Showing 1661–1680 of 1807 results

How Did I Get Here

KShs1,395.00 KShs1,326.00
Brief summary How Did I Get Here? Navigating the unexpected turns in love and life Find your way back to happiness from wherever you are with self-help guru Barbara De Angelis. 1. We all encounter unforeseen obstacles in our lives, as a relationship or a job we were counting on vanishes. This book will teach you how to escape the past and navigate the unexpected to find a life of more purpose, contentment and joy. 2. Even when a person’s life seems perfect from the outside, they can often feel dissatisfied; that there is a gap between the life they mapped out and the life they ended up with. Bestselling author Barbara De Angelis teaches us how to combat this feeling. 3. Discover how to deal with personal crisis, both dramatic and gradual, including divorce, unemployment, boredom and restlessness. 4. If you have realized that the life you have doesn’t fulfil you, this book gives you the practical tools, wisdom and inspiration to turn it around. ISBN:9780007194438 Author:Barbara De Angelis

Grow Rich With Peace of Mind

KShs1,495.00 KShs1,421.00
Brief summary Here, in simple, readable language, are the foolproof techniques for achieving the power to earn money and to enjoy genuine inner peace. You will learn: how to succeed in life, succeed in being yourself; how to develop your own healthy ego; how to win the job you want--and keep going upward; how to turn every challenge into a new success, and more. ISBN:9781469236131 Author:Napoleon Hill

Good as Gold

KShs1,495.00 KShs1,421.00
Brief summary It is my pleasure to share with you readings from Napoleon Hill's writings that range from his earliest to his latest works. Selections are included from his essays, his books, and his capstone course: PMA Science of Success. In addressing these writings, I enjoyed fast forwarding to today's current application of his philosophy. Remembering that "there is nothing new under the sun," it is refreshing to align Dr. Hill's thoughts with my interpretation and application of them in today's ever changing world. This material is pure, unadulterated gold, and hence the title of the book: Napoleon Hill: Good as Gold So, I commend you to the material. There are 52 chapters - that equates to one per week. Read a little, reflect a lot, and then when you uncover the secret put it into immediate action. As Dr. Hill states: When a plan comes through to your conscious mind while you are open to the guidance of Infinite Intelligence, accept it with appreciation and gratitude and act on it at once. Do not hesitate, do not argue, challenge, worry, fret about it, or wonder if it's right. Act on it! By reading this book you are acting on your explicit faith that you can become the person you desire to be. By raising your sights to your "higher self" you are visualizing the picture perfect outcome for your purpose and plan here on Earth. Enjoy your journey. Enjoy the book. ISBN:9780981951164 Author:Napoleon Hill and Judith Williamson

Golden Apples 6 Simple Steps to Success

KShs1,595.00 KShs1,516.00
Brief summary Golden Apples: Six Simple Steps to Success: From Market Stall to Millionaire: A Wealth of Wisdom You Can't Afford to Ignore. Bill Cullen, legendary head of Renault Ireland, went from selling apples on the streets of Dublin to owning a company with an annual turnover of over $400 million. He credits much of his success to the women in his life: his mother, Mary, and his grandmother, Molly Darcy, whose fierce intelligence and homespun wisdom were a constant motivation and whose stories he told so vividly in his bestselling memoir, it’s a Long Way from Penny Apples. Now Bill shares those memories, and interprets them for the twenty-first century. Under his inspirational guidance, you can transform your career and your life. " ISBN:9780340838983 Author:Bill Cullen

Healing Your Marriage

KShs1,495.00 KShs1,421.00
Brief summary Healing Your Marriage When Trust Is Broken: Finding Forgiveness and Restoration A few days after an ordinary Valentine’s Day, Cindy Beall’s life changed forever. She listened with disbelief to her husband, Chris, a respected pastor, confess to pornography addiction, numerous affairs, and the startling news that a woman was pregnant with his child. With raw honesty and intimate knowledge of pain and of God’s power to resurrect something new out of the debris of betrayal, Cindy reveals how to: 1. seek guidance, counseling, and prayer support when deceptions surface 2. help the family heal from the grief and humiliation 3. rebuild trust after porn, sex, and other addictions undermine a relationship 4. protect a marriage from lies and unfaithfulness 5. rely on God to pursue forgiveness and move forward in new promises Cindy’s compassion, grasp of God’s Word, and the Bealls’ remarkable story will help wives and husbands trust God with their broken hearts and follow His leading, hope, and redemption. ISBN:9780736943154 Author:Cindy Beall

