Showing 1301–1320 of 1761 results

No Matter What 9 Steps to Living the ...

KShs1,999.00 KShs1,499.00
Brief summary Live the life you love-no matter what! From bestselling author and motivational speaker Lisa Nichols comes a unique and powerful inspirational program that will both move you and empower you to realize your dreams. Millions are trying to live by The Secret's Law of Attraction, but the truth is it won't work unless you flex your all-important "bounce-back" muscles, which give you the ability to successfully navigate life's speed bumps. By developing and toning her own bounce-back muscles at critical points in her life, Lisa found the power to become her authentic self and achieve everything she dared to hope for. Now, in NO MATTER WHAT, she offers a groundbreaking program that outlines these 9 Steps or "muscles", which include among others your Confidence, Faith-in-Myself, Honesty Out Loud and Forgiveness muscles, and explains how anyone can use them to achieve happiness and off-the-charts success. In this powerful guide Lisa Nichols introduces her dynamic plan, shares her own remarkable story, and prescribes specific exercises and action steps to inspire readers to learn from their past and move toward a courageous future. ISBN:9780446538459 Author:Lisa Nichols

The Positive Way To Change Your Life

KShs1,600.00 KShs1,490.00
Brief summary 'There is a tendency in human nature to ultimately become precisely like that which we imagine or image ourselves as being . . . Imaging is positive thinking carried one step further. ' Norman Vincent Peale in the Introduction. This Book Can Transform Your Self-Image Forever. We are what we think and while a positive attitude of mind can literally change your life, a negative frame of mind will ultimately destroy you. Norman Vincent Peale, one of the most inspirational writers of our time shows you how to create a positive future and explains how the practice of 'imaging' can help you to: • solve your money problems • outwit worry * banish loneliness and tension • improve your health • deepen your faith and self-belief • Relate to others more successfully. ISBN:9780749308582 Author:Norman Vincent Peale

The Power Of Positive Thinking For Yo...

KShs699.00 KShs665.00
Brief summary 'Trust yourself. You cannot be successful or happy without confidence in your own powers and abilities. To succeed you need self-confidence . . . this book will help you to believe in yourself and release your inner powers. ‘Norman Vincent Peale in chapter 1. BE WHO YOU WANT TO BE - AND GET THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE This book is a carefully adapted version of The Power of Positive Thinking, one of the most inspiring bestsellers of all time. It aims to help young people to use the power of positive thinking to build successful lives. Dr Peale gets right to the heart of the most common problems faced by teenagers, and offers a series of practical steps for solving them. He provides young people with the positive approach needed to achieve the major goals in life, showing them how to maximize their talent and energies, to give them confidence when they need it most. ISBN:9780091906436 Author:Norman Vincent Peale

Amazing Results of Positive Thinking

KShs999.00 KShs950.00
Brief summary This accessible, all-encompassing guide will help you to achieve success and confidence, a sense of well-being, and an inner strength that you never dreamed possible. How? Through positive thinking -- a form of thought that involves looking for the best results from the worst conditions. Dr. Peale's time-honored methods include: • step-by-step advice for developing personal strength • confidence-building words to live by • sound, sensible ways to overcome self-doubt • effective strategies for achieving good health • a program to release the vast energies within you • accepting ourselves and our individual needs • embracing the spiritual forces that surround you ISBN:9780743234832 Author:Norman Vincent Peale

Supernormal The Untold Story of Adver...

