Showing 141–160 of 494 results

Poko Nyar Migumba: Gi Sigend Luo Moko...

KShs1,000.00 KShs890.00
Poko Nyar Migumba: Gi Sigend Luo Moko by Asenath Bole Odaga


KShs500.00 KShs380.00

Weapon of Hunger By Meja Mwangi

KShs1,000.00 KShs890.00
Through fiction, the world described in Weapon of Hunger has a definite locale in the African continent held at ransom by multitudes of problems, partly self-inflicted, partly caused by the ravages of nature. In this novel Meja Mwangi brings these problems to world attention in a manner that never declines to apathy yet the skill captivates. Weapon of Hunger is an engrossing piece that takes us to this dehumanised land of want. Mwangi's treatment of the serious situation makes an unforgettable impact.

The Pearl and Other Poems

KShs700.00 KShs600.00
The Pearl and other Poems is a collection of 41 poems of different forms, styles and themes; themes that touch on varying aspects of life like love, marriage, politics, farming, education, business, leadership, religion, and anxiety, among others. What Other’s Say The poems in this collection are really enticing and evoke real emotions leaving me yearning for more. The content and titles have no match. Echesa’s creativity is just out of this world - Elizabeth Namarome Mukenya. I just can’t argue with the message in the poem “Dancing in the room”, indeed people don’t get tired of doing things they love. I love the poems in this collection, and keep coming back to them - Silas Khasao Wandera.

The Lady who Married a Crow

KShs900.00 KShs800.00
In The Lady who married a Crow and Other Stories J. C. Makori brings rare tales and storytelling from the past. The stories capture a tradition and wisdom which, if not documented, would disappear all the same. Storytelling was at the core of the social fabric of the people of the past. It brought together the young and old, and the raw and experienced. Through this interactive process, the community’s cumulative knowledge, experiences and wisdom were passed from generation to generation. The process further cemented the place of the storytellers as custodians of community wisdom, values and history. In this collection, the author has given a glimpse into that past, the lessons the community treasured and wisdom embedded in the stories. Written in the style of the original oral form, the tales offer lessons, and insights into history and culture that could inform the present and shape the future. What others say “The stories in this collection are compelling, painting vivid images in the reader’s mind through immersing the reader in the world of the different characters and the community in which the stories are set! The book adds a much needed African folk tale resource, and can be used as a pedagogical tool and for recreational reading.” – Grace Wangari, Children’s Book Editor. “This is thrilling collection that would interest readers across age sets. The stories offer moral lessons such as the value of truthfulness, kindness and good relations.” – Bethsheba Nyabuto, Book Designer/Editor.

Son of Akanga- Arikana Book 1 by Wilf...

KShs1,500.00 KShs1,200.00

There are two forces calling us out.

The Light and the Dark.


There are 7 lands in the East.
Each different. Each profound. Each with its own struggles of Power.

This is the first Installation of a Three part unfolding Epic of the Historic battle between the sons of KAI and and of the fallen KEK.

In one dreadful event, the Lineage of the Chief of Akanga is threatened by a potent evil, only known to them as 'The Sorceress Of Harem', who possesses a magic Talisman and unbridled favour with the throne of Harem of Kush.

Kenan, son of the Konelia, and heir to the throne of Akanga, finds himself in the middle of this generational mess, unaware of the depths of the matter, that pulls together powers from lands beyond, beneath and above ARIKANA.

He must then, with a group of other strong-willed young men go on an Adventure filled Quest to the Heathen City of Harem, and confront the Evil that seeks to undo the 7 lands


KShs650.00 KShs549.00
The last maidens of Ramogi is a myth about how a mysterious lake came to be. Anyango Nyar Gwasi, one of the last maidens of Ramogi—who is the father of the Luo tribe ancestry, wishes that his first wife lives amongst his descendants. Anyango Nyar Gwasi is chosen as a reincarnation of the first wife of Ramogi as many have been before her, some from her own bloodline. She finds out about it in her life’s journey to find a home away from home. It is riddled with folklore fantasy and a venture in the fascinating enclaves of the Luo culture.

