Showing 41–60 of 86 results


KShs400.00 KShs350.00
An easy to read book with tips on how to handle your children and adolescents for a better relationship.

Excuse me I am Sorry by Michael Thuo

KShs300.00 KShs290.00
Do you have an ill-mannered child? Don't be sorry!This book teaches children from grade 1 to 3 on courtesy,etiquette and manners.It has 26 chapters,each representing a letter of the alphabet.

Raising and Understanding Adolescents...

KShs1,000.00 KShs950.00
Raising and Understanding Adolescents - Guide to Fostering Confidence and all Round Competitiveness in Teenagers

Breaking The Curse of Eve by Susan Wa...

This book is dedicated to believers in Christ who desire to raise children who can grow according to God’s will and purpose and fulfill their divine destiny. The book is intended to provide a sense of ‘urgent hope’ as well as give a good challenge to believers in the body of Christ. The author writes from a point of deep spiritual knowledge and personal encounter with God. She is persuaded that there is a hemorrhage of purpose in the lives of many of God’s children. Many encounter spiritual limitations, physical afflictions and even premature death and all these are traceable to the curse of sin. The text outlines the spiritual causes of infertility and barrenness that hinder the blessing of childbirth. She also identifies the root of human suffering that manifests right from conception of a child. She describes the forces that contend to cut short the lives of unborn babies through miscarriage, birth complications, neonatal deaths and even maternal deaths. The author provides proven spiritual mindsets and disciplines that can keep the enemy from interfering with a believer’s heritage of sexual fruitfulness and fertility. She draws the reader’s attention to the effects of misplaced sexual practices such as fornication, adultery and other sexual perversions and offers biblical formulas for purification of our sexual foundations. The book also examines the impact of inherited general cultures and practices that may affect the destiny of a child all the way to adulthood. She invites the Christian believer to be bold enough to make necessary spiritual injunctions which can alter the course of any evil cultural invocations. The author concludes by sharing wisdom on how to lay a foundation for raising children who will grow in God’s design and purpose. Her writing seeks to persuade the Christian believer to re-examine the blessing of God released in the Garden of Eden, to understand how sin interfered with that blessing, to deal with patterns of sin through salvation, aggressive watchful prayer and devotional life, and to usher in the Christian’s full entitlement. The book reveals the pathway to the full blessing of God manifesting through peace, health and divine prosperity according to God’s revealed word. The book speaks to young people who are entering into family life. It speaks to men and women who are daily dealing with spiritual attacks in the area of their reproductive health. It speaks to parents who are raising children amid interference from worldly patterns that seem to veer from the intended divine paths. It speaks to pastors and other spiritual caregivers who are daily seeking to impart believers for effective blessed living.

The First 6 – A Parenting Playb...

KShs300.00 KShs200.00
The First 6 – A Parenting Playbook On technology: Practically every child who is 0 to 6 years old in an urban setting was born to the presence of a smart phone. They could swipe a screen before they could wipe their noses. What’s your plan with regard to the use of, access and exposure to, or ownership of “technology” in your home? This includes all gadgets and any apps therein. We have been programmed, with every likely action considered, when it comes to our online behaviour. The next few pages address some similarities between what tech is doing and what parents ought to be doing. We need to program or plan our children’s behaviour for them to survive both online and offline.

Effective Parenting by Catherine Gach...

This book seeks to provide an awakening for parents, challenging them to move away from stereotypical parenting to intentional knowledge-based parenting. It aims at challenging parents to think about the ‘brands’ of children they want. The book’s clarion call is, ‘What shall it profit you to advance in your career and make a lot of money but lose your child?’ Many find themselves thrust into parenting unprepared and thus become candidates for challenged parenting. The book calls upon guardians and caregivers to practice evidence-based parenting.

Navigating the storm by Barnie and Gr...

So often after the honeymoon is over, couples enter into the drama stage where they are faced with many conflicts as they adjust to each other. Failure to navigate conflict well leaves many couples hurt and greatly wounded. Those who survive do so carrying forward in their marriage, dysfunctional ways of dealing with conflict. This book is designed to equip the reader with necessary tools and skills to help navigate conflict well. It is also recommended for equipping Mentor Couples and marital counsellors & coaches. You will learn how to: • Identify your fears and expectations • Empathise with your spouse, and • Resolve conflict in marriage.

The First 6 – A Parenting Playb...

KShs300.00 KShs200.00
The First 6 – A Parenting Playbook On technology: Practically every child who is 0 to 6 years old in an urban setting was born to the presence of a smart phone. They could swipe a screen before they could wipe their noses. What’s your plan with regard to the use of, access and exposure to, or ownership of “technology” in your home? This includes all gadgets and any apps therein. We have been programmed, with every likely action considered, when it comes to our online behaviour. The next few pages address some similarities between what tech is doing and what parents ought to be doing. We need to program or plan our children’s behaviour for them to survive both online and offline.

Eggs, Hammers and Chilli Peppers by S...

KShs800.00 KShs700.00
Conversations about abuse, drugs, sex, careers, friends, hobbies, discipline and family break-ups and breakdowns are all part of what must be included when raising teenagers. Eggs, Hammers & Chilli Peppers dives into these and more issues affecting teens today, and guides parents, teachers, and mentors on the journey to understanding teenagers and connecting and relating with them, leading to a positive impact on their future. Tips and tools that are immediately applicable are shared throughout the book in an easy, conversational way.

