Showing 61–80 of 1208 results

Sakagwa Ng’iti: A Kisii Prophet

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
Sakagwa Ng'iti exerted substantial influence on Gusii society and beyond in the latter part of the 1800s. He was many things: a medicine man, rainmaker, an unelected community strategist in dealing with raids from the warring Maasai and Kipsigis, and a prophet whose many prophecies have come to pass, according to those that keenly follow his story. His death was mysterious, leaving many wondering what really happened. Did he, as some accounts claim, eventually settle among the Kipsigis? Was he carried away by chisokoro (ancestors) to join them in the netherworld as happened with Jesus of Nazareth? How come that his spiritual roles (seer, medicine man, and rainmaker) that ran in the family, waned and eventually died off? Peter Okari Nyambasora's Sakagwa Ngi'ti, a Kisii Prophet provides some answers to these questions. It traces the emergence of Sakagwa as a prominent player in Gusii of his time, even as he had no formal power accorded by clan, tribe or lineage. Compiled from oral tales, one on one interviews with family members, and written works, the book provides the most authoritative account of Sakagwa yet written.

Who are the Top Billionaires in Afric...

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
The solutions to Africa’s problems lie with the entrepreneurs. They must be willing to exploit the opportunities hidden in the problems; through ethical business practice. The entrepreneurs are the change agents that will create jobs, generate wealth and enable economic development in the continent. This book is about making it as an entrepreneur irrespective of where you start. Ibeto started with nothing. Strive Masiyiwa started with $75. What problem do you want to solve? Learn from the great sons of Africa. Power of Action removes PROCRASTINATION Power of Experience makes one WISER Power of Tenacity and Integrity creates life- long VALUE

Vyama Institutions of Hope

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
This book makes the case for informal sector institutions in development theory. Through practical examples and interviews conducted in Kenya, the author captures how ordinary people organize themselves to meet daily economic and development challenges. The author traces how ordinary people (wananchi) use non-mainstream mechanisms in the form vyama (social groups) to enable individual, group and community development. The book offers insights into the evolution of vyama (institutions of hope) and the role these institutions continue to play in realizing economic growth: wealth creation and distribution; investments, social protection; and general community development. The work shows how, despite historical disruptions, modernization and neo-liberal policies, ordinary people creatively borrow from tradition. In the process, they use collective mechanisms for resource mobilization, investment, risk-sharing and shared gains for the common good. The author offers pointers into the future and how the chama concept can become mainstream in a people’s economic development. What others say “The analysis is rigorous. It is highly original, emotive, and an excellent piece of work. It makes a major contribution to our knowledge of the proto-proletariat and the informal sector in the developing world. - How the author beautifully weaves anecdotes from classical African novels into her analysis to reinforce her argument makes this work distinctive and unique.” - Professor MBK Darkoh, University of Botswana “This book is based on real life cases in an area that most scholars have not ventured into. It is a major addition of new findings in the body of knowledge. The presentation is clear, understandable and would appeal to most readers.” –Paul Kamau, PhD, Senior Research Fellow, University of Nairobi “The strength of this book is the way it has managed to present the lives of the ordinary people as not hopeless, but rather the base where future development for Africa could be emerging. The book starts from the grassroots and the development actions and innovations taking place there based on the needs as experienced by the ordinary people, rather than the technical fixes of development experts that follow the books rather than the actual needs of the people being developed.” – Professor Beth Maina Ahlberg, PhD, Professor of International Health, Uppsala University “This book demonstrates how ordinary citizens have discovered the power in tapping into social relations and are proactively solving their own socio-political and economic challenges. It calls for the incorporation of the ordinary citizen in development planning with a view of enabling them to receive value from and add value to the globalization and integration process. For anyone who is interested to see Africa play an important role in the global agenda, this is not a book to be ignored.” -- Josephat Juma, Managing Editor, The African Executive magazine.

