Showing 561–580 of 580 results

Essential Life Skills Form Pupil̵...

'Essential Life Skills' is a new series that fully meets the objectives of the Life Skills Education syllabus for secondary schools. n nThe series is aimed at equipping the students with skills that will enable them to perform well academically as well as overcome the various challenges that they may face in or outside school. It employs a learner-centred practical approach to the acquisition of various life skills. n nEssential Life Skills Form 1 contains: n
  • numerous activities to ensure the full participation of the students.
  • n
  • simple and straightforward explanations to help the students clearly understand the skills and values presented.
  • n
  • clear photographs and illustrations to enable the students to appreciate various life situations.
  • n
nOther books in the series: n
  • Essential Life Skills Form 2
  • n
  • Essential Life Skills Form 3
  • n
  • Essential Life Skills Form 4
  • n
nTeachers' books for all levels are also available.

Alive: A Christian Religious Educatio...


ALIVE: A New Christian Religious Education Course is a new series that comprehensively addresses the objectives and requirements of the Christian Religious Education (CRE) Syllabus for secondary schools.


Developed by a team of subject experts and experienced teachers, this innovative series combines knowledge acquisition with fun elements and real-life occurrences to deliver an exciting top-notch learning experience.


This series aims at moulding learners into role models in society by instilling positive behavioural change. It also helps them to develop a good attitude and life skills that will enable them to effectively deal with emerging issues.


The Student's Book for Form 1 is skilfully written to enhance the learners' understanding of the main concepts of the CRE course. It also guides the learners on how to incorporate the concepts and lessons learnt in their daily lives. This coursebook is furnished with numerous illustrations, various assessment exercises, case studies and a glossary of new terms.
This coursebook also provides a modular activity that not only focuses on the overall theme of the course, but also on student leadership, an aspect that is of great importance to students. The activity presents modules that are easy to adopt and apply in the school set-up.

Certificate Secondary Geography Pupil...

The 'Certificate Geography' series takes the learner on an exciting journey through the captivating world of geography. The series is written by a team of subject experts and comprehensively covers the Geography syllabus for secondary schools. n nIn this revised Student's Book for Form 1: n
  • Complex concepts are simplified.
  • n
  • Current statistics and up-to-date examples are incorporated.
  • n
  • Understanding is enhanced through numerous relevant illustrations and attractive photographs.
  • n
  • Learning is made interactive through activities and discussion points integrated within the topics.
  • n
  • Geographical vocabulary is highlighted and explained through the Geographical terms section in every topic.
  • n
  • Sample examination papers at the end of each topic to help the learner prepare for examinations.
  • n
  • An insightful and colourful Resource section at the end of the book further enhances the learning process through sharp images.
  • n
nOther books in the series: n
  • Certificate Geography Form 2
  • n
  • Certificate Geography Form 3
  • n
  • Certificate Geography Form 4
  • n
nA Teacher's Guide is also available for each level.

Biology Today Pupil’s Book 1

Biology Today is a new series in Biology specially designed to fully meet the objectives of the Biology Syllabus for secondary schools. The series has been developed by a team of teachers with vast experience in teaching and examining biology.

Chemistry Today Pupil’s Book 1

Author: Njeru et al. ISBN: “9780195742602”

Comprehensive Secondary Physics Pupil...

'Comprehensive Secondary Physics' is a new coursebook that is developed according to the new Physics Syllabus for secondary schools. nThe Student's Book for Form 1 is written by experienced teachers who have given it a practical approach to learning Physics, using illustrations and practical exercises. nThe language used is simple and easy for the students to understand the concepts in the book.

Mathematics Today Pupil’s Book 1

'Mathematics Today' is a new series specially designed to improve the learning and teaching of mathematics in secondary schools. n nThe books in the series: n
  • Have been written in a simple language that is easy to understand.
  • n
  • Contain numerous step-by-step examples that make it ideal for self-instruction.
  • n
  • Use relevant and contemporary examples to help students relate mathematical concepts to their day-to-day experiences.
  • n
  • Contain anecdotes that make the study of mathematics fun-filled and enlightening.
  • n
  • Include revision checklists to guide the students through the key concepts in each topic.
  • n
nThe series has been developed by a team of teachers with vast experience in teaching and examining Mathematics. n nAn Answer Book for each level is also available. n
  • Mathematics Today Form 1 Teacher's Book
  • n
  • Mathematics Today Form 2 Teacher's Book
  • n
  • Mathematics Today Form 3 Teacher's Book
  • n
  • Mathematics Today Form 4 Teacher's Book
  • n

Kiswahili Fasaha Kidato cha 1 Kitabu ...

Toleo jipya la 'Kiswahili Fasaha' Kidato cha 1 limeboreshwa ili kukidhi mahitaji ya mwanafunzi kuambatana na silabasi. Maelezo ya mada zote za lugha yametolewa kwa lugha rahisi ambayo mwanafunzi anaweza kuelewa hata anaposoma mwenyewe. n nKatika kitabu hiki utapata: n
  • Mada zote zilizoorodheshwa kwenye silabasi Kidato cha 1.
  • n
  • Mpangilio bora wa mada na ulio rahisi kufuatilia ya mada za isimujamii, sarufi, ufahamu na ufupisho, fasihi, insha mbalimbali na kusoma kwa kina na kwa mapana masuala ibuka mbalimbali.
  • n
  • Mazoezi katika kila mada.
  • n
  • Maswali ya marudio.
  • n

Head Start Secondary English Pupil...

'Head Start Secondary English' is a series which comprehensively covers the English syllabus for secondary schools. It uses an integrated approach to language learning and equips the student with the ability to use language in a variety of ways. The books in this series make use of practical issues, global trends and day-to-day issues to present language in context. Each book is carefully written by English language experts. n nThe Student's Book: n
  • Re-inforces the student's listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
  • n
  • Emphasizes the acquisition of communicative competence.
  • n
  • Encourages mastery of grammar, and spurs the student to think creatively and critically.
  • n

Doing English Language: A Guide for S...

Doing English Language provides a concise, lively and accessible introduction to the field of English Language studies for readers who are interested in taking courses at university level. This book addresses the fundamental questions about... By Goddard

Democratizing Higher Education: Inter...

Higher education systems around the world are undergoing fundamental change and reform due to external pressures-including internationalization of higher education, increased international competition for students, less reliance on public funding,... By Blessinger

English Teaching in the Secondary Sch...

Now in an updated third edition, English Teaching in the Secondary School is a comprehensive guide to the theory and practice of teaching English. Presenting an informed view of current educational policy, the authors provide advice to help... By Fulton

Primary Teacher Education English

This book has been written to be used by the student-teacher. It is also useful to those teaching English in primary schools. The book provides carefully designed teaching and learning experiences and assessment techniques in line with the needs... By The book provides carefully designed teaching and learning experiences and assessment techniques in line with the needs of the new Primary Teacher Education syllabus.
Special features include:
A comprehensive methodology with instructions on t

Alka My First picture book Alphabet

Titles in this series;- Alphabet- My first words- Colours- Shapes- Numbers- Fruits- Vegetables- Birds- Baby animals- Domestic animals- Vehicles By ALKA PUBLICATION