KShs2,899.00 KShs2,755.00
Brief Summary Clinical psychologist and author of The Defining Decade, Meg Jay takes us into the world of the supernormal: those who soar to unexpected heights after childhood adversity. Whether it is the loss of a parent to death or divorce; bullying; alcoholism or drug abuse in the home; mental illness in a parent or a sibling; neglect; emotional, physical or sexual abuse; having a parent in jail; or growing up alongside domestic violence, nearly 75% of us experience adversity by the age of 20. But these experiences are often kept secret, as are our courageous battles to overcome them. Drawing on nearly two decades of work with clients and students, Jay tells the tale of ordinary people made extraordinary by these all-too-common experiences, everyday superheroes who have made a life out of dodging bullets and leaping over obstacles, even as they hide in plain sight as doctors, artists, entrepreneurs, lawyers, parents, activists, teachers, students and readers. She gives a voice to the supernormals among us as they reveal not only "How do they do it?" but also "How does it feel?" These powerful stories, and those of public figures from Andre Agassi to Jay Z, will show supernormals they are not alone but are, in fact, in good company. Marvelously researched and compassionately written, this exceptional book narrates the continuing saga that is resilience as it challenges us to consider whether -- and how -- the good wins out in the end. " ISBN:9781455559152 Author:Meg Jay

My Pregnancy

KShs2,599.00 KShs2,470.00
Brief Summary Moms-to-be today enjoy quick and easy access to a wealth of information, both on the internet and in magazines, where they can communicate with experts on the same level. This book aims to tap into the needs of this new wave of net-savvy moms and answer all their questions in one place. The six authors are not only health care professionals-an obstetrician, a midwife, a pediatrician, a nutritionist, a fitness expert, and a relationship expert-but each one is also a mom, so has both personal and professional experience of the topics she is writing about, and can present them in a highly accessible way. The authors speak as mom to mom, but what they say is backed by years of experience in their particular capacity in dealing with pregnant women, as well as by their experience at home with their own children. Essential medical information and practical pregnancy know-how are combined with expert advice and insights into every pregnancy topic, from diet, fitness, and sex to prenatal choices and safety at work. This all-encompassing approach gives My Pregnancy a wider breadth and greater range of advice than most other pregnancy books. Expert Q&As, personal experiences, in-depth feature boxes, and even sections on whether the authors followed their own advice add to the personal, caring, reassuring vibe that runs throughout the book. ISBN:9780756689117 Author:Virginia Beckett

Exercise Your Way to Health: Depression

KShs1,299.00 KShs1,235.00
Brief Summary Exercise Your Way to Health: Depression: Exercise Plans to Improve Your Life Depression is hugely common in our society. The Mental Health Foundation believes that 1 in 4 people will experience some kind of mental health problem in the course of a year, with mixed anxiety and depression being the most common. It affects 1 in 5 older people living in the community and 2 in 5 in care homes (MHF). This means that a staggering amount of people are having to deal with its devastating fallout at home, work and in retirement each year. However, evidence shows that a supervised programme of exercise can be as effective as antidepressants in treating mild or moderate depression (Mental Health Foundation / MIND). The link between exercise and mental wellbeing is a key part of recovery, and this user-friendly book is there to show the way. As with all the titles in the Exercise Your Way to Health series, the book contains a series of well-illustrated exercises specifically designed to combat depression and its physical side effects. Taking into account the prevalence of depression and the well-documented link between exercise and mental health, this is a timely publication, and one that will help many people regain control of their lives. ISBN:9781408131824 Author:Debbie Lawrence and Jenny Burns

The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived

KShs2,000.00 KShs1,890.00
Brief Summary The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived: Secrets for Unparalleled Success and Unshakable Happiness from the Life of Jesus. Just as the sun blinds our eyes to a sky filled with stars, Jesus? deity can blind us to the unseen riches of His humanity. In The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived, Steven K. Scott reveals the hidden treasures to be found in Christ’s life as a human. When you learn from Jesus? life on earth, your own life will be propelled to a whole new level of achievement, happiness, and success. As you look at Jesus? life, you will learn how to: • Find new meanings that will raise your life to new heights. • Develop missions that will produce greater creativity and productivity. • Communicate messages that will move the minds and hearts of your listeners. • Act in a manner that attracts others, increases your value, and heightens your self-esteem. • Adopt a method that accelerates extraordinary success. • Discover your incredible worth. • Give and receive a type of love that is truer than any you have experienced before. Let the greatest Man who ever lived turn your purpose-driven life into a purpose-accomplished life! ISBN:9781400074655 Author:Steven K Scott

