Showing 141–160 of 191 results

Mombasa Raha My Foot

KShs2,500.00 KShs1,800.00
The first in the Mombasa Raha, My Foot saga written by Haroun Risa. Its main theme is human trafficking and sex tourism in Kenya; Haroun Risa begins with this novel to raise awareness against major issues affecting Kenyans using fiction.

The Last Pillar of Ramogi- a novella ...

KShs800.00 KShs550.00
Tells the fascinating tale of the Luo legend Lwanda Magere like it has never been told before. Exceptional read for those lovers of African literature

I Swear by Apollo by Margaret Ogola

KShs690.00 KShs499.00
Brief Summary “Kill a man if you must but never deprive him of hope—for with that you kill him anyway

Flashes of Vice: Vol I by Vincent de ...

KShs890.00 KShs690.00
Flashes of Vice: Vol I is a collection of flash fiction stories, the first in a series of flash stories first published on Flashes of Vice, the author’s blog published within a duration of one year. Flashes of Vice tells life as it is in short, punchy, thrilling stories. The switch is flipped on and off before you know what is happening, leave you wanting more and more – something you will never get.

Good Luck, Toni by Waithira Francis

KShs1,300.00 KShs800.00
Brief Summary Toni is back Not as the naive, unsophisticated young girl we first met in My Name is Toni, but as a young mother, navigating a second marriage which does not escape the drama and love snares that seem to follow toni everywhere. Will her marriage survive or will it crumble like the first one?

A Dolls House by Henrik Ibsen

KShs1,000.00 KShs550.00
A Don House is a three-act play written by Henrik Ibsen, the same author of the evergreen An Enemy of the People. It deals with the fate of a married woman — Nora Helmer — who lacks reasonable opportunities for self-fulfillment in a male-dominated world. The protagonist in the play, Nora had earlier on committed a forgery, in order to save the life of her authoritarian husband, Torvald Helmer. And now she is being blackmailed and lives in fear of her husband finding out about her vice, and of the shame, such a revelation would bring to his career. When the truth comes out, Nora is shocked to learn where she really stands in her husband's esteem. To her husband, Nora is an amusing 'thing' to be petted, but unreliable. To other people like Mrs Linden and Nils Krogstad, she is naive and spoiled. Nora symbolizes the status of the majority of women in this conservative patriarchal society, making the play as relevant today as it was, decades ago, in Norway.

Blossoms of the Savannah by H. R. Ole...

KShs1,000.00 KShs550.00
Brief Summary Blossoms of the Savannah follows the lives of two young sisters on the verge of womanhood. Taiyo and Resian both become aware of the conflict between their personal dreams and their duty to the Nasila tradition and culture. H. R. Ole Kulet addresses the elusive concerns of female genital mutilation and early marriages among the Maa community of the Massai and captures the reader's imagination as he traces the girls' excruciatingly painful steps to victory.  

Sweet Pains by George Oduor

KShs1,500.00 KShs1,000.00
Brief Summary Nadia had always wished to get an education and be somebody in life. When a stepmother she never met, Amala appeared with news of her going to the city, Nadia knew her dream had come to pass, for Amala promised just that. But Nadia did not know she was a victim of an avenge mission and human trafficking network led by Gael, her interesting mistress who turns out Nadia's greatest tormentor and mother of Kaso, the man she loves the most.

They Shall be Chastised by Muthoni Li...

KShs1,500.00 KShs1,199.00
Brief Summary Its about confusion between western Christianity and African culture.

My Name is Toni by Waithîra Francis

KShs1,500.00 KShs950.00
Brief Summary My name is Toni is the story of a young Kenyan girl from the city of Nairobi, who travels to the French town of Toulouse, to pursue her studies. The book traces the difficulties Toni faces as an immigrant student, trying to integrate into France. We see the role of religion and the impact it has on Toni and the decisions she has to make about her life, as well as her transformation from an innocent girl to a sexually active woman.

