Showing 61–61 of 61 results

Child of Destiny by Annemarie Musawale

The Princess and the Frog meets The Vampire Diaries in this epic tale of forbidden love. "If you don't do this spell, Charlotte is going to die!" Leo said looming over her. "You think I don't know that!?" she huffed, "I told you, I can't do it. It requires 'passion acquired in a lover's arms' and I. Don't. Have. That!" Mya was a fledgling virgin witch. Leo, a faithless cad! Or diamond in the rough, depending on who you asked. The circumstances are not ideal. Magic MUST be performed or Leo's girlfriend dies. If she dies, that's the end of Leo's Cinderella story. So what is a wanna-be Disney Princess to do? Everything he must, obvi. If that includes a quickie with a reluctant witch, who can blame him? Charlotte. That's who. But she's dying right at the moment so she doesn't really get a say. Wait, but what about Mya? Is she just gonna roll over like a good mouse and let herself be used as a means to Leo's ends? That's just for starters. Join Leo and Mya in this explosive journey of betrayal, teen angst, intrigue and witchery as they embark on an epic journey with fate as their driver, to discover the most powerful magic that ever existed. ​​​​​​​ True love.