Showing 961–980 of 1211 results

In the Jaws of the Dragon

KShs1,695.00 KShs1,611.00
Brief summary In the Jaws of the Dragon: America's Fate in the Coming Era of Chinese Dominance In recent years, popular wisdom has held that opening American markets to Chinese goods was the best way to promote democracy in Beijing?that the Communist Party's grip would quickly weaken as increasingly affluent Chinese citizens embraced American values. That popular wisdom was wrong. As Eamonn Fingleton shows in this devastating book, the culmination of twenty years of research and study, instead of America changing China?i.e. making China more democratic?China is changing America. While the Chinese people's rising affluence is, of course, an occasion for wholehearted rejoicing, Uncle Sam should give the Chinese power system a wide berth?lest he catch his coattails in the jaws of a dragon. ISBN:9780312561628 Author:Eamonn Fingleton

The HR Scorecard

KShs3,999.00 KShs3,800.00
Brief summary The HR Scorecard: Linking People, Strategy, and Performance Three experts in Human Resources introduce a measurement system that convincingly showcases how HR impacts business performance. Drawing from the authors' ongoing study of nearly 3,000 firms, this book describes a seven-step process for embedding HR systems within the firm's overall strategy--what the authors describe as an HR Scorecard--and measuring its activities in terms that line managers and CEOs will find compelling. Analyzing how each element of the HR system can be designed to enhance firm performance and maximize the overall quality of human capital, this important book heralds the emergence of HR as a strategic powerhouse in today's organizations. ISBN:9781578511365 Author:Dave Ulrich, Mark A. Huselid and Brian E. Becker

The House of Morgan

KShs2,950.00 KShs2,803.00
Brief summary The House of Morgan: An American Banking Dynasty and the Rise of Modern Finance The winner of the National Book Award and now considered a classic, The House of Morgan is the most ambitious history ever written about an American banking dynasty. Acclaimed by The Wall Street Journal as "brilliantly researched and written," the book tells the rich, panoramic story of four generations of Morgans and the powerful, secretive firms they spawned. It is the definitive account of the rise of the modern financial world. A gripping history of banking and the booms and busts that shaped the world on both sides of the Atlantic, The House of Morgan traces the trajectory of the J. P. Morgan Empire from its obscure beginnings in Victorian London to the crash of 1987. Ron Chernow paints a fascinating portrait of the private saga of the Morgans and the rarefied world of the American and British elite in which they moved. Based on extensive interviews and access to the family and business archives, The House of Morganis an investigative masterpiece, a compelling account of a remarkable institution and the men who ran it, and an essential book for understanding the money and power behind the major historical events of the last 150 years. ISBN:9780802138293 Author:Ron Chernow

The Gods That Failed

KShs1,195.00 KShs1,136.00
Brief summary The Gods That Failed: How the Financial Elite Have Gambled Away Our Futures MARKETS ARE NOT MAGIC. DEBT IS NOT FREEDOM. THE GODS HAVE FAILED. A risk-prone, privatized profit-driven economic model overseen by a largely unaccountable, greedy and arrogant elite has resulted in one of the worst financial crises in history. The over-paid heroes of Wall Street and the City worshipped the gods of globalisation, financialisation and speculation, and during the years of economic growth we, and our governments, worshipped them too. But high in the boardrooms of Mount Olympus, the reckless lust of banks for big bonuses and bigger profits led to excesses that have proved unsupportable. The warning signs were ignored - now the Masters of the Universe are toppling and we're footing the bill. Find out how an unregulated elite were able to run riot with your cash, and find out how to stop it happening again. ISBN:9780099523680 Author:Larry Elliott and Dan Atkinson

Hegemony or Survival

KShs1,695.00 KShs1,611.00
Brief summary Hegemony or Survival: America's Quest for Global Dominance Noam Chomsky, the world's foremost intellectual activist, presents an irrefutable analysis of America's pursuit of total domination and the catastrophic consequences that are sure to follow. From the funding of repressive regimes to the current 'war on terror', from the toppling of governments opposing its beliefs to the invasion of Iraq, America pursues its global strategy no matter what the cost. With the rigour and insight that have made him our most important unraveller of accredited lies, Noam Chomsky reveals the truth and the true motives behind America's quest for dominance - and seeks also to show how the world may yet step back from the brink. ISBN:9780141015057 Author:Noam Chomsky