Why Deals Fail and How to Rescue Them

KShs2,299.00 KShs2,185.00
Brief Summary The combined value of all M&A deals from 1980 to the end of 2015 was almost 65 trillion—bigger than the current annual world economy value outside the US. In that same period, almost 900,000 deals were announced. Many were questionable, as Why Deals Fail shows. With companies expected to continue to merge in record numbers, it is time to learn some critical lessons from those deals. In 2014 the government of the UK—one of the most open markets globally for M&A—commissioned Cass Business School's Mergers and Acquisitions Research Centre, headed by Scott Moeller, to investigate whether M&A has a negative or positive impact on the country's economy. Their findings: M&A deals do generate short-term benefits for the economy, especially because some large deals were spectacularly successful. However, over the longer term, the results are less clear-cut. Despite those highly successful tie-ups that drove the economic results to an overall positive average, the majority of UK mergers by number in the research period actually destroyed value. In summary, deals can be hugely beneficial for all involved when you get it right but they still, at large, struggle to live up to their initial hype—and potential. Done wrong, they can damage business and, by extension, the economy and result in hundreds if not thousands of employees being made redundant. Most of the mergers detailed in this book are lessons in what not to do; the authors get behind the corporate veil to show what went wrong when huge and otherwise highly successful global businesses such as the Royal Bank of Scotland, Microsoft, and HP embarked on M&A transactions. Why Deals Fail is aimed at business people who want to understand better how M&A can drive corporate fortunes. Whether you are a seasoned M&A professional, an employee in a company that is acquiring or being acquired, or a newly graduated business student doing analysis about a deal, this book will help you to make the right decisions when they are most crucial. ISBN:9781610397902 Author:Anna Faelten,? Michel Driessen and Scott Moeller

Do Nothing How to Stop Overmanaging

KShs2,799.00 KShs2,660.00
Brief Summary Do Nothing: Discover the Power of Hands-Off Leadership. Imagine you’ve just come back to work after a two-week vacation during which you actually relaxed, without calling in or checking e-mail. You discover that there are no pressing issues and that, on the contrary, your team scored a big new customer and fixed a nagging problem during your absence. No red flags or fires to put out. Sadly, for most leaders this scenario is only a dream. They constantly check on what’s happen¬ing because they expect the worst (and usually get it). But Keith Murnighan shows that not only is "do nothing” leadership possible, it is also far more effective than doing too much. Great leaders don’t work; they facilitate and orchestrate. They think of great strategies and help others implement them. They spend their time preparing for the future. They take a comprehensive view of their terrain while also noticing key details so they can confidently choose the right forks in the road. In other words, great leaders don’t do any¬thing—except think, make key decisions, help people do their jobs better, and add a touch of organizational control to make sure the final recipes come out okay. In sharp contrast, most leaders are too busy actually working to do these things—and their teams suffer as a result. Do Nothing!’s practical strategies and true stories will show you how to set high expec¬tations for your team and watch it rise to the challenge. It will help you establish a healthier culture by trusting people more than they expect to be trusted. And it will help you overcome your natural tendencies toward micromanagement so you can let people do their jobs—even when you know you could do their jobs better. As Murnighan writes, "My experience suggests that you will be surprised—wildly surprised. Peo¬ple on your team will reveal skills you never knew they had and will accomplish things that go far beyond your estimate of their capabilities. They might not do things the way you would do them, but they will get results you never expected. Every¬one has hidden talents, and most leaders never discover them. Before you reject this approach, ask yourself: what if you did nothing and it actu¬ally worked?” ISBN:9780143108566 Author:J. Keith Murnighan