Wanjiku in Global Development

KShs1,400.00 KShs1,200.00
In Kenya, the name 'Wanjiku' epitomizes the ordinary person, the citizen, in the context of national socio-political and socio-economic discourse. The origins of the name are in the often heated national debates on political, economic, and rights-related issues where elite self-interest often takes precedence. Aligned with economic thinking from western schools of thought, the elite often acts without much attention to Wanjiku's daily challenges of survival or completely ignores her well-developed modes of survival as a demonstration of a sound system worth paying attention to. In Wanjiku in Global Development: Everyday Ordinary Women Livelihood Economy in Kenya, Kinyanjui captures Wanjiku's systematic approach to day-to-day activities that undergirded participants' and society's common good. Call it the Wanjiku Business Model. In the true spirit of Ubuntu, market women (Wanjiku) operate within a set of unwritten rules that assure optimization of collective good from interacting among themselves and with others. The Wanjiku Business Model is well illustrated through a number of case studies that further capture its sound basis. Kinyanjui presents a major lesson we can learn from Wanjiku, namely: life does not have to be about cutthroat competition, winners and losers!

Sculpted by Design by KEMIRIMO D. OKUJA

The book is the first volume of the History of Uganda from the Biblical perspective. Most of our early history is founded on mythology, folklore or evolution. In this book, you get to read the Bible as the life manual written by God for the reader, the dreamer, and the one on a quest to make meaning out of life. God did not merely throw words around and out came this world. Like the sculptor and engineer, He carefully and masterfully placed His Words in the universe as valuable trinkets. He unveiled over seven days, a most delightful and perfect maze, our world. This world includes Africa, it includes Uganda and all who live within its boundaries.

Business Conquest by Ian Dennis

KShs1,500.00 KShs1,200.00
The Business Conquest takes you on a journey based on real life stories and case studies of Kenyan entrepreneurs with Business Nuggets from a Business Coach. Endorsed by Chris Kirubi, Rina Hicks and Darshan Chandaria.

Mastering your money by Chacha Nyaigo...

KShs1,500.00 KShs1,200.00
Mastering Your Money is a timely financial guide that every person needs in the quest to attain personal financial freedom. This manual demystifies the concept of money, helps you to improve the way you relate with money, examines the main causes and possible remedies of your financial problems, provides essential skills on how to cope with disasters like Covid-19 and challenges you on how to budget, save, invest ad protect your assets.

The Gusii of Kenya by John S. Akama

KShs1,800.00 KShs1,600.00
The Gusii of Kenya: Social, Economic, Cultural, Political & Judicial Perspectives provides in-depth topical insights of the Gusii (also known as the Kisii) of Kenya. The book captures historical aspects of the Gusii and how they ended up occupying their present lands. It enunciates the group’s cultural, political and economic organization that are core to the group’s identify and overall survival. Reading the book would provide understanding of some noticeable elements of these perspectives that persist to date. Cultural aspects such as the rites of passage and weddings, part of core identity elements of a people, are well articulated. Social organization, starting at the homestead to clan to community level, was intricately woven to form a coherence whole that defined the Gusii. Indeed, this also formed a basis of core elements of code of conduct (chinsoni) and justice as traditionally administered. The book also raises a number of questions regarding the core character of the Gusii such as lack of central authority and the implications this has had on the community over time. One can only speculate the trajectory of history that would have been had the Gusii organized themselves differently.

Gusii Soapstone Industry:Critical iss...

