Showing 161–180 of 806 results

Choose To Forgive  by JoyHope Kang...

In choose to forgive you will learn that forgiveness runs the economy of the heart. Once you choose to, you will save the cost of losing friends. You will also save medical bills because maybe the physical illness which you have struggled with for years was caused by unforgiveness. You might be subjecting people around you to stress, paying your hospital bills, yet you have the cure within you. I challenge you to forgive and experience total liberation, gratitude, peace, wholeness and great health.

When Leadership is Challenged by Bish...

KShs1,000.00 KShs800.00
When Leadership Is Challenged is a collection of several researches in the bible history, social and political spheres, economical and governance aspects. The challenges that affected their yesterday were the problems of their today that ruined their tomorrow because they were not well dealt with. The failure of any organization and communities was just a result of leadership malfunction based on the leadership root system and structure. Examples extracted from the bible illustrated the beginning of fall of man and rebellions that resulted into disappointments and death. In political and governance spheres, the research carried out revealed a lot of mistrusts, rebellions, treacheries, murder, governments being overthrown and many other criminal outcomes as a result of poor root system in leadership. Socially, many generations were and still are affected due to the culture set up by the leadership in place. Youth mostly were the ruined generations that even up to now some are no better than resourceful persons. Early marriages and illiteracy ruined most of their talents and future lives. The best example is the Malawi culture of the “Hyena.

The Oasis of Inner Healing by Emmah a...

KShs1,000.00 KShs800.00
The Oasis of Inner Healing is a great book on guarding your heart from the pains of life because it is the wellspring of life. It is about understanding God's purpose for allowing suffering in our lives. People have got various questions why they are passed through fire or God appears to be silent in their situations. The book enlightens us to grow stronger relationship with God so that our hearts can be restored and all the wounds healed. In the place of gloomy hearts and sadness, the book helps us to rediscover the joy of God that is our strength. This is a MUST read book for those who are going through hard times in life so that they can live victoriously and with grateful hearts. It gives us hope for the future that the pain one goes through is meant to strengthen us.

The Kingdom Mindset: Embracing the Va...

To live a victorious Christian life, we have to abide by a set of rules, outlook and mental attitudes that align with God our creator. We were created to function under a characteristic spiritual culture defined under the laws of the God – our factory settings. Many Christians live and experience a contradicted and irrational belief of the laws of God, whom in His manifold wisdom created all things in the garden of Eden to function under His defined laws and principles. On this account, I consider now to be the right moment for the body of Christ to revisit and reconsider its’ understanding about the Kingdom of God. The subject of the Kingdom of God is the only source from which we can get the true ethos of Gods mind and purpose for our lives. If we understand and live by God’s Kingdom principles, then we shall become relevant, fulfilled and impactful. Without the knowledge of the Kingdom of God, we shall continue to lack spiritual impact and ultimate self-fulfilment as Christian’s ought to have. This book will help you to realize basic Kingdom laws and principles that as a Christian, we ought to stick to. It is designed to propel you to take practical steps towards embracing and walking in a Kingdom Mindset. Get ready for this amazing transformation in life, put on aKingdom Mindset.

When I Said I Do

This is a story of endurance or less time to breath for ease for a young Christian couple who are leaders of a local church as Pastor and Lady Pastor of the Church. The young couple, Pastor Simphiwe Gambu and Nontle Madikizela met at church and made vows to each other, the Antagonist, Blessing Mthimkhulu, a daughter of the Apostle who has been raised with Christian values and principles has vowed to become the Pastor’s wife, and gives the couple no time to rest. Challenges emanates from inside the church, where there are satanists given authority by Lucifer to fight and destroy their marriage because of the dangerous prayers of the Pastor and his wife; while other women at church wants the Pastor to marry their daughters. Children from outside marriage also bring a strain to the already sinking marriage; Forces of darkness intensify the attacks as the warfare increases. The couple looses almost everything they had, Pastor Gambu is given an option to come out of their misery and poverty; an option of joining a Christian cult by prophesying through evil spirits and divination to increase his church members and to make money, leading people of God astray to satisfy his ambitions. will he take that option? Will their marriage survive these challenges?

Principles for Personal Greatness by ...