The 10 Second Philosophy

KShs1,699.00 KShs1,615.00
Brief Summary The 10-Second Philosophy: A Practical Guide to Releasing Your Inner Genius. Everything was on a downward spiral in Derek Mills' life - his work, his physical and mental health, his relationships with family and friends. But it only took one insignificant question from an office security guard one night for Derek to stop, connect deep within himself and in the next 10 seconds begin to see a way to change his entire life completely. Over the next few years this led to him making amazing changes that created balance and harmony in all areas of his life, becoming a millionaire businessman and developing and sharing his methodology, the 10-Second Philosophy, in front of international audiences as a speaker and coach. In this book, Derek invites you to use the words, phrases and questions we encounter in our everyday lives to stop, go inside and access our True Self. From this place, we can set Standards - not goals - for all areas of our life, to experience the same amazing transformation that he did. With stories, philosophy, exercises and quotes, this is a book of practical enlightenment from a man who became an unintentional guru for many people when they started asking how he changed his life around and how they could too. This is his story so far and it can be the doorway to your own journey of change and instant success. ISBN:9781401940829 Author:Derek Mills

How to Speak Money

KShs1,499.00 KShs1,425.00
Brief Summary To those who don’t speak it, the language of money can seem impenetrable and its ideas too complex to grasp. How to Speak Money is acclaimed writer John Lanchester’s entertaining and informative attempt to bridge the gap between the money people and the rest of us. With characteristic wit and candor ("wickedly funny” — Dwight Garner, New York Times), Lanchester shows how the world of finance and economics really works — from the terms and conditions of your personal checking account to the evasions of bankers appearing in front of Congress. How to Speak Money reveals how the language of money is often a tool to conceal and mislead; he explains hundreds of common economic terms, from GDP to the IMF, amortization to securitization to collateralized debt obligation; and he argues that we all need to speak money lest those who do write the financial rules for themselves. ISBN:9780393243376 Author:John Lanchester

The Science of Motivation: Strategies...

KShs3,099.00 KShs2,945.00
Brief Summary The Science of Motivation: Strategies & Techniques for Turning Dreams into Destiny. Legendary college football coach, Lou Holtz once said: "When all is said and done, more is said than done." These few, yet profound words explain one of the biggest predicaments that individuals face today. We want to be successful, happy and influential. Yet, very few of us, follow up what we say with specific actions that move us directly toward those goals. The idea of being successful is an attractive dream that fills us with positive emotions. Whereas the actions required to be successful are often difficult. The desire to be genuinely happy is a goal toward which nearly every individual aspires. But, the actions required to achieve deep and sustained happiness require us to often delay temporary gratification and "quick fixes" to problems. Saying that we want to achieve influence, either as a leader of others in the workplace, an influential member of the community, or as an admired parent and spouse, is far easier than the gut wrenching decisions, enormous amounts of personal time, and direct truth-telling that are required. In this cutting-edge program from personal development expert and motivation master, Brian Tracy, you'll learn that there truly is a Science of Motivation. If you apply Brian's teachings and implement them in your life, your dreams will become your destiny as you produce the outcomes that you desire. ISBN:9781469035727 Author:Brian Tracy and Dan Strutzel

Every woman: A Gynecological Guide fo...

KShs1,599.00 KShs1,520.00
Brief Summary One of the most successful books ever published on women's health, EVERYWOMAN is the essential guide for women who want to learn more about their bodies and health. Written in a sensible and straightforward way, it provides the medical and gynecological facts as well as the social aspects of women's sexuality and wellbeing. This groundbreaking book has again been revised and updated to meet the needs of women of all ages as they head towards the next century. ISBN:9780140269857 Author:Derek Llewellyn-Jones

Chicken Soup for the Soul Power Moms

KShs1,699.00 KShs1,615.00
Brief Summary Chicken Soup for the Soul: Power Moms - 101 Stories Celebrating the Power of Choice for Stay-at-Home and Work-from-Home Moms • Issue of moms leaving the workforce, opt-out moms hot topic these days in the media • Stories positively discuss the choices made by mothers to give up their full time work to be stay at home or work from home moms • Includes stories from grateful husbands and children • Must have book for Mother’s Day • Every mom views herself as a "Power Mom.” Wendy Walker,author of Four Wives and The Queen of Suburbia, has become the go-to media expert on women leaving the workforce to raise their families and run their homes. This book contains 101 great stories from mothers who have made the choice to stay home, or work from home, while raising their families These multi-tasking, high-performing women have become today's Power Moms. Every stay-at-home and work-from-home mom will view this book as having been written just for her. Perfect for book groups, it will contain a reader guide. ISBN:9781935096313 Author:Jack Canfield,? Mark Victor Hansen and Wendy Walker

