Foundation Integrated Science for Grade Seven is meant to inculcate scientific literacy to enable learners make informed choices in their personal lives.
Kitabu hiki kimedhamiriwa kutumika kama mfululizo wa vitabu vya kiada kwa Gredi ya Saba. Kitawafaa mno wanafunzi wa daraja ya chini ya sekondari. Kimeandikwa kuambatana na mtaala mpya. Kitabu hiki kimelenga kumwongoza mwanofunzi katika masomo yake...
Foundation Christian Religious Education Teachers Guide for Grade 7 has been written for use alongside the learners book. It provides additional information for the teacher to ensure that dissemination of knowledge and information to the learners...
The New Junior Secondary English Learners Book for Grade 7 is developed in line with the competency-based curriculum. The book has a strong activity orientation that emphasizes the acquisition of the appropriate language skills, namely, listening...
This book has been developed in conformity with the competency-based curriculum, targeting learners in Grade 7. It covers all the learning areas and contains a rich variety of carefully selected learning experiences that will effectively achieve...
The Great Minds Encyclopaedia Grade 2 has been uniquely written to develop proficiencies in the learner. This Encyclopaedia comprehensively covers the content in the competency-based curriculum for Grade 2 in all the learning areas. Each learning...
Consists of topics in Form Three Syllabus organized in 15 topics. These topics comprehensively cover the Form 3, 8-4-4 mathematics syllabus. The topics have been critically analyzed and evaluated in a problem based format to act as a revision...
By Top Notch
Summit Christian Religious Education Activities Learners Book is: - User-friendly, colourful, elaborate and easy to follow. -Written in simple but articulate language. -Boldly illustrated, making learning a visual delight. -Comprehensive and covers t
By Phoenix
Summit Christian Religious Education Activities Learners Book is: -User-friendly, colourful, elaborate and easy to follow. -Written in simple but articulate language. -Comprehensive and covers the curriculum, sufficiently addressing the relevant...
By Phoenix
Sila goes to the shop to buy some milk. On his way home, he stops to check his balance. The shopkeeper gave him more balance. Will Sila return the extra money to the shopkeeper?
By One Planet
KLB TopScholar Christian Religious Education Grade 7 Teachers Guide is a self-sufficient book that spells out the outcomes for each strand and sub strand while offering suggestions on how best to teach all the lessons. It further gives activities...
KLB TopScholar Islamic Religious Education Teacher’s Guide for Grade 7 is a self-sufficient book that spells out the outcomes for each strand and sub strand while offering suggestions on how best to teach the IRE Concepts outlined in the...
KLB TopScholar Physical Education and Sports Grade 7 Teacher’s Guide is a self-sufficient book that spells out the outcomes for each strand and sub strand while offering suggestions on how best to teach all the lessons. It covers all the...
KLB TopScholar Social Studies Grade 7 Teacher’s Book has been comprehensively written to meet the requirements of the Competency Based Curriculum. The Teachers Guide covers all the 5 strands and the 24 sub strands in the Social Studies...
Spark Agriculture Teacher’s Guide for Grade 7 is written in conformity with the new competency based curriculum. It will assist teachers in effectively delivering the content of Spark Agriculture Learner’s Book Grade 7.
By Storymoja
KLB TopScholar Performing Arts Grade 7 Teacher’s Guide is an accompaniment to the Student’s Book. It provides the core competencies, skills, attitudes, pertinent and contemporary issues that need to be achieved in every strand and sub-strand....
KLB TopScholar Pre-Technical Grade 7 Teacher’s Guide spells out all the specific strands and sub strands in the curriculum design for Grade 7 CBC learning.
KLB TopScholar Integrated Science Grade 7 Teachers Guide is designed to assist the teacher deliver the Grade 7 Competency Based Curriculum. It provides the most suitable approach in the coverage of the strands and sub strands through a wide and...
Life Skills Education Teacher’s Guide for Grade 7 is written in conformity with the new competence based curriculum. It will assist teachers in effectively delivering the content of Life Skills Education Learners Book Grade 7.
By Storymoja