Myles Textbook for Midwives 16ED (Els...

The most-popular midwifery textbook in the world! The sixteenth edition of this seminal textbook, Myles Textbook for Midwives, has been extensively revised and restructured to ensure that it reflects current midwifery practice, with an increased... By Jayne E. Marshall

Leadership and Nursing Care management

Develop your management and leadership skills.Leadership and Nursing Care Management, 6thEditionmaintains its AONE competencies, and features the most up-to-date, evidence-based blend of practice and theory related to the issues that impact... By Elsevier

Community Health Nursing 3ED Vl 1...

This book has been thoroughly revised and updated with new information and data related to community health nursing, with chapters arranged as per the curricula prescribed by the statutory bodies. It contains nursing management at community level... By BT Basavanthappa

Textbook of Nursing Education

Key features this book, clear by the title itself, deals with the topics related to nursing education. It covers the subject related to undergraduate and postgraduate syllabi of various universities the contents of the book have been drawn from... By Neeraja

Mentorship and Clinical Supervision S...

This fully revised and highly accessible second edition of Mentorship and Clinical Supervision Skills in Health Care: Learning Through Practice, from the Nursing and Health Care Practice series, provides all the background, theory and practical... By Lynne Wigens

Essentials of Psychology for BSc Nurs...

The book is conceptualized and written as per the INC syllabus of undergraduate nursing students. The content has been thoroughly updated so as to give a recent concept of subject to the nursing students including the significance of psychology in... By Krishne Gowda

Principles & Practice of Nursing...

The present text makes an attempt to give a comprehensive approach to the foundation of nursing management and can be treated as the framework of nursing service management. The efforts in this book have been aimed at articulating and... By JOGINDRA VATI

Textbook of Gynecology for Nurses (Ja...

All nursing professionals and nursing students will benefit from this book by acquiring knowledge of gynaecology and transferring it into practice in a fruitful manner. The content of this book scrupulously satisfies the requirement of graduate as... By Anupama Tamrakar

Oxford handbook of Prescribing for Nu...

The Oxford Handbook of Prescribing for Nurses and Allied Health Professionals, the second edition gives concise, practical and expert advice on all aspects of prescribing for nurses, as well as other non-medical prescribers. Using information from... By Sue Beckwith

Opthalmic Nursing 5th Edition (Taylor)

Ophthalmic Nursing provides an overview for those just setting out in a role within ophthalmic nursing. It includes basic and comprehensible anatomy and physiology - the foundations for understanding how the eye functions and why and how problems... By Mary E. Shaw

Brunner and Suddarth’s Textbook...

Keeping tomorrows nurses at the forefront of todays changing healthcare environment, Brunner & Suddarths Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing, 15th Edition delivers the most comprehensive resource available for nursing students in the... By Dr. Janice L Hinkle

Trounce’s Clinical Pharmacology...

Since it was first published in 1958, Trounces Clinical Pharmacology has been the go-to resource for health professionals who prescribe as well as administer medications. Now in its nineteenth edition, the text has been fully updated to reflect... By Clive P. Page

Nutrition Essentials for Nursing Prac...

Nutrition Essentials for Nursing Practice, 9th Edition gives nursing students the understanding of nutrition theory and application to ensure effective client care across the life cycle and the health-illness continuum. Incorporating nutrition... By Susan Dudek