Showing 21–40 of 330 results

Growing in Christ CRE Teacher’s...

Teacher's Guide - Grade 3 n nThe Growing in Christ series is specially written to provide practical experiences that will build the learners' knowledge and understanding of the Christian faith, as well as equip them with values, skills and attitudes that will assist them live well with self and others. Books in this series provide a range of activities that learners will find exciting and motivating. The activities are aimed at acquisition of the core competences and values as well as an appreciation of Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PC I s). n nThe Teachers' Guide has a wealth of information and guidelines to enable the teacher guide the learners in developing the core competences. It supports teachers by offering the following: n
  • A detailed introduction to the Competency Based Curriculum.
  • n
  • Sample schemes of work and lesson plan to assist the teacher to plan the lessons.
  • n
  • A detailed explanation of the content and activities to be covered in each lesson.
  • n
  • Suggestions for extra activities.
  • n
  • Answers, explanations and rubrics for assessment.
  • n
  • Helpful hints on class management, group work and differentiated
  • n
nTogether, the Learner's Book and the Teacher's Guide provide learners and teachers with all they need to succeed in the Competency Based Curriculum. n nOxford, your choice for success!

Growing in Christ CRE Teacher’s...

Teacher’s Guide – Grade 2 n nThe Growing in Christ series is specially written to provide practical experiences that will build the learners’ knowledge and understanding of the Christian faith, as well as equip them with values, skills and attitudes that will assist them live well with self and others. Books in this series provide a range of activities that learners will find exciting and motivating. The activities are aimed at acquisition of the core competences and values as well as an appreciation of Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs). The Teachers’ Guide has a wealth of information and guidelines to enable the teacher guide the learners in developing the core competences. It supports teachers by offering the following: n
  • A detailed introduction to the Competency Based Curriculum.
  • n
  • Sample schemes of work and lesson plan to assist the teacher to plan the lessons.
  • n
  • A detailed explanation of the content and activities to be covered in each lesson.
  • n
  • Suggestions for extra activities.
  • n
  • Answers, explanations and rubrics for assessment.
  • n
  • Helpful hints on class management, group work and differentiated learning.
  • n
nTogether, the Learner’s Book and the Teacher’s Guide provide learners and teachers with all they need to succeed in the Competency Based Curriculum. n nOxford, your choice for success!

Growing in Christ CRE Learner’s...

Learner’s Book – Grade 3 n nThe Growing in Christ series is specially written to provide practical experiences that will build the learners’ knowledge and understanding of the Christian faith, as well as equip them with values, skills and attitudes that will assist them live well with self and others. Books in this series provide a range of activities that learners will find exciting and motivating. The activities are aimed at acquisition of the core competences and values as well as an appreciation of Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs). The Learner’s Book ensures coverage of the Competency Based Curriculum by providing: n
  • Content that is structured according to the curriculum design.
  • n
  • An Activity section that carries individual and collaboration activities through which the learners create new learning.
  • n
  • Real-life situations that require learners to apply creativity and critical thinking skills in solving everyday problems.
  • n
  • A Bible reading section that summarises the content of Bible verses.
  • n
  • A Learn more section that encourages learners to learn from the home environment as well as apply what they have learnt.
  • n
  • A Think about it... section, which encourages learners to imagine a different world and thus appreciate the Word of God, themselves and others.
  • n
nTogether, the Learner’s Book and the Teacher’s Guide provide learners and teachers with all they need to succeed in the Competency Based Curriculum. n nOxford, your companion for success!

Growing in Christ CRE Learner’s...

Learner’s Book – Grade 2 n nThe Growing in Christ series is specially written to provide practical experiences that will build the learners’ knowledge and understanding of the Christian faith, as well as equip them with values, skills and attitudes that will assist them live well with self and others. Books in this series provide a range of activities that learners will find exciting and motivating. The activities are aimed at acquisition of the core competences and values as well as an appreciation of Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs). The Learner’s Book ensures coverage of the Competency Based Curriculum by providing: n
  • Content that is structured according to the curriculum design.
  • n
  • An Activity section that carries individual and collaboration activities through which the learners create new learning.
  • n
  • Real-life situations that require learners to apply creativity and critical thinking skills in solving everyday problems.
  • n
  • A Bible reading section that summarises the content of Bible verses.
  • n
  • A Learn more section that encourages learners to learn from the home environment as well as apply what they have learnt.
  • n
  • A Think about it... section, which encourages learners to imagine a different world and thus appreciate the Word of God, themselves and others.
  • n
nTogether, the Learner’s Book and the Teacher’s Guide provide learners and teachers with all they need to succeed in the Competency Based Curriculum. n nOxford, your companion for success!

