Showing 1–20 of 214 results

Diary of a young Kenyan Entrepreneur

KShs1,800.00 KShs1,500.00
The entrepreneurial terrain is marked with experiences that can challenge, inspire, elevate or inspire. This is one of my love letters to the entrepreneur through my personal encounters Hey there grasshopper, you have got this.

“Time Series Analysis” by...

An intuitive demonstration of how to dominate resources using the mathematical model, "time series analysis" in practice.



*The Rich Formula* _A Path to Financial Freedom_ explores the transformative journey from poverty to prosperity. Born into a world of limitless opportunities, this book teaches that being born poor is not a mistake but a chance to unlock your hidden talent and sell it to the world. Through practical insights on financial literacy, entrepreneurship, and money-making strategies that require little to no capital, The Rich Formula reveals the essential steps to achieve financial success. Whether you're a producer or consumer, this guide shows that dying poor is a choice — one you don’t have to make.

*Among some of the book's topics are :* Born poor ; It's Not Your Mistake Financial Literacy is the Key Become an Entrepreneur Producer Vs consumer Money -Making tips that require little to no money Die Poor ; It's your Mistake



KANUNI YA UTAJIRI* _Njia ya Uhuru wa Kifedha_ inachunguza safari ya mabadiliko kutoka kwa umaskini hadi ustawi. Ukiwa umezaliwa katika ulimwengu wa fursa zisizo na kikomo, kitabu hiki kinafundisha kwamba kuzaliwa maskini si kosa bali ni nafasi ya kufungua kipaji chako kilichofichwa na kukiuza kwa ulimwengu. Kupitia maarifa ya vitendo kuhusu ujuzi wa kifedha, ujasiriamali, na mikakati ya kutengeneza pesa ambayo huhitaji mtaji mdogo au bila mtaji, kanuni ya Utajiri hufichua hatua muhimu za kufikia mafanikio ya kifedha. Iwe wewe ni mzalishaji au mtumiaji, mwongozo huu unaonesha kuwa kufa maskini ni chaguo - sio jambo la lazima.

*Miongoni mwa baadhi ya mada za kitabu hiki ni:* 1.Kuzaliwa maskini; Sio Kosa Lako 2.Elimu ya Kifedha ni Msingi 3.Kuwa Mjasiriamali 4.Mtayarishaji Vs mtumiaji 5. Vidokezo vya njia za Kutengeneza pesa zinazohitaji mtaji kidogo au bila mtaji kabisa. 6.Kufa Maskini; Ni Kosa lako.


In Dream Bigger, renowned entrepreneur and business strategist Basil David Anthony gives a comprehensive road map for young aspiring entrepreneurs aiming to create profitable business ventures. The author breaks down the process of starting a business into manageable steps, drawing on both his own and other young entrepreneurs' experiences. The book emphasises the necessity of harnessing one's potential and profiting from their vision. It is meant to guide potential entrepreneurs to cleverly navigate the business world. It offers great tips on how to analyse the market, develop a sellable product or service, make a unique business plan, and put the plan into action by making appropriate decisions. The book explains some of the most important traits that a successful business owner should have. It talks about some of the most common reasons why new businesses fail. It emphasises the necessity of seeking prosperity with a purpose, urging entrepreneurs to link their businesses with their fundamental principles in order to have a beneficial impact on society. Dream Bigger is the best book for making your goals come true. It has inspiring stories and steps you can take right away. The useful advice and smart strategies will help aspiring business owners overcome problems that come with starting a business and build a strong base for long-term success. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Basil David Anthony is a young internationally recognised award winning Ghanaian-British business personality, entrepreneur, achiever, philanthropist, expert, visionary & game changer with over 20 years of experience in various business sectors across Africa, Middle Eastern, Asian & European markets.

The science of Becoming Rich by Joshu...

Introducing to you the new book: The Science of Becoming Rich with a sub title Creative Thinking, the alternative option for financial success. Whereas money is a key issue in this book, mind attitude is the underlying dominant factor. It describes a journey toward a destination. This book explores critical areas that relate to human attitude to issues in life, with a view to bringing in new thinking that imparts change for success in life. The book contemplates impressing into the inner mind, a thinking process that would make the individual learn to focus on the positive driving forces in life like faith, self confidence, determination, persistence, decisiveness, patience and many others. By so doing, this thinking process weakens the destructive power of the negative inhibiting forces such as doubt, indecision, fear, worry, intimidation, bitterness and the like, which work in the mind as resistance blocks to any progress. These divert the potential productive energy from taking action positively. By developing the positive driving forces the reader will open their minds to the opportunities around, which will make new mental skills grow and achieve according to their expectations.