TRAIL OF A FUGITIVE by Gachiengo Gitau

KShs1,600.00 KShs1,450.00
TRAIL OF A FUGITIVE by Gachiengo Gitau


KShs500.00 KShs450.00
The Main aim of this book is to practice Mathematics through a work book and tests using the goal of the primary mathematics curriculum as its meant to: Stimulate interest in the learning of mathematics. Help students understand and acquire basic mathematical concepts and computational skills. Help students develop creativity and the ability to think, communicate, and solve problems. Number: Whole numbers; The nature of numbers; Fractions, decimals, and percentage... Algebra*: Algebraic symbols; Equations Measurement: Money; Length; Time; Weight; Perimeter; Area; Volume; Speed helps children make sense of the numbers, patterns and shapes they see in the world around them, offers ways of handling data in an increasingly digital world and makes a crucial contribution to their development as successful learners. Math is an important part of learning for children in the early years because it provides vital life skills. They will help children problem solve, measure and develop their own spatial awareness, and teach them how to use and understand shapes.

Pain and the Secrets by Mugeni Ojiambo

KShs1,500.00 KShs1,200.00
It is the electioneering period in Kenya when young Lily seeks fortune in the city. When the country is thrown into the post-election violence frenzy and terror reigns, normal days quickly turn into fear-filled nights. The hands of fate sneaks into the confusion and knocks on Lily's door, bringing with it wounds and indelible scars that she has to learn to live with for the rest of her life. Etched in her memory, Lily maneuvers through life riddled with shame and a sense of helplessness. In an attempt to make something out of her life, and inconsiderate of everyone she knocks down along the way, she gets sucked into the glitzy life of Nairobi where money is the language. And, as if fate has something against her, her life upends as she plunges deeper into a cancerous river that slowly gnaws away her body and soul. She is shrouded in anger, guilt and regret. All along, she realizes one can only run for so long from one's past. Set in Kenya's Nairobi and Kitale, here is a tale that seeks to address the domino effect of politically instigated violence in one woman's life, and how the same spills over, creating a debate and questions on social issues and the role of fate.

Qwani First Edition

KShs800.00 KShs700.00
It's an anthology by 36 Kenyan Authors spanning various Genres from Short Stories, Poems and Philosophy.

ZAKIIA a life sealed in fate by Prisc...

KShs1,900.00 KShs1,500.00
This is a tale of a young African woman trying to find herself, her passion and purpose in a complex society. Zakiia lives a life marked with pain, rejection, tragedy, abandonment, of loving and losing the ones she loves; reuniting only for them to leave yet again. Journey with her as she determines to find herself, fight to keep her family afloat and find love. Her unmatched tenacity will carry her through it all drawing hope from her supportive mum despite facing unfortunate tragedies in her life. Forever inspired, Zakiia paints the journey walked by countless young African ladies trying to figure it out and make something out of themselves. An ordinary story with ups and downs becomes her power and elevates her closer to her goal. Except, will fate snatch her dream, or will she conquer it all?