The Future of Money

KShs1,495.00 KShs1,421.00
Brief summary The Future of Money: Introduction by Vince Cable (World Class Thinking on Global Issues) The state of the global economy affects every single one of us. With economic growth threatened by financial regulation and the East and West at competitive odds, the real solutions to global recession can only come through international co-operation. Featuring world leaders, Nobel Prize-winning economists, award-winning writers and opinion formers The Future of Money brings together the finest thinking to suggest solutions to this global predicament. ISBN:9780753522042 Author:Oliver Chittenden and Vince Cable

Free How todays smartest

KShs1,495.00 KShs1,421.00
Brief summary Free: How today's smartest businesses profit by giving something for nothing What happens when advances in technology allow many things to be produced for more or less nothing? And what happens when those things are then made available to the consumer for free? In his groundbreaking new book, The Long Tail author Chris Anderson considers a brave new world where the old economic certainties are being undermined by a growing flood of free goods - newspapers, DVDs, T-shirts, phones, even holiday flights. He explains why this has become possible - why new technologies, particularly the Internet, have caused production and distribution costs in many sectors to plummet to an extent unthinkable even a decade ago. He shows how the flexibility provided by the online world allows producers to trade ever more creatively, offering items for free to make real or perceived gains elsewhere. He pinpoints the winners and the losers in the Free universe. And he demonstrates the ways in which, as an increasing number of things become available for free, our decisions to make use of them will be determined by two resources far more valuable than money: the popular reputation of what is on offer and the time we have available for it. In the future, he argues, when we talk of the 'money economy' we will talk of the 'reputation economy' and the 'time economy' in the same breath, and our world will never be the same again. " ISBN:9781905211494 Author:Chris Anderson

Economics in One Lesson

KShs2,890.00 KShs2,390.00
Brief summary Economics in One Lesson: The Shortest & Surest Way to Understand Basic Economics A million copy seller, Henry Hazlitt’s Economics in One Lesson is a classic economic primer. But it is also much more, having become a fundamental influence on modern "libertarian” economics of the type espoused by Ron Paul and others. Considered among the leading economic thinkers of the "Austrian School,” which includes Carl Menger, Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich (F.A.) Hayek, and others, Henry Hazlitt (1894-1993), was a libertarian philosopher, an economist, and a journalist. He was the founding vice-president of the Foundation for Economic Education and an early editor of The Freeman magazine, an influential libertarian publication. Hazlitt wrote Economics in One Lesson, his seminal work, in 1946. Concise and instructive, it is also deceptively prescient and far-reaching in its efforts to dissemble economic fallacies that are so prevalent they have almost become a new orthodoxy. Many current economic commentators across the political spectrum have credited Hazlitt with foreseeing the collapse of the global economy which occurred more than 50 years after the initial publication of Economics in One Lesson. Hazlitt’s focus on non-governmental solutions, strong — and strongly reasoned — anti-deficit position, and general emphasis on free markets, economic liberty of individuals, and the dangers of government intervention make Economics in One Lesson, every bit as relevant and valuable today as it has been since publication. ISBN:9780517548233 Author:Henry Hazlitt

Goldman Sachs The Culture of Success

KShs1,395.00 KShs1,326.00
Brief summary Goldman Sachs, the nation's leading investment firm, with a solid-gold reputation and a first-class list of clients, began as a family business in a lower Manhattan basement in 1869. The secrets behind the remarkable success of Goldman Sachs since then are revealed in unprecedented depth in this fascinating and authoritative narrative history of the firm. Former Goldman Sachs vice president Lisa Endlich draws on her insider's knowledge and access to all levels of management to bring to life a unique company that has long held its mystique intact. The most stunning accomplishments in modern American finance are explored through the story of how Goldman Sachs reached its summit. Goldman Sachs: The Culture of Success provides a rare and revealing look inside an institution -- until recently the last private partnership on Wall Street -- and inside the financial world at its highest levels. Included here, in a new chapter, is a first look at the history behind the firm's landmark initial public offering. " ISBN:9780684869681 Author:Lisa Endlich

