Health Promotion in Nursing, Internat...

HEALTH PROMOTION IN NURSING, 3E, International Edition takes readers through a holistic approach of health and wellness that examines healthy lifestyles from a biological, psychological, social, and environmental perspective. Beginning with an... By Huerta

Psychology Applied to Modern Life: Ad...

Filled with comprehensive, balanced coverage of classic and contemporary research, relevant examples, and engaging applications, this book shows you how psychology helps you understand yourself and the world-and uses psychological principles to... By Hammer

Disaster Mental Health Services: A Pr...

Disaster mental health is a growing field of practice designed to help victims and relief workers learn to effectively cope with the extreme stresses they will face in the aftermath of a disaster. The goal of disaster mental health is to prevent... By Myers

Paediatric Radiology

This new, pocket handbook encompasses all aspects of paediatric radiology. It provides an overview of how to approach the imaging of children including the relative values of each of the imaging modalities for paediatric pathology. Paediatric... By Johnson

Pharmacotherapy Principles and Practi...

Publishers Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Learn the essential principles of pharmacotherapy and how... By Chisholm-

Imaging for Students

Imaging for Students delivers step-by-step guidance to the range of imaging techniques available, providing a clear explanation of how each imaging modality actually works, and including information on the associated risks and hazards. Throughout,... By David

Clinical Neuroanatomy

Organized classically by system, this popular text gives medical and health professions students a complete, clinically oriented introduction to neuroanatomy. Each chapter begins with clear objectives, includes clinical cases, and ends with... By Snell

Understanding Health Policy, seventh ...

Understand how the healthcare system works - and how you can succeed in it The Seventh Edition of Understanding Health Policy: A Clinical Approach remains the most trusted and comprehensive guide to healthcare available and provides everything you... By "Bodenheimer

Sociology for Nursing and Allied Heal...

Sociology for Nursing and Allied Health Sciences By Madhusudan

Anatomy & Physiology: The Unity ...

Master the story of Anatomy & Physiology with Saladins Anatomy & Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function! Saladins A&P helps students make connections by telling a story that will intrigue, engage, and inspire them. Saladin expertly weaves By Saladin

Intensive Care Nursing: A Framework f...

This new edition of Woodrows Intensive Care Nursing will be warmly welcomed. Especially written for qualified nurses working in intensive care nursing units, this comprehensive text has been developed to be as accessible as possible. Including new... By Philip

Sande’s HIV/ AIDS Medicine Inte...

This is a comprehensive AIDS/HIV text, with chapters specifically aimed at the resource-poor market. By Volberding

Cawson’s Essentials of Oral Pat...

Retaining the friendly and accessible approach that strongly characterised the success of previous editions, Cawsons Essentials of Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine, ninth edition continues to support a new generation of students as they develop an... By "Cawson

Key Topics in Public Health: Essentia...

Key Topics is a short, easy-to-read text that provides basic information about twelve key topics in public health, such as diabetes, cancer, smoking and teenage pregnancy, and how prevention and health promotion should be tackled at community and... By Ewles

Bates’ Nursing Guide to Physica...

Bates Nursing Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking provides the foundation for learning assessment, a key nursing function that ensures patients receive optimal care. This text, adapted specifically for nursing students, maintains the... By Bickley

Netter’s Illustrated Human Path...

Gain critical insight into the structure-function relationships and the pathological basis of human disease with Netters Illustrated Human Pathology. With a visually vibrant approach, this atlas provides clear and succinct representations of... By Buja

Wound Care Essentials: Practice Princ...

Awarded first place in the 2016 AJN Book of the Year Award in the Medical Surgical Nursing category. The newly expanded and updated Wound Care Essentials: Practice Principles, 4th edition is your go-to clinical guide to assessing and treating the... By sharon