Showing 1–20 of 53 results

Dietary Management of Diabetes Mellit...

Dietary Management of Diabetes provides a comprehensive guide to navigating the complexities of diabetes through nutrition. Authored by leading experts in the field, this book offers practical strategies for individuals seeking to manage their condition effectively. Form understanding the impact of different foods on the blood sugar levels to creating personalized meal plans. The book equips readers with the knowledge and tools necessary for success.

Echemini y’Ekegusii: Ekegusii C...

KShs280.00 KShs250.00
Abagusii lived spiritual lives with Engoro as their God who was associated with the sun, the tool He used to traverse the world. Engoro was responsible for opening and closing days (amatuko/amagooro). At sunrise and sunset, Omogusii prayed for a good day and night. Other worship situations arose out of need, e.g. to bless, cleanse, and sacrifice (among others) in which Omogusii communed with Engoro, described variously as Matonga/Omotongi (the creator), Monyara/Omobui (the powerful one), Omonguru (Almighty), Mokona/Omonyabikone (miracle performer). Among the spirits, Chisokoro represented departed relatives and were a medium for communication between man and Engoro responsible for blessings. Ebirecha represented evil spirits and inflicted punishment. A person displaying negative signs meant that either the Chisokoro were not happy with the person or he had attracted the wrath of ebirecha. For the former, one needed to appease (sacrifice) the Chisokoro. The latter one needed cleansing. Sacrifices and cleansing followed specific routines and were carried out at specified sacred sites.

How To Get A Job In Dubai by Bilal M....

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
Have you been sending job applications or attending interviews without success? Are you sick and tired of your current job?


The book examines the regulation of the Kenyan media market, focusing on how market structure, competitive behavior, journalists' conduct, and the financial performance of media houses shape the nature and diversity of content available to audiences. It provides a longitudinal and historical analysis of the development of the Kenyan media market, tracing its evolution from the monopoly of public service broadcasting to the dominance of private and commercial broadcasting. The book compellingly argues that a combination of both public and private media ownership has the potential to offer content that serves the public interest, even in a highly competitive environment. The study demonstrates the significant value of combining qualitative and quantitative content analysis with media economics and management models in studying the media market and applying methods for computing media market concentration, competition, and diversity performance.


KCSE English Paper Three Demystified is a guide book to the set books currently studied in Kenyan secondary schools in the 8-4-4 system. The guide book gives analysis on the following set books: 'Fathers of Nations' , 'The Samaritan' , A Silent Song and Other Stories' and 'Parliament of Owls'.


Reloaded Comprehensive English Revision Paper 2 &3 is a book that helps teachers and students to prepare for KCSE and internal exams by giving them model questions on the set books in English paper 2 and paper 3. It also gives KCSE standard answers to the questions. The book also gives a brief analysis of the set books and approaches to answering questions on the set books. The set books covered are: 'Fathers of Nations', 'The Samaritan ', 'A Silent Song and Other Stories ', 'Parliament of Owls' and 'An Artist of the Floating World'.

Bringing Out The Best Ouf of Yourself...

KShs1,000.00 KShs800.00
Bringing The Best Out of Yourself in School and Beyond is written with an objective of raising a student who is whole rounded in the sense that he really understands what is happening within and out of him/her. It does not really make sense to graduate an intelligent engineer who can control great and efficient machines to the highest accuracy possible while the same person cannot control her/himself. On the same line, it makes no reason to produce an “A” student who is not of any help to himself, let alone the society he was brought up in or a Business Management student who knows not how to start and run a business despite four years of university education. The topics transcend quite some important aspects of school life and life away from school. This book is designed for anyone who is interested in getting a better self and making an improvement in one or the other part of his life. Though written for high school students, anyone can borrow much from the same text but high school students will find this a really must have book for them.


KShs2,000.00 KShs1,800.00
The book traces the history of the ban on Cannabis and the decriminalization and legalization effort's in Kenya and beyond. Special emphasis is laid on the role of the United Nations (UN) and the individuals involved in the plot to ban and control the plant.


In this reference book, the context has been revised to suit upper primary/elementary and secondary/ high school students. It is also suited for any other interested persons who may want to know and learn more about animals. Altogether, more than 360 images of animals have been classified in their distinct categories commonly known to people for easy reading, identification and referencing. The aim of this book is to provide a simple descriptive text with illustrated images of and about animals to students and learners.