New Progressive Primary English Activ...


Teacher's Guide, Grade 2


New Progressive Primary English is a series specially written to provide practical experiences that support acquisition of language skills for the new Competency Based Curriculum. Books in the series provide a range of activities that learners will find exciting and motivating. The activities are aimed at acquisition of the core competencies, values, and information about Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs).


The Teacher's Guide supports teachers by offering the following:

n n
  • An introduction to the Competency Based Curriculum
  • n
  • Sample professional documents
  • n
  • Teaching instructions to assist the teacher to plan the lessons
  • n
  • Helpful hints on class management, groupwork and differentiated learning
  • n
  • Suggested answers to the activities
  • n
  • Detailed assessment assistance
  • n

Together, the Learner's Book and the Teacher's Guide provide learners and teachers with all they need to succeed in the Competency Based Curriculum.


Oxford, your companion for success!

New Progressive Primary English Activ...

Teacher’s Guide, Grade 1 n nNew Progressive Primary English is a series specially written to provide practical experiences that support acquisition of language skills for the new Competency Based Curriculum. Books in the series provide a range of activities that learners will find exciting and motivating. The activities are aimed at acquisition of the core competencies, values, and information about Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs). n nThe Teacher’s Guide supports teachers by offering the following: n
  • an introduction to the Competency Based Curriculum,
  • n
  • sample professional documents,
  • n
  • teaching instructions to assist the teacher to plan the lessons,
  • n
  • helpful hints on class management, groupwork, and differentiated learning,
  • n
  • suggested answers to the activities,
  • n
  • detailed assessment assistance.
  • n
nTogether, the Learner’s Book and the Teacher’s Guide provide learners and teachers with all they need to succeed in the Competency Based Curriculum. n nOxford, your companion for success!

New Progressive Primary English Activ...

Learner’s Book, Grade 3 n nNew Progressive Primary English Activities is a specially crafted series designed to provide practical experiences that enhance language skills within the Competency Based Curriculum. Each book in the series offers a diverse range of engaging activities for learners. These activities enhance the core competences and values, and address the Pertinent Contemporary Issues (PCIs). n nThe Learner’s Book ensures comprehensive coverage of the curriculum by featuring: n
  • Structured units that are aligned with the themes, strands, and sub-strands in the curriculum design
  • n
  • Integration of language skills, that is, listening, speaking, reading, and writing
  • n
  • Grammar in use which covers parts of speech and sentence structure
  • n
  • Real-life scenarios which encourage creativity and critical thinking for everyday problem-solving
  • n
  • Learner-centred activities that promote teamwork and effective communication
  • n
  • Digital literacy integration which encourages the acquisition of essential digital skills
  • n
nTogether, the Learner’s Book and the Teacher’s Guide empower both learners and educators to succeed in the Competency Based Curriculum. n nOxford, your companion for success!

New Progressive Primary English Activ...

New Progressive Primary English Activities is a specially crafted series designed to provide practical experiences that enhance language skills within the Competency Based Curriculum. Each book in the series offers a diverse range of engaging activities for learners. These activities enhance the core competences and values, and address the Pertinent Contemporary Issues (PCIs). n nThe Learner’s Book ensures comprehensive coverage of the curriculum by featuring: n
  • Structured units that are aligned with the themes, strands, and sub-strands in the curriculum design
  • n
  • Integration of language skills, that is, listening, speaking, reading, and writing
  • n
  • Grammar in use which covers parts of speech and sentence structure
  • n
  • Real-life scenarios which encourage creativity and critical thinking for everyday problem-solving
  • n
  • Learner-centred activities that promote teamwork and effective communication
  • n
  • Digital literacy integration which encourages the acquisition of essential digital skills
  • n
nTogether, the Learner’s Book and the Teacher’s Guide empower both learners and educators to succeed in the Competency Based Curriculum. n nOxford, your companion for success!