Rafiki Man Guitar by Meja Mwangi

KShs990.00 KShs790.00
Brief Summary Rafiki, an out-of-luck musician, turned bounty hunter and debt collector, volunteers to help a failing shopkeeper find his debtors and collect the money they owe him. However, the mile long list of loan defaulters comprises of the town’s poorest residents, many of whom have changed their residences, their names and identities and gone underground. Others will not part with the goods they got on credit, and will defend them with their lives. Moreover, Rafiki’s friends, and relatives are on the list, and so is the Chief, and he has the power to arrest and detain Rafiki without trial.

Mountain of Bones by Meja Mwangi

KShs700.00 KShs490.00
Brief Summary The junior readers series has been designed to encourage reading for pleasure among upper primary school children. Wide and repeated reading of books in the series should enable pupils to automatically improve their written and spoken English. Jimi the dog goes missing and Kariuki does not know where to look for him. Is it really safe to go to Majengo to look for him? Join Kariuki and Nigel in this exciting journey to the mountain of bones.    

The Price of Living by Yusuf K Dawood

KShs1,000.00 KShs690.00
Brief Summary 'For those who make it to We top, there is the joy of good living.. There is also a price. In his world of cut-throat competition and un-ethical dealings, Maina Karanja can judge success in two units only money and power. Power to live and love in style, and money to sustain that power. But then there are things also that no money can buy and no power can obtain. This Maina learns the hard way.

Son of Woman by Charles Mangua

KShs1,000.00 KShs799.00
An instant success and bestseller in Kenya, which ran into 6 reprints, this prize-winning novel marked the beginning of popular literature in Kenya. Mangua's novel is a fictional, autobiographical account of the son of a prostitute. The male narrator describes his life as the orphan of a prostitute in the slums of Nairobi, a young man frequenting bars and brothels, a student, corrupt civil servant and seasonal convict. His is a humorous and cynical account revealing much about the unsavoury aspects of a world experiencing rapid social change. Charles Mangua is a prolific writer of popular literature, and author of three other novels, Son of Woman in Mombasa (the sequel to Son of Woman), A Tail in the Mouth, and Kanina and I.

Alternative Dispute Resolution in the...

KShs2,000.00 KShs1,500.00
Brief Summary The book has powerfully underpinned the need for awareness creation and the building of a new ADR culture. The author has persuasively argued that courts are firefighting backlogs, but the actual fire is out there in the wider society. The real challenge is to stem the flow of disputes into the court system. The book has been written in an easily accessible style and this makes it suitable for all readers who are not familiar with ADR including, students in schools, colleges and universities, administrators, judiciary, policy makers, corporates and practitioners of ADR among many possible users of the book.

Economic Systems and the breaking of ...

KShs1,000.00 KShs700.00
Brief Summary The question is, can we construct a new equity-based thinking, that can place the bread on the table in every business endeavor, all the necessary factors, such as efficiency, growth and stability being present?” . find out more by reading the book

The Environment and Noah’s ark by J.G...

KShs1,000.00 KShs700.00
Brief Summary The environment action plans and the resources must have a moral dimension for environmental challenges to be fully met. The author concludes by comparing the Noah’s flood waters with the new era waters of baptism both of which depict the righteous and moral dimension of the environment.

First and Last word by J G Nyamu

KShs1,500.00 KShs999.00
Brief Summary It has covered fifteen other powerful statesmen and ordinary people who stepped into higher levels of achievement and excellence through the use of words History of the last century and the first decade of this century would be awfully incomplete without the great destiny-making story of the big trio which relegated communism to the ash heap of history- Reagan, Thatcher and Saint Pope Paul II.

Invisible Inventories: Questioning Ke...

KShs1,000.00 KShs500.00
How can Kenyan cultural objects that are in the possession of cultural institutions in Europe and the US be made accessible in Kenya? This question is being investigated by the exhibition series Invisible Inventories, which opens on the 18th of March at the National Museums of Kenya in Nairobi—in the absence of said historical objects.

Moments in the Mountains: Hiking on d...

KShs1,790.00 KShs1,500.00
Brief Summary Some people get discouraged when they face adversity in life. They allow this to limit their capabilities. Stella loves mountains. She loves spending time outdoors, hiking, trekking and generally enjoying nature.