Showing 10881–10900 of 19342 results

KLB Home Fun Visionary CRE Activities...

Christian Religious Activities is a learning area aimed at instilling in the learner moral and spiritual values to enable him or her live a morally upright life and fit well in society. KLB Visionary Grade 1 Christian Religious Activities Learner's Workbook has been developed in line with the requirements of the new Competence Based Curriculum Design.The experiences have been developed in tandem with the thematic integrated approach that is recommended for children at this level. The book is generously illustrated to enliven the content and the text follows the design closely. This Workbook has employed a child-centred approach where all experiences are centred on the child's interests, knowledge and application to real life situations in line with the Life Approach Method of teaching Christian Religious Education. Learners encounter different situations and gain experience from what happens around them. Every lesson has something to draw from day-to-day occurrences. This Learner's Workbook has, therefore, used short texts in simple language with familiar situations that are created to help learners understand more difficult concepts. Gender-equitable roles have been reflected so as to erase the association of certain tasks with specific gender. For example, both boys and girls are involved in household chores, playing musical instruments and actively participating in church activities. The principle of inclusivity has been taken care of by having illustrations of children with special needs involved in common activities with other children to make learners appreciate them as part of the society. This Learner's book is basically a Workbook with numerous practical activities within and at the end of every lesson to enable the learner to practise doing on their own. The simple exercises like drawing, colouring, singing and reciting memory verses are integrated within the lessons so as to make learning interesting and participatory.

KLB Visionary Agriculture Grade 5 L/B...

KLB Visionary Agriculture Grade 5 Learner's Book has been developed in line with the requirements of Grade Five Agriculture Competence-Based Curriculum Design. The experiences have been developed in tandem with the thematic and integrated approach that is recommended for learners at this level. The book is generously illustrated to enliven the content, which is steered to follow the curriculum design. A lot of emphasis has been placed on learning through discovery. Through the several activities, learners are led to discover knowledge on their own. The book has employed a learner-centered approach where all experiences are centred on the learner's interests, knowledge, and application to real-life situations. Several parallels are drawn from the learner's immediate environment. Several activities are included in the title and learners encouraged to perform them either in pairs or in groups. This approach is aimed at promoting collaboration amongst learners. Every learning area has a home project where the learner is expected to transfer the skills learnt at school to home. This is aimed at enhancing community service learning. Digital literacy has been given great attention as learners search for information from the Internet and watch relevant video clips. This makes learning interesting and widens sources of information. Financial literacy is adequately addressed. Learners are encouraged and trained to sell surplus produce such as seedlings and vegetables