Showing 101–120 of 506 results

Economics for Business

Were you looking for the book with access to MyEconLab? This product is the book alone and does NOT come with access to MyEconLab. Buy Economics for Business, 7th editon with MyEconLab access card (ISBN 9781292082196) if you need access to... By Pearson

Managing for the Future

This wide-ranging, future-oriented book is sure to number among the most important and influential business books of the decade. Drucker writes with penetrating insight about the critical issues facing managers in the 1990s: the world economic order By Routledge

Survey of Accounting

SURVEY OF ACCOUNTING, 7E provides an overview of the basic topics of financial and managerial accounting, without emphasizing the use of debits and credits. Written for students who have no prior knowledge of accounting, this text emphasizes how... By Cengage

Advanced Management Accounting

Suitable for upper level advanced management or cost accounting courses at the undergraduate or MBA/graduate level. Assumes knowledge of management and/or cost accounting. This text provides leading-edge treatment of innovative management... By Pearson

Cost Management a Strategic Emphasis

Cost Management: A Strategic Emphasis, by Blocher/Stout/Juras/Cokins is dedicated to answering the question: Why Cost Management? Blocher et al. provide the cost-management tools and techniques needed to support an organisations competitiveness,... By McGraw-Hill

Financial Accounting

Dont you love those moments in your course when students are fully engaged? When the Aha!revelations are bursting like fireworks? David Spiceland, Wayne Thomas, and Don Herrmann have developed a unique set of materials based directly on their... By Mcgraw-Hill

Demographic Methods and Concepts

Demographic Methods and Concepts presents the methods most commonly needed to work with statistical materials on population at national, regional, and local levels. Unlike other texts in the field, this book uses clear non-technical language... By Oxford

Education of Communicable and Non-Com...

Education for Communicable and Non-communicable Diseases is Essential to educate the people about the causative preventive aspects of ill-health which can promote good health. Health Education is the cheapest method for health promotion. The... By Deep and Deep Publications

Leadership and Nursing Care management

Develop your management and leadership skills.Leadership and Nursing Care Management, 6thEditionmaintains its AONE competencies, and features the most up-to-date, evidence-based blend of practice and theory related to the issues that impact... By Elsevier

Cretney and Probert’s Family Law

Provides students with guidance on all the major themes and principles of family law, covering both formal and informal relationships Sets issues in their social and historical context showing students how the law has developed and ensuring they... By Sweet & Maxwell

Essentials of Business Law

The new, ninth edition of the Essentials of Business Law program is a practical, concise,and broad-based introduction to the vibrant field of business law. Both the traditional areas of law, such as contracts and property, and the emerging areas... By McGraw-Hill

Medical Law and Ethics 5ED

For all courses in medical law and/or ethics in programs for nurses, medical assistants, and all allied health care professions Complete, accessible, and up-to-date Written for health professionals of all kinds—not lawyers— Medical Law and... By Bonnie F. Fremgen

Cases and MAterials on International ...

Cases & Materials on International Trade Law sets out summaries, extracts from, and analysis of the main cases and other materials on international sale contracts. While all such sale contracts are examined, the book concentrates especially on c.i.f. By Sweet & Maxwell

Branch’s Elements Of Shipping 9ED

Since it was first published in 1964,Elements of Shippinghas become established as a market leader. Now in its ninth edition,Branch’s Elements of Shipping,renamed in memory of Alan Branch, has been updated throughout and revised to take in the... By Routledge