Fundamentals of Sectional Anatomy: An...

The second edition of Fundamentals of Sectional Anatomy: An Imaging Approach is the ideal introductory text for new radiography students, seasoned students preparing for the CT and MRI exams, or anyone interested in learning about human anatomy.... By Denise L. Lazo

Hutchison’s Clinical Methods: A...

Hutchison’s Clinical Methods, first published more than a century ago, is the classic textbook on clinical skills. It provides an outstanding source of learning and reference for undergraduate medical students and postgraduate doctors. It seeks... By Michael Glynn

Anatomy Demystified 1st Edition

Say goodbye to dry presentations, grueling formulas, and abstract theories that would put Einstein to sleep -- now theres an easier way to master the disciplines you really need to know. McGraw-Hills Demystified Series teaches complex subjects in... By Dale Layman

Bailliere’s Midwives’ Dic...

Midwives Dictionary remains the dictionary of choice for midwives throughout the world! The 13th edition of this established and well-respected pocket dictionary has been thoroughly revised and updated to meet the needs of midwives in a variety of... By Denise Tiran

A Dictionary of Nursing 7th Edition

This new edition of a best-selling and trusted dictionary has been fully updated and revised to take account of recent developments in nursing practice and related fields. Though updates to this edition cover many areas, there is a particular... By Oxford University Press

Mentorship and Clinical Supervision S...

This fully revised and highly accessible second edition of Mentorship and Clinical Supervision Skills in Health Care: Learning Through Practice, from the Nursing and Health Care Practice series, provides all the background, theory and practical... By Lynne Wigens

Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical P...

Known for its clear presentation style, single-author voice, and focus on content most relevant to clinical and pre-clinical students, Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology, 14th Edition, employs a distinctive format to ensure maximum... By John E. Hall

Bailliere’s Dictionary for Nurs...

Bailliére’s Dictionary for Nurses and Health Care Workers remains the nursing dictionary of choice throughout the world! The latest edition of this authoritative paperback has been thoroughly revised and updated to meet the needs of nurses and... By Jayne Taylor

Illustrated Textbook of Paediatrics 5...

Thoroughly revised and updated, the fifth edition of this prize-winning title retains the high level of illustration and accessibility that has made it so popular worldwide with medical students and trainees approaching clinical specialty exams.... By Lissauer

Pediatric Nursing: Caring for Childre...

PEDIATRIC NURSING: CARING FOR CHILDREN AND THEIR FAMILIES, International Edition, offers a dynamic and insightful guide to caring for pediatric clients. The authors embrace a holistic, family-centered approach to the care and nurturing of children... By Mandleco

Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, Intern...

Welcome to the 21st Edition of Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics - the reference of choice among pediatricians, pediatric residents, and others involved in the care of young patients. This fully revised edition continues to provide the breadth and... By Robert M. Kliegman

Essentials of Psychology for BSc Nurs...

The book is conceptualized and written as per the INC syllabus of undergraduate nursing students. The content has been thoroughly updated so as to give a recent concept of subject to the nursing students including the significance of psychology in... By Krishne Gowda

Public Health Communication Critical ...

Designed for doctoral and master’s level study, Public Health Communication: Critical Tools and Strategies for Advancing Public Health will prepare new graduates for any entry level position in public health policy/advocacy, health... By Nelson

Health economics and policy 6ED (Ceng...

The 6th edition of HEALTH ECONOMICS AND POLICY thoroughly demonstrates how microeconomic principles apply to health care delivery and its policies. While you explore the changing nature of health care, the social and political sides of issues, and... By Henderson

Public Health, Trauma and Biological ...

When a large industrial plant or a small container releases a substance, it enters the environment. This release does not always cause iv exposure. You are exposed to a substance only when you come in contact with it by breathing, eating,... By Singh

Short Book of Public Health 2nd Editi...

The first edition was compiled as a handy volume, especially for paramedical personnel. Now the second edition has been brought out with a wider scope. It can cater to the requirements of medical students as well as medical. health and paramedica By Muthu

Modern Infectious Disease Epidemiolog...

Highly practical yet authoritative, the new edition of Modern Infectious Disease Epidemiology has been thoroughly updated and revised in line with changing health concerns. This successful book continues to outline the tools available to the... By Giesecke

Rang and Dale’s Pharmacology 9t...

Comprehensive yet easy to use, Rang and Dales Pharmacology has been providingcore basic and clinical science information to students and healthcare practitionersworldwide for more than 25 years. The fully revised 9th Edition keeps you up to date... By James M. Ritter