The Crunch

KShs1,095.00 KShs1,041.00
Brief summary The Crunch: How Greed and Incompetence Sparked the Credit Crisis On August 9, 2007 France's largest bank announced that it would suspend trading in two huge investment funds it controlled. The same day three German banks revealed that they were close to collapse. A few days later came the first run on a British bank since the 1860s as vast queues of worried investors besieged Northern Rock. Within weeks, the government was forced to bail out this previously little known bank to the tune of £30 billion, share prices in other mortgage lenders were plummeting, and alarming news arose from several banks in the United States. Award-winning journalist Alex Brummer painstakingly traces the course of this crisis from its origins in the subprime market to its explosion on to the international scene. It is a story of greed, mismanagement, and dithering in which bankers seeking to make a quick buck, regulators engaged in turf wars and blame-avoidance, and governments paralyzed by the sheer scale of the problem all conspired to bring the banking system almost to its knees. It is also a story of victims: the 1.5 million people in the US who have already been thrown out of their houses; the entire population of the UK who have been co-opted to guarantee Northern Rock with £30 billion of public money; borrowers everywhere who are now finding credit more expensive and harder to get. ISBN:9781847940094 Author:Alex Brummer

The Complete Idiots Guide to Start Ur...

KShs2,450.00 KShs2,328.00
Brief summary Chock-full of tips for finding the right business idea for you, evaluating an idea's market potential, creating a winning sales plan, developing an effective web and social media strategy, setting up the legal part of your business, and so much more, The Complete Idiot's Guide® to Starting Your Own Business, Sixth Edition, gives you the practical advice you need to start any type of business. Starting and running your own business, where you run the show your way, isn't as far-fetched as you might think. Many entrepreneurs have successfully ventured out on their own, even during tough economic times, and you can, too. Special emphasis is placed on matching you to the right business idea and writing a great business plan that will withstand tough investor scrutiny. Author, Ed Paulson, has fully updated the content to reflect today's opportunities and challenges, and added new components that feature the basics of creating a web-based business strategy, managing your personal and business risks, business essentials for professionals such as doctors and engineers and how to successfully navigate your first year in business. In addition, this new edition features great tips for leveraging social media as a tool for selling products and marketing your business. Useful topics included in the book: * Matching you to your new business, * Evaluating your idea's sales potential, * Writing a fundable business plan, * Two complete sample business plans, * Figuring out if your business will make money, * Finding and working with investors, * Tips on buying an existing business or franchise, * Managing personal and business risks for your life stage, * Surviving your first year in business, * Practical marketing and social media tips, * Ideas for getting sales and managing salespeople, * Managing employees, both good and bad, * Doing business internationally, * Managing your first year's cash flow, * Developing a sound web strategy, * What to consider when incorporating, * Important business tips for professional practices. " ISBN:9781615641512 Author:Ed Paulson

The Cash Nexus by Niall Ferguson

KShs2,900.00 KShs2,500.00
The Cash Nexus: Money and Power in the Modern World, 1700-2000. Conventional wisdom has long claimed that economic change is the prime mover of political change, whether in the age of industry or Internet. But is it? Ferguson thinks it is high time we re-examined the link-the nexus, in Thomas Carlyle's phrase-between economics and politics. His central argument is that the conflicting impulses of sex, violence, and power are together more powerful than money. Among Ferguson's startling claims are: Nothing has done more to transform the world economy than war, yet wars themselves do not have primarily economic causes. • The present age of economic globalization is coinciding-paradoxically-with political and military fragmentation. • Financial crises are frequently caused by unforeseen political events rather than economic fluctuations. The relationship between prosperity and government popularity is largely illusory. • Since political and economic liberalization are not self-perpetuating, the so-called triumph of democracy worldwide may be short-lived. • A bold synthesis of political history and modern economic theory, Cash Nexus will transform the landscape of modern history and draw challenging conclusions about the prospects of both capitalism and democracy.

