Moran Our World Environmental Activit...

Our World Environmental Activities is a pnmary school course developed in line with the requirements of the competency based curriculum. The course employs an inquiry based approach to learning, an approach that equips learners with appropriate... By Moran

Moran Integrity Readers: Knock at the...

Mother has cooked a lot of maandazi. They are for visitors. Debo feels that the maandazi are hers. Will Debo let the visitors eat the maandazi? By Moran

Moran Integrity readers: Alone at home

No one can see Sam. He steals and eats the grapes meant for his break snack. Will Mother say good boy and give him more grapes? By Moran

Moran Integrity Readers: the Spy boys...

Rodo is always doing something naughty. Adam and Jona run into Rodo when he is doing something bad. Rodo has broken the school rules and he should learn a lesson. What has Rodo done? By Moran

OUP Soma Nasi Kusoma na Kuandika Gred...

Soma Nasi, Kusoma na kuandika Kiswahili ni msururu wa vitabu vipya vilivyoandikwa kwa upekee ili kutosheleza mahitaji ya mtalaa mpya wa Umilisi. Vitabu hivi vitamwezesha mwanafunzi kupata ufahamu wa lugha kupitia stadi za kusikiliza, kuzungumza,... By Inyega et al.

Hatua za Kiswahili Rasmi Kitabu cha M...

Hatua za kiswahili Rasmi, Kitabu cha mwanafunzi ni mfululizo wa vitabu vipya vilivyoandikwa kwa ufundi kwa kufuata mtalaa mpya unaosisitiza umilisi. Vitabu hivi vitamwezesha mwanafunzi kukuza weledi wake katika stadi za kusikiliza na kuzungumza,... By Phoenix

Herald have fun Environmental GD1

Have Fun Environmental Activities Grade 1 is a new course book from Herald Education Limited. This book is authored in line with the new competency-basedcurriculum of 2017. The authors have extensive experience and expertise in teaching and... By Ong'uti

OUP Read with us Literacy GD1 (Approved)

Read with us Literacy Activities is a new series specially written to provide practical experiences that support acquisition of literacy skills for the new competency-based curriculum. Books in the series provide a range of exciting activities.... By Read with us Literacy Activities is a new series specially written to provide practical experiences that support acquisition of literacy skills for the new competency-based curriculum. Books in the series provide a range of exciting activities. The a

Longhorn Kusoma na Kuandika GD1 Mwalimu

Longhorn Kusoma na Kuandika katika Kiswahili, Mwongozo wa Mwalimu - Gredi 1 ni kitabu ambacho kinampa mwalimu maelezo na maelekezo kamili kuhusiana na mbinu mwafaka za kutayarisha, kuendesha na kutathmini uwezo wa utendaji wa wanafunzi na umahiri... By walla

Mentor CRE Activities GD1 Trs (Approved)

About this Teachers Guide This Teachers Guide has been developed to facilitate the teacher while implementing the Competence Based Curriculum (CBC). The Teachers Guide will assist the teacher to come up with interesting and appropriate activities... By Ochieng

Moran Enjoy Mathematical Activities G...

Enjoy Mathematical Activities is a primary school course developed in line with the requirements of a competency-based curriculum. The books employ an inquiry-based approach to learning which equips learners with skills, knowledge, values and the... By Njoga

JKF New Primary English Grade 1 (Appr...

The New Primary English Learners Activities Book for Grade 1 is part of a series designed in line with the competency-based curriculum. The book has a strong activity orientation that emphasizes the acquisition of the appropriate language skills,... By Mathenge

JKF Foundation Hygiene and Nutrition ...

This is the first Teachers Guide in the Foundation Hygiene and Nutrition Activities Series for Early Years Education. This guide has been written for teachers. It is to be used with the corresponding learners book. The main objective of this book... By Mwachofi

Moran Our World Environmental Activit...

First Steps EnvironmentalActivities is a competency based course developed to equip the learners with necessary competences, skills, values and knowledge geared towards developing the learner in all aspects. The course employs an inquiry based... By Mwangi

Moran Living Health Hygiene GD1 Trs

Living Health Hygiene and Nutrition Activities is a lower primary school course developed in line with the requirements of the competency-based curriculum. The book employs an inquiry-based approach to learning which equips learners with skills,... By Nyoro

Moran Skills in English Literacy Acti...

Literacy Activities in English is a complete English Literacy course developed in line with the Competency Based Curriculum. The course offers the learners appropriate skills, knowledge, values and attitudes necessary for learning English Literacy... By Omondi

Moran Skills in English Activities GD...

Skills in English is a complete English course developed in line with the Competence-Based Curriculum. The course offers the teachers appropriate content, information, skills, approaches, and competences necessary for teaching English as a... By

Phoenix Summit Hygiene & Nutriti...

Summit Hygiene and Nutrition Activities Teachers Guide is: - Elaborate and provides comprehensive additional information for the teacher. - Well organized, with clear cross referencing to the Learners Book. - Detailed, with many teaching and... By Oracha

Storymoja Know More CRE GD1 (Appr)

Know More Christian Religious Education (CRE) Learner’s Workbook for Grade I is written in conformity to the new competence-based curriculum design to assist learners carry out various interactive Christian religious learning activities and... By Cheruiyot