KShs800.00 KShs599.00
In today’s world, music, art, drama, and poetry are among the most scintillating experiences which appeal to and snatch the attention of our emotions, feelings, thoughts, and decisions. Of them all, however, poetry calls louder and seeks to, in itself, encompassing all the other three. In his wisdom, the renowned poet Percy Shelley said, “Poetry lifts the veil from the hidden beauty of the world.” Listening to a poem is an exhilarating dive into music, art, drama, and poetry, all at once. The very writing of a poem is a psychologically expensive and expansive exposure of the audience to realities and imaginations of the past, present, and future, the seen and the unseen, the sweet and the bitter, the true and the untrue, the possible and the impossible, the traditional and the modern, all in a beautifully-crafted presentation. Its recitation is a charming plunge into the world unknown. Song of my Dreams & Other Songs, a brand-new anthology of St. Andrews Creative Writers and Book Club, is a collection of handpicked poetic works by students of St. Andrews Tarabete Secondary School, Kenya. It’s an exquisite epitome of young minds’ ability to think, craft, innovate, and present ideas with ease and complexity, mindfulness and creativity. Within its pages are splashes of a handful of poems by the chaperon teachers, whose work in producing this book was offering insights, changing perspectives, aligning approaches, and instilling gusto into the young creatives’ minds, bringing out the poems and poets in them. The quadri-sectioned anthology treats the reader to an entire assortment of poems in section A, offers poetry notes in section B, a Question and Answer segment in Section C, and poems with questions in section D. In my view, the Song of my Dreams & Other Songs anthology is an Encyclopedia of Poetry in a microcosm. It’s a collection you’ll sit down to read and rise having become a poet, overflowing with the craving to write. It opens with dreams: of self, peace, and a flashback of a once-accommodative nature turned punitive by humanity and then turns to songs about life, nature, joy, sadness, culture, beliefs, and other aspects of life. With the care of nature vanishing every day, we have remained with a skeleton of the same, and now the persona dream in despair, singing in disparity: Oh! Mother Nature how cruel! How cruel to you we became? To strip your chest bare That to which your anger escalated. The dreams are agonizing of a lost reality, a longing for a lofty imagination, a craving for peace, fulfillment, a world of abundance, justice, protection, and thriving. Copies of the anthology. PHOTO/Courtesy. Copies of the anthology. PHOTO/Courtesy. The persona, through the dreams, presents the reader with a heart of resilience and the desire to keep trying and also take a different path for a different, hopefully, better result. They also build a sense of hope for life yonder after struggles, failures, pain, despair, and all negative energy, building up a new worldview of possibilities. In a narrative poem on “Personal Dream” by Teresia Muthoni, the persona narrates about a childhood life and how, all along, has been pursuing a dream hitherto. It brings out the need to focus on one’s dreams and resist the urge to be dissolved in the dreams and wishes of the community around them. Decisiveness is key! While addressing ecological matters such as climate change and the palpable need to care for the planet, which has mothered us, the poetic voices also plunge the reader into paramount contemporary issues like allocation of duties in the family setting, politics, corruption, technology, and crime, and how they have given the world new wings to fly to an unknown destiny. This anthology speaks to all ears, all genders, and all ages, attending to the issues affecting and disturbing society in entirety. Employing imagery, the young minds breathe life into their characters and give their personas the currency to pass the intended message in an easy-to-identify-with approach, adding to their creativity’s aesthetic value, usability, and applicability. The “Song of the Greedy Hyena” by Bonface Otieno stresses the need for hard work, despising a parasitic attitude of waiting to benefit from others’ efforts. It encourages a spirit of self-sufficiency, living within one’s standards, and embracing fairness. The collection unearths the aesthetic value of reading and learning from young people’s thoughts, approaches, and creativity, a pure mystery, winning over the reader to appreciate that younghood is a treasure that society must bank on, nurture, and buoy up. It also presents life in its multifaceted nature, foregrounding the themes of true love, romance and heartbreak, acceptance and rejection, hope and despair, life and death, creation and nature, parenting, academics and politics, beauty and ugliness, friendship and enmity, among many others, all in enchanting spasms. Poems like “Hopeful in Love”, “Camouflaged”, “If I Should Die”, “Toxic Trust”, “My Life”, “When I met You”, “Dark Africa”, “I Keep Wondering”, “Sweet Mother” and “Rest in Peace Old Granma”, among numerous others, speak to the reader of mundane daily life issues affecting the society, nation, continent and the whole world, opening the readers’ eyes to a wider worldview from the persona’s tongue. Diana Agnes’s “Mary’s Plea” is a plea for freedom, a cry to be let alone and be herself. It’s a wake-up call that though we always get tempted to invade others’ space and privacy, we must allow those around us the freedom to be, talk, act, and live them. Calling to mind that this book homes the thoughts of young students, the poets, and poetesses were keen also to praise their current home away from home. With ecstasy and a sense of anticipated nostalgia, “Our Saint St. Andrews” appreciates the molding, imparting, and equipping the institution does to them, forever shaping their future for good. Many cries have been absorbed By your silent walls Yet I know because I met you My life will not be quite The same again! Presenting loyalty as a gem to be embraced and other virtues as bulbs to always be kept light, the poems also hide not reality from us but surface vices as always lurking around us, ever ready to disrupt all goodness. Simultaneously, “Education” by Halsey Nganga praises the power of education in changing lives through time management and focus and how within it is the power to become anything in life. So, If it suits you Shape our ears to hear Sharpen our eyes to see Grace our minds to absorb Bless our hearts to exceed. Song of my Dreams & Other Songs book presents the young creatives’ thoughts with unbridled enthusiasm and well-calculated seasons, carrying the readers from past experiences to the present yet driving their thoughts to the future and leaving them held in anticipation. Through lyric poetry, the creatives express their feelings on different aspects of life, such as love, loneliness, disappointments, fear, and other feelings, riveting the reader all along. The young minds have tapped on figurative language and employed tons of enjambment, making the poems interestingly complex yet easy to decode, affording an amazing flow of thoughts, and maintaining splashes of tension to keep your eyes open, searching for more. Mr. Bonface Otieno (L), Ms. Ruth Gitonga, Kabarak University staff members, and St. Andrews Tarabete Creative Writers and Book Club members after an inspiring creative writing workshop at Kabarak University last year. PHOTO/File. Mr. Bonface Otieno (L), Ms. Ruth Gitonga, Kabarak University staff members, and St. Andrews Tarabete Creative Writers and Book Club members after an inspiring creative writing workshop at Kabarak University last year. PHOTO/File. “Harvesting Eve”, a poem by Jacklyn Livale, a Senior English Literature teacher at the institution, brings down the curtain in the first section of the book. It is a recollection of the joys brought about by harvest season, how nature beautifully responds to the times, and how animals and birds join in the merriment as hunger is bidden goodbye, replaced by abundance and ecstasy. They yearn for more: And as so they sit, waiting for me To sing another harvests song. Going beyond the poems to explain what they are and tons of other details on poetry, this sums up what students have always been waiting for. Section B of this Poetry Encyclopedia delves into all aspects you need to know about poetry, from the (hitherto un-datable) origin of poetry to the definition of the same, types of poems, basic to complex features of a poem and poetry, imagery in poetry and its types, styles, and techniques in poetry, types and techniques of poetry, attitude, tone, mood and a guide to diction and language use in poetry. It’s an extensive spring of knowledge with vital nuggets of knowledge students need to tap from as they study, respond to, analyze, write poems, and also answer examination questions about poetry. Section C of this book checks the learners’ understanding of what they have grasped so far. It has numerous poems with Questions and Answers (Q/A), allowing the learner to practice the knowledge gained. The tail-end section of this anthology-cum-poetry encyclopedia comprises poems and questions. The answers are in the students’ minds and with sufficient information already given in the other sections, Section D is a real test of what the students would have as homework to keep them engaged, refreshed, and well-equipped. In its entirety, this anthology is a visible witness that young people have all they need to become great creatives, thinkers, solution-givers, opinionists, storytellers and all that is at their disposal to become. It is a gift to society, a fruit of well-cultured minds, an overflow of correctly-chaperoned youngsters with all potential on their hands, an epitome of what youths can become if well-informed, timely-tapped, and positively-impacted and allowed to become.

