’s Profound and Mysterious Providence begins with accounts of King David and Solomon, then continues into the era of divided kingdoms: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. This book illustrates the reigns and lives of the kings from the perspective of God’s administration for redemptive history.

Genesis Genealogies: God’s Administra...

KShs1,290.00 KShs1,090.00
A fundamental part of understanding one’s ancestors is knowing when they were born, how long they lived, and when they died. Here in The Genesis Genealogies lies that crucial core information about the forebears of Christianity. Rev. Abraham Park has meticulously analyzed the information in The Book of Genesis. Taking the explicit date references in Genesis and performing math calculations forward and backward in time, he builds a complete chronological Biblical timeline from Adam to the Exodus, including the duration of construction of Noah’s ark. With this Bible study of the cornerstone text of The Old Testament, we can more deeply understand the layers of meanings that Genesis offers. The Genesis Genealogies is a must-have for every Church Library.