Nobody Told Me Money would take me there

KShs1,000.00 KShs900.00
This book is about where money take people knowingly or without a clue. Some will go to jail, others to far flung countries. Others will grow rich because of savings while others with money will go bankrupt. This mentorship is required to adolescents

From Employment to a Side Hustle to a...

KShs2,800.00 KShs1,950.00
Are you feeling stuck and not making enough money? This book is written for both those who are currently employed and wish to start their own business, as well as those who have already started a business but feel stuck. Place your order today and the book will be delivered at your doorstep!!

Starlink Satellite Internet Services ...

*Starlink Satellite Internet Services* Kit Dish & Router @ Kshs. 120,000.00 1 Month Subscription Fee @ Kshs. 6,500.00 Ethernet Adapter @ Kshs. 15,000.00 Installation & Configuration from @ Kshs 6,500

Financial Success For Entrepreneurs b...

Financial success for entrepreneurs is a book that has been engineered to help upcoming and existing entrepreneurs understand practical tips on how to effectively monitor business performance and maximize profitability and grow investments. This book is structured to help entrepreneurs become great money managers while at the same time plugging loopholes that would potentially cause loss of cash. This book has five modules tackling different aspects of the business. It gives you the knowledge and practical nuggets for you to turn your business into a financial success. To get best out of this book you must play your part. Your business cannot be successful if you do not practice these tips. You have to make them work through practice.

Daring Leadership in the 21st Century...

The author contends that leadership is not about seniority, titles or one's background. It is a multifaceted vice coupled with contesting views on what it is and how it is supposed to be practiced.

The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene...

KShs2,290.00 KShs2,090.00
Amoral, cunning, ruthless, and instructive, this multi-million-copy New York Times bestseller is the definitive manual for anyone interested in gaining, observing, or defending against ultimate control – from the author of The Laws of Human Nature. In the book that People magazine proclaimed "beguiling” and "fascinating,” Robert Greene and Joost Elffers have distilled three thousand years of the history of power into 48 essential laws by drawing from the philosophies of Machiavelli, Sun Tzu, and Carl Von Clausewitz and also from the lives of figures ranging from Henry Kissinger to P.T. Barnum. Some laws teach the need for prudence ("Law 1: Never Outshine the Master”), others teach the value of confidence ("Law 28: Enter Action with Boldness”), and many recommend absolute self-preservation ("Law 15: Crush Your Enemy Totally”). Every law, though, has one thing in common: an interest in total domination. In a bold and arresting two-color package, The 48 Laws of Power is ideal whether your aim is conquest, self-defense, or simply to understand the rules of the game.

Calm Down, It’s Just a Business...

KShs2,500.00 KShs2,000.00
In These Pages..... Armed with a Bachelor of Commerce degree in Management Science and CPA, some experience across Africa, a dream and a whooping one million Kenyan shillings, the Author takes a leap of faith out of secure, but unfulfilling employment into the deep waters of business. In his professionally-designed business plan, the Author is confident that within six months, he will have turned his start-up into a thriving profit-making conglomerate that will meet all his financial responsibilities. As six months turn into several years with no profits but mounting debts, his once bright vision begins to dim and depression swiftly takes up residence in his mind. Never one to give up, the Author diligently scours the Internet, follows his mentor’s guidance, reads a myriad books and reflects on his journey. He sheds the depression that had threatened to engulf him, finds and executes the winning formula for success in business and suddenly, any doors he knocks on, seem to open with little effort on his part. In his generosity of spirit, he now shares these secrets with you so that your journey may be smoother and maybe even shorter.

70 Realities and Rules of Running a S...

KShs1,500.00 KShs1,350.00
This is a simple and easy-to-understand book on what it takes to start and run a profitable and successful business. The realities herein are drawn from real experiences and are meant to make your journey in entrepreneurship easier. Applied well, the rules will give those new to business a jumpstart and the ones who are already in some inspiration to do it right and scale better.

ENTREPRENEURSHIP: What women entrepre...

KShs2,500.00 KShs2,000.00
The entrepreneurship book addresses issues that impede development amongst small scale traders and especially women with a view to suggesting solutions that can improve entrepreneurial activities and create more employment opportunities in Kenya. The book also gives the best model of success for entrepreneurs as well as basic aspects of book keeping and how to keep financial records. The book is an excerpt of real-time experiences of practicing entrepreneurs from the lessons learnt as documented by the author.

My Crazy ideas By Grace M. Njuguna

KShs2,000.00 KShs1,500.00

 A book for young and first time entrepreneur.

As technology changes with the world around us, so do job prospects for our children and future generations. In fact, as much as 30% of jobs may become obsolete in the next 20 years according to ILO. That’s huge! Along with these tech and societal developments, starting a business and becoming your own boss and entrepreneur has become a lot more accessible and a lot more accepted.

