Stadi za Kiswahlli ni Kitabu cha Mwanafunzi, Gredi ya 2 ni kitabu cha ziada kilichoandakwa kwa mujibu wa mtaala mpya uegemeao umilisi uliozinduliwa na Taasisi ya Ukuzaji Mitaala ya Kenya (KICD) mnamo Septemba 2017. Kitabu hiki kimejumuisha mada...
By Mwalimu Kipande
Stadi za Kiswahlli ni Kitabu cha Mwanafunzi, Gredi ya 3 ni kitabu cha ziada kilichoandakwa kwa mujibu wa mtaala mpya uegemeao umilisi uliozinduliwa na Taasisi ya Ukuzaji Mitaala ya Kenya (KICD) mnamo Septemba 2017. Kitabu hiki kimejumuisha mada...
By Mwalimu Kipande
Kitabu hiki kinamsaidia mwanafunzi kuweza: Kutumia mbinu zifaazo za usikivu katika mawasiliano katika mazingira yake. Kudhihirisha ufasaha wa kuzungumza kwa Kiswahili. Kusoma kwa ufasaha na kufahamu aina zozote za maandishi ya Kiswahili. Kuelezea m
By Beatrice Kituu
Enjoy Mathematical Activities is a primary school course developed in line with the requirements of the competency based curriculum. The course employs an inquiry based approach to learning which equips learners with skills, knowledge and values,...
By Paul Njoga
Islamic Religious Activities is a learning area aimed at equipping the learner with knowledge, skills, competences and desired attitudes that enhance morals, values and spiritual development. This wilt enable the learner live a morally upright...
By Idris Matsukhu Makokha
Islamic Religious Activities is a learning area aimed of equipping the learner with knowledge, skills, competencies and desired attitudes that enhance morals, values and spiritual development This will enable the learner live a morally upright...
By Idris M. Makokha
Summit Environmental Activities Learners Book is: User-friendly, colourful, elaborate and easy to follow. Written in simple but articulate language. Boldly illustrated, making learning a visual delight. Comprehensive and covers the curriculum, s
By Zilpher Oracha
First Steps Mathematical Activities is a competency based course developed to equip the learners with necessary competence, skills. values and knowledge geared towards developing the child in all aspects. The Course employs an inquiry based...
By Pritchard Moth
Signal Environmental Activities Learners Activity Book is a KICD-Aproved course book authored by experienced classroom teachers who thoroughly researched and analysed the new curriculum design thus making it the best learners activity book. The...
By Angela Daudi
KLB Visionary Mathematical Activities Grade One is a learners workbook developed by a team of experts with long-standing experience in teaching and curriculum development. The learners workbook contains: Exciting activities that provide opportunities
By Israel Owiti
KLB Skillgrow Mathematical Activities for Pre-Primary 1 is a learning area aimed at developing knowledge, skills and attitudes in numeracy at the learners level. The title employs a hands on learner-centered approach, which enables learners to...
By Jane Mbugua
Living Health Hygiene and Nutrition Activities is a primary school course developed in Line with the requirements of a competency based curriculum. The books employ an inquiry based approach to learning which equips learners with skills,...
By Dominic Nyoroh
Summit Hygiene and Nutrition Activities Learners Book is: User-friendly, colourful, elaborate and easy to follow. Written in simple but articulate language. Boldly illustrated, making learning a visual delight. Comprehensive and covers the curriculum
By Zilpher Oracha
Living Health Hygiene and Nutrition Activities is a primary school course developed in line with the requirements of the competency based curriculum. The course employs an inquiry based approach to learning, an approach which equips learners with...
By Dominic Nyoroh
Mathematics Today is a new series specially designed to improve the learning and teaching of mathematics in secondary schools. The books in the series: Have been written in a simple language that is easy to understand. Contain numerous...
By Monica Mwasi
Mathematics Today is a new series specially designed to improve the learning and teaching of mathematics in secondary schools. The books in the series: Have been written in a simple language that is easy to understand. Contain numerous...
By Monica Mwasi
ALIVE: A New Christian Religious Education Course is a series that comprehensively addresses the objectives and requirements of the Christian Religious Education CRE Syllabus for secondary schools. Developed by a team of subject experts and...
By Petronilla Kidakwa