KShs1,000.00 KShs800.00
As is the case with most African indigenous industries, not much research has been done on the Gusii soapstone industry. Consequently, the main aim of this book is to fill the identified gap. Specifically, this book traces the origin of the Gusii soapstone industry, going through various stages, i.e. the Pre-Colonial, Colonial and Post-Colonial periods. Within this historical context, the book provides an elucidation of the social, economic, political and cultural factors that have impacted on the evolution and/or development of the soapstone industry. A critical issue captured in the book is the fact that, over the years, the soapstone handicraft products have been transformed from being items of utility for the local people to, mainly, becoming non-utility items that are sold to outsiders, particularly international tourists as unique pieces of indigenous handicraft and/or African art. However, it should be noted that, notwithstanding this transformation, indigenous cultural attributes and/or cultural themes that would have otherwise disappeared, due to increased impacts of globalization, are being preserved by the sculpturing of unique indigenous soapstone products. Furthermore, currently, the soapstone industry has become a major source of livelihood for the Gusii people of Tabaka in Southwestern Kenya. This book provides a lucid articulation of various facets (i.e., social, economic, cultural and political perspectives) of the Gusii soapstone industry, and the fundamental factors that have made the industry survive, over the years, notwithstanding the introduction of mass produced goods from the Western world. The conceptualization of the role of the indigenous industry in promoting sustainable livelihood is clearly brought out, and is presented within the broader milieu of the Gusii society. The book provides excellent reading for anyone interested in having proper perspectives on the history and the overall development of the Gusii soapstone industry. Elkanah Ong’esa, a world renowned artist and soapstone sculptor. As much as the soapstone sculptures are found in museums, art galleries, curio shops and people’s homes in most major cities of the world, not much research and documentation of these unique indigenous industry initiatives has been done. In light of that, this book on the Gusii soapstone industry fills a critical niche and is quite handy for people from all walks of life and academia looking for up to date information on the Gusii soapstone industry. Dr. Margaret Barasa, Anthropolinguistic Expert, and Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Kisii University, Kenya. Most literature on African indigenous industries, such as soapstone mining, carving and marketing, is based on Eurocentric approach which looks at these industries and African art as exotic items for the pleasure of Western gentry and middleclass. Adopting an Afrocentric approach, this book provides a refreshing analysis of the history, transformation and growth of the Gusii soapstone industry; an indigenous initiative that has evolved, systematically, over the years, and has shown a lot of resiliency in the face of many complex challenges. The book is recommended to people who want to have a proper perspective of similar indigenous industries and the Gusii soapstone industry in particular. Matunda Nyanchama, Publisher. This book looks at the resilience of the soapstone industry in Gusii. It shows that the soapstone carvings as currently developed by the Gusii people may have its origin in ancient traditions that dates back to hundreds and perhaps thousands of years. It also gives a good historical analysis of the growth and development of the soapstone industry. It will goes a long way in illuminating critical aspects of the Gusii soapstone industry. Herman Kiriama, Senior Research Fellow, Kisii University, Kenya.

Wealth Beyond Generations by Karumba ...

KShs2,000.00 KShs1,500.00
Drawing from a rich profession and personal experience, this book is a  useful primer for conversations with your family's next generations that will set them on the path to self-reliance and success.

It’s About Time – Your Blueprint For ...

Key Features Stay organized and focused Get more done Achieve your goals Earn more money Increase your productivity

How to invest in the Stock Market ...

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
To succeed in stocks, know the right stock, the right price and the right time.

Trading The Stock Market Profitably b...

KShs2,000.00 KShs1,500.00
The Book looks at Kenya Stock Market. Ways to make money buying and selling shares at the Kenya Securities Exchange and how to make profits on repeat mode.

The Bitcoin Standard: The Decentraliz...

