Showing 121–140 of 1932 results


KShs600.00 KShs550.00
We are living in a world that is ready to crash, break us apart, and put our remaining reminiscence into a deep dark void. The pressure gets strong day by day. Sometimes we are stuck between the world of conception, a certain moment of pain, and a situation where we have to choose what best gits us or should I say a generous choice, and David woke up to this predicament where he had to choose either his siblings or the marriage bearing in mind that he had two children with Patricia. Mueni aged ten and Jane aged three.

Wisdom Shall Die With You by Daudi Ju...

KShs1,700.00 KShs1,695.00
Eduardo Kariuki is conceived and born out of wedlock in Kenya. His German mother leaves the child with a foster mother. Whether the youngster will merely survive or thrive will depend on his desire to conquer the fears and doubts he faces, as a boy and then as a young man. Kariuki’s search for meaning in life takes him from Nairobi to Frankfurt, then to Freiburg im Breisgau and Habkern, Switzerland. He is back in Kenya in no time at all. But there is something still missing in his life. There is one more hurdle he must assail.   Wisdom Shall Die With You is a coming-of-age narrative that seamlessly weaves laugh-out-loud episodes of youthful exuberance and a touching love story with horror and heart-rending tragedy. It is a classic tale of the ages that will remain with you long after you have turned the last page. “Stunning narrative voice in this bitter-sweet journey of a young man seeking his mother, identity, and meaning in the world. Eduardo takes the reader from Africa to Europe, in to heartache and out the other side. This was a stunning read. Highly recommend to anyone looking for an authentic tell cased in lovely writing.” Chloe Holiday, Amazon reviewer.   Snippet on leadership: Pg 120: "Kariuki had once come across a picture story some- where, depicting some of the challenges of leadership. A person on a raised podium addressed a group of people. “Who wants change?” the fellow asked. Every one of his listeners promptly raised his hand. “Who wants to change?” Here the speaker encountered a minor crisis. Not a single person raised their hand. Everyone looked at their shoes. But that was nothing, considering what happened when he asked his next question. “Who wants to lead the change?” The crowd of people dissolved into thin air, leaving the guy on the podium alone. Every one of the gathered people peeled away as fast as they could, unable to deal with the possibility, or probability, that they could orchestrate a process of change. Kariuki wondered what aspect of the leadership equation was so scary that it could melt away a mammoth crowd in seconds. What was it with leadership?"

Echoes of Destiny by Andrew Walyaula

Echoes of Destiny is a captivating tale that explores love, dreams, and heritage. Set against the backdrop of the enchanting Bukusu culture in sub-Saharan Africa, this novel presents stories that resonate with the human spirit’s pursuit of purpose and identity. Felix and Isabela navigate the currents of their aspirations, encountering unexpected twists and turns along their journeys. From the serene Mwamba village to bustling cities and distant horizons, their lives unfold against tradition and modernity. As their paths intersect with others who hold the keys to their destinies, friendships are formed, dreams are pursued, and love finds its way into the most unexpected corners of their lives. But as the ties of heritage shift and change, ancient customs meld with the evolving forces of time, blurring the lines between past and present. Echoes of Destiny explores the universal themes of family, infidelity, ambition, tradition, and change. With vivid characters, evocative landscapes, and a narrative that resonates with the heart, this novel is a tribute to the enduring spirit of humanity and the echoes that reverberate across generations.

PURPOSE MIRROR by Caroline Kim Njoroge


·       Do you feel like you need help identifying your life's assignment?

·       Do you feel stuck and unable to find direction for your life?

·       Do you have trouble identifying your gifts, abilities, and uniqueness?

·       Have you received a lot of prophecies but don't know how to bridge between prophecy and day-to-day life?

·       Do you have challenges connecting with others in healthy relationships?

·       Purpose Mirror holds some gems of truth meant to help you see yourself through the lens of purpose. That you may live a life of meaning and direction.


KShs2,000.00 KShs1,800.00
A perfect read for Leaders, Entrepreneurs and anyone seeking triumph in a moment of hardship be it in life, work, business, sickness, strife, marriage or career. From the village of Taita to Triumph in the city. Mbele shares his moments of success, failure, and crisis through life, business, career and health crisis. The book paints a powerful story of love and healing emerging out of rejection after being given away at a tender age to be raised by another mother, the author reconnects with his real mother who makes an ultimate selfless show of love as a kidney donor giving him another chance to live again. With unwavering clarity, he candidly recounts not just the narrative of business failure but heart wrenching experience of losing a child at birth. His narrative not only acknowledges the depths of grief but also illuminates the resilient spirit with which they navigated through the shadows of sorrow.

Chains of Junkdom: A play by Okiya Om...

KShs700.00 KShs590.00
Chains of Junkdom: A play by Okiya Omtatah Okoiti

Turning obstacles into stepping stone...

KShs1,700.00 KShs999.00
Making stepping stones out of stumbling blocks is a secret towards achieving a successful future. In failure there's a seed of success. Put your past mistakes and use them to create your path to the ocean of success.

Sweet lovers in the jungle by Nancy W...

KShs3,300.00 KShs1,200.00
A captivating romantic book for two lovers who met in a jungle after heart break but we're able to move on after falling in love. They had an adventurous live full of drama but were able to live happily ever after.

The Last Raibuni with M’Angaine...

KShs3,000.00 KShs2,790.00
The Last Raibuni with M'Angaine O M'Ithiria by Engineer Kiruki Mwithimbu

Time for Harvest. Women and Constitut...

