Cognitive Psychology

With an accessible, easy-to-understand writing style, COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY, Sixth Edition will give you the tools you need to be successful in the course! This book covers cognitive neuroscience, attention and consciousness, perception, memory,... By Sternberg

Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicin...

Ever since the discovery of blood types early in the last century, transfusion medicine has evolved at a breakneck pace. This second edition of Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine is exactly what you need to keep up. It combines scientific... By Hillyer

The New Sociology of the Health Service

Health service policy and health policy have changed considerably over the past fifteen years and there is a pressing need for an up-to-date sociological analysis of health policy. Not only have policies themselves changed but new policy themes -... By Gabe

Biostatistics: Basic Concepts and Met...

This Tenth Edition of Biostatistics maintains its predecessors comprehensive approach to biostatistics as it is used in the biological sciences. Successfully utilized by both statisticians and practitioners, Biostatistics is an algebra-based text... By Wayne W. Daniel

High Dependency Nursing Care: Observa...

Level 2 (highly dependent) patients are nursed in a variety of clinical areas. High Dependency Nursing Care has been written for pre qualified and post qualified students undertaking modules and placements to prepare them for nursing the acutely... By Moore

Health Promotion Throughout the Life ...

Up to date and easy to read, this textbook provides comprehensive coverage of all major concepts of health promotion and disease prevention. It highlights growth and development throughout the life span, emphasizing normal development as well as... By Edelman

Pharmacology and the Nursing Process

Let this outstanding pharmacology text help you learn how to administer drugs safely and effectively! Now in its eighth edition, Pharmacology and the Nursing Process continues to deliver the perfect amount of pharmacology, prioritization, and... By Lilley

Promoting Health, Preventing Disease:...

This book provides an economic perspective on health promotion and chronic disease prevention, and gives a rationale for assessing the economic case for action. It provides a comprehensive review of the evidence base in support of a broad range of... By McDaid

Introduction to Health Care, Internat...

INTRODUCTION TO HEALTH CARE, International Edition provides learners with an easy-to-read foundation in the profession of health care. This redesigned and updated new edition offers a comprehensive introductory survey of basic clinical health care... By Dakota Mitchell

Counselling Adolescents: The Proactiv...

This is the definitive guide to counselling adolescents. Now in its fourth edition, this bestseller has introduced thousands of trainees and practitioners to the theory, principals, skills and techniques of proactively counselling this client... By Geldard

Global Governance, Poverty and Inequa...

A series of crises unfolded in the latter part of the first decade of the 21st Century which combined to exacerbate already profound conditions of global economic inequality and poverty in the worlds poorest countries. In 2007, the unsound lending... By Wilkinson

Principles & Practice of Nursing...

The present text makes an attempt to give a comprehensive approach to the foundation of nursing management and can be treated as the framework of nursing service management. The efforts in this book have been aimed at articulating and... By JOGINDRA VATI

Textbook of Gynecology for Nurses (Ja...

All nursing professionals and nursing students will benefit from this book by acquiring knowledge of gynaecology and transferring it into practice in a fruitful manner. The content of this book scrupulously satisfies the requirement of graduate as... By Anupama Tamrakar

Lee’s Synopsis of Anaesthesia 1...

An iconic textbook having its own place in the community of Anaesthesiologists. Most suitable as a quick source of information during ward posting and for revision during exams. The textbook to have at hand. Fully updated edition. A pocket-sized... By Jeremy N. Cashman

An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry

For many people, taking some form of medication is part of everyday life, whether for mild or severe illness, acute or chronic disease, to target infection or to relieve pain. However, for most, it remains a mystery as to what happens once the... By Graham Patrick

Basic medical biochemistry a clinical...

Marks' Basic Medical Biochemistry links biochemistry to physiology and pathophysiology, allowing students to apply fundamental concepts to the practice of medicine - from diagnosing patients to recommending effective treatments. Intuitively... By Michael Lieberman

Gordis Epidemiology

From the Department of Epidemiology at Johns Hopkins University and continuing in the tradition of award-winning educator and epidemiologist, Dr. Leon Gordis comes the fully revised 6th Edition of Gordis Epidemiology. This bestselling text provides... By David D Celentano