The Last Tycoons

KShs2,295.00 KShs2,181.00
Brief summary The Last Tycoons: The Secret History of Lazard Frères & Co A grand and revelatory portrait of Wall Street’s most storied investment bank Wall Street investment banks move trillions of dollars a year, make billions in fees, and pay their executives in the tens of millions of dollars. But even among the most powerful firms, Lazard Frères & Co. stood apart. Discretion, secrecy, and subtle strategy were its weapons of choice. For more than a century, the mystique and reputation of the "Great Men" who worked there allowed the firm to garner unimaginable profits, social cachet, and outsized influence in the halls of power. But in the mid-1980s, their titanic egos started getting in the way, and the Great Men of Lazard jeopardized all they had built. William D. Cohan, himself a former high-level Wall Street banker, takes the reader into the mysterious and secretive world of Lazard and presents a compelling portrait of Wall Street through the tumultuous history of this exalted and fascinating company. Cohan deconstructs the explosive feuds between Felix Rohatyn and Steve Rattner, superstar investment bankers and pillars of New York society, and between the man who controlled Lazard, the inscrutable French billionaire Michel David-Weill, and his chosen successor, Bruce Wasserstein. Cohan follows Felix, the consummate adviser, as he reshapes corporate America in the 1970s and 1980s, saves New York City from bankruptcy, and positions himself in New York society and in Washington. Felix’s dreams are dashed after the arrival of Steve, a formidable and ambitious former newspaper reporter. By the mid-1990s, as Lazard neared its 150th anniversary, Steve and Felix were feuding openly. The internal strife caused by their arguments could not be solved by the imperious Michel, whose manipulative tendencies served only to exacerbate the trouble within the firm. Increasingly desperate, Michel took the unprecedented step of relinquishing operational control of Lazard to one of the few Great Men still around, Bruce Wasserstein, then fresh from selling his own M&A boutique, for $1.4 billion. Bruce’s take: more than $600 million. But it turned out Great Man Bruce had snookered Great Man Michel when the Frenchman was at his most vulnerable. The Last Tycoons is a tale of vaulting ambitions, whispered advice, worldly mistresses, fabulous art collections, and enormous wealth—a story of high drama in the world of high finance. ISBN:9780767919791 Author:William D. Cohan

The Facebook Effect

KShs1,550.00 KShs1,473.00
Brief summary The Facebook Effect: The Inside Story of the Company That Is Connecting the World The exclusive inside story of Facebook and how it has revolutionized the way the world uses the Internet. "A fantastic book, filled with great reporting and colorful narrative” (Walter Isaacson). In little more than half a decade, Facebook has gone from a dorm-room novelty to a company with 500 million users. It is one of the fastest growing companies in history, an essential part of the social life not only of teenagers but hundreds of millions of adults worldwide. As Facebook spreads around the globe, it creates surprising effects—even becoming instrumental in political protests from Colombia to Iran. Veteran technology reporter David Kirkpatrick had the full cooperation of Facebook’s key executives in researching this fascinating history of the company and its impact on our lives. Kirkpatrick tells us how Facebook was created, why it has flourished, and where it is going next. He chronicles its successes and missteps, and gives readers the most complete assessment anywhere of founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg, the central figure in the company’s remarkable ascent. This is the Facebook story that can be found nowhere else. How did a nineteen-year-old Harvard student create a company that has transformed the Internet and how did he grow it to its current enormous size? Kirkpatrick shows how Zuckerberg steadfastly refused to compromise his vision, insistently focusing on growth over profits and preaching that Facebook must dominate (his word) communication on the Internet. In the process, he and a small group of key executives have created a company that has changed social life in the United States and elsewhere, a company that has become a ubiquitous presence in marketing, altering politics, business, and even our sense of our own identity. This is the Facebook Effect. ISBN:9781439102121 Author:David Kirkpatrick

The Age of Turbulence

KShs1,999.00 KShs1,900.00
Brief summary The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World. The Age of Turbulence is Alan Greenspan’s incomparable reckoning with the contemporary financial world, channeled through his own experiences working in the command room of the global economy longer and with greater effect than any other single living figure. Following the arc of his remarkable life’s journey through his more than eighteen-year tenure as chairman of the Federal Reserve Board to the present, in the second half of The Age of Turbulence Dr. Greenspan embarks on a magnificent tour d’horizon of the global economy. The distillation of a life’s worth of wisdom and insight into an elegant expression of a coherent worldview, The Age of Turbulence will stand as Alan Greenspan’s personal and intellectual legacy. " ISBN:9780713999822 Author:Alan Greenspan

Business Accounting by Frank Wood Vol...