KShs3,000.00 KShs2,500.00
From the bleak days of severe marginalization; days when words such as 'women's empowerment' or 'affirmative action' were taboo in Kenya, Time for harvest: Women and Constitution Making in Kenya traces women's struggles to change their status, their lives and their entire destiny. It is a brilliant exposition of the sheer ingenuity, perseverance and tenacity to contribute to the attainment of an all inclusive Constitution that banishes, inter alia, gender discrimination in all spheres of life, including social, economic, cultural, and political spheres. In this way, it opens up massive space for Kenyan women to 'exhale'. Wanjiku deftly tells the story of many great women actors in the struggle and the nature of their contribution while sparing us the pain that was suffered by individual women and their families as they identified with what at times seemed like mission impossible. They must be the women who, in her words, 'have names, hearts that ache, eyes that weep, feet that hurt'. The books is suitable for the general reader as well as scholars in cultural and feminist studies. Student of politics, law, history, sociology, anthropology and literature who want to know the path traveled by Kenyans - women specifically - in constitution making will find it useful.

Safari Adventures with Sam and Sara

KShs800.00 KShs600.00
Join siblings Sam and Sara on an exhilarating safari adventure through the stunning landscapes of Kenya! In 'Safari Adventures with Sam and Sara,' young readers will discover the wonders of African wildlife as they journey through lush savannas, majestic national parks, and encounter fascinating animals like elephants, giraffes, and lions. With captivating and vibrant illustrations, this book is not just a thrilling safari tale but also an educational exploration of Kenya's rich biodiversity and the importance of wildlife conservation. Perfect for curious minds and budding nature enthusiasts, 'Safari Adventures with Sam and Sara' promises an unforgettable safari experience from the comfort of your home.

30 Years This March

A book of poetry painting a vivid portrait of life's complexities, weaving themes of love, loss, resilience and self discovery through the author's experience of Womanhood, Life, Walking, Our World, Life and Love and and Defining Myself.

Mwangeka wa Malowa by Mshenga Mwacharo

"Mwangeka wa Malowa" tells the story of a warrior chief named Mwangeka who challenged the British colonial empire in 19th-century Kenya. He was a hero to his people and a symbol of resilience in the face of oppression, but to the British and their collaborators, he was a savage rebel. The book explores Mwangeka's journey as he defends his homeland and people against the British, as well as the sacrifices, triumphs, and heart-wrenching moments that define a true hero. It is a testament to Africa's timeless spirit and a celebration of unity in diversity.

Life is Spiritual by Evangelist Marga...

KShs3,000.00 KShs2,500.00
Life is Spiritual by Evangelist Margaret Thuo

MARRIED A VIRGIN by Hildah Lumati

MARRIED A VIRGIN is a book that delves deeper into important issues such as virginity, which the bible requires of unmarried Christians. While highlighting a fornicaters mindset, the author offers practical advise on how Christians can avoid the trap of pre - marital sex temptation, thus fulfilling the Bible's call of purity. A true life story of the author's triumph over pre-marital sex temptation.

Over Cultivated Minds: Stories of res...

Rich, relatable and memorable stories. This book delves into the intimate experiences of families grappling with the challenges of mental It unveils the raw realities of sons consumed by addiction, mothers haunted by sleepless nights, fathers grappling with feeling of loss,and siblings forever changed by the impact of mental illness. It is a poignant reminder that amidst the struggles, there is strength, and within the darkness, there is hope. It's a journey of laughter, tears and ultimately resilience -offering a beacon of hope for those navigating various mental health conditions.

Epic musings of a farmers daughter by...

KShs3,300.00 KShs3,000.00
The book describes Jane’s journey from growing up in abject poverty in the 70s to forging a successful career in legal practice and raising a family.

Living Beyond Survival: No More Tipto...

KShs2,000.00 KShs1,700.00
Living Beyond Survival: No More Tiptoeing in Life is an advancement of Career Dynamics in the 21st Century that was first published in 2018. Why? As Kenyans read the first one, they continued asking for the next serries. I realized that the first book made readers to understand how to become high flyers. They now wanted to know how high flying can be sustainable. Living Beyond Survival; No More Tiptoeing in Life empowers readers with skills on Leadership, Personal Branding, Management of Stress, Management of Change and many others that they encounter on a day to day basis. The book acquired two forewords. One was from the then Vice Chancellor of the Management University of Africa. The next one was from the CEO of the Kenya Institute of Management. That made the book to become quite authoritative and the two publications now circulate as twins.

Career Dynamics in the 21st Century b...

KShs2,000.00 KShs1,500.00
Those who have attended Mwangi Wanjumbi’s training sessions know that he is passionate about asking one simple question: “Why do you work? Give me 5 answers, which must have nothing to do with money. I will reward anybody scoring at least 9 out of 10 marks with Ksh. 1000 (or US $ 10 for International delegates).” This extrinsic motivation has demonstrated the seriousness of the exercise, which has encouraged the participants to review the deepest inspirations that drive their careers. However, no one has ever won the reward since 2007. This is notwithstanding elaborate corrections jointly conducted with the training delegates. Why is it that Doctors, Engineers, Land Economists, Lawyers, Lecturers, Teachers, Trainers, HR Managers, Marketers, Accountants, CEOS and Entrepreneurs amongst other professionals have so far been unable to win this reward?