Gut Feelings

KShs1,595.00 KShs1,516.00
Brief summary Gut Feelings: Short Cuts to Better Decision Making In Gut Feelings: Short Cuts to Better Decision Making psychologist and behavioural expert Gerd Gigerenzer reveals the secrets of fast and effective decision-making. A sportsman can catch a ball without calculating its speed or distance. A group of amateurs beat the experts at playing the stock market. A man falls for the right woman even though she's 'wrong' on paper. All these people succeeded by trusting their instincts - but how does it work? As Gerd Gigerenzer explains, in an uncertain world, sometimes we have to ignore too much information and rely on our brain's 'short cut', or heuristic. By explaining how intuition works and analyzing the techniques that people use to make good decisions - whether it's in personnel selection or heart surgery - Gigerenzer will show you the hidden intelligence of the unconscious mind. ISBN:9780141015910 Author:Gerd Gigerenzer

Greater:Dream Bigger.Start Smaller

KShs1,595.00 KShs1,516.00
Brief summary Greater: Dream Bigger. Start Smaller. Ignite God's Vision for Your Life Are you unsatisfied with the kind of Christian life you’ve settled for? If you are tired of cul-de-sac Christianity or self-help pseudo solutions, today is the day God’s greater plan for your life begins in full force: 1. Greater than the labels you were given when you were young. 2. Greater than the cynicism that settles in as you get older. 3. Greater than the dreams you’ve dreamed for yourself. 4. Greater than even the greatest moment you’ve had thus far. In Greater, Pastor Steven Furtick draws on the biblical story of Elisha to give you the confidence to know that nothing is impossible with God, the clarity to see the next step He’s calling you to take, and the courage to do anything He tells you to do. ISBN:9781601426550 Author:Steven Furtick

Globalization and Its Discontents

KShs1,695.00 KShs1,611.00
Brief summary When it was first published, this national bestseller quickly became a touchstone in the globalization debate. Renowned economist and Nobel Prize winner Joseph E. Stiglitz had a ringside seat for most of the major economic events of the last decade, including stints as chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers and chief economist at the World Bank. Particularly concerned with the plight of the developing nations, he became increasingly disillusioned as he saw the International Monetary Fund and other major institutions put the interests of Wall Street and the financial community ahead of the poorer nations. Those seeking to understand why globalization has engendered the hostility of protesters in Seattle and Genoa will find the reasons here. While this book includes no simple formula on how to make globalization work, Stiglitz provides a reform agenda that will provoke debate for years to come. Rarely do we get such an insider's analysis of the major institutions of globalization as in this penetrating book. With a new foreword for this paperback edition. ISBN:9780393324396 Author:Joseph E. Stiglitz

The Global Warming Deception

KShs1,695.00 KShs1,611.00
Brief summary The Global-Warming Deception: How a Secret Elite Plans to Bankrupt America and Steal Your Freedom Global warming’s hidden agenda: a global socialist government The worldwide effort to combat manmade global warming is history’s most far-reaching hoax. In The Global-Warming Deception, Grant R. Jeffrey documents the orchestrated campaign of political pressure, flawed science, and falsified data—all designed to sell an environmental lie and bring the West to its knees. United Nations agencies use the threat of rising ocean levels, crop failure, expanding deserts, and the extinction of species to convince western nations to surrender their sovereignty. As these developments play out, we see the globalists consolidating their power. In The Global-Warming Deception, you will find proof that: 1. Laws and regulations to reduce carbon emissions are designed to destroy the free-enterprise system and drain wealth from western nations. 2. The religion of eco-fundamentalism denies the existence of God and substitutes in His place the worship of the earth. 3. The coming economic collapse, hastened by global-warming laws, will lead to international chaos. A one-world government will be presented as the solution, followed by the arrival of the Antichrist. Your liberty is at stake. Now is the time to learn all you can about the socialist-Marxist elite that is advancing the false threat of global warming—the most deadly deception in history. " ISBN:9781400074433 Author:Grant R. Jeffrey