KShs5,000.00 KShs4,500.00
When a pseudonymous programmer introduced “a new electronic cash system that’s fully peer-to-peer, with no trusted third party” to a small online mailing list in 2008, very few paid attention. Ten years later, and against all odds, this upstart autonomous decentralized software offers an unstoppable and globally-accessible hard money alternative to modern central banks. The Bitcoin Standard analyzes the historical context to the rise of Bitcoin, the economic properties that have allowed it to grow quickly, and its likely economic, political, and social implications. While Bitcoin is a new invention of the digital age, the problem it purports to solve is as old as human society itself: transferring value across time and space. Ammous takes the reader on an engaging journey through the history of technologies performing the functions of money, from primitive systems of trading limestones and seashells, to metals, coins, the gold standard, and modern government debt. Exploring what gave these technologies their monetary role, and how most lost it, provides the reader with a good idea of what makes for sound money, and sets the stage for an economic discussion of its consequences for individual and societal future-orientation, capital accumulation, trade, peace, culture, and art. Compellingly, Ammous shows that it is no coincidence that the loftiest achievements of humanity have come in societies enjoying the benefits of sound monetary regimes, nor is it coincidental that monetary collapse has usually accompanied civilizational collapse. With this background in place, the book moves on to explain the operation of Bitcoin in a functional and intuitive way. Bitcoin is a decentralized, distributed piece of software that converts electricity and processing power into indisputably accurate records, thus allowing its users to utilize the Internet to perform the traditional functions of money without having to rely on, or trust, any authorities or infrastructure in the physical world. Bitcoin is thus best understood as the first successfully implemented form of digital cash and digital hard money. With an automated and perfectly predictable monetary policy, and the ability to perform final settlement of large sums across the world in a matter of minutes, Bitcoin’s real competitive edge might just be as a store of value and network for final settlement of large payments—a digital form of gold with a built-in settlement infrastructure. Ammous’ firm grasp of the technological possibilities as well as the historical realities of monetary evolution provides for a fascinating exploration of the ramifications of voluntary free market money. As it challenges the most sacred of government monopolies, Bitcoin shifts the pendulum of sovereignty away from governments in favor of individuals, offering us the tantalizing possibility of a world where money is fully extricated from politics and unrestrained by borders. The final chapter of the book explores some of the most common questions surrounding Bitcoin: Is Bitcoin mining a waste of energy? Is Bitcoin for criminals? Who controls Bitcoin, and can they change it if they please? How can Bitcoin be killed? And what to make of all the thousands of Bitcoin knock-offs, and the many supposed applications of Bitcoin’s ‘blockchain technology’? The Bitcoin Standard is the essential resource for a clear understanding of the rise of the Internet’s decentralized, apolitical, free-market alternative to national central banks.

From Monk to Money Manager: A Former ...

KShs1,790.00 KShs1,499.00
Build a better financial future for yourself and the world. Former monk turned financial advisor, Doug Lynam, shares the rules of money management that will change your approach to earning, saving, and investing. From Monk to Money Manager is an entertaining and self-deprecating journey through Lynam’s relationship with the almighty dollar—his childhood in a rich family, the long-haired hippie days running away from materialism, time in the Marine Corps looking for selfless service, and his twenty years in the monastery under a vow of poverty that led to his current profession as a financial advisor. In this unique look at wealth from a spiritual perspective, Lynam shares his belief that God doesn’t expect us to live in poverty. The truth is, we need financial peace so we can help others. When money becomes a part of our spiritual practice, used in love and service, it can bring us closer to our highest spiritual ideals. With humor and humility, Lynam uses stories told through the lens of his own money mistakes, and those of counseling clients, to understand how our attitudes about money hold us back. He also provides clear, step-by-step guidance on how to grow a little bit wealthy. His insights include how to build a compassionate relationship to our finances; some of the good, bad, and ugly truths about money; and the tricks to unlocking financial freedom.

Unveiling The Secrets To Prosperity B...

unveiling the secrets to prosperity, UNLOCKS, demystifies, reveals and brings true conceptualisation and configuration of the concept of prosperity just as the Bible provides. It takes the reader from the realm of quagmire VIS a VIS PROsperity. It will launch the reader’s expiry date of mediocrity. Biblically speaking, God wishes us to prosper. This SHows CLearly that the prosperity just like sitting for an exam solely DEPENDs on US, but to make it easier for US, God outlined his will pertaining prosperity. This book Births to you the will thereof. Faith comes where The will of God is known, one cannot prosper without FAITH to prosperity.