Things They Lost by Okwiri Oduor R...

KShs2,000.00 KShs1,690.00
Ayosa is a wandering spirit—joyous, exuberant, filled to the brim with longing. Her only companions in her grandmother’s crumbling house are as lonely as Ayosa herself: the ghostly Fatumas, whose eyes are the size of bay windows, who teach her to dance and wail at the death news; the Jolly-Annas, cruel birds who cover their solitude with spiteful laughter; the milkman, who never greets Ayosa and whose milk tastes of mud; and Sindano, the kind owner of a café no one ever visits. Unexpectedly, miraculously, one day Ayosa finds a friend. Yet she is always fixed on her beautiful mama, Nabumbo Promise: a mysterious and aloof photographer, she comes and goes as she pleases, with no apology or warning. Set at the intersection of the spirit world and the human one, Things They Lost is a stunning and unforgettable novel that unfurls the dizzying dualities of love, at its most intoxicating and all-encompassing.

For What Are Butterflies Without Thei...

KShs1,890.00 KShs1,490.00
Troy Onyango’s For What Are Butterflies Without Their Wings is a collection of 12 short stories that have a quickening pulse and pages crackling with sharp observations and gentle revelations about solitude, loneliness, connection, loss, love, and the infinite intricacies of daily human life.

A Friend of the Court by Muroki Ndung...

KShs700.00 KShs499.00
The Rift Valley Province of Kenya is an opposition stronghold, their secret eviction is ordered. The regime is clinging to power, ethnic hatred is rampant. In this first novel from a new Kenyan writer, an unlikely trio emerges: a foul character seeking to redeem himself, a young smart lawyer drawn in against her will, another lawyer not averse to bending the law to achieve his ends. The effort to call a halt is a powerful fictional evocation of attempts to halt an overweening regime.

Yananiandama na Hadithi Nyingine

KShs550.00 KShs450.00

Yananiandama na Hadithi Nyingine ni mkusanyiko wa hadithi fupi zinazolenga hadhira ya wanafunzi, wasomaji wa kawaida na wataalamu wowote wale. Huu ni mkusanyiko unaowaleta pamoja waandishi walio na viwango vya juu vya ubunifu na ukwasi wa lugha. Hadithi zilizomo kwa ujumla zinagusa nafasi na nafsi ya msomaji. Bila shaka, msomaji yeyote wa mkusanyiko huu atagundua kuwa waandishi wake ni wenye uwezo mkubwa katika utunzi, fauka ya kuwa wengine wao wanalimbukia fasihi andishi. Naam, ulimbukeni wao umeleta sura ngeni katika ulimwengu wa fasihi andishi.