Giving How Each of Us Can

KShs1,695.00 KShs1,611.00
Brief summary Here, from Bill Clinton, is a call to action. Giving is an inspiring look at how each of us can change the world. First, it reveals the extraordinary and innovative efforts now being made by companies and organizations—and by individuals—to solve problems and save lives both "down the street and around the world.” Then it urges us to seek out what each of us, "regardless of income, available time, age, and skills,” can do to help, to give people a chance to live out their dreams. Bill Clinton shares his own experiences and those of other givers, representing a global flood tide of nongovernmental, nonprofit activity. These remarkable stories demonstrate that gifts of time, skills, things, and ideas are as important and effective as contributions of money. From Bill and Melinda Gates to a six-year-old California girl named McKenzie Steiner, who organized and supervised drives to clean up the beach in her community, Clinton introduces us to both well-known and unknown heroes of giving. Among them: Clinton writes about men and women who traded in their corporate careers, and the fulfillment they now experience through giving. He writes about energy-efficient practices, about progressive companies going green, about promoting fair wages and decent working conditions around the world. He shows us how one of the most important ways of giving can be an effort to change, improve, or protect a government policy. He outlines what we as individuals can do, the steps we can take, how much we should consider giving, and why our giving is so important. Bill Clinton’s own actions in his post-presidential years have had an enormous impact on the lives of millions. Through his foundation and his work in the aftermath of the Asian tsunami and Hurricane Katrina, he has become an international spokesperson and model for the power of giving. " ISBN:9780307266743 Author:Bill Clinton

The First Tycoon

KShs2,295.00 KShs2,181.00
Brief summary The First Tycoon: The Epic Life of Cornelius Vanderbilt A gripping, groundbreaking biography of the combative man whose genius and force of will created modern capitalism. Founder of a dynasty, builder of the original Grand Central, creator of an impossibly vast fortune, Cornelius "Commodore” Vanderbilt is an American icon. Humbly born on Staten Island during George Washington’s presidency, he rose from boatman to builder of the nation’s largest fleet of steamships to lord of a railroad empire. Lincoln consulted him on steamship strategy during the Civil War; Jay Gould was first his uneasy ally and then sworn enemy; and Victoria Woodhull, the first woman to run for president of the United States, was his spiritual counselor. We see Vanderbilt help to launch the transportation revolution, propel the Gold Rush, reshape Manhattan, and invent the modern corporation—in fact, as T. J. Stiles elegantly argues, Vanderbilt did more than perhaps any other individual to create the economic world we live in today. In The First Tycoon, Stiles offers the first complete, authoritative biography of this titan, and the first comprehensive account of the Commodore’s personal life. It is a sweeping, fast-moving epic, and a complex portrait of the great man. Vanderbilt, Stiles shows, embraced the philosophy of the Jacksonian Democrats and withstood attacks by his conservative enemies for being too competitive. He was a visionary who pioneered business models. He was an unschooled fist fighter who came to command the respect of New York’s social elite. And he was a father who struggled with a gambling-addicted son, a husband who was loving yet abusive, and, finally, an old man who was obsessed with contacting the dead. The First Tycoon is the exhilarating story of a man and a nation maturing together: the powerful account of a man whose life was as epic and complex as American history itself. ISBN:9780375415425 Author:T.J. Stiles

The Fred Factor

KShs1,890.00 KShs1,590.00
Brief summary The Fred Factor: How passion in your work and life can turn the ordinary into the extraordinary Meet Fred. In his powerful new book THE FRED FACTOR, motivational speaker Mark Sanborn recounts the true story of Fred, the mail carrier who passionately loves his job and who genuinely cares about the people he serves. Because of that, he is constantly going the extra mile handling the mail – and sometimes watching over the houses – of the people on his route, treating everyone he meets as a friend. Where others might see delivering mail as monotonous drudgery, Fred sees an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of those he serves. We’ve all encountered people like Fred in our lives. In THE FRED FACTOR, Mark Sanborn illuminates the simple steps each of us can take to transform our own lives from the ordinary – into the extraordinary. Sanborn, through stories about Fred and others like him, reveals the four basic principles that will help us bring fresh energy and creativity to our life and work: how to make a real difference every day, how to become more successful by building strong relationships, how to create real value for others without spending a penny, and how to constantly reinvent yourself. By following these principles, and by learning from and teaching other "Freds,” you, too, can excel in your career and make your life extraordinary. As Mark Sanborn makes clear, each of us has the potential be a Fred. THE FRED FACTOR shows you how. ISBN:9780385513517 Author:Mark Sanborn