New Progressive Primary English Grade...

New Progressive Primary English Activities is a specially crafted series designed to provide practical experiences that enhance language skills within the Competency Based Curriculum. Each book in the series offers a diverse range of engaging activities for learners. These activities enhance the core competences and values, and address the Pertinent Contemporary Issues (PCIs). n nThe Learner's Book ensures comprehensive coverage of the curriculum by featuring: n
  • Structured units that are aligned with the themes, strands and sub-strands in the curriculum design
  • n
  • Integration of language skills, that is, listening, speaking, reading and writing
  • n
  • Grammar in use which covers parts of speech and sentence structure
  • n
  • Real-life scenarios which encourage creativity and critical thinking for everyday problem-solving
  • n
  • Learner-centred activities that promote teamwork and effective communication
  • n
  • Digital literacy integration which encourages the acquisition of essential digital skills
  • n
nTogether, the Learner's Book and the Teacher's Guide empower both learners and educators to succeed in the Competency Based Curriculum. n nOxford, your companion for success!

Growing in Christ CRE Workbook Grade 6

'Growing in Christ CRE Workbook' Grade 6 comprehensively covers the Competency-based Curriculum. Each book in the series is well-researched and skillfully written to aid acquisition of the core competencies, skills, values and attitudes. n nThis workbook offers: n
  • Stimulating activities that are arranged from simple to challenging.
  • n
  • Activities that require interaction with parents, guardians and other community members.
  • n
  • Summary notes that help refresh the learner's knowledge about the sub-strand.
  • n
  • A self-check section that enables the learner to measure his or her progress in understanding the concepts in each sub-strand.
  • n
  • Model summative questions that help the learner prepare well for the Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA).
  • n

Our Lives Today Environmental Workboo...

'Our Lives Today Social Studies Workbook' is a unique, fun-filled series that comprehensively covers the Competency-based Curriculum. Each book in the series is well-researched and skillfully written to aid acquisition of the core competencies, skills, values and attitudes. n nThis workbook offers: n
  • Stimulating activities that are arranged from simple to challenging.
  • n
  • Activities that require interaction with parents, guardians and other community members.
  • n
  • Summary notes that help refresh the learner’s knowledge about the sub-strand.
  • n
  • A self-check section that enables the learner to measure his or her progress in understanding the concepts in each sub-strand.
  • n
  • Assessment at the end of each strand that helps to measure the learner’s understanding of the concepts in the strand.
  • n
  • Model summative questions that help the learner prepare well for the Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA).
  • n

Kiswahili Dadisi Workbook Grade 6

'Kiswahili Dadisi Workbook' ni msururu wa kipekee wa vitabu vya mazoezi katika Mtalaa wa Umilisi. Kila kitabu katika msururu huu kimefanyiwa utafiti wa kina na kuandikwa kwa ustadi ili kuwasaidia wanafunzi kupata umilisi wa kimsingi, ujuzi, maadili na kuwa na mitazamo bora maishani. Vitabu hivi vinatoa utaratibu mwafaka wa kufanya mazoezi ya lugha kwa njia nyepesi na ya kueleweka. n nKitabu hiki: n
  • Kimeandikwa kwa kufuata utaratibu uliopendekezwa kwenye mtalaa.
  • n
  • Kina mazoezi mengi ya kuchangamsha na kuelimisha, na ambayo yatamwezeshamwanafunzi kujenga na kupanua umiliskatika kila mada.
  • n
  • Kina dokezo ambazo zinatoa maelezo zaidi kuhusu vipengele lengwa.
  • n
  • Kina tathmini ya binafsi ambayo itamsaidia mwanafunzi kukadiria umilisi wake katika mada ndogo zote.
  • n
  • Kina majaribio ya mtihani wa mwisho wa elimu ya msingi.
  • n

Let’s Do Mathematics Workbook G...

