Topnotch Notes & Workbook Biolog...

TOP NOTCH BIOLOGY Students' Book Three is the third in the series Biology, books well developed to meet the needs of secondary school students. The book:  • Employs a simple student friendly language throughout the text. • Has a... By Richard Nestor

Topnotch Notes & Workbook Chemis...

Students Book Three is the Third in the series of Chemistry books to meet the needs of secondary school students.The book stands out from the rest from the fact that: A simple student friendly language is used throughout the text It involves a seri By

Secondary English Form 3 Student̵...

Excelling in English is a new English course that is tailored to meet the learning needs of students in secondary school. The series is written by a team of experts in the subject. It dexterously integrates English and Literature in a way that... By KLB

Kiswahili Kitukuzwe Kidato Cha 3

Hili ni toleo la nne la Kiswahili kwa Kidato cha Tatu, Kitabu cha Wanafunzi. Kitabu hiki ni cha tatu katika mfululizo wa vitabu vinne vya Kiswahili kwa shule za upili. Kitabu hiki kimefuata mfumo wa elimu wa 8-4-4 na kufanyiwa marudio kulingana na... By

Head Start Secondary English Form 3

Head Start Secondary English is a series which comprehensively covers the English syllabus for secondary schools. It uses an integrated approach to language learning and equips the student with the ability to use language in a variety of ways. The... By Oxford

K.C.S.E Simulate Form 3 Mathematics P...

KCSE SIMULATE MATHEMATICS series is a student friendly handbook designed to boost and polish their grades. This third title comprises of all the form three topics as appears i the 8-4-4 secondary system of education. Questions have been arranged... By Wanyonyi N.Benard

Top Notch Mathematics Book 3

Consists of topics in Form Three Syllabus organized in 15 topics. These topics comprehensively cover the Form 3, 8-4-4 mathematics syllabus. The topics have been critically analyzed and evaluated in a problem based format to act as a revision... By Top Notch

Topnotch Physics Notes & Workboo...

These topics comprehensively cover the form one 8-4-4 Physics syllabus. The topics have been critically analyzed and evaluated in a problem based format to act as a revision comrade for the students. This physics book is made to accompany the... By Top Notch