For Better or for Best

KShs695.00 KShs661.00
Brief summary For Better or for Best: A Valuable Guide to Knowing, Understanding, and Loving Your Husband So you want your husband to: - be sensitive to your emotional and romantic needs? - comfort you when you're down? - spend more time with you? - listen to what you have to say? - appreciate you? - do more around the house? - spend time with the kids? - be your most intimate friend? Gary Smalley explains what motivates men and how women can use their natural attractive qualities to build a better marriage. He helps women to understand not only the way men think, but also how to move a man's heart. Using case histories and biblical illustrations, he solves with empathy, humor, and wisdom every practical and emotional problem a woman can face in her marriage. ISBN:9780310214670 Author:Gary Smalley and Norma Smalley

First Break All the Rules

KShs1,699.00 KShs1,615.00
Brief summary First, Break All the Rules: What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently What separates the greatest managers from all the rest? They actually have vastly different styles and backgrounds. Yet despite their differences, great managers share one common trait: They don’t hesitate to break virtually every rule held sacred by conventional wisdom. They don’t believe that, with enough training, a person can achieve anything he sets his mind to. They don’t try to help people overcome their weaknesses. And, yes, they even play favorites. In this longtime management bestseller, Gallup presents the remarkable findings of its massive in-depth study of great managers. Some were in leadership positions. Others were front-line supervisors. Some were in Fortune 500 companies; others were key players in small, entrepreneurial firms. Whatever their circumstances, the managers who ultimately became the focus of Gallup’s research were those who excelled at turning each individual employee’s talent into high performance. Gallup has found that the front-line manager is the key to attracting and retaining talented employees. This book explains how the best managers select an employee for talent rather than for skills or experience, set expectations, build on each person’s unique strengths rather than trying to fix his or her weaknesses, and get the best performance out of their teams. And perhaps most important, Gallup’s research produced the 12 simple statements that distinguish the strongest departments of a company from all the rest. First, Break All the Rules is the first book to present this essential measuring stick and to prove the link between employee opinions and productivity, profit, customer satisfaction and the rate of turnover. First, Break All the Rules presents vital performance and career lessons for managers at every level — and best of all, shows you how to apply them to your own situation. " ISBN:9780684852867 Author:Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman

17 Equations that Changed the World

KShs1,495.00 KShs1,421.00
Brief summary From Newton's Law of Gravity to the Black-Scholes model used by bankers to predict the markets, equations, are everywhere - and they are fundamental to everyday life. Seventeen Equations that Changed the World examines seventeen ground-breaking equations that have altered the course of human history. He explores how Pythagoras's Theorem led to GPS and Satnav; how logarithms are applied in architecture; why imaginary numbers were important in the development of the digital camera, and what is really going on with Schrödinger's cat. Entertaining, surprising and vastly informative, Seventeen Equations that Changed the World is a highly original exploration - and explanation - of life on earth. ISBN:9781846685316 Author:Ian Stewart

The Encore Effect

KShs1,890.00 KShs1,390.00
Brief summary The Encore Effect: How to Achieve Remarkable Performance in Anything You Do Whether you want to win that new account or inspire your family and friends, bestselling author and acclaimed speaker Mark Sanborn shows us how to make every performance count. Every day, we are called to perform— at work, at home, in our communities. But is it possible to make every performance outstanding, the kind that leaves people applauding for an encore? Mark Sanborn, leadership expert and bestselling author of The Fred Factor, says that anyone can achieve remarkable performance time after time—no matter what their personality, strengths, or weaknesses. In The Encore Effect Sanborn demonstrates, through his own experiences as well as those of the people he’s worked with in his career, how you can cultivate the traits shared by remarkable performers and achieve extraordinary results in all aspects of your life. The secrets lie in five steps: 1. Passion: The fuel for remarkable performance 2. Prepare: How remarkable performance begins 3. Practice: It won’t make you perfect, but it will make you better 4. Perform: How to engage your audience 5. Polish: Making your performance shine Whether your "stage” is an office, a sales floor, the boardroom, or your own home, Sanborn’s sound advice and rousing encouragement will help you shine in every situation where it matters most. ISBN:9780385519052 Author:Mark Sanborn

