OUP Alive CRE Teacher’s Grade 7...

Alive Christian Religious Education is a series specially written to provide practical experiences that support the acquisition of skills for the competency-based curriculum. Books in this series provide a range of activities that learners will... By Oxford

OUP Better Living Life Skills Grade 7...

Better Living Life Skills is a series specially written to provide practical experiences that support the acquisition of skills for the Competency Based Curriculum. Books in the series have a wide range of activities that learners will find... By Oxford

OUP Computer Science Today Teacher...

Computer Science Today is a series specially written to provide practical experiences that support the acquisition of computer technology skills for the competency-based curriculum. Books in this series provide a range of activities that learners... By Oxford

OUP Head Start English Grade 7 (Appro...

Head Start English is o series specially written to provide practical experiences that support the acquisition of language skills for the Competency Based Curriculum. Books in the series have a wide range of activities that learners will find... By Oxford

OUP Health Education in Action Grade ...

Health Education in Action is a series specially written to provide practical experiences that support the acquisition of skills for the Competency Based Curriculum. Books in the series have a wide range of activities that learners will find... By Oxford

OUP Pre-Technical Studies Today Grade 7

Pre-Technical Studies Today is a series specially written to provide practical experiences that support the acquisition of skills for the Competency Based Curriculum. Books in the series have a wide range of activities that learners will find... By Oxford

Wash it First!

Wash it First! is one of the Little Birds ECDE Life Skills storybooks specially written to help children acquire skills in feeding self. Lessons include washing hands before eating and table manners. By Longhorn

One Planet Roots English Grade 7 (App...

Roots English employs a learner-friendly approach to help learners acquire the language skills and knowledge outlined in the Competency-Based Curriculum. This book has a wide range of activities that learners will find engaging and motivating to... By One Planet

One Planet Express Mathematics Grade ...

Express Mathematics Grade 7 Learner’s Book is based on the Competency Based Curriculum. It is designed to equip the learner with mathematical knowledge, skills and attitudes as outlined in the Grade 7 Mathematics Curriculum Design. By One Planet