Surrounded by Bad Bosses (And Lazy Em...

KShs2,290.00 KShs2,090.00
Internationally bestselling author Thomas Erikson has helped changed how the world thinks about behavior using a simple 4-color behavior analysis system. In Surrounded by Bad Bosses he applies that same system to revolutionize the workplace. Everyone has had a bad boss. You might have one right now. You might even be one. Bad bosses are a fact of the workplace, whether they’re short-tempered, unclear about expectations, or too disorganized to manage so much as a stapler. But how do you not only survive a difficult boss, but help your career thrive despite them? By identifying your boss’s behavior profile you’ll be better able to interact with them no matter what the situation. Erikson offers example stories and concrete steps to help you thrive in any work situation. Of course, much as we love to blame our bosses, sometimes management isn’t the problem at all. For every bad boss there is also a lazy employee, so Erikson also looks at the issue from a completely different perspective—employees themselves— and explores why some colleagues frequently underachieve, and what you can do to change this if you're the boss. Written with Erikson's signature humor and warmth, Surrounded by Bad Bosses (And Lazy Employees) will help you deal with the most hopeless managers and employees you can imagine—and keep you entertained along the way.

Rules for Radicals: A Practical Prime...

KShs2,500.00 KShs2,290.00
Rules for Radicals is Saul Alinsky's impassioned counsel to young radicals on how to effect constructive social change and know “the difference between being a realistic radical and being a rhetorical one.” Written in the midst of radical political developments whose direction Alinsky was one of the first to question, this volume exhibits his style at its best. Like Thomas Paine before him, Alinsky was able to combine, both in his person and his writing, the intensity of political engagement with an absolute insistence on rational political discourse and adherence to the American democratic tradition.

Leading the Unleadable: How to Manage...

KShs3,000.00 KShs2,490.00
The control-freak, the narcissist, the slacker, the cynic... Difficult people are the worst part of a manager's job. Whether it comes from direct reports or people above, outbursts, irrational demands, griping, and other disruptions need to be dealt with--and it's your responsibility to do it. Leading the Unleadable turns this dreaded chore into a straight forward process that gently, yet effectively, improves behaviors. Written by an insider in the tech industry, where personality issues routinely wreck projects, the book reveals a core truth: most people actually want to contribute results, not cause headaches. Once you realize the potential for change, the book's simple steps, examples, and scripts explain how to right even the most hopeless situations. You'll learn how to: - Master the necessary mindset - Explain the problem calmly in a short feedback session - Get a commitment to change, and follow up - Coach others to replicate the process - Develop the situational awareness required to spot trouble even earlier in the future Every manager has "problem people." What sets great managers apart is how they turn them into productive team players. Prepare to transform the troublesome into the tremendous.

Confessions of a Forty Something Fk U...

KShs2,890.00 KShs2,490.00
Nell Stevens’ life is a mess. When her business goes bust and her fiancé with it, Nell’s happy ever after in California falls apart and she moves back to London to start over. But a lot has changed since she’s been gone. All her single friends are now married with children, sky-high rents force her to rent a room in a stranger’s house and in a world of perfect instagram lives, she feels like a f*ck up. Even worse, a forty-something f*ck-up. But when she lands a job writing obituaries, Nell meets the fabulous Cricket, an eighty-something widow with challenges of her own, and they strike up an unlikely friendship. Together they begin to help each other heal their aching hearts, cope with the loss of the lives they had planned, and push each other into new adventures and unexpected joys. Because Nell is determined. Next year things are going to be very different. It's time to turn her life around. A book for anyone who’s ever worried life isn’t going to plan, Confessions of a Forty-Something F##k Up by Alexandra Potter will make you laugh and it might even make you cry. But most importantly, it will remind you that you're not alone, because we’re all in this together. Time to fall in love with your life.