What Men Say What Women Hear

KShs1,295.00 KShs1,231.00
Brief summary What Men Say What Women Hear: Conquering the Communication Gap One Misunderstanding at a Time. An indispensable relationship guide for every woman who has ever told her partner "really, don't go to any trouble for my birthday.” And then been disappointed when he didn't. He says: "that dress looks great! Let’s buy it!" you hear: "he really loves being with me. i feel as though we've truly bonded." He means: "For the love of God, the last eight black dresses you tried on looked identical! Just buy one, so we can get home in time for the game!" In "What Men Say, What Women Hear,” Dr. Linda Papadopoulos tackles the saying, hearing, and listening gap between men and women that can complicate every step of a relationship, from first dates and first sex to meeting the parents and living happily ever after. An expert on Cognitive Behavior Therapy, which connects people's initial and often misguided perception of something to the emotional reaction that follows, Dr. Linda deconstructs the common thinking errors that can hinder communication -- such as personalizing everything ("He's in a bad mood. Clearly he's thinking of a way to dump me.") And jumping to conclusions ("He asked how much younger my sister is than me. I bet he thinks I look like an old bat compared to her."). By applying clinical techniques to fun -- and oh-so-familiar -- examples, Dr. Linda helps readers eliminate unnecessary relationship anxiety and reevaluate the way they think about themselves, their partners, and the world around them. ISBN:9781416585213 Author:Linda Papadopoulos

Intelligent Leadership

KShs2,195.00 KShs2,086.00
Brief summary Intelligent Leadership: Creating a Passion for Change The need for high-quality leadership in all areas of business and organizational activity has never been greater. A myriad of inter-linked factors mean that styles of leadership that were appropriate in the past are now no longer working. (These factors include new technologies, more questioning attitudes to authority, the arrival of the "virtual organization" with its network of contributors, and the unprecedently high expectations of customers and employees.) In Intelligent Leadership, Alan Hooper and John Potter look at how changes affect people in businesses and organizations, including through specific case studies - and propose practical ways for leaders to provide effective leadership in a quickly changing and confusing work environment. The focus is on winning hearts and minds, on leadership as an emotional and psychological commitment to the people being led, and on the idea of emotional intelligence. ISBN:9780712684200 Author:Alan Hooper and Dr John Potter

How Life Imitates Chess by Garry Kasp...

KShs1,599.00 KShs1,520.00
Brief summary How Life Imitates Chess: Making the Right Moves, from the Board to the Boardroom One of the most highly regarded strategists of our time teaches us how the tools that made him a world chess champion can make us more successful in business and in life. Garry Kasparov was the highest-rated chess player in the world for over twenty years and is widely considered the greatest player that ever lived. In How Life Imitates Chess Kasparov distills the lessons he learned over a lifetime as a Grandmaster to offer a primer on successful decision-making: how to evaluate opportunities, anticipate the future, and devise winning strategies. He relates in a lively, original way all the fundamentals, from the nuts and bolts of strategy, evaluation, and preparation to the subtler, more human arts of developing a personal style and using memory, intuition, imagination and even fantasy. Kasparov takes us through the great matches of his career, including legendary duels against both man (Grandmaster Anatoly Karpov) and machine (IBM chess supercomputer Deep Blue), enhancing the lessons of his many experiences with examples from politics, literature, sports and military history. With candor, wisdom, and humor, Kasparov recounts his victories and his blunders, both from his years as a world-class competitor as well as his new life as a political leader in Russia. An inspiring book that combines unique strategic insight with personal memoir, How Life Imitates Chess is a glimpse inside the mind of one of today's greatest and most innovative thinkers. " ISBN:9781596913875 Author:Garry Kasparov

Every Young Woman’s Battle: Gua...

KShs2,200.00 KShs1,990.00
Every Young Woman's Battle: Guarding Your Mind, Heart, and Body in a Sex-Saturated World Guys Aren't the Only Ones Fighting a Battle for Purity. The world you live in promotes sex as the answer to just about everything. The pressure to go along with the crowd is greater than ever before, and it's easy to compromise in little ways that are a lot more harmful than they seem. You and your friends may become caught up in destructive relationships or sexual activities without even knowing how you got there. You just want to be normal–to fit in, to be liked, to look attractive to the opposite sex. But are you paying too high a price? This counterpart to the award-winning Every Young Man's Battle can help you: 1. Learn how the sexual battle begins in your heart and mind 2. Understand your hunger for attention from guys 3. Recognize and avoid the potential pitfalls awaiting young women on the journey toward adulthood and possibly marriage 4. Find out how the media, novels, fashion, internet chat rooms, and body and beauty obsessions influence your sexual choices–and what you can do about it 5. Guard your mind, heart, and body against sexual and emotional compromise 6. Develop a deeper, more satisfying level of intimacy with God Whether you have so far protected yourself emotionally and sexually, feel that you've been robbed of your purity, or have given in to temptation in some way, this book can help you achieve or reclaim sexual integrity. It can also guide you through the temptations and pressures of young adulthood while demonstrating how you can live your life to the fullest–without regrets. Includes a comprehensive workbook for individual or group study.