Everything functional in human life, can be traced to certain obeyed principles; be it success, victories, promotion or any level of rising. The working knowledge of principles and the science of their engagement, births desirable results. If you look closely at your life, you would agree with me that in almost all situations that happened to you-to some extent, you were in agreement with their conditioning. Your reactions or responses to those situations constituted the outcome. Nothing progresses effectively, unless by Right Principles of Functionalism. The knowledge and the right engagement of Principles, leads to effectiveness. ‘Greatness’ is a life’s pursuit desired by all. It is a component that is inherent in all creation. However, only a few achieve it. It is a quality of being distinctively impactful (or great as in size, skill, achievement, or power). In other words, ‘greatness’ is excellence, perfection, preeminence or supremacy. All of us yearn to be great in one area or the other. However, only a few arrive at this place of supremacy. We were made to flourish potently. Conversely, not many people reach this apex in life, let alone experience the sweetness of flourishing in their engagements. As much as greatness is within the creature, very few exemplify this nature.

Power of Forgiveness by Bernard Maingi

The book brings out how forgiveness is critical for day to day living as christians.

Grow in Prayer and Hearing God by Sop...

Grow in Prayer and Hearing God is a Bible Study on Prayer with space to journal your prayers, thoughts and God’s voice. The goal of the book is to help the reader start or grow in their prayer life and grow in confidence in hearing God’s voice.

Gems of Healthy Living by Jemimah Nzola

Do you want to feel good about yourself? Do you want to look good? Does your emotional well-being matter? How is your mental prowess? How do you relate with others? Let’s talk about financial wellness…. are you working for money or is money working for you? What’s your worldview; do you believe in a deity? Is your life wholesome? We all desire all-rounded wellness. We all deserve empowerment in managing our health and living life well. We need to live a life devoid of ailments and diseases. “How do we do this?” I am glad you asked…. The fool-proof way to achieve this all-rounded wellness is through making piecemeal changes that will eventually reflect wholesomely. These could be: – Lifestyle changes, fitness, nutrition, and even changes in how you rest and rejuvenate. “Where do I start?” you ask. “The Gems of Healthy Living (All-rounded Wellness) book is here. It is loaded with insights and wisdom on wholesome living as well as easy steps towards transforming your life step-by-step in order to lead a fruitful and fulfilled life. The author- Jemimah Nzola is passionate about all things health and wellness. She is not only a qualified holistic nutritionist, she is also committed and devoted to continuous research on wellness and holistic wellness. Read this book and make it your wellness bible and see your life transform to a wholesome all-rounded lifestyle devoid of diseases, stress, social misnomers, and other maladies. Enjoy the read, buy for a dear one and let’s add life to our lives!

The Nest by Jackie Owusu-Biney

Both Kevin and Linda feel ready for it. They have been preparing their whole life to experience it – independence. However, no matter how careful Linda is or how macho Kevin thinks he is, neither are truly prepared for the journey ahead. Step into their world as these two leave their parents’ nests to create their own. Look into some of the challenges they face as they both realise life isn’t terribly easy. Jackie Owusu-Biney invites you to find the path to your own independence, the steps toward building your own nest, learning many necessary life skills as you go. Welcome to the epic journey that is: THE NEST

The Spirit of the Four Lepers by Naka...

This book encourages people to stop dwelling on the problems surrounding them and focus on the greatness of God. We should push on so as to realize the treasures God has set aside for us and after we get a breakthrough we should be grateful to our Maker and also tell of His goodness for all to hear

Accountability – A Biblical Principle...

This book seeks to help you master ‘the what, the how and the why’ of accountability to: 1.Increase your productivity. 2.Inculcate the winning culture of taking ownership and responsibility. 3.Greatly improve your effectiveness in life and as a disciple of Christ. 4.Empower you to take charge of your faith and destiny. 5.Teach you how to wisely lead your life—with eternity in perspective

Vessels in the Kings house by Francis...

KShs900.00 KShs750.00
Christian fiction novel book; Christian perspective of gay lifestyle

The wheat and the weed by Francis Owlar

KShs1,000.00 KShs850.00
Christian fiction novel book; A sequel to vessels in the king's house

Born A Prince, Lived A Slave BY: JAME...