World foods and dishes is a cookbook that describes, with illustrated images the different types of foods in the world. It also describes the different world dishes, what they are prepared or made of and the country of origin. The foods are grouped into two broad categories namely basic foods and prepared foods. Under basic foods there are cereal grains, vegetables, fruits, baked goods, meat foods, seafood, herbs and spices, drinks and beverages. Under prepared foods there are foods such as appetizers, snack foods, desserts, confectionery, condiments, dips and pastes, pies and pancakes, noodles and pasta, sauces, sandwiches, soups and stews. All of these foods have different examples of the dishes from all over the world. Altogether about 1,800 images have been used to describe the dishes in an alphabetical order for easier identification and referencing. The objective of this book is to provide cooks, chefs, learners and anybody else interested with a diverse knowledge of the various different foods and dishes from all over the world.

Enchengeria EkeGusii Dictionary: A Co...

KShs2,200.00 KShs1,800.00
This is a complete EkeGusii-Kiswahili-English dictionary that provides definitions for EkeGusii words. The work has been compiled for over fourteen years of collecting lexemes from the native speakers of the language. The respondents, who provided the raw data, range from former teachers of EkeGusii as a mother tongue to indigenous knowledge experts in the Gusii community. Linguists with expertise in lexicography, phonetics, and translation and interpretation, drawn from the Linguistics department, Kisii University, worked on the technical details. Herein lies the uniqueness of this work: it presents more than mere definitions of word tokens. This edition serves as a template for further exploration, future expansion, and development of orthographic conventions in the language. The dictionary offers the following: - Meanings of EkeGusii words with Kiswahili, and English translations. - Abbreviations and proper nouns. - Grammatical constructions. - Concise sentences to serve as illustrative examples in EkeGusii. - Broad transcription of words, using the IPA format, as guide to pronunciation.

Gìkūyū- English Dictionary First Edition

KShs1,690.00 KShs1,400.00
This is the Gìkūyū - English Dictionary First Edition.

Modern Gikuyu Dictionary: Gikuyu-Engl...

Learn Gikuyu the modern way with Gikuyu kasahorow! Start exploring the modern world with Gikuyu! The Modern Gikuyu Dictionary is a Gikuyu explorer's dictionary for English language speakers. Read Modern Gikuyu confidently. Contains all the words you need to understand every book in the kasahorow Gikuyu Library. Discover the joy of learning new things in Gikuyu. Suitable for everyone 13 years old and older.

Habits of Highly Successful Students ...

KShs500.00 KShs350.00
Title: Habits of Highly Successful Students Category: Educational and general inspiration Author: Toroitich Patrick Yegon Target Class: Upper Primary School and Beyond Good is not enough when we have a chance to be great. But what separates mediocrity from excellence? To answer this you must ask yourself two questions: Is excellence a function of luck? Is there anything like overnight success? Just as your guess, excellence has never been about luck nor is there anything like overnight success. Both are as a result of culmination of various small strides. Great students are made not born. The making is in their habits. This book seeks to study the habits that have molded great students.

How To Pass Examination by Toroitich ...

KShs500.00 KShs350.00
Title: How To Pass Examination Category: Educational and general inspiration Author: Toroitich Patrick Yegon Target Class: Form One-Form Four Many students study so hard yet still fail in their examination. Some do not know how to prepare well for their examinations. This book has been written to help solve this problem and help students to do well in their examinations. It teaches on; why we do examinations, the factors that determine our performance, revision techniques during the various lengths from exam day, terminologies used in high school examinations, how to use examination revision timetable and how to handle examination results.

Essential Skills and Habits For Studi...

KShs500.00 KShs350.00
Title: Essential Skills and Habits for Studies Category: Educational and general inspiration Author: Toroitich Patrick Yegon Target Class: Upper Primary & Beyond This book takes the student through the essential requisite skills and habits for effective sad efficient learning. The student gets to learn of the following skills: Note making skills, Note Taking Skills, Listening skills, Time management skills, Reading Skills, Critical Thinking and Reading Skills, Memorization Skills.

English Swahili-Kalenjin : nouns pock...

KShs400.00 KShs300.00
English Swahili-Kalenjin : nouns pocket dictionary by Taaitta Toweett

Easy Learning French Complete Grammar...

KShs2,290.00 KShs1,899.00
Reading books is a kind of enjoyment. Reading books is a good habit. We bring you a different kinds of books. You can carry this book where ever you want. It is easy to carry. It can be an ideal gift to yourself and to your loved ones. Care instruction keep away from fire.