Entrepreneurship can make such a powerful tool to help fight youth unemployment. My Crazy ideas is guide for young people on how to turn their seemingly crazy ideas in to business ventures from Idea validating to raising the funds.  Crazy is good.

Entrepreneurship Hits And Misses by E...

I did not get into business to avoid challenges but to face them head-on, I thought–this is why I constantly fill my diary. If any aspiring entrepreneur finds this diary, I intend to spar conversations about the why, what, where, when, how and how much of entrepreneurship. I intend for it to encourage those in this journey to understand that they are not alone and that if they can be a little more resilient, a little more passionate, a little more focused, a little more open to learning, they can also achieve the 20 years overnight success that they see with others.

Sell Me This Pen by Eunice Maina Mburu

KShs2,000.00 KShs1,500.00
Nothing happens until someone sells something, You cannot get that job until you sell your skills, you cannot build a business until you sell your products and services. Selling is the key skill that separates ‘Wannapreneurs’ from accomplished entrepreneurs. Eunice Maina weaves a story of fortitude, grit, desire to succeed, and persistence that sees her grow in the insurance industry to be a celebrated award-winning sales agent and entrepreneur. Grow from an average salesperson to a sales superstar through the distilled lessons in, Sell me this… Pen.

Vyama Institutions of Hope

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
This book makes the case for informal sector institutions in development theory. Through practical examples and interviews conducted in Kenya, the author captures how ordinary people organize themselves to meet daily economic and development challenges. The author traces how ordinary people (wananchi) use non-mainstream mechanisms in the form vyama (social groups) to enable individual, group and community development. The book offers insights into the evolution of vyama (institutions of hope) and the role these institutions continue to play in realizing economic growth: wealth creation and distribution; investments, social protection; and general community development. The work shows how, despite historical disruptions, modernization and neo-liberal policies, ordinary people creatively borrow from tradition. In the process, they use collective mechanisms for resource mobilization, investment, risk-sharing and shared gains for the common good. The author offers pointers into the future and how the chama concept can become mainstream in a people’s economic development. What others say “The analysis is rigorous. It is highly original, emotive, and an excellent piece of work. It makes a major contribution to our knowledge of the proto-proletariat and the informal sector in the developing world. - How the author beautifully weaves anecdotes from classical African novels into her analysis to reinforce her argument makes this work distinctive and unique.” - Professor MBK Darkoh, University of Botswana “This book is based on real life cases in an area that most scholars have not ventured into. It is a major addition of new findings in the body of knowledge. The presentation is clear, understandable and would appeal to most readers.” –Paul Kamau, PhD, Senior Research Fellow, University of Nairobi “The strength of this book is the way it has managed to present the lives of the ordinary people as not hopeless, but rather the base where future development for Africa could be emerging. The book starts from the grassroots and the development actions and innovations taking place there based on the needs as experienced by the ordinary people, rather than the technical fixes of development experts that follow the books rather than the actual needs of the people being developed.” – Professor Beth Maina Ahlberg, PhD, Professor of International Health, Uppsala University “This book demonstrates how ordinary citizens have discovered the power in tapping into social relations and are proactively solving their own socio-political and economic challenges. It calls for the incorporation of the ordinary citizen in development planning with a view of enabling them to receive value from and add value to the globalization and integration process. For anyone who is interested to see Africa play an important role in the global agenda, this is not a book to be ignored.” -- Josephat Juma, Managing Editor, The African Executive magazine.

From Monk to Money Manager: A Former ...

KShs1,790.00 KShs1,499.00
Build a better financial future for yourself and the world. Former monk turned financial advisor, Doug Lynam, shares the rules of money management that will change your approach to earning, saving, and investing. From Monk to Money Manager is an entertaining and self-deprecating journey through Lynam’s relationship with the almighty dollar—his childhood in a rich family, the long-haired hippie days running away from materialism, time in the Marine Corps looking for selfless service, and his twenty years in the monastery under a vow of poverty that led to his current profession as a financial advisor. In this unique look at wealth from a spiritual perspective, Lynam shares his belief that God doesn’t expect us to live in poverty. The truth is, we need financial peace so we can help others. When money becomes a part of our spiritual practice, used in love and service, it can bring us closer to our highest spiritual ideals. With humor and humility, Lynam uses stories told through the lens of his own money mistakes, and those of counseling clients, to understand how our attitudes about money hold us back. He also provides clear, step-by-step guidance on how to grow a little bit wealthy. His insights include how to build a compassionate relationship to our finances; some of the good, bad, and ugly truths about money; and the tricks to unlocking financial freedom.