'Let’s Do Mathematics Workbook' is a unique fun-filled series that comprehensively covers the Competency-based Curriculum. Each book in the series is well-researched and skillfully written to aid the acquisition of the core competencies, skills, values and attitudes. n nThis workbook offers: n
  • Step-by-step examples to help the learners easily acquire Mathematics skills.
  • n
  • Graded practice exercises to take care of learners of different learning abilities.
  • n
  • Numerous practical activities to enhance the acquisition of skills.
  • n

New Progressive Primary English Workb...

'New Progressive Primary English Workbook' is a unique fun-filled series that comprehensively covers the Competency-based Curriculum. Each book in the series is well-researched and skillfully written to aid acquisition of the core competencies, skills, values and attitudes. n nThis workbook: n
  • Takes a thematic approach that allows the learners to apply critical thinking and creativity in real-life situations.
  • n
  • Has different sections to address the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) and grammar.
  • n
  • Has short notes explaining grammar concepts.
  • n
  • Offers graded practice activities to take care of learners of different learning abilities.
  • n
  • Has two sample summative assessment papers.
  • n

New Beginning IRE Activities Teacher&...

The 'New Beginning' series is specially written to provide practical experiences that will build the learners' knowledge and understanding of the Islamic faith as well as equip them with values, attitudes and skills that will assist them to live well with themselves and others. The guide has a wealth of practical activities for developing competencies and values in learners. It supports teachers by offering: n
  • A detailed introduction to the new Competency-Based Curriculum.
  • n
  • Comprehensive teaching guidelines for the lessons.
  • n
  • A sample lesson plan and scheme of work to assist in planning, helpful hints on class management, group work and differentiated learning.
  • n
  • Detailed assessment guidelines for the teacher.
  • n

Everyday Science and Technology Teach...


Everyday Science and Technology is a new series for the new competency based Curriculum. It is specifically written to provide practical experiences that equip learners with knowledge and skills that will enable learners develop a positive attitude towards Science &Technology as a learning area and also appreciate its importance in their everyday life.Books in this series provide a range of activities that learners will find exciting and motivating. The activities are aimed at enabling learners to acquire the core competencies, values and pertinent and contemporary issues (PCI's)

Modern Agriculture Activities Teacher...


Modern Agriculture is a new series for the new Competency Based Curriculum. It is specially written to provide practical experiences that equip learners with the basic knowledge, skills and attitudes that promote a happy and healthy lifestyle. The books in the series provide a range of activities that learners will find exciting and motivating. The activities are aimed at enabling learners to acquire the core competencies, values, and pertinent and contemporary issues (PCIs).


This Teacher’s Guide supports learning by offering:

  • A detailed introduction to the new Competency Based Curriculum
  • n
  • Comprehensive teaching guidelines/lesson development for the lessons
  • n
  • A sample lesson plan to assist the teacher to plan the lessons
  • n
  • Helpful hints on class management, group work and differentiated learning
  • n
  • Detailed assessment guidelines for the teacher.
  • n
  • Together, the Learner’s Book and the Teacher’s Guide provide learners and teachers with all they need to succeed in the new Competency Based Curriculum.
  • n

Growing In Christ CRE Activities Teac...


The Growing in Christ series is specially written to provide practical experiences that will build the learners' knowledge and understanding of the Christian faith as well as equip them with values, attitudes and skills that will assist them to live well with self and others. The guide has a wealth of practical activities for devoloping competencies and values in learners. It supports teachers by offering:

  • A detailed introduction to the new Competency Based Curriculum
  • n
  • Comprehensive teaching guidelines for the lessons,
  • n
  • A sample lesson plan and scheme of work to assist in planning, helpful hints on class management, groupwork and differentiated learning
  • n
  • Detailed assesment guidelines for the teacher
  • n

Everyday Home Science Teacher’s...


Everyday Home Science is a new series for the Competency Based Curriculum. It is specially written to provide practical experiences that equip learners with the basic knowledge, attitudes and skills that promote a happy and healthy lifestyle. The Teachers guide supports learning by offering:

  • A detailed introduction to the new Competency Based Curriculum
  • n
  • Comprehensive teaching guidelines/lesson developments for the lessons
  • n
  • A sample lesson plan to assist in planning, helpful hints on class management, groupwork and differentiated learning
  • n
  • Detailed assesment guidelines for the teacher
  • n