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FRIENDS FROM HELL by Gathoni Ndungu

KShs1,800.00 KShs1,000.00
Narcissistic Personality disorder , toxic relationships and recovery ti living a fulfilling life

Quiet (Cain)

Our lives are driven by a fact that most of us can t name and don t understand It defines who our friends and lovers are which careers we choose and whether we blush when we re embarrassed This title shows how the brain chemistry of introverts and... By Susan Cain

The How Of Happiness: A Practical Gui...

We all want to be happier it’s what makes Life worth living but few of us know how to go about improving our happiness.Revealing that a startling 40 per cent of our capacity for happiness is within our power to change, Sonja .Lyubomirsky guides... By Sonja Lyubomirsky

The Bomber Mafia: A Tale of Innovatio...

In the years before the Second World War, in a sleepy air force base in central Alabama, a small group of renegade pilots put forth a radical idea. What if we made bombing so accurate that wars could be fought entirely from the air? What if we... By Malcolm Gladwell