Showing 61–80 of 825 results


The word of God in the Holy Bible is not there for fun and a Christian need relate closely with

Love Alive by A.Manoti

Love Alive particularized how the love of God can be alive in us, covering our gaffes, and leading to real love in our lives, families, marriages, ministries, professions, and relationships.



“The Ransomed Man” is a gospel book that teaches offer fundamental knowledge on salvation.

Transform Your Life by Judy Owiti

Transform Your Life guides readers on a 90-day journey of transformation and spiritual growth, offering inspiration, wisdom and practical guidance on how to navigate life Successfully by: 1. Managing life’s challenges, 2. Finding purpose 3. Overcoming personal struggles 4. Learning about deception in our culture, among others It is a MUST READ for teens and young adults seeking purpose, peace and a closer relationship with God. Also, a helpful resource for parents, uncles & aunties, teachers, lecturers, coaches, mentors and youth pastors. How the book can be applied: 1. Use it as a daily devotional guide for yourself 2. Gift it to your teen or young adult/niece/nephew/friend 3. Use it as a daily devotional guide with your children 4. Gather a few young people and go through the devotional

Sons of Encouragement by by Francine ...

£21.95 £21.45
Behind the men who shaped history are five heroes of the Bible who changed it forever: Aaron, Caleb, Jonathan, Amos, and Silas.

SOHAF (basic)

Having attended a great many conferences over the years my observation is that the modern church is largely concerned with matters such as leadership, growing the numbers in your congregations, or church planting. There is no doubt at all that these are wonderful and necessary topics to facilitate the building of the Kingdom of God. There is, however, very little focus on healing ministries and as a consequence the doctors are the first port of call for physical problems. For many churches, even large city congregations, if there are mental or emotional issues the people are sent to psychiatrists or Christian counselors trained in secular techniques. In contrast if we look at the Jesus model, His focus was on healing the sick, freeing those with demonic bondages and healing the broken hearted. Apparently, His disciples freely received this ministry from Christ themselves before they were commissioned to take the good news to the World.