Jeff Mandila ni mmoja wa waandishi wanaoinukia kwa kasi mno. Ni mwandishi wa riwaya, tamthilia na hadithi fupi kando na utunzi wa mashairi. Alizaliwa karibu na mji wa Kitale mwaka wa 1985. Alijishindia tuzo ya Wahome Mutahi 2012 baada ya riwaya yake ya Sikitiko la Sambaya kuibuka ya kwanza.


Geoffrey Mung’ou ambaye pia ni mwandishi wa riwaya ya Mkakasi ni mhariri katika Shirika la Habari la Standard. Ana shahada katika kitivo cha Elimu (Kiswahili na Historia-Chuo Kikuu cha Kenyatta). Ametoa mchango mkubwa kuhusu Kiswahili katika vyombo vya habari, kwenye makongamano na shuleni. Aidha, amekuwa mwalimu wa somo la Kiswahili katika shule kadhaa za upili nchini Kenya. Mbali na kazi hizi za fasihi, ameibukia na vitabu adhimu kuhusu fani nyinginezo za lugha.

Nimepoteza Tena na Hadithi Nyingine

KShs600.00 KShs495.00

Nimepoteza Tena na Hadithi Nyingine ni mkusanyiko wa hadithi fupi zinazolenga hadhira ya wanafunzi, wasomaji wa kawaida na wataalamu wowote wale. Huu ni mkusanyiko unaowaleta pamoja waandishi walio na viwango vya juu vya ubunifu na ukwasi wa lugha. Hadithi zilizomo kwa ujumla zinagusa nafasi na nafsi ya msomaji. Bila shaka, msomaji yeyote wa mkusanyiko huu atagundua kuwa waandishi wake ni wenye uwezo mkubwa katika utunzi, fauka ya kuwa wengine wao wanalimbukia fasihi andishi. Naam, ulimbukeni wao umeleta sura ngeni katika ulimwengu wa fasihi andishi.

Kikechi Kombo B. ana Shahada ya elimu na sanaa na shahada ya uzamili kutoka Chuo Kikuu cha Kenyatta. Ni mwalimu mwenye tajiriba pana katika lugha na fasihi ya Kiswahili kwa miaka mingi. Hushiriki uchambuzi wa lugha na fasihi katika Idhaa ya Radio Taifa- KBC. Ameandika vitabu vya marudio katika lugha ya Kiswahili na miongozo tolatola mathalan mwongozo wa Chozi la Heri, mwongozo wa Kigogo, mwongozo wa Kidagaa Kimemwozea na mwongozo wa Mstahiki Meya. Amechangia pia katika kitabu cha marudio cha Kioo Cha KCSE, Mwongozo wa Nguu za Jadi na Mapambazuko ya Machweo na hadithi nyingine miongoni mwa vitabu vingine.


Kenna Wasike ni mwandishi wa kazi za fasihi. Ameandika kazi aula za bunilizi. Aidha, amechangia katika uandishi wa hadithi fupi. Hadithi yake maarufu ni ‘Mapenzi ya Kifaurongo’ katika mkusanyiko wa Tumbo Lisiloshiba na Hadithi Nyingine. Vilevile, amechangia katika uandishi wa kitabu cha marudio ya fasihi. Kwa sasa yeye ni mwalimu wa Kiswahili katika Shule ya wavulana ya Chesamisi iliyoko gatuzi la Bungoma nchini Kenya.

The Children of the Rain and Other St...

KShs450.00 KShs395.00
The Children of the Rain and Other Stories is a collection of short stories that explore themes of social, cultural, economic, political and spiritual aspects of modern life.

These stories are colourfully narrated in a charming and fast moving chronicle about noticeable issues that are close to many people’s emotions. The issues include love, school, family, relationships and diseases among many other contemporary concerns.

The stories unveil a great deal of originality with a striking style.


The book is a must read for students and junior readers.


When a Stranger Called by 13 Kenyan w...

KShs1,200.00 KShs999.00
An anthology of short stories by 13 Kenyan writers. The book covers different themes – murder, revenge, sex, marriage, workplace relationships, romantic relationships, drugs, etc – all summarized into one: HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS.