Gender and Climate Adaptation in Community Development Projects 2020 edition is a simplified guide for students and trainers in gender and climate courses. The book provides ideal framework for approaching learning and training of gender and climate change issues in development interventions. The book further helps the reader to link gender, climate change issues with sustainable development.
In a simple, clear and logical structure, the book helps the reader to connect climate change adaptation issues and gender inequality. It articulate the the process of mainstreaming gender and climate adaptation issues in development project cycle.
Who May benefit from this Book.
Besides students and lecturers, practitioners such as trainers, consultants, development projects and programme managers, policy makers, researchers, human rights advocates and lobyists, curriculum developers, legislators, community mobilizers among others may find this book helpful.
The book is published by PSI Consultants the leaders in project and community development consultancy. It is developed around nine chapters and glossary of terms.