Chicken Soup for the Soul Woman to Woman

KShs1,699.00 KShs1,615.00
Brief Summary Chicken Soup for the Soul: Woman to Woman: Women Sharing Their Stories of Hope, Humor, and Inspiration Chicken Soup for the Soul: Woman to Woman will inspire, amuse, support, and move readers with its 101 heartfelt stories for women of all ages, written by women just like them. • Books represent a new thematic experience, even for readers of past books, as Chicken Soup has tightened the content, and books contain only relevant stories. Out-of-date stories were eliminated. • Each book contains 101 stories recompiled from dozens of past Chicken Soup titles. • "Our 101 Best Stories" collection is an efficient way for new readers to obtain books covering Chicken Soup's most popular topics. • Every book has a warm and moving forward from Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen explaining the company's rebirth and its return to 101 stories per book. Women have always been wonderful sources of inspiration and support for each other. They are willing to lay bare their souls and share their experiences, even with perfect strangers. Put two random women together in a room, on an airplane, in a line at the supermarket, and the sharing begins, often at the deepest level. The first Chicken Soup for the Soul book was published in 1993, and became a publishing industry sensation, ultimately selling eight million copies. The company went on to publish more than 150 Chicken Soup titles, selling more than 100 million copies, and becoming a household name. Chicken Soup for the Soul has won dozens of awards over the past 15 years, and its founders, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen have become celebrity motivational speakers and authors. ISBN:9781935096047 Author:Jack Canfield,? Mark Victor Hansen and Amy Newmark

Secrets of Success

KShs1,599.00 KShs1,520.00
Brief Summary Secrets of Success: The Science and Spirit of Real Prosperity Are you intrigued by the Laws of Attraction yet not quite sure how to use their power if your life? Well, you are not alone! This life-changing book reveals the truth about how your consciousness and energy really work in the world. It’s your full life force—not just your individual intention—that creates results. This uniquely holistic approach unlocks your quantum psychology—the deeper vibrations of your thoughts and feelings—and offers the keys that will open you up to a future of abundance and joy You will also tap into one of the best-kept secrets of success—your connection with the presence and energy of Spirit! Learn how to sharpen your intuition and work with divine experts, messengers, and creative advisors. Discover dozens of simple ways to access the talent of the ages and align your own energy field with the driving and creative force of the cosmos This book will also help you to • Understand the power of adjacent possibilities and the abundant options they represent • Identify and change your quantum psychology and shift your consciousness for better results • Use your intuitive powers to lead you to your own Manifest Destiny • Flip the energy of your life and propel your individual intentions with a powerful life force • Learn simple techniques to get help from spirit to succeed in every area of your life! The world of endless possibilities is awaiting you. Now is your moment of destiny creation ISBN:9781401919115 Author:Sandra Anne Taylor and Sharon A. Klingler

You are Not That Great

KShs2,199.00 KShs2,090.00
Brief Summary I am addicted to positivity. I am addicted to positivity. I am addicted to positivity. I care more about feeling great than being great. I am NOT THAT GREAT. The self-help industry tells you that if you're positive, if you put your best foot forward and if you just believe in yourself that you will find happiness. Let's be real, you can read all the inspirational quotes you want. You can spend your days giving yourself affirmations in your heart-shaped mirror and trying to learn to love yourself. You can say your mantra over and over again while sitting cross-legged on a yoga mat in a Whole Foods parking lot. But the truth is, you're not a badass and you still don't have the life you want. That's where You're Not That Great (but neither is anyone else) comes in. This book teaches you how to harness all the negativity in the world and use it to improve your life, taking everyday feelings like self-loathing, regret and shame and making them work for you. Positive thinking is for assholes. Negative thinking is for winners. " ISBN:9781478918295 Author:Elan Gale