KShs5,000.00 KShs4,799.00
Brief summary The Frank Wood books have taught generations of accounting students how to think and act as accountants. Now in its 14th edition, Business Accounting Volume 1 continues to offer an indispensable guide for any accounting student. Financial accounting, financial reporting, financial analysis, and management accounting concepts are all covered in this accessible, practical text. The 14th edition is updated to be fully compliant with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), and with current IFRS terminology.

Business Communication

KShs895.00 KShs851.00
Brief summary It is said the future belongs to Communication. And rightly so. For today, more than ever before, the need for effective communication is being felt. This is particularly true of business communication because, organizations in their efforts to excel in business and outdo their competitors, have to be precise and extremely effective in their communication to satisfy all its stakeholders—be they suppliers, distributors, advertisers or customers. This book on Business Communication, now in its Second Edition, brings to fore the multidimensional aspects of Business Communication—ranging from listening, speaking, developing skill sets, to exhibiting correct body language. The book emphasizes that understanding the perceptions and mindsets of the communicators and the context are crucial for business communication. This book, which is the outcome of the rich and the vast experience of Dr. Asha Kaul and her interaction with the brilliant young minds at IIM Ahmedabad and other Bschools, should be of immense value to the budding as well as practicing managers. All readers will find this new edition extremely useful, refreshingly different, and delectably delightful. ISBN:9788120338487 Author:Asha Kaul

International Business Economic

KShs4,595.00 KShs4,366.00
Brief summary This text explores international business economics from a European perspective, dealing not only within business in Europe but with the external trading relationships of the EU and the position of European firms in a globalized economy. An extensive website provides lecturers with support material. ISBN:9781403942197 Author:Judith Piggott and Mark Cook

Business Travel and Tourism

KShs3,895.00 KShs3,701.00
Brief summary 'Business Travel and Tourism' provides a comprehensive, international overview of business tourism from both a theoretical and practical perspective. With the use of case studies from around the world, 'Business Travel and Tourism' explores a broad range of issues, including: 1. The global business tourism market 2. The design of business tourism facilities 3. The role of the destination in business travel and tourism 4. The social, economic, and environmental impacts of business tourism 5. The ethical dimension of business tourism 6. The marketing of business tourism products 7. The impact of new technologies on the business tourism market 8. How to organize successful conferences, exhibitions, and incentive travel packages Case studies include Disneyland Paris, Hong Kong, Amsterdam RAI International Exhibition and Congress Centre, Hilton, Page and Moy Marketing, Lufthansa, Air France, and Legoland UK.'Business Travel and Tourism' is the first text to offer a comprehensive overview of the growing but neglected area of business tourism. With the use of a wide range of up-to-date case studies and major practical exercises to help students to broaden and deepen their understanding of this area of tourism, it is an invaluable text for all students on travel and tourism courses at degree and BTEC/HND level, or those taking tourism options in leisure, business studies, hospitality management or geography. ISBN:9780750643924 Author:John Swarbrooke and Susan Horner

The Business of Tourism Management

KShs6,195.00 KShs5,886.00
Brief summary This exciting new book, firmly embedded in the management discipline, equips students and future managers of tourism with both the business skills and an understanding of tourism, which will enhance their employment prospects within the dynamic industry. The Business of Tourism Management (BOTM) provides an introduction to key aspects of tourism, and to the practice of managing a tourism business. It explores the functions of management within the world of tourism, showing how tourism as a business has evolved, how the tourism and travel industry is structured, and how tourism businesses operate within their political, economic and socio-cultural environments. Written and contributed by leading academics and practitioners in the UK, European Australia, The Business of Tourism Management is ideal for both undergraduate and postgraduate students of tourism management. ISBN:9780273688013 Author:John Beech and Simon Chadwick