Kurunzi ya Kiswahili Grade 5 Mwanafun...

Kurunzi ya Kiswahili Kitabu cha Mwanafunzi Gredi ya 5 kimeandaliwa kwa ustadi ili kumwezesha mwanafunzi kumudu mtalaa huu unaolenga umilisi kwa njia sahili, yenye mvuto na ya kumjumuisha moja kwa moja kwenye shughuli za ufunzaji. Kitabu hiki •... By A. Matei

Spotlight Physical and Health Educati...

Spotlight Physical and Health Education Learner's Book Grade 5 has been uniquely designed to equip the learner with skills, values, and competencies that will enable him or her to navigate through the learning environment. The book will... By S. Chege

Longhorn Methode de Francais Grade 5 ...

La méthode de français Longhorn 5 est une méthode qui met en oeuvre, dune manière ludique, le nouveau programme denseignement de français fondé sur les principes dune approche par compétences. Destinée aux apprenants au premier cycle de... By A. Mboni

Longhorn Mwanga wa Kiswahili Mwanafun...

Longhorn Mwanga wa Kiswahili Gredi ya 5 (Kitabu cha Mwanafunzi) ni kitabu kilichoandikwa kwa ustadi na umahiri mkubwa. Kimeandikwa kwa lugha nyepesi ya kiwango cha mwanafunzi wa gredi ya nne. Kitabu hiki kinatosheleza kikamilifu mahitaji ya mtaala... By K. Ngere

MTP Science and Technology Teacher...

By the end of upper primary the learner should be able to: • Interact with the environment for learning and sustainable development. • Apply digital literacy skills appropriately for communication, learning, and enjoyment. • Appreciate the... By Mountain Top Publishers

MTP Agriculture Learner’s Grade...

By the end of upper primary, the learner should be able to: • Participate actively in agricultural activities for environmental conservation. • Use scarce agricultural resources through innovative practices to contribute towards food security.... By N. Gitonga

MTP Art and Craft Learner’s Gra...

• Express feelings, ideas, emotions, and experiences through picture-making activities for self expression. • Appreciate and apply creative techniques used in indigenous Kenyan crafts within their social context and cultures. • Apply... By M. Okumbe and C. Ondieki

MTP Science and Technology Learner...

By the end of upper primary the learner should be able to: • Interact with the environment for learning and sustainable development. • Apply digital literacy skills appropriately for communication, learning and enjoyment. • Appreciate the... By Mountain Top Publishers

MTP Home science Learner’s Grad...

By the end of upper primary, the learner should be able to: • Promote healthy living practices for the well-being of self and others. • Appreciate the needs of a child in promoting proper growth and development. • Plan, prepare, and present... By C. Ondieki

Kielekezi cha Kiswahili Pupils Grade 5

KIELEKEZI CHA MARUDIO YA KISWAHILI GREDI YA 5 KIELEKEZI cha marudio ya Kiswahili Gredi ya 5 kimeandaliwa kwa ustadi ili kumrahisishia mwanafunzi kuelewa mfumo mpya wa elimu ya umilisi. Kitabu hiki: - Kimeandikwa kumwezesha mwanafunzi kukuza na... By E. Andati

EAEP Super Minds Home Science Workboo...

SUPER MINDS Home Science Grade 5 Workbook has been uniquely written to provide knowledge as well as develop skills and talents in the learners. The Workbook comprehensively covers the content in the competency-based curriculum for Grade 5. Each... By J. Maga

EAEP Super Minds Agriculture Workbook...

SUPER MINDS Agriculture Grade 5 Workbook has been uniquely written to provide knowledge as well as develop skills for sustainable agriculture in the learners. The Workbook comprehensively covers the content in the competency-based curriculum for... By B.Mmbaka

EAEP Super Minds Christian Religious ...

Super Minds Christian Religious Education Grade 5 Workbook has been uniquely written to provide knowledge as well as nurture talents in the learners. This workbook comprehensively covers the Christian Religious Education content in the... By J. Awuonda

EAEP Super Minds Music Workbook Grade 5

Super Minds Music Grade 5 Workbook, has been uniquely written to provide knowledge as well as nurture the musical talents in the learners. This Workbook comprehensively covers the content in the competency-based curriculum for Grade 5. Each book... By J. Mutaaru and S. Adoyo

EAEP Super Minds Art And Craft Workbo...

SUPER MINDS Art and Craft Grade 5 Workbook has been uniquely written to provide knowledge as well as develop skills and talents in the learners. The Workbook comprehensively covers the content in the competency-based curriculum for Grade 5. Each... By W. Kamau

EAEP Super Minds Social Studies Workb...

Super Minds Social Studies Grade 5 Workbook is a comprehensive supplementary book based on the new Competency-Based Curriculum. This Workbook has been creatively written to give the learners adequate practice that will reinforce the competencies... By J. Rukwaro

EAEP Super Minds English Workbook Gra...

Super Minds English Grade 5 Workbook has been uniquely written to provide knowledge as well as develop proficiencies in the learner. This workbook comprehensively covers the content in the competency-based curriculum for Grade 5. Each book in this... By J. Maina

EAEP Super Minds Science And Technolo...

Super Minds Science and Technology Grade 5 Workbook has been uniquely written to provide knowledge as well as nurture talent in the learners. The Workbook comprehensively covers the content in the competency-based curriculum for Grade 5. Each book... By E. Osugo

EAEP Kiswahili Angaza Kitabu cha Mazo...

Kiswahili Angaza, Kitabu cha Mazoezi, Gredi ya 5 ni kitabu kilichoandikwa kwa ubunifu ili kuimarisha maarifa ya mwanafunzi kupitia mazoezi. Mazoezi kwenye kitabu hiki yamewasilisha kikamilifu mahitaji ya Mtalaa wa Umilisi. Mazoezi haya... By M. Banda na S. Otieno

One Planet Knowing God CRE Learner...

Knowing God Christian Religious Education (CRE) series by One Planet Publishing & Media Services Ltd fully covers the requirements of the new Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) for Christian Religious Education (CRE) in primary schools. Each book... By S. Kokonya and J. Mugendi