”Born a Prince Lived a Slave” is a perfect script that narrates the walk of many believers who live outside their God given purpose. The book advocates nine undisputed laws that have been tested and approved. The scriptural references are an indication of divine principles that works whether in secular or Kingdom Circles. The Law of opportunity, and how many people turn a blind eye to those opportunities, has been discussed very plainly. This causes them to remain slaves for the rest of their lives. In relation to the same law, many who maintain a single eye, see and seize those opportunities become the shakers and movers who remain relevant not only on their generation but even in generations to come. James Kweri brings out the aspect of walking in self-identity, finding out your divine abilities, capitalizing and ensuring total application on them and therefore, becoming all that you were created to become~ A Prince. This book dispels the notion that some people are on earth to escort others or worse still, to cause congestion, and brings out very clearly, how one can rise above any limitation, get out from eating crumbs from under the table of the seemingly high and the mighty and join the meal on the high table and dine with kings. This book has therefore been unreservedly endorsed to anyone who cares to find themselves, their potential, gifting and talents, anyone who’s tired of living a mediocre life, anyone who feel they deserve better and descent fulfilling lives to read, take note and make notes- apply the laws and the results will be guaranteed

The Journey Aganist All Odds by Humph...

Humphrey works in many ways to serve his community including preaching, Mentorship, peace and conflict resolution workshops, and motivational Speaking. He lives with his wife, Hellen, and is blessed with two children Abigail and Alex. Alex is following in his father’s footsteps working as a Youth mentor and administrative assistant at the technical institute. Kenya Connection Ministries International received the Good Samaritan Award From the Jesus Fellowship Assembly in 2009 and was recognized as a Hero From Barkleys Bank in 2012 for their humanitarian and charity work.

30 Days of Transparent Faith by Dr.Wa...

Faith is not as complicated as we perceive it - a big tick in a box that gives us a pass for God to love us. That’s not what faith is. Faith is a means by which we say, “God, I trust you. I believe you. I believe in your opinion of me.” Then we prove it by action. This devotional addresses the main issues surrounding faith: • Doubt, • Brutal honesty, • Feelings of betrayal, • Impatience and • Anger. They may seem like unscalable issues that choke faith but unless we get downright honest with God, we can never reach true intimacy with Him. Dr. Wanjiku Ngigi invites you into a journey of figuring it out with God.

Does Marriage Work Today by Bonface M...

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
In every endeavor of life, success is not by chance. You must possess a certain knowledge for you to succeed in life. This book offers the certain knowledge you need to succeed in your marital life. From choosing your partner to handling the blessing of marriage i.e. children to building companionship.  

Healing Spiritual Wounds BY: JAMES OD...

Africa is ever at war. Families lose their loved ones through wars, famine, malnutrition, diseases. Many are nursing festering wounds, marriages are breaking daily. Others have cold war under same roof. This last day, the enemy has increased his onslaughts against u through accusation and slander. Forms of verbal, sexual, physical and emotional abuse by men to their daughters; women to their sons, uncle’s and aunts to their nieces and nephews; satanists to their victims and rape to both genders is increasing. Gender and domestic violence in the market place and in politics has risen. Trauma, tribalism, church splits hurt. Natural calamities, poverty, lack and barrenness are the norm. Betrayal is common. All of us have experienced hatred and rejection. We’ve been abandoned through deaths, divorce and separation. These hurt and pain. Great or small, rich and poor have wounds. God wants your spirit and relationships healed so that you may carry the move of God to the nations.

In Search Of Sanity BY: MUSINGUZI BEG...

In Search of Sanity is a tale of one man’s journey to find meaning in life amidst a life altering mental condition called Bipolar disorder. Musinguzi opens up candidly about the challenges he faced coping with the disorder but importantly gives the hope he found in Christ during his journey to a productive life. Having studied in the top most schools in Uganda and attained the highest honors and accolades, you would think that success was guaranteed. Then Bipolar hit and his entire life came to a crushing stop. You will find a holistic approach which included the use of advances in the medical field coupled with deep spirituality and family support. The book is full of light humor detailing well-crafted experiences of an African boy growing up in rural Uganda; and the pain and struggles of living with a mental condition. You will laugh and cry at the same. But as you do, look out for the victory that could only have come from having a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.