Showing 81–100 of 506 results

Business Ethics and corporate social ...

How do global businesses impact local communities? Does social responsibility lie with individuals or with whole companies? What is to be valued in a post-credit crunch world? In an era of unprecedented business turmoil. this important new... By Cengage

DK-Business Book

How can you create a successful brand? What makes a great business leader? Why do some firms fail while others prosper Throughout history, business gurus have offered ideas and solutions that have shaped and sharpened the world of business and... By DK

Survey Research Methods

Master the challenges of conducting survey research with this concise, up-to-date best seller. Presenting the very latest methodological knowledge on surveys, Floyd I. Fowlers authoritative book gives readers a sound basis for evaluating how each... By Sage

Doing Quaitative Research Online

Written in an informal, jargon-free style, Qualitative Research Design: An Interactive Approach provides researchers and students with a user-friendly, step-by-step guide to planning qualitative research. It shows how the components of design... By Sage

Organizational Behavior Emerging Know...

Organizational Behavior Emerging Knowledge, Gobal Reality... By McGraw-Hill

Your Research Project 3rd Edition (HB)

In the third edition of this bestselling book, youll find everything you need to embark upon your research project and write your proposal with confidence. Written with the needs of undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as practitioners... By Nicholas Walliman

Human Resource Development 6th Editio...

Master the basics of human resource development with HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT! Providing you with a clear understanding of the concepts, processes, and practices that form the basis of success, this management text shows you how concepts and... By Randy DeSimone