Nice Girls Just Dont Get It

KShs2,399.00 KShs2,280.00
Brief Summary Nice Girls Just Don't Get It: 99 Ways to Win the Respect You Deserve, the Success You've Earned, and the Life You Wan Offering the same brand of practical, no-holds-barred, expert advice that made Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office an international million-copy bestseller, Nice Girls Just Don't Get It teaches us the skills we need to turn from a nice girl into a winning woman, not just in our careers but in our relationships, families, and everyday lives. Have you ever felt invisible? Taken advantage of? Reluctant (or unable) to articulate what you really want? If so, join the club. The nice girls club. Nice girls—that's right, girls—are those more concerned with pleasing others than with addressing their own needs and haven't yet learned how to overcome the childhood messages cultural stereotypes keeping them from getting their voices heard, their needs met, and the lives they want. This book will turn those nice girls into winning women. That is, women who factor their own needs in with those of others, confront those who treat them disrespectfully, maintain healthy and mutually beneficial relationships with appropriate boundaries— and as a result, are happier and more successful in every area of their life. In 2004, Lois Frankel blew the lid off so many of our long-held ideas about gender and success with her bestselling Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office, which went on to become such a huge phenomenon, the term "nice girls" has secured a place in our cultural lexicon. Here, Frankel teams up with negotiation expert Carol Frohlinger to bring this bestselling advice out of the workplace and provide a broader set of skills that any woman—whether a CEO or stay-at-home mom—can use to win anywhere, with anyone. Presented in the straightforward, digestible format that helped make Nice Girl's Don't Get the Corner Office an instant hit, Frankel and Frohlinger outline seven practical strategies and 99 supporting tactics that every winning woman should know. By the time you've finished reading this book, you'll be able to: • Get your husband to do his half of the household chores—without being made to feel like a nag. • Stop overextending yourself by taking on all the unpleasant tasks no one on your volunteer board, or your team at work will go near. • Win an argument with your mother in law about who will be hosting Christmas dinner. • Have the courage to send back a meal that isn’t prepared the way you’d ordered it. • Confront a colleague who is shirking responsibility or taking credit for your work. • Convince a sales person to reduce a fee, waive a surcharge, or honor a store credit. • Question a doctor’s course or treatment or request a second opinion, instead of simply going along in order to be a "good” patient. • Firmly but politely bow out of an extravagant vacation to celebrate a friend’s birthday that you simply can’t afford–without feeling guilty about it. And so much more. A must-read for anyone who's ever felt taken advantage of by a friend or family member, unappreciated by a spouse or partner, or exploited by a vindictive neighbor or co-worker, Nice Girls Just Don't Get It offers women the indispensable knowledge and skills to get the things they want, the respect they've earned, and the success they deserve. " " ISBN:9780307590466 Author:Lois P. Frankel and Carol Frohlinger

Impulse Why We Do What We Do

KShs2,299.00 KShs2,185.00
Brief Summary Impulse: Why We Do What We Do Without Knowing Why We Do It "It seemed like a good idea at the time" has been the limp excuse of many a person whose actions later became cause for regret. Although we see ourselves as rational beings, we are far more likely to act according to impulse than logic. Nor is this always a bad thing, David Lewis suggests. Impulse explores all the mystifying things people do despite knowing better, from blurting out indiscretions to falling for totally incompatible romantic partners. Informed by the latest research in neuropsychology, this eye-opening account explains why snap decisions so often govern--and occasionally enrich--our lives. Lewis investigates two kinds of thinking that occur in the brain: one slow and reflective, the other fast but prone to error. In ways we cannot control, our mental tracks switch from the first type to the second, resulting in impulsive actions. This happens in that instant when the eyes of lovers meet, when the hand reaches for a must-have product that the pocketbook can't afford, when "I really shouldn't" have another drink becomes "Oh why not?" In these moments, our rational awareness takes a back seat. While we inevitably lose self-control on occasion, Lewis says, this can also be desirable, leading to experiences we cherish but would certainly miss if we were always logical. Less about the ideal reasoning we fail to use than the flawed reasoning we manage to get by with, Impulse proves there is more to a healthy mental life than being as coolly calculating as possible. " ISBN:9780674725492 Author:Dr. David Lewis