Economics for Business

Were you looking for the book with access to MyEconLab? This product is the book alone and does NOT come with access to MyEconLab. Buy Economics for Business, 7th editon with MyEconLab access card (ISBN 9781292082196) if you need access to... By Pearson

Managing for the Future

This wide-ranging, future-oriented book is sure to number among the most important and influential business books of the decade. Drucker writes with penetrating insight about the critical issues facing managers in the 1990s: the world economic order By Routledge

Survey of Accounting

SURVEY OF ACCOUNTING, 7E provides an overview of the basic topics of financial and managerial accounting, without emphasizing the use of debits and credits. Written for students who have no prior knowledge of accounting, this text emphasizes how... By Cengage

Advanced Management Accounting

Suitable for upper level advanced management or cost accounting courses at the undergraduate or MBA/graduate level. Assumes knowledge of management and/or cost accounting. This text provides leading-edge treatment of innovative management... By Pearson

Cost Management a Strategic Emphasis

Cost Management: A Strategic Emphasis, by Blocher/Stout/Juras/Cokins is dedicated to answering the question: Why Cost Management? Blocher et al. provide the cost-management tools and techniques needed to support an organisations competitiveness,... By McGraw-Hill

Financial Accounting

Dont you love those moments in your course when students are fully engaged? When the Aha!revelations are bursting like fireworks? David Spiceland, Wayne Thomas, and Don Herrmann have developed a unique set of materials based directly on their... By Mcgraw-Hill

Demographic Methods and Concepts

Demographic Methods and Concepts presents the methods most commonly needed to work with statistical materials on population at national, regional, and local levels. Unlike other texts in the field, this book uses clear non-technical language... By Oxford

Dk- Essential Managers: Negotiating

Gives you the skills to succeed at negotiating This book contains the know how you need to be a more effective manager and hone your management style It helps you find out how to improve your negotiating skills by defining your style preparing... By Dk

Beyond Harvard

The publication of What They Don't Teach You at Harvard Business School in 1984 introduced the world to the Mark H. McCormack street smart, nuggets of wisdom offering accessible insights into how to get ahead in the real world of business.... By McCormack

Cambridge International AS and A Leve...

This revised set of resources for Cambridge International AS and A Level Accounting syllabus (9706) is thoroughly updated for the latest version of the curriculum. Written by experienced authors, this coursebook unpacks accounting concepts in an... By Randall

Banking Regulation and the Financial ...

This book is a review on the economic theories of systemic risks in the financial market and the topics in constructing the macroprudential framework for banking regulation in the future. It explains the reasons why the traditional microprudential... By Cao