Where are True Parents?

KShs700.00 KShs600.00
In Where are True Parents?, Augustine Rugutt explores ways in which parenting determines children’s behaviour and character beyond formative years. In doing so, he associates society’s changing value system, social pressures and use of technology with parenting outcomes, some of which are unpalatable in the eyes of society. He asks whether parents are truly aware of the impact of their conduct and action in shaping the future of their children. A fundamental question is whether parents truly know their children. On the other hand, do children really understand their parents? Such understanding is essential for a sound foundation for society. He makes the irrefutable case that poorly parented children are likely to be poor parents themselves. He challenges parents to understand that parenting is a God-given responsibility. As such, parents owe it to the Maker and the future of society to play their role as parents guided by teachings from the Bible. Step by step advice, most of which is informed by his work with Church, is invaluable for today’s parent.

Busy Office vs Responsible Fatherhood...

KShs1,100.00 KShs1,050.00
There is no excuse for fathers to be absent from their families. In this book, Prof. Jacob Kaimenyi brings a fresh look into the diverse roles that a father plays in the 21st century. He has provided valuable and practical approaches for the many areas that a father's attention is required.

My Stern Mom by Catherine Njore

KShs995.00 KShs950.00
My Stern Mom is a simple guide to children on observing common mannerisms and civilities as well as basic life skills. The feedback from parents has been a_m_a_z_i_n_g❕🤍 Get a copy @NuriaStore I love @NuriaStore for their excellent service and delivery!

No girl is limited by Peter Mbuthia

KShs1,500.00 KShs1,100.00
This book is dedicated to the girl child. The two main characters are the dad and his daughter, where the dad is encouraging her to be a curious person, to be a critical thinker, and to ask questions with the view of gaining knowledge and elevating her self-esteem and confidence and therefore setting herself upon an exciting process of self - empowerment. In a society where the girl child faces ever-increasing challenges, she requires mentors who will walk with her as she is growing up. The girl needs to be affirmed that she is equally competitive and that her dreams are as valid as for those of everyone else. The first and most important line of mentoring should be her parents, especially her dad, who should be fully present and fully engaged in her life. Important lessons for how a girl will relate to the opposite gender are learned from her dad. If her dad treats her well, she will feel secure and confident. This book is relevant for the boy child as well, but the author intends to pay special attention to the girl child.

Unmasking the Wounds Within : The Gho...

KShs1,500.00 KShs1,200.00
Unmasking the Wounds within is about childhood traumas and how they impact in adult life. Survivors struggle with negative emotions like feelings of inadequacy, bitterness , anger and resentment. Unresolved trauma is unfortunately projected on innocent people, mostly spouses and children. Marriages break down due to unresolved childhood traumas. There is need therefore to do self awareness, seek help from counselors so that we can arrest this intergenerational pattern of pain.

Decision Points – Memoirs of a Workin...

This book is a discussion on intentional parenting. It revolves around the decision points that Esther, a working mother, made, as she intentionally raised her children between the ages of 0 -12 years. Esther openly shares her memoirs on her parenting journey; the highs and lows, as well as the challenges she has gone through and how she has handled the said challenges. Decision points is an invaluable guide for anyone involved in raising children from 0 -12 years, including educators, grandparents, parents, support teams and the extended family. It is a voice for many working mothers who are grappling with the challenge of raising children in today’s world. It is also an invaluable guide to young mothers who wish to learn from the experiences of other working mothers.

Dear Daughter and other Poems

KShs600.00 KShs500.00
This collection of poems is “unputdownable”. The poems herein weigh in on numerous topical issues whose themes defy generational boundaries and cut across many historical epochs.

To My Girls, With Love. A Mother̵...

KShs1,200.00 KShs1,000.00
'This is an absolute must read, not only for your girls but for all the girls. The wisdom you shared will not only help the girls become responsible citizens, it will also help them become God fearing and have values that will help them survive on earth and beyond. This book will be read in many generations to come. I see this book as a start that led the three magi to Bethlehem and I strongly believe that it will lead the young girls to the right path in their life. This is truly a girl companion.' - Oltesh Thobias, author, speaker and trainer.

Naika, Nyaboke and the Dead Lemon Tre...

KShs300.00 KShs200.00
Two young girls watch as the only lemon tree they knew of 'dies' because it got 'sick'. Instead of remaining sad,they decide to plant more lemon tress using the seeds from the dead lemon tree. Fortunately, the seeds germinate and they take turns in nurturing them so that they mature into big lemon trees. After reading the story the readers will learn how to make good from bad things.

A Reflective Journal For Mums

KShs1,000.00 KShs800.00
This journal serves as a coaching tool that will help mothers of any age and at any stage reflect on their lives from many perspectives, resulting in profound self-evaluation, learning from the past and choosing better paths for the future.

Pathway to Marriage – Safeway to Wedd...

How would anyone get ready for a serious, life-long relationship like marriage? This is a timely book to prepare young people for marriage. It deals with personal development before marriage, enjoying singlehood, making the right choice of who to marry, proposals, engagements, courtship and finally wedding and honeymoon.How would anyone get ready for a serious, life-long relationship like marriage? This is a timely book to prepare young people for marriage. It deals with personal development before marriage, enjoying singlehood, making the right choice of who to marry, proposals, engagements, courtship and finally wedding and honeymoon.