Brief Summary
A gripping tale of addiction, domestic abuse, betrayal, and unrelenting love
Courage to Love is a romantic suspense novel set in Nairobi, Kenya. It follows the life of Zora, a young woman from an affluent family. She is being groomed to take over her father's business when she reunites with Bryan; a childhood friend who has morphed from a gawky teen into an Adonis. She jumps headfirst into a relationship with him and plummets into the dark abyss of addiction and soon disappears from the face of the earth.
Al is a young successful attorney who is secretly in love with Zora. He cannot act on his feelings because he has been here before and dating another client's daughter could bring him and his law firm into disrepute. He settles for being her friend and has a front-row seat to the havoc that Bryan wreaks on Zora's life.
When she disappears he finally confronts his feelings and will stop at nothing to find her because the love he has for her now supersedes everything.
When blinded by love, how much darkness is one willing to endure before choosing to seek the light